Cartomancer's Journal

Cartomancer's Journal


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16 entries this month

16:11 Nov 30 2020
Times Read: 506

So... my lips and eyebrows turned out great, but the eyeliner wouldn't absorb. It may have something to do with this undiagnosed thing I have going on with my eyes where they swell up. I know it isn't an allergy because it happens any season, anywhere, inside or out, and many times in my sleep. Anyhow- just gotta get through the healing process. I also had one of my tattoos lasered. It'll take a bit to fade, but I can keep going back for treatments as well. I am so lucky this is free to me. There are many other tattoos I have that I'd like to have removed. Make room for new ones I'd like my nephew-in-law to do for me.

I hope to go back in a couple months.



17:15 Nov 30 2020

Woot! Did getting the laser hurt? I've always wondered when I've seen people get their tattoo's removed.

20:03 Nov 30 2020

It does hurt. Everyone says it hurts worse than getting tattoos. Even my brother-in-law who is covered in tats- he's had them removed and says it's worse. They were impressed with me because I am pretty stoic during tattoos and the removal. It's not that it doesn't hurt, but I don't flinch or freak out at that stuff ever. I am intensely mindful of being still because I don't want to mess anything up for the person doing it.


18:23 Nov 26 2020
Times Read: 542

Can’t wait till tomorrow to get this permanent makeup done! Aside from having major surgery over the summer getting big issues behind me, I can’t remember when I’ve been this excited. My niece is doing something for me to the tune of “never been matched” by anyone else in this world for me in terms of unselfish, sincere effort and generosity. I will be sure to give her the most wonderful hand-written thank you note after that will make her cry and want to frame it.



18:46 Nov 26 2020

I can't wait to see what it looks like!


02:22 Nov 24 2020
Times Read: 585

My niece does permanent makeup for a living. This weekend she’ll be doing a full face for me: free. It *would* be $1750 for all the procedures she’ll be doing for me. I am so incredibly excited! In the age of masks, I don’t wear any to work. Now I’ll be a mascara and chapstick only person. Everything else I would use normally I won’t have to do. I’ll take a shower, moisturize my face, put on mascara and go!



02:40 Nov 24 2020

oh my god you are so lucky! would love to get eyebrows and eyeliner done so I don't have to do that. Would be so worth it tho. This makeup is for the birds LOL!

04:23 Nov 24 2020

19:57 Nov 26 2020

Awesome!!! I had my brows micro-bladed last year since I hardly had any. I got a very good deal or I would not have done it. Love them! Can't wait to see the results.


15:41 Nov 19 2020
Times Read: 645

I worked one day with the Registrar's Office getting absentee ballots out and had to stop. I had a massive fibromyalgia flare after 12 hours of working (stuffed and labeled over 1500 pieces of mail). My joints couldn't handle leaning over the desk and not being able to get up for that long. My neck and shoulder seized to such a degree I have never had that kind of joint pain before. I am sure you can imagine any person would have been in pain- but I have a syndrome/disease and it's so much worse for me when it happens. They were to be 14 hour days and 4 of them, and I would have ended up in the hospital.

There's nothing I could do. Although I felt like I was holding myself together- the two ladies who hired me were crying as I left and said they will always speak highly of me and to please call them if I need any references. I will still be a commissioner during elections- but this other stuff I can't do. It's been rough for me to swallow needing to walk away from that.

My work at the Superdome is very different. I get to move around a lot and will never have to worry about seizing in such a way. I'm starting to feel better physically, but I am a bit crestfallen.



18:42 Nov 19 2020

We all come with limitations.

Even Supergirl is weakened by Kryptonite.

Just be Awesome at what your body DOES allow you to do.

I mean we can't have it all.

But, I see you out there trying to.

20:47 Nov 19 2020

I appreciate that :)

01:23 Nov 20 2020

Oh man, I hate walking away from a challenge. But you MUST do what's healthy and it sounds like you're already on your way!

04:09 Nov 20 2020

That night, I had two sides of my brain talking to me... one speaking reality and telling me I had to do what was right for my health- the other telling me to do what I always do and ignore myself and say yes. The healthy part of my brain made me walk down the hall to tell them what was going on with me all while that other side kept telling me things like, "just tell them you are stretching your legs for a second and get right back to the desk." I hate what I had to do in this situation, but also- it was a special moment for me and those ladies who saw the truth in me and and shed tears for me. I live with a syndrome where people doubt me. I was SEEN. I had a moment with those ladies and felt a connection of care and belief, and I will never forget it.


01:46 Nov 17 2020
Times Read: 666

I start work at the Registrar's office at 7AM tomorrow. I hope I can work my ass off and get this done :)



04:23 Nov 17 2020


17:09 Nov 16 2020
Times Read: 681

My first day at the Superdome was pretty great. I am a basic security person. This is how my husband started (this has been his side-job for the last 10 years), a while later he became a security supervisor, and now he's a Manager's Assistant. So get this, I asked him if he would see if I could work the field or press box as a norm- he goes to talk about that... she responded that she wants to make me a Manager's Assistant. I would skip the security supervisor role and go up two steps. I really hope that happens, but I also hope I don't have people wanting to spit bullets at me for jumping so quickly when many have been working there for years. She didn't sound like she was talking about an eventual situation- it sounded like a 'right now'. We will see what happens.

Also, it was cool to see the game from this perspective, and also watch the 49ers walking out and to the bus little by little after they'd showered and got ready to go. The different ways those guys dress... some like teenagers who found a million dollars (the best Nikes to be found along with diamond necklaces), some in flannel and jeans, then the guys with tailored suits.


My drug test still hasn't come back for my work at City Hall. I am getting antsy and think I will give them a call just so they know I went in and took it- I hope they don't think I am dragging my feet because they said results usually comes back really fast for new hires.



18:13 Nov 16 2020

18:43 Nov 16 2020

Any time it's a "right now" situation, no one who would be pissed at you for your promotion is worth their salt. If they were fit for that promotion it would have already happened for them. I can see exactly why someone would choose you for a position like that. I'm trying to remember when I had to take a drug test... Both times I don't think they told me my own results, the company just went forward with the hiring process. Super confusing!

01:45 Nov 17 2020

Yes, I need to hope on any opportunity I get, because damn it... I know I have waited long enough for the smallest of things to work out.


14:54 Nov 15 2020
Times Read: 709

Superdome work: For the first time in a massive amount of years- I am going to clock in to work somewhere. I've had many work at home jobs and had other jobs in my life where I was on salary... but clocking in, this will be different (not since I was a teen working at Disneyland). I'm going to love it. I won't get enough hours there working to make a huge difference (the pandemic has ceased most events)... but I will have small checks deposited for a day or two of work here and there that will mean tanks of gas or surprise food on the table. I always try to look at things that way. And I will make more money than I have been teaching ESