queenofchaos's Journal

queenofchaos's Journal


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08:24 Apr 29 2008
Times Read: 826



He sent me flowers today.

03:48 Apr 29 2008
Times Read: 845

Please read this...

This was a poem I gave my girl J in detox when she finally opened up and started sharing the abuse she was being forced to take within her "home"...

You know you never really know what you do for someone...

Her mother today at her funeral...announced that 24 hours before J was found dead in her home, from what possibly was a beating....She read this poem over the phone to her Mom, that I gave her.

There wasn't a dry eye in the chapel once her mother finished this poem.

I guess it did "sink" in....

( On a side note, the bastard did show up today, when he was not welcome....and brought probably 100+ roses, and placed them at the front of the chapel...after he removed 1 red rose from the bundle, and placed that beside her picture...fucken bastard!)

He sent me flowers today....

He sent me flowers today……..A good read

We had our first argument last night, and he said a lot of cruel

things that

really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn’t mean the things he

said, because

he sent me flowers today.

I got flowers today. It wasn’t our anniversary or any other special

day. Last

night he threw me against a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like


nightmare, I could n’t believe it was real. I woke up this morning

sore and

brused all over. I know he must be sorry cause he sent me flowers


I got flowers today, and it wasn’t Valentines Day or any other special

day. Last

night, he beat me up again, it was much worse than all the other

times. If I

leave him, what will I do? How will i take care of my kids?

What about money? I’m afraid of him and scared to leave. But i know

he must be

sorry because he sent me flowers today.

I got flowers today. Today was a very special day. It was the day of

my funeral.

Last night, he finally killed me. He beat me to death. If only i had


enough courage to leave him, i would not have gotten flowers


By Paulette Kelly.



04:13 Apr 29 2008

One of the most disturbing things I've read in a long time. Very eye-opening.

04:15 Apr 29 2008

It is...

Try reading it to someone, and then not but 6 weeks later sitting at her funeral, hearing her mother read it...and seeing the bastard that did all the abusing putting 100 roses beside the alter!

04:18 Apr 29 2008

I have read it before. It is sad that people like that will get away with the abuse and murder as well.



01:02 Apr 28 2008
Times Read: 865

This is too a journal entry I read, and I don't want to come across as a "know it all" but this topic I work with day in and day out...and well I do know and see what those makers of the Ads see...and who they are trying to reach...

So I do agree with you in some sense…in others I would have to disagree.

Being a detox nurse in a very busy detox centre I would have to say that the majority of people have no common sense. They actually need something up in their face with big flashing lights to say stay away…in order to stop and think…is that bad for me?

Those “Anti-Meth” ads are fucking awesome! Alittle pathetic to some? Yes maybe, both those are the people that get it...get the harsh reality about drugs...the ads are aimed more at the ones that have no clue, due to the simple fact they Yes they are shocking, and they need to be. Crystal Meth is rising and people are just brushing it under the carpet with that idiot mentality “that doesn’t happen” Hmmm, ah hate to say but it does happen and a lot. Just most people don’t hear about it.

Now all the Crk. Cocaine on the street are being cut with Crystal Meth, and Crk. Addicts are getting worse and worse, and showing the withdrawals from Meth more then from the Stimulant Crack. Our youth are needing to be shocked into reality. Not many people now a days coming from a addictive house, have any common sense. How would they....all they are ( God bless them) is a product of their environment

Now about Marijuana…Well in high doses…can lead to hallucinations, can creative delusions, disorientation and impaired memory loss. Try watching a “chronic” mj smoker, quit! The withdrawal from MJ is intense and not an easy task.

So people can do some crazy shit while under the influence of marijuana…it’s society’s attitude that makes “pot” just pot..nothing serious but in fact it is the leading cause of people trying harder drugs.



03:44 Apr 28 2008

You have a great deal of hands-on information concerning drug use and misuse. You see the consequences first hand. Thank you for the brief insight, sharing your experiences.


What is love?

18:35 Apr 27 2008
Times Read: 876


Love is one of the best feelings in the world.

