shyloc's Journal


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16:13 May 17 2006
Times Read: 661

the time was not so far from the present. i can remember the look he had. when i came out of the mist and looked right into his eyes. i can almost taste it..it is cause of him that i now lie awake,if , i cant stand the word ,if.he who spoke it 1st,should be rotting in hell.but, if he haddnt looked so wornout, i dont beleave i would have botherd. he was a challenge, even i can say it.when he spoke he only said one phrase and it stuck to me in a odd sorta way.shitbird,it was amuseing to think that this man has called it so close.he had half the speed i did, and yet still i couldnt grab him. for somereason.it was almost as if he was supose to show me ....show me how man has fallen.i know what being a vampire is allabout,i was first a man.and i will not forget it.when i was chosen by the elders they said.what i do, will eacho for ever.this too, struck me odd. so twice in my newly born life i have been confused.but now its starting to make sense. mythirst is begining to frustrate me.soon i will rize up and remind mankind of honor

i was woken by the sound of crys of children.And for some reson this desturbed me. could i lie here and listen. i think not.you see my soul redemer was a child. my own child. the thirst had gotten to me and i couldnt hold it back anylonger.

well you get my point.back to the this tell. when the crying woke me i had to investigate.on my way i walked thought the woods trying to remember where i was.thats when i cought the sent of him.it had been 40 years, i was hungry.so again the thirst took over and my animal instinc came alive.

i couldnt belive it. there he was standing there a well fit and nicely aged man.around 30 years old. when i aprouched him he was un awear of my presents.but as i raised my arms to grasp him it took a very frustrated turn for the worst.i couldnt get a steady grip on the fellow and the nind tricks only work on the weak minded. so with a final lunge i tired to knock him off guard, but to my suprise and disbelief, if was he who was on guard. . well steped off the edge of a cliff but i continued to grapple him and he continued to avade me. the more i tired the more he did. he cut me several times befor we hit, and just befor we hit i hear the crys stop. we crashed though a house and he died instantly. laying there healing from my many wounds i could hear many voices. mumbelsing in some sort of tounge i didnot understand.when i came to i was ontop of three children.a surge of discust rospe apon me. i jumped to my feet and look around. one of the children had a golf glub sticking out of her head. this made me very upset. and i began to cures god and all that follows.in the mist of my yelling the voices i herd earlier came back. but this time i was focused. focuse on them. they did this. i couldnt understand them but one of them men was carrying a golfbag with bats and clubs in it. this was all i needed to quinch my thirst. but now i am too angry to feed. i had to reep the revange of the children.four men now ran at me fireing there guns as if in a picture show.so i ran towards them as well.pretending to be hit i fall to the ground and the turn into my monsterish self.they souronded me. shouting and cuseing me.i turned while looking donw at the ground so not to scared them away.and when the fist of the four was close anuff i looked up and jumped to my feet. grabed both of his arms and riped them completly out of there sockets.he stood theres screaming, i took a leep towards two more and slashed me way thought them both and now there was one.he stood there in shock of his comrads being turn apart. i told hid him iwas there in place of the devil. and even he was angry with them.i opend my jaws up so he could see the silvery fags that would take him to his maker. with two bites i severd his head, and finaly got the blood that i needed to rejuvinate.i did mentioin that i was there for 40 years. half decompose. and now that i am back to my old yuthful self it is time again to hunt. i knnew that this could not be an isolated attack. so i should find this army of worthless men and teach them of there ignorance.

with the land around me now coverd with blood and bodies.i feel a sence of worth.something i have yet to feel in this life.its odd. i use to only feel the pain.the pain of being alone.theres anouther odd feeling i have, and its gorwing inside me,it was him. the one i tried to attack.i can feel his presence around me....so i return to him and find that he hasnt been bittin but has masive amounts of my blood sokeing him, in my pathedic stuggle with him he actually got the best of me.i have no cut or laserations, but my clothes are thrashed and riped from my sleves.he must have gotten my blood in his mouth while we were falling.a sad thing to happen to a noblemen.but even my life has a funny way of working out.while pondering over this man i havnet noticed the trucks comeing up behind the house, i fade into the shadow of the room when the men exit there vehicles and enter the room.the men seem upset at the sight of the outher guys that i tore apart.why would someone even morn men of the statue.they came in and was just about to start a fire in the house when that shitbird came alive.it made me chuckle at the thought of them being his first.how god works amazes me.he was young fit and very hungry now.it was like a symphany of the dead.one would fire a wepon and then he attacked, then anouther and anouther.until they were all dead.about 15 or so.when he realized what had just happend he was at an aww.could not beleva that this was by his hand. it was then i reveal myself to him. he recognized me and immediately attacked. but could not bring himself to do any harm to me. after all it was my blood that gave him life. when he was done he feel to his knees crying and cursing me.all i could do was laff at him. he cried why, why, . i told him it was not my intentions to do this to him. i told him it was his fault. his fault for being so good at killing. he looked at me with a blood covered face of remores.a sort of sorry to be alive look i knew all too well.i asked him his name. and he would say nothing. he just ran into the woods.and i would let him go. who am i to stop him. he is a creature of his own demise. i stroll over to one of the the bodies with a lil life left to top off my thirst.and the to another for some of the new fashions clothes that took to my fancy





16:11 May 17 2006
Times Read: 662

IM not sure which way i should travle,my instinct tells me to go to towards the night so i will follow the moon,wich has given me such insight in the past. i don't know what hurts more remembering the past or knowing i cant live it again, it hurts either way, the thoughts of her torture my mind. i can still smell her but cant stroke or; forget it. i cant take it, why do my thoughts of her plagues me so.she was the first i have ever wanted to forget.i wonder if I'll see her again. i still wear her mark. the only scare on my body. i can still feel the silvery fangs plunging in to me. like daggers they pierced my heart as well. come to think of it the same instinct that leads me to the night feels me with the same lust to move on. as the mist of my essence floats threw the night sky i replay the 1st night i had with her, looking into her eyes i was hypnotized one red and one green i was powerless in her constant gaze. every drop she took from me i could see the thought she had. wanting to spin me up in her wicked web of lust and infection. just when i thought i was going to be OK she threw me to her jackals, a pack of evil and vile she creatures, they ravage my body, i was dying i could feel my heart stopping and this overlord of the bitches could too. just as quickly as she dropped me she picked me up again IM not sure what to think about her, is she just saving me for another round of pain or is she just toying or maybe she has a deeper reason for me to have another breath. She slips me into a dark hole alone. as i crashed to the bottom of the pit i could hear the moans and hisses of the pack of demons, i knew not what was to become of me. i lie there for what seemed like an eternity. i have never herd sounds like that before, the cries of man,woman and child. when they finally came back for what i thought would surely be the end, i received a small child of my own, then pain hurt so bad inside me. i could feel the burning of my organ, the coagulating blood in my veins, they really thought that i would amuse them with the torture of a child. i imagine i did, and just as suddenly as my life was enriched by these foul beings it was released, stricken with silence i turn to my new found fears and self image for strength. i climbed the pit root by root, i don't think i had any finger nails left at all by the time i got to the top. i fed on rotten corpse and the half dead, when i had enough power of my own i left the hell hole and went into the woods, walking to the glittery beam of the moon light, and here i am again in the exact same moon light, except this time its me doing the hunting.





16:07 May 17 2006
Times Read: 663

why dose he interact with me so well, when others in the past die form it. i admit IM not the easiest to get along with, especially with my own kind. I have done many terrible things in my past, but none gave me such a satisfaction like killing other vampires and draining them dry... i live for it. i wonder if i should come to this point with my new friend.its possible all this thinking makes me want more blood.i found myself entering a state of thirst i haven't longed for in some time. as i walk among the dead with my deamon eyes dwelling on the tortured souls laying around me, IM soaked in the stench of the dead once again. and here i am feasting on the bodies of the dead.its an acquired taste i have grown rather fond of. Therese something about the taste of the rotting flesh and the way it sticks to my teeth as i tear it apart. as i am indulging on my meal, i can hear voices growing closer but i pay them no mind. bend down over the pile of limbs i have collected i have notice three men behind me talking in that infernal toungs i don't understand, it annoys me to no return. i turn and look up at them with a mouth full of fingers crunching and chewing on the bones. they froze speechless, one man begins to cry and says one word i reconize,el diablo.. i spit a finger at him and smile. raising to my feet stretching my shoulders and snapping my jaws shut.the men still frozen from fear i put them into a trance so i can play with the torture of them. i raise one of the mens arm biting the right thumb off, as i do i am sprayed in the face with his warm blood,makeing me see red for real this time, it only makes me get into the torture even more, i plunge my face into his chest chewing his heart as it still beats.the other crying is like music to my eyes., i love it.turning to the others i smack one of them down with a brutal backhand crushing his skull and spewing his brains on the groun.i turn to the outher and raise his arms pirceing it every so slow.pulling tendons on veins away from there places. his blood fills there air as if smoke from a fire, with this man now drained and all of my urges satisfied i return to the blood soaked earth for my rest. i have to admit it somtimes i love this life and others i cant stand anything in it.



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