scionofrequiem's Journal

scionofrequiem's Journal


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1 entry this month

Selfish Little Whore, Arrival of Celestina Angustri

05:09 Oct 07 2005
Times Read: 556

September 2, 2005

Gabriel would Stand there, Hazel eyes looking over this member of the his family. She would bow down before Gabriel, her eyes looking only at his feet. He would smile and gently run his fingers through her raven hair. He would let his fingers gently run over her soft slightly tanned skin and chills would run through Gabriels body.

“Welcome to your new home Celestina… I hope you do well for me and the covenant.” Gabriels eyes would look at her neck and slowly move to her ear and then to her face as she looks up at him, chocolate brown eyes would meet his and a sense of lust would run through him, yet Gabriel was able to push it back.

Celestina was about the age of 20, beautiful woman, standing about 5’4 and weighed about 105 pounds, she to, has strong Romanian features like that of Gabriel, yet, unlike Gabriel seemed more… Gypsy like. She would stand and let her eyes look down at the floor, she seemed quiet and shy, but there was something else to her which would raise Gabriels mind to questioning her.

“What is wrong? Does this place not suit you?” Gabriel would let his eyes slowly wonder over her body.

“If I’m allowed to speak freely master…” She spoke in a quiet voice which only gave curiosity to Gabriels mind, yet, that curiosity was more of… out of sexual desire then anything else, yet, he knew this was more of what the beast wanted, not everything Gabriel wanted.

“Please do, I wish to know what troubles my beautiful Thrall” Gabriels eyes would now move to her eyes, but she would make sure she stared down at the floor.

“I expected you to be of better standings with your connection to the humanity, not to mention I felt I was going to be with someone who was of the Mekhet clan, not of the Gangrel stock. I’m not costume to serving those who run with Animals…” She would keep her eyes down as she spoke, her words were warm with pride as she spoke about what she saw for herself and the realization of who she was now serving.

Gabriel would raise a brow and with quick movement a hand came up and slapped her harshly across the face. His eyes would stay on her, calm and collective.

“What a Selfish little whore you are… I expected someone with better manners then this… I thought the family trained you better then this… If I wasn’t a part of the Family I would have my way, I would crush your face in the door… but your lucky…”

She would look up into Gabriels eyes now, fire burning wildly in her eyes, she didn’t like the slap to the face. Gabriel would smirk at the fire, she was a lively one, perhaps keeping the fire in her would be a good thing… Gabriel would quickly move, a hand would clasp around her neck as he slammed her into the wall behind her. He would pick her up about a half an inch off the floor. Her hands would grab at Gabriels hand, trying to pry it from her neck as she struggled to get free.

Gabriel would bit his tongue, leaning in, he would force a deep kiss upon Celestina, letting blood flow into her mouth, which she would try to spit out, but Gabriel would hold the kiss, another hand would move to hold her nose shut. She would struggle for a moment, then she would begin to swallow the blood, which was hot and burned as it went down. After a moment of her struggling she would stop and now, seem to melt into the kiss and she would flush a bit to her cheeks. Gabriel would let go of her nose and slowly pull away from her lips, which were stained red.

She would fill the rush of power surge through her and she shivered. Gabriel would smirk, and let her go, she would fall to the floor, to her hands and knees as she let the ecstasy of the blood surge through her.

“Once your done on the floor I would like to show you your room and then give you a few things to do before the end of the night.” Gabriel would lick his lips and move towards the hall way.

Celestina would breath heavily, her eyes would look up at Gabriel and narrow, a tiny growl would be heard from her, but then a sigh and words that would shock her more then Gabriels forcefulness.

“Open up… I’m… in love” Celestina would look to were Gabriel went and shivered. Then slowly she would pick herself up, then grabber her baggage and walked towards the hall and the room were Gabriel awaited her.



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