I believe all people want to be loved in some sense.

Some have no idea what love is….they say the words I love you to freely.

It’s like it means sweet shit to them.

Can a person love someone with the first few hours of meeting?

Why doesn’t people let love grow?

Do you not have to know them and who they are as a person before you start telling them you love everything about them? Do you know everything about them?

You love their entire being however do you know their entire being?

Do you know what’s their favorite color? What’s their favorite dish to make?

Their favorite perfume? Do they have any allergies?

There are so many things that are so important to find out about someone before you can give yourself to them, and love them for them…and what they stand for.

Can you honestly say you know what they stand for?

Believe in your heart of hearts that you love them like no other?

We all want companionship and we all need that human contact and touch.

Everyone loves their ego being stroked and the famous words “ I love you. “ to be heard from someone that truly loves us. However don’t sell yourself short. Take the time to get to know someone, make the effort to finding out the little things about them…my famous line is finding out what “Makes them tick”…and just be true to yourself. For in the end, you only have yourself to answer too.

I should have known better

Than to let you go alone,

Its times like these

I cant make it on my own

Wasted days, and sleepless nights

And I cant wait to see you again

I find I spend my time

Waiting on your call,

How can I tell you, baby

My backs against the wall

I need you by my side

To tell me its alright,

cos I dont think I can take anymore

Is this love that Im feeling,

Is this the love, that Ive been searching for

Is this love or am I dreaming,

This must be love,

cos its really got a hold on me,

A hold on me...

I cant stop the feeling

Ive been this way before

But, with you Ive found the key

To open any door

I can feel my love for you

Growing stronger day by day,

An I cant wait to see you again

So I can hold you in my arms

Is this love that Im feeling,

Is this the love, that Ive been searching for

Is this love or am I dreaming,

This must be love,

cos its really got a hold on me,

A hold on me...

Is this love that Im feeling,

Is this the love, that Ive been searching for...

Is this love or am I dreaming,

Is this the love, that Ive been searching for...



21:31 Apr 27 2008

Very appropriate. Very, very timely.


*Shakes head, and lights a cigerette!* Smiles

16:14 Apr 27 2008
Times Read: 881

You know what really blows me away, when you think you know someone better then they know themselves, and for the most part you do…but then you find them in some other ‘role’ and it’s like wtf!

I have just learned another valuable lesson. Seems I am learning a lot of these lately. I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around, and everything happens for a reason. There are many expressions I can ramble off here, but it’s pointless.

Then I think how one day I thought I couldn’t live without you…and today I sit here trying to remember little things about you…funny how things change. Time heals all is the biggest lesson that we learn, and it’s so true.

I just can’t believe how much you have become your own hypercrit. You used to say things over and over and I believed you, but you have slumped to who you where. What you said you were “Doing” is a fucking joke, and you my friend are only fooling yourself…and thank god not me anymore.

Stop trying to pull the wool over other’s eyes, and if you are that person that obviously you are, be proud of what you want…as you can’t stay away from it…so embrass it…but STOP letting people believe you are this “god” when in fact you are far from that and really this sick fuck inside. Well aren’t you? Can you tell yourself ( cause you have only you to answer too) that you aren’t? Hasn’t that thought ever climbed into your mind when you are doing what it is you do? Does some little voice come out and say…Wow…maybe I shouldn’t…or is it all like…Pow! Here I am and come and fucking get me ?? I laugh as you used to be so ‘high and mighty’ and give me shit for certain things, and actually I don’t think you ever stopped, not even for a minute. I just had “goggles” on…Well my blinders are off, and see you for the real you. I just jumped in too fast and didn’t let me gut feelings even get a chance to think.

Thank god over the last few years I have really learned who I am

Oh and "baby"

I am the queenofchaos.

Lordamel had it right, too bad you don’t know who that is.

You have a lot in common *ROTFL*




I will miss you J

19:53 Apr 26 2008
Times Read: 891

Ok…I started writing a little while ago, about a girl that I looked after in detox.

She is 22 years old, her addiction is Heroin and Crk. Cocaine. She is not the “typical” addict in appearance ( not that there is a certain image, but this girl you would bet money she was a model, or a professional on some level) Her name I can’t share…but I will call her my J. She stood about 5’6 a slim muscular tone, and long blonde hair that she was forever playing with. She would run her fingers through her hair, and when she would reach the end of the strand she would bend it up…looking for any split ends. She had a very slight lazy eye that you could barely see. I noticed it as I had to check her pupils etc. but the average person would never see it.

This was J. first detox within our facility. She had been at a few others, and couldn’t believe the difference. She kept saying, “You care here…you really do. You treat us like humans.” I would always look at her with a puzzled look, and she always said “ you have no idea how we are treated out there." I was blown away at this statement...who the hell is anyone to judge someone else? I don't judge a living soul. I have NEVER walked in their shoes...and I haven't had to face the things they have and visa versa. I treat everyone equally...as we all are. We might choose a different path, but there is not 1 person who at a young age...has a life goal to being an addict.

She started her drug usage at the age of 14. She would sneak out and go with the neighborhood kids, and go “smoke some weed” . This she said would only get more and more when she hit high school…when she said, you know Sonia, “ A little is good…but a lot is better..!” I sat quite my eyes locked in hers, and just let her speak with a small smile on my face.

She would only date older men, and older being 10+ years. She said they knew how to party, and would provide for her. It wasn’t about the sex…but the drug itself.

Her family was extremely educated. Her mother was head of the Health Authority, and her father was head of the Ambulance Service…and they both were functioning alcoholics. She said her parents never got it, about the drug abuse…it was ok to drink…but nothing more then that….and yet wouldn’t try to help her, or get to the real issue of her addition.

She met up with a man who had children. She raised these children for her own, and loved them desperately. She stuck out all the physical abuse he “dished” out, and all the emotional abuse was so deep, so very strong…she didn’t know how to even start with trying to ask for help.

I don’t pry into people’s lives, and usually only stay on the line of their addiction and past history of substance abuse. As in detox we are only the “tip of the iceberg” We get them started and stable to attend the Treatment programs, only if they wish to, and want Treatment, as it is not mandatory. We together explored her addiction and the history of when and what she did…and how it progressively got worse over time.

She started with drinking, and then she found a bottle of Morphine pills. She said she was drawn to the label, it was colored and said “May cause drowsiness, Do not take with alcohol.” She said she remembers thinking….”fucken rights, this will be a party.”

She ended up taking the bottle and partying with it, and loved the response she got. She said she was known as the happy party girl, and loved being the life of the party.

You see in detox we have a different rotation as you are never with the same clients for extended periods of time, and especially clients coming off of opiates ..it’s a hard and brutal detox. I was with her, as I took extra shifts so I worked 4 12 hour dayshifts with her in a row, and a few other shifts here and there…so I was mainly her detox Nurse.

Put it this way…when she left her mother who was a “Head Honcho” within the Health Authority came to me, and presented me with a huge and I mean EXTRA large bouquet of flowers, which I only accepted on behave off all staff, and not to take it personally as we are not able to accept gifts of any nature. I however did accept the card that was addressed to “Sonia” and a small heart under my name. It came with a plastic pink rose that was taped to the card.

Opening the card, the cover said… “When I needed you” inside the card it still makes me cry…and I think I will scan the card and add to this…as I will be printing this for my personal journal. I still remember it saying “13 days today” that she was clean.

J’s detox was not easy. Oh my god…far from it. She ‘detoxed hard’ as we call it. Some do ok, but not my gal…she stuck it out all the body aches, all the sweating and cramping and not being able to eat….but she did it. She managed to work through it, with a lot of support. She nearly bolted on me, god…several times. Saying “I can’t do this…I can’t…I want it, I need it…but I don’t think I can” I would only give her the positive…telling her she could do this…that she absolutely could do anything if she wanted too, but that she had to want it more then anything…and to take this time to be selfish and think of her, for without her taking care of herself 1st and foremost, she couldn’t look after anyone else. She agreed and would stick it out another day. I remember holding her, giving her a hug, and her crying on my shoulder begging me not to go ( when my shift was complete) . Her mascara leaving nice black stains on my uniform shoulder from her tears, and she would peal herself off me, and I would tell her that I am nothing special or better then the next nurse, but that she was finally seeing what she had tucked away from all…and together we would get that out :o)

