phycoassassin's Journal

phycoassassin's Journal


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2 entries this month

"It's Late Summer and That Feeling is Coming Back"

20:11 Aug 25 2016
Times Read: 534

It's late August, and the Summer is soon going to come to an end. To me the Summer went by too fast. I can remember when it felt like it would never end, but then i was a boy at the time.
I've said it before, i love this time of year, mainly because of the warmth, the long days, and the sounds that are so much a part of this season, like when i'd go to the beach, Sylvan Lake had those sounds, it was the same with Summer camp, those sounds were a big part of those Summer camp days, when i was going through my formative years, right up in to those days of early puberty.
What i loved about those early teen days, was the sound of rock music, coming out of the tinny jukebox speakers, during the mid to late sixties, when i went to swim at Sylvan Lake, in those years, when rock and roll was still young, and i was discovering it, for the first time. It was where i first heard the Beatles, booming from that front speaker, of that old Seeburg jukebox, as the music vibrated through my chest, it had me in it's spell, that i would never stop listening to it. I heard so many great rock and roll songs there at that beach, when i was a boy, just before puberty started to change me.
Music is and was then, at that time a very big part of Summer, especially in 1967, which was called The Summer of Love,l when the Beatles released their legendary album, "SGT. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."
The Monterey Pop Festival also happened in June 67, very early in the Summer season, but then i was just a boy, and had no idea that it was even going on, it was the same for Woodstock, in 69, when i was only 12. I didn't even know that was happening either, because i was only just becoming aware of the whole sixties vibe that was in the air.
However, what i did witness that July of 69, was the Apollo 11 lunar module landing on the moon's surface, the night of July 20th 1969.
I was staying with my Grandparents that Summer, and we all stayed up late, just to see Neil Armstrong, and Edwin Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon, for the first time, on TV, it was the most incredible thing about that summer, and then in August, Woodstock happened, but i didn't hear about it, until the school year started that fall, when the album came out and then the movie about it hit theaters, but i was too young to go see it, because it was an R rated movie, so i wouldn't see it until after i turned 17, and then they showed it on TV edited. I didn't see the movie about Monterey until it was shown on TV years later
The thing i loved most about those Summers when i was a kid were the vacations i went on when i was staying in Harwich Port Cape Cod, in that little spooky neighborhood, for two straight Summers.
I've said something about it in my last journal entry, but i didn't say anything about the first time there, when i met Beth. She was nice, but younger than me, but not by too much then. It was the year before i went into the hospital for the operation on my legs.
The next Summer my family and i went back to Harwich Port, to the same cottage in the same spooky neighborhood.
Crazy as this may sound, but i was sensitive to the psychic world in those days and always had that feeling that i had others walking around me where i was staying, that weren't exactly living, but dead and ghosts, those feelings were so strong, but i never talked about them ro anyone, for fear that i might be called crazy. So, i kept my psychic senses secret even from those two nice girls that i spent those two weeks with, and also from Beth, but the area felt alive with what is now called spirit activity, of those that still return to that place when they were alive and children, on their vacations, to that place Harwich Port.
Sima and Celia were the highlight of that Summer, and we all liked each other but we were at that innocent stage of our early teens, yet i always had fantasies of what it would be like to kiss both of them, because i was crushing on both Sisters hard, but i never told them about what i was feeling, nor did i ever tell them about my being attracted to boys, that was something i never talked about to anyone, onyl to the boy partners i had later on when i was 11, 12, and 13.
Sima and Celia never knew i was going through exploring my sexuality, that i was bisexual, and didn't even know the word existed at that time. Rock legend Little Richard used to say, that rock and roll caused homosexuality, but that's not true, ony to those that said rock and roll was the devil's music, but it saved my soul, and i would defend the faith of rock and roll to the death, it was my music, that to this day i still live with, and love.




"Summer Days Pass Quickly"

07:15 Aug 18 2016
Times Read: 559

I hate to see the Summer go away, it's my favorite season of the year, but things don't always remain as i'd like them to be, yet i wish Summer would stay all year long.
I saw the Spring come and make things come alive again, and it made me feel good, not so depressed as the Fall, and Winter had made me feel, but then i always get depressed when Autumn comes, because of all the memories attached to that time of year. Things have to change, every season even if it means seeing Summer die out once again. The heart of those memories that come back to haunt me, are of my years when i was a boy, the special people i once loved and lost, school days, that would begin every September,and the memory of the day Jimi Hendrix died.
For me, his legacy will live on, in his music, the same goes for Janis Joplin who also died in 1970, and Brian Jones, that died in 1969, and last, but not least, Jim Morrison, who left this world in 1971. Rock icons all, made a very significant contribution to rock and roll music in the sixties, when i was going through my formative years, as a boy, in my early teens, puberty years.
I may have been a young teen, but i was far from normal, living with a disability. I have Cerebral Palsy, and that's one thing that classifies me as not normal, the other thing is that i'm bisexual, and knew it from the time i was a much younger boy.
I'm getting off track, Summer is my favorite season, and i had good times in Summer, when i was young, going to Cape Cod, to stay in Harwich Port, in the mid to late sixties, after i'd been out of the hospital, a few months.
It was the best Summers of my life, especially the second trip to Harwich Port, i had two female companions that were staying in a cottage around the corner from where i stayed with my family.
We hung out together alot those two weeks we were all there, and became so much closer than we ever were before, that it made this other girl, Beth, whom i'd met the Summer before puberty happened, so insanely jealous, but i was becoming a teen then and wanted to hang out with the girls i knew personally, and because they were also young teens, that had things Beth didn't have, because she hadn't started puberty yet, and wasn't even remotely close to being a teen, with the same maturity that my female companions, and i had at that time. These are the reasons that Summer is my favorite season of the year.



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