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Ruins - Prologue

08:54 Sep 22 2006
Times Read: 573

Soft tapping ... the steady rains pelted the windows of the old university. The rain was coming down in sheets now and it was very likely that the streets would be flooded by the end of the night. Inside the University's large library, though, it was quite cozy. The four, dimly lit lamps on the smooth shimmering tables caused everything to glow, giving the room a warm romantic dimness. The entire room was filled with the musky, sweet smells of old and new books. Even the smell of wood oil lingered, although it had been applied more than five days before. The library lay silent and empty; only the sound of the rain echoed through the aisles.

Practically invisible in the dark recesses of the room , a woman sat slumped over in a large over-stuffed chair. Her long curly brown hair spilled over her shoulder, hiding her face from potential onlookers. A large, old book sat open on her lap, teetering on her knee on the verge of falling to the floor, its timeworn pages covered in images of evil looking men and tribal indians. Upon closer inspection of the woman, one could see that she was actually asleep, one arm lying across the book and the other arm bent up, with her cheek resting on her fist. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, her slow steady breathing making evident the depth of her slumber. The book which had barely been balancing on her knee, finally broke free from her lap and tumbled to the floor with a resounding thud. The woman seemed not to notice, remaining motionless in the chair.

On the opposite side of the library, a door opened slowly. A very tall, dark man stepped into the room. He allowed the door to close with a click behind him as his caramel-colored eyes surveyed the room. He stopped looking when his gaze found the woman who was sleeping in the corner. He smiled widely, almost laughing, his bright smile lighting up his face. He quickly walked over and knelt next to her chair. He raised his hand to shake her awake, but paused uncertainly. He quickly shook her and ducked down out of sight. He could hear her gasp and felt the breeze as her fist came flying over his head. After a short pause to make sure the "attack" had ended, he peeked over the arm of the chair. She was sitting forward, her bright hazel eyes opened wide, looking dazed. He waited for a few moments, allowing her to fully wake up. She still hadn't noticed him until she attempted to sit back. She saw him; she shot forward again, gasping in shock.

"Dori! what the hell is wrong with you?" she instinctively placed her hand on her chest in an attempt to slow her heart back to its usually steady pace. Dorian Palmer just smiled again and stood up.

"Alex darling, has anyone ever told you that you look disgustingly cute when you sleep? I almost cried," she laughed quietly as she sat back against the seat again.

"Thanks Dori, I'll pass that on," she said. He laughed a little and offered her his hand.

"Dori...I can't do this, they wont...I mean, they're not going to listen," she said, ignoring his hand. "I'm not my father..." despite her obvious reluctance, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

"I still don't see why you or Lupe couldn't give this presentation. You're more credible than I am at this moment," she said, a hint of pleading in her voice. Alex reached down and picked up the book which had fallen from her lap, and set it on the chair behind her.

"These men and women want to hear this presentation from a noted archeologist... and if they can't hear it from him the next best thing is his daughter." Dorian said reaching toward a nearby table and picking up her coat, then guiding her toward the door.

"They're going to think I'm crazy, then they'll laugh at me... and if they don't do those things then they at least we can bet that they wont believe me." They stopped at the door and Dorian turned to her.

"Why would you say that? your a great speaker; they will have no choice but to listen, because Lupe and I will lock the doors and threaten them with death if they don't." Alex laughed loudly as Dorian pulled the door open and shoved her through it.

Alexandra Demarko stood rigidly in front of one hundred and fifty world renowned scholars and archeologists. She waited patiently as they all got seated. There was a quiet buzz as they conversed with each other. Alex cleared her throat and automatically, the people in the crowd began to quiet down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, first I'd like to thank you for coming," she swallowed nervously, staring out into the crowd, all eyes were on her. She was tempted for a moment to introduce Dorian so that he would have to give the presentation. Instead, she stood there frightened in front of the large wooden lectern.

"I suppose I should start, huh?" she laughed nervously as the silence echoed off the walls.

"Many of you met me while I assisted my father, the noted archeologist and scholar Dr. Allen Demarko. In his will he requested that I be the one to go through his case files and burn all of the classified documents.

to be continued...



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