Ok there was times too that when she wanted to bolt I told her I would personally hunt her down, and returned her to treatment, if the need arises. Oh and btw it did…she got scared in her 1st few days, and went to one of the local hospitals and I found out, as they mistakenly called detox and not treatment, and told me she had been there but left, and in the process of leaving, she forgot her handbag. I will spare all the details, but I went flying down looking for her, and gathered her belongings to return back to treatment so that when and if she returned all her stuff would be together as when she left to come into detox the ex. Took everything from her. I reminded her that all that materialistic stuff and anything could be replaced, but that she couldn’t…and thank god she was here. She smiled and said “ I know, but my jeans are $250.00” I would smile and shake my head…and she would chuckle….*sighs*

So she did return to Treatment and was happy to be there, day after day she would get stronger and more clear headed. She knew she wanted to stay clean, and she was determined. I saw her once ( you have to understand that I was not allowed to have contact with her, the laws of patient/nurse) So it was really hard for the both of us not being able to speak, to just touch base and see how was was on her journey to recover. I still remember the excitement in her voice, when she said she attended a workshop where she said “ Good-bye to Addiction”…she said can you believe it, today I said good-bye to my addiction…and she had a cute little laugh after it…as in saying ‘ I am doing it…’

She excelled…she went through Treatment knowing that she was somebody. The sexual abuse she had covered up since she was 8 year old she was finally dealing with. The sexual abuse of a best friend to the family…and the mother. She had to sit through family functions with the pedophile. She had to attend his wedding etc. As not a soul knew that he sexually abused her for years and years. I was the 1st person she shared that with. To this day, her parents are oblivious to this…and I know that it would help them understand what happened to their daughter and maybe some of the why’s ??

*Another Sighs*

2 days before she was to be completed the Treatment program she rec’d a call from the Ex. He stated he loved her and wanted her to “come home.”

J. left Treatment, happy….and finally confident within her own skin.

Finally independent, finally clean.

Rec’d a call today from the Coroners Office.

J. died the day before the call.

Toxicology reports pending results in 4 weeks.

Funeral is Monday.

*wipes a tear away*

I know we can’t help them all…but I will still continue till I physically cannot to help everyone that walks through my door.

J…you will be missed. I will be framing the card you gave me. Thank you for coming into my life. Your etched in my memory, forever and always.



22:38 Apr 26 2008

That is heart-rending. Her story should have had a happy ending. I am so very sorry for your loss, Sonia. Yu care so very, very much.


Lovely dream isn't it?

18:46 Apr 23 2008
Times Read: 914

I was just waking up, my hand searching across the mattress for you, but you were not there. I turned my head and opened my eyes to see you “puttering and tinkering” around the bedroom fixing your newiest toy, the computer. I just smiled and rolled back over gripping my pillow alittle more firmer.

Un announced to me, you saw me blinking and getting little glimpse’s of you.

I closed my eyes content that you are close and we both have the day off. Finally I thought a “lazy day.” No pitter patters of little feet, no voices muffled in the next room, solely you and I in our own presence.

Within minutes, I feel you slide in behind me, your cool fingertips on my warm thighs as you softly run your hand across my stomach and tucking your fingers beneath me, pulling me into you tight. I feel you…and adjust myself wiggling slightly into your more…putting our bodies close and in perfect alignment with each other…” A perfect fit” you whispered.

Mmm, your scent is so comforting and reassuring. Your warm breath on my neck as your fingers moved my hair away from my ear. Your lips running along my neck…giving me those incredible goose bumps. Something within your touch sends what feels like small electrical shocks throughout my body. I feel my eyes rolling up in my head and those tiny butterflies performing what seems like Beethoven vs. Mozart in a piano concertos. You are aware of this…your hands moving back to my hips, as you slowly thrust your pelvis against my body…letting me know the feelings are reciprocated.

Moving your hands to my face, you turn my head and lighly kiss my lips..I turned my body slightly so I can kiss you more deeper. “Beep, beep…beep…’ I start turning my body ever so slightly to my back not losing your kiss, ”beep, beep…beep. I started to hear this beeping sound, appeared close and getting louder…again beep, beep….beep! I turned my face and opening my eyes for a moment to my alarm clock that was ringing “0547” I smiled and thought not today…I don’t have to work when I reached back to touch your body….the bed lay empty. I sat up, searched the room with my eyes to see it all perfectly as I had left it prior to crawling into bed …and no you.


Why does this have to be a dream?

This may just be memories but I will still wake up and think of our morning…and remembering how lovely it actually was, and that memory puts a smile on my face…

It’s a lovely dream, isn’t it?



10:58 Apr 24 2008

A beautiful, beautiful thought.



16:55 Apr 21 2008
Times Read: 951

Hmmm, question for you Ms. ....

Do I intimidate you?

Your avoidance is it coincidental or do you just hate me that much, because your afraid I am too good of friends with someone you adore?

Regardless, I could spin circles around your mind any day. Don't mess with the "big girls" cause your bound to get hurt!

Muaha hahaha hah



17:04 Apr 21 2008

Wow! Ok, who pissed my Queenie off???

17:20 Apr 21 2008

Thank Gawd, I'm one of the "big girls" haha!

18:00 Apr 21 2008

Ladies, you two are one of my deariest friends on here...I would love to sit with you both over some brews and 'just compare notes"

Hmm, ponders that...Oh, would the patrons of that establishment be in trouble...lol

22:28 Apr 21 2008

I would never, ever want to draw your ire...

09:32 Apr 23 2008

Don't sweat the small people.....you know your better than the "handjobs"!

18:16 Apr 23 2008

Oh my dear Tommy, you are so correct! I haven't lowered myself, I just wrote this to see what kind of reaction I would get, and the ones that really know me, PM me....asking what was wrong, cause they know that's not my style. Just like you did :o)



03:11 Apr 19 2008
Times Read: 966




18:32 Apr 18 2008
Times Read: 968



13:47 Apr 17 2008
Times Read: 979

If your wondering what happened?


It's because you make me sick.





10:47 Apr 17 2008
Times Read: 981


All what you said was lies...

I can't fucken believe it.

Actually I can. I know how I met you, and I guess you couldn't stay fucken away could you...

Oh and your "pet" names...You know the ones that where only for me...HA!

Those are cheap words for something that meant something I thought but apparently not.

I guess you call everyone that.






16:16 Apr 16 2008
Times Read: 998

Tell me something...

Do you think I am stupid?

Honestly do you think I don't know when I am being played?

You think by me not mentioning it, does it mean it's not happening?

Really...I thought you were better then that.

Why do you feel the need to lie...constantly?

We are friends, well I thought we were...but your constant lying makes me smile.

You really think I am oblivious to the whole thing...

Well maybe now you will read this and think...

Fuck, is she talking about me?

Guess you will just have to see..

But frankly it's getting old quick, and in my eyes...instead of being that strong 'person' you are just alittle fucken coward.



03:47 Apr 21 2008

A fucking Men, gf! Hear, hear! *raises glass because she thinks the same thing to a few other people on this site and then gives Queenie a GIANT hug*

06:51 Apr 21 2008

Oh the 2 Queenie's :o)

I am agreeing with you two.

I love how we all knew Queen was referring to a man.


Well apparently I was bad....lol

18:47 Apr 09 2008
Times Read: 1,016

Can or do you care to elaberate?

The comment you 'left' doesn't really tell me much...perhaps the "quote" that I left would be more effective?

Unless I am slipping into the early stages of dementia, I certainly do NOT remember leaving any "hate" comments....rather not my style.

So if you would be so kind as to elberate on what you personally felt I did....I would appreciate it.

Thank you


Your Posting Rights were suspended on 07:22:27 May 29 2007 by STABB666 for 1 days.

You can post again after 07:22:27 May 30 2007.

The following comment was left with your suspension:

If you wish to hate the vamp box, then there is no need for you to post there.


From: STABB666 15:27:49 Apr 09 2008

As you can tell by the dates, it was for 1 day a while ago, so it should not have applied now. A suspension can be applied as a warning, as it seems to be the case here.

If you receive a suspension and do not attempt to post in the time period of your suspension, you will not see a message advising you of it.

On 20:25:40 Apr 09 2008 (-0 GMT) queenofchaos wrote:

Hmm, so you suspended me in 07 ? Hmm, wished I knew that then, and why.

Thanks for the reply.

Question...when someone is "suspended" it's done without a warning?

On 20:23:40 Apr 09 2008 (-0 GMT) STABB666 wrote:

A system glitch has caused some of my past suspensions to be re-applied. You should find that it has now been removed.

Thank you.





17:38 Apr 09 2008
Times Read: 1,019



Momma...your cookin' is not that good !!

07:51 Apr 09 2008
Times Read: 1,027

Ok....funny thing about this video...

I was sitting with my daugther enjoying some lovely Mother daughter time...when she started talking to me about my cooking...(she was practicising after watching this video)

She started with...

"Momma...I said paste taste better then some of your meals....I said Momma...I am so hungry all the time cause you don't know how to cook...

( I am looking at her, trying not to laugh as she is telling me this in a much similar voice, actually does it better then the girl in the video I think, lol)

Momma...your cookin' nots the good that's why I eat paste when I go to school...

Then she started to crack up, and well I have to admit so did I...and I asked her, what the heck brought that on, and she showed me this video.

So...for the record I can cook, very well too. :o)

*Enjoy the clip*




Isn't it crazy...

00:21 Apr 08 2008
Times Read: 1,042

Isn't it crazy...


Isn't it crazy how someone was the most important thing in your life...that you would go crazy if you didn't hear their voice every hour, how you made them your priority...how you thought or literally felt that you couldn't go on without them...

Isn't it crazy how your best friend who you did everything with, you barely speak to anymore... when you both were joined at the hip.

Isn't it crazy that with each passing day, you forget little things...that were the single most important things to you...when you heard them.

Isn't it crazy how we can be forgotten.




03:50 Apr 08 2008


T'is a sad thing.

*hugs* from a random.

13:08 Apr 08 2008

Oh, how completely I know and own that feeling.

20:58 Apr 21 2008

Indeed or when someone says that he knows you very well, yet he doesn't know shit about you, because all he does is judging you and never guesses!

It's sad to know that when we talk we aren't heard!



18:14 Apr 05 2008
Times Read: 1,053




hugs pt2

17:46 Apr 05 2008
Times Read: 1,054

What are hugs?


"To clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace."

A hug is first of all, a form of non-verbal communication.

It brings people together in a feeling of mutual love, comfort and safety. Research has shown that any person needs physical contact to survive, especially infants who need it the most.

Hugging is an act of giving and receiving love, and support, both moral and physical. There are many kinds of hugs, and this entry will try to number the most common types, with reference to their benefits and instructions on how to do them.



Huggers- The giver/s and reciever/s of a hug.

Hugger- In specific cases, in which the hug is given one way, this is the giver of the hug.

Huggee- In such aforementioned cases, this is the reciever of the hug.

Hugs can be given and recieved by two or more people. They can be done lying down, sitting or standing up, or in any combination of the three. They can be given from the back, the sides or the front and can be short, long, or any length of time in between.

The greatness of a good hug is that it requires very little energy, doesn't pollute the environment, costs nothing, is silent, doesn't hurt in any way and still leaves you happy, content, and usually ready for more. You can be addicted to it without hurting yourself or others in any way. They can of course induce jealousy from people not being hugged and can be quite contagious.

