Went on to the student room for some info regarding masters pathways and the sheer ridicule and blatent callousness in some of the responses to people with the same grade as me was shocking.
Official results day! I got a 2.2. Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Open, Lower Second-class. I can now put letters after my name according to my acceptance letter :) Four years slog over :) I was borderline for a 2.1 with 960 points overall, literally missed the threshhold, nevermind. It looks like i may still be able to do my masters however, but its all up in the air at the moment as the offices are still shut, and funding isnt being processed, so I will have to wait until the Covid 19 embargo is over.
Budgeting for the next month today, not much left over to have fun but i decided to buy some proper biker gloves as i no longer have my old biker gear. I also managed to ruin my 'm' key on my macbook. I ordered a new key for the second time and it wouldnt fit. Now its completely broken and wont type :(
A look at my next book :)
Chapter 4
Ralph sits quietly at the back of the class his eyes suddenly catch one of his fellow classmates Fred as he turns part way in his seat and looks directly at him. Fred moves his thumb up to his neck and makes a cutting motion across it. Billy, the boy’s friend, sniggers in the seat next to him. The teacher turns around from the blackboard sternly eyeing the classroom with suspicion. Ralph turns his head to the window and looks out at the rolling green field, thinking about what Fred and Billy said at lunch time, wondering if it is true.
The bell eventually tolls signalling the end of the school day. Children shout boisterously as they rush from their desks eager to get out of the building and get home. Ralph makes his way to the school’s front gate, where he had been told by his mother to wait for his sister. Katy arrives a couple of minutes later. Ralph watches as she waves goodbye to two girl’s she must have made friends with. They begin walking home, it is a short walk about five minutes at a brisk pace.
“What’s the matter with you?” Katy asks Ralph as she notices him lagging behind.
Ralph looks up from the ground into Katy’s quizzical green eyes, and shrugs.
“Nothin” He replies half-heartedly. He had decided not to tell her about what he had learned from Fred and Billy, it was just to despicable.
“Yeah right, you had a tough day and you just don’t want to admit it.” Katy crows back, as she adjusts her book bag which keeps slipping off her shoulder.
The truth was Ralph just didn’t want to go back to the house. He pretends to ignore his sister as he picks the pace up, barging past her.
Weather has been crap all week and today is no different, rain, wind and cold. I have not done much in the way of writing this week, just working and relaxing. Our area has been extended in the lock down due to a sudden cluster of positively tested covid people. Glad I cancelled my holiday now, looks like i wouldnt of been able to go anyway, as we are now still restricted to 5mile radius.
Watching clips of Black Books when hammeerd makes me want to smoke. :)
Update on last weeks stress. Someone pushed my brand new motorbike over, I have had it just over two months but i am starting to think there may be something more sinister a foot.
To begin with when I originally bought the bike, the third time I rode it, I returned home to find nearly every single bolt and screw was loose and some were missing. I cannot describe the shock i felt when I stood there and noticed the brake caliper was almost slipping off completely. I subsequently rang the dealer whom i purchased it off and he replaced the bike with another the very next day. I had no trouble with it for about a month and then the week before last I parked it in a shopping store carpark and when I returned, it looked like someone had had a go at it with a spanner on the left side. They scratched the nut and the weld paint had come away. Then the following week in the same car park, I parked right outside the store main entrance hoping it would be safer, much to my dissapointment as I was leaving I looked out and saw the bike lying on the ground. I think the same person or maybe a friend of that person had pushed it over. Needless to say there are now scratches on the handle, foot and brake pedles and exhaust. I sent a complaint asking the store to investigate, which they did, in case it was a member of staff, (that has been ruled out) but they dont know how it happened. I didnt mention the damage from the week before, I wish I had now. Anyway needless to say I wont be parking in their store car park anymore. :(