unpretty's Journal

unpretty's Journal


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6 entries this month

I made a video!

04:53 Mar 29 2008
Times Read: 600




I guess

05:22 Mar 19 2008
Times Read: 622

I am having a rather interesting time up here in the Kansas state of sunflowers. I am watching my niece and nephew of 3 and 4. I can tell you this much, it's just like having the job back at the Y. I guess it helps that I took care of 15 kids, so two is like a piece of cake. I know they were older, but you can always apply it to younger.

I expect them to do a whole lot more than their parents though. I have been pushing them a little to be somewhat more independent. haha.

I am hoping that I will be able to visit my other nieces from my brother a few more times. Then of course I have my friend...or friends to visit here before I leave. I can tell you this much, Kansas is definately not my home anymore. So, Oklahoma has the right fit. I still miss my friends though. but this week is moving rather fast, we'll see.




I feel...

16:33 Mar 12 2008
Times Read: 637

as if I am walking toward the dreaded tomorrow. I have to do a speech and I want to just die. I really hate it. Someone...please save me. -.-




By Faith

17:42 Mar 10 2008
Times Read: 642

In my religion, it is often seen as a crime to hate someone because someone elses despises them. Hate is poison to the soul, and it often comes from the stem of bitterness. I am a very bitter person, I do not like alot of people and I have been known to hold things against others, but I must stop. I am hurting myself, and others by allowing things to get in the way of a perfectly well relationship. I am going to walk by faith, not by the world.

I guess there are those that would not understand, but I cannot allow their hate get in my way. I was taught to love, love above the chains of what I can do. I was taught to make division, Christ after all did not come here to make union. He came here to make division. I am sorry, I have tried to walk my own way, but my heart is run by other means. I focus on the good. I focus on the need of myself. I focus on what I should do, I walk by faith.





21:43 Mar 07 2008
Times Read: 649

After about a week of being really sick, I have finally gotten over it. I feel as fine as can be, I had missed my health so much because of mister sickness coming over to me. ;.; I just got finished reading a Manga called "Boys over Flowers." I sat there after a while thinking about all the crap that went on in someone's life and I thought how grateful I was that life isn't a Manga.

I really like reading Shojo Manga, it is very over-dramatic though. I think the only place I like drama is in a Manga, book, or movie. I am not so entertained by real life Drama, but I realize that drama is a state of mind anymore. The last couple of things that I have been learning is the biggest cause of drama is bitterness.

YOU HAVE TO LET IT GO. If you aren't bitter, but just loving you won't have so many inner problems with yourself and relationships. The next thing that people need to remember is that people will say things all the time to get a raise, but if you talk with them and describe the problem most likely they will work with you to help fix it. It's just there is too many people on this planet that don't have backbones, and are bitter than all get out.

Well, anyways, I am going to go hang out with my younger awesome brother. XD




I'll miss you

07:35 Mar 01 2008
Times Read: 669

I don't know how to say that enough, and in different languages at that. I miss my friend Missy already. We have faced alot of hardships and even broke our friendship off once because of her selfishness. I will miss being around her, even though we didn't have alot of time to actually be around her. Considering that she was in Mustang, and I was in the city more than anything. I'll still miss her.

We have changed so much in the past 6 years that we have known each other, almost 7. I feel like we have known each other for a long time. I know that there are alot of memories that we have had that will be missed between us the most. Yet, even though we have had alot of things confront us, we still tend to think the best of each other.


Sometimes I wonder if we ever knew what we had when there was endless time. Just endless time before us filled with possibilities for another day of fun.



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