Unless otherwise stated, the generally accepted hugging posture is in the standing position and involves the huggers extending their arms straight out from their bodies. The taller hugger goes high while the shorter hugger goes low and thus embrace begins. In the event of both huggers being the same height, the decision as to who goes high and who goes low is decided by the instigator. He/she will invariably have the upper ground. Visual contact should be made prior to the hug being undertaken and in this glance will be carried the information relating to the duration of the ensuing hug.

It is important to note that a hug is a mutual thing and both parties benefit: the huggee from having a shoulder to cry/lean on, and the hugger in knowing that the hugee turned to them.

Types of Hug

There are many different types of hug that can be used in a plethora of situations. Below is a list of the different types, and instructions on how to carry them out.

The "Hello" Hug - (Please Note: This hug is gender specific and differs between men and women)

This is the kind of hug you would employ when greeting a friend. Used on a day to day basis this would lose its poignancy so this is generally reserved for times when it's been a long time since you last saw the said person.

Male-to-Female - The hug is undertaken in the standard format and can include a peck (small kiss) on the cheek. It is a friendly hug and one that speaks volumes about the relationship between the huggers.

Female-to-Female - Again, this follows the standard format and is no different from the Male-to-Female hug.

Male-to-Male - This is a hug that speaks reams about the relationship between the men in question. Men only really hug their bestest friends and ones that they have not seen for some time. It differs in a multitude of ways from the standard, one of the most obvious being the brevity of it (it is rare for this to be a lengthy hug) and also in the fact that it usually involves a great deal of mutual patting on the back. This has been scientifically proven to denote to bystanders and onlookers that although a hug is being undertaken, the huggers are actually hitting each other in a manly way. Male-to-Male hugs without hitting are frowned upon in certain circles.

In order to effect a high-quality, non-dominant Male-to-Male hug, the diagonal formation is usually taken. Extending their upper arms - one arm high, the other low - the hug is carried out with one arm over the receivers' shoulder, the other around their waist. It is generally acknowledged that the right arm goes high and the left, low. Contravening this rule can lead to an embarrassing semaphoric dance in which both huggers are apparently pretending to be wind-mills.

The "Comforter"

This is the hug used to comfort someone close to you. In times of need nothing beats a good "Comforter".

It follows the standard format but is distinctive due to both its intensity and duration. Nothing gets feeling blue out of the system better than a long, good hug. In the event of tears, this is possibly the best hug with which to console. The hugee (the one for whom the hug has been instigated) can bury their face in the bosom of the hugger and hide themselves from the world's prying eyes.

This is the kind of hug that is much used by parents. It's not called the comforter for nothing, and is at its prime when the huggee is feeling vulnerable.

A variation of this hug can be done from behind- the huggee stands or sits, sad and gloomy, and the hugger stands or sits behind them and gently put their head next to the huggee's, so that their cheeks touch eachother, and joins their hands on the huggee's shoulders or belly.

Heart to Heart:

This hug is done quite the same way as the Hello hug, but is meant to express much stronger feelings, and therefore usually done by lovers. The huggers hold eachother's shoulders, and by that make their hearts as close as possible to eachother, usually leaning their cheens against eachother's shoulders, and by that expressing their deep feelings for eachother. Warm and soft- some may find it the best of hugs.

This hug, and others, are usually followed by kissing.

The Reverse Hug

The reverse hug is the one that contains the most affection - at least, that's to say the most affection you can show without removing any articles of clothing. The huggee is usually oblivious to the fact that they are about to be hugged and there is no doubt that the element of surprise is a major factor in its efficacy.

This hug uses half of the standard hug. The hugger approaches the huggee from behind and passes his/her hands around the hugee's waist. The huggee upon receipt of the hugger can then do as they please. They can clasp the huggers hands or perhaps even exact a behind the back hug on the hugger (A personal favorite of one of the researchers, is to turn around and sink into a long lasting standard hug...).

Whatever the agreed position, there is little doubt that the two huggers are very close.

The Seated Hug

There are many variations of the seated hug which vary from the friendly to the intimate to the beyond intimate, we've tried to list as many as possible but if anyone feels more should be added just shout:

Just Good Friends - You know the one. You're sitting on the sofa, a friend rocks up and you put your arm around them ... OK it's not the height of passion but it shows that you care.

