Cadrewolf2's Journal

Cadrewolf2's Journal


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6 entries this month

00:27 Aug 30 2024
Times Read: 154

Has humanity forgotten the ideology of what beauty maybe. For as human we have grown up in the concrete walls and asphalt floors we call society. For the only colorization lives in the imperfect manmade neutrals that splatter around us. For the concept of beauty dwells within the souls, that give humans the art of fantasies and dreams that show pictures of what may be or could look like under the veils we wear in our Dailey routines.

For the beauty that the first people on earth witnessed will never be seen or imagined in the eyes of their ancestries, we compel ourselves to longer dwell at the flower that tries to grow from the crumbling concrete or the blue of the skies that once was so vast that it appeared to go on forever.

Beauty is as old as the soul, for every tick of the clock of time it has witnessed or dreamed stuff that only our dreams shall reveal. For beauty is within, the true colors of nature and of the skin of the bodies of humanity. For one day we shall throw away the cultural dismay and truly believe in ourselves so that nothing shall shame the ideology and beauty we hold.



01:11 Aug 30 2024

I was going to say something profound, but you already did.


00:45 Aug 21 2024
Times Read: 190

Words have been a fascination to me, words puzzled in my mind come to show the light of the society in which others would love to be. For the pictures in my mind of colors and grace can fill the voids of any blacking storm. Yet to speak words it seems I lose the contrast of them, yet in words on the pages it seems to flow and entice the audience of who shall read them.

Twisted words that pull you into a story like most master novelists they capture the minds pictures, yet words can be twisted if they are not meant to address. Fascination of love and its ecstasy forms boundaries of the mind. For we cannot give these words of emotion without some of society badgering us in a whole. For these words should be closed and hidden behind the doors like sex in the fifties.

We play down what our heart and soul want or cherish, the smell of the flesh, taste of nectar so pure and enticing and the warmth of the body around you and the moans of passion. We all strive to feel love and to be loved. We grow we love we die, and the feelings seem to lose after that for we become a memory and gone.




21:02 Aug 16 2024
Times Read: 212

When the world seems to close in and. Create a dark void, humanity seems to lash out and struggles with the breathe that fills their lungs. Sometimes they lash out on those who have no part in the collapse within the bubble of us. Yet humanity shows us that all are against us and we must protect ourselves.

Yet when the feeling has parted and gone away, sometimes the emotional side of our brains feel depression and forgiveness for the outburst humanity has done. A human trait we all have , but don't omit.

Humanity must strive for community and social balance to all. Thus the feeling of isolation will not come to be. Friends and loved ones from present to past must be credited for the life we all live. Thru memories or adventures that has shaped us as humans and living beings thru out the years.

Thanks good friends for all my memories and laughter. And I hope they shall continue.




00:17 Aug 16 2024
Times Read: 235

Yet the boundaries of the mind and soul can be limitless, yet we must advance past the crude concrete cells of society. For the purpose of society, it seems anymore is to shape the humanity in the forms someone believes to be the true person needed in the community. What to wear, how to look, what to say.

Freedom of anything has seemed to slip down the funnels of the water into the sewers below. Yet a voice and expression seem to come up yet depending on the individual it can go longer or fail due to the society's corruption of the human race. I watch and listen and learn, I have done this since the beginning of my mind's conception of thought and puzzles. The followers of the society follow the guides in which they are told, yet a lot of people stand for their voice. Even tho there is a fate to their actions they hold strong and grab the glory and pride of what they believe.

We cannot be society’s puppets we have the voice the dream to make mother earth a place of beauty and something for our kids and theirs to cherish in their lives.




02:09 Aug 14 2024
Times Read: 263

Sometimes we wonder why death takes the people that give so much to others that we sometimes think to ourselves to escape the hand of death we should only worry about ourselves and not the individuals that truly deserve the assistance. But this would show the flaw of human compassion and nature. We look to death as the perfect balance of dealing with nature, yet when friends and loved ones it takes we are appalled at death and all that it represents to our lives. Is there an answer to fool death and spare the lives of some or is this just a delusion of my mind, tired of losing people that I care for in my life.

A single rose will be given to show life, and we will watch it wither as death comes to take the beauty it holds.

I have always tried to help those I can, yet to play it out over and over than the effect seems to wear off and it becomes a nuisance to me. Emotions seem to grasp at straws I feel and then feel hurt to be just used as a pawn in the game of life.



17:19 Aug 14 2024

Hugs...some folks are just that way. Unfortunately


01:34 Aug 07 2024
Times Read: 340

Here on VR with the closeness of the society it seems to hit here more than the space thru-out the internet. Actions of hate and rudeness and constant dramas seem to come more abundant and stronger due to this. Kill the drama and be yourself, for the aspects of life in no terms of culture or society tolerate the effects of this anymore. Write emotions down and escape them that way for one persons pain may in fact be the pain of others here on VR.

Circles intertwined by other circles. Remember we all have friends to help us in troubled times, yet they are there to cry ones shoulder. but do not for the days seem to get blacker as the clock ticks, depression seems to hold me in place and yet to enjoy the light or the beauty in which this world holds. Life has become a struggle in which I think that things will never release me from this pit, a place I have dug. A final place to rest my soul if I should never be able to crawl out of it.

To feel the cool, wet dew upon my skin of the blades of grass in which gives life. For economic woes have hit close to home and the future does not hold the light at the end of the tunnel it seems. I know all shall overcome what troubles lay before us, yet the worries of the day shall haunt me this weekend. Wondering about the turmoil's of my job, so when this weekend finally comes to an end, and I have to come back to the real life of misery and work drama.



21:21 Aug 07 2024

Blessings sent

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