Obviously this can be misconstrued and often quite rightly. An innocuous arm on the shoulder often means (and sometimes leads to) greater things.

The Twister - Not the most comfortable of hugs, and therefore often characterised by its brevity. Both parties twist towards one another and embrace. Sadly the spine isn't designed for such activities so they are often unsustained. Very pleasant all the same.

The Seated Reverse Hug - This is essentially the same as the Reverse hug but is carried out in a seated position and it is more common for the huggee to act as the initiator. Can be used as a seated comforter, or as a sleeping position on trains or busses.

The "Ohmygoodness" Hug - This is possibly the most intimate of all hugs and for that reason is generally not carried out in public, largely due to the fact that both parties are generally in a state of undress.

It is a variant of the standard hug but is carried out in the seated position and often after dark in the confines of the bedroom. This is a family site so we won't go into any more detail but put it this way: you wouldn't want your mum to see you hugging anyone like this ...

The Tantric Sitting Hug- It's a new age thing- sitting with your legs crossed around your partner's waist, as close together as you can sit, lean your head on their shoulder, and breath slowly, deep inside... A spiritual experience, though usually very short-lasting...

The Lying Down Hug

Like the Seated Hug, there are a multitude of hugs that can be carried out in the lying down position. Needless to say, the majority are amongst the more intimate hugs mentioned. The two main varities however are the Standard and the Reverse.

In a lying down position, however, limbs have a tendency to get squashed so it is worthwhile to point out, that both parties should be flexible and should either hugger wish to withdraw a limb then the other party should be lenient. It doesn't mean that they don't love you, it's just they're quite attached to their arm as well.

The Dancefloor Hug

As the name suggests, this is a hug often undertaken whilst dancing - the woman puts her arms around the man's neck, and the man holds the woman's waist. This is again an intimate hug and should not be used without prior consultation.

The Cyber Hug

As hugs go, the Cyber Hug is something of an anomaly in so much as it is the only hug in which bodily contact is not required. In fact, in the majority of cases bodily contact is nigh on impossible due to the distances between huggers.

Hugger and huggee still assume the same roles and the benefits are often equally great even if they are only virtual. In spite of the lack of contact, a cyber hug still conveys care and/or concern to all those who bear witness to it and should be taken in as much sanctity as any of its real life brethren.

Advanced Features:

The Sandwich Hug: This hug is meant for three huggers of different sizes, and is usually used with two parents, hugging a child between them. The huggee is facing one of the parents, and is recieving a surrounding sense of love from both their sides. Mainly useful for angry and/or jeallous children.

The Group Hug: Used with at least three huggers, this hug expresses mutual joy and love. Usually given at parties of any sort, the huggers grab eachother's waist and form a circle of happy hugging people.

The Pile:

Usually used by children and football players (is there much of a difference?), this hug reflects a joy of victory and group spirit, but is usually performed with the huggers lying in a messy pile on and under eachother.

Variations on a Theme

"Cuddle - To fondle in the arms; hug tenderly"

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

As the definition says, a cuddle is effectively, a tender hug but seeing as a hug can be as tender as a cuddle, it would be splitting hairs to try and differentiate.

As a rule, a cuddle is often partaken between children and adults, or lovers. In much the same way that skipping is the exclusive past time of small girls and boxers, there doesn't seem to be much middle ground.

A cuddle is generally of the "comforter" stock and can be undertaken in any of the accepted positions - standing, seated or lying down.

Give someone a hug lately ??



18:41 Apr 06 2008

*hugs* baby xxxx They say a hug can be a good hot mug of soup in the winter too!

13:10 Apr 08 2008

Love the dissertation on hugs. Can you get a doctorate in hugging?

Do you hold a PhD in Huggology?

13:14 Apr 08 2008

Hmmm, I believe I do hold one...just ask someone whos received one, they can vouch.

*smiles and giggles*


*laughs and pickles*



17:41 Apr 05 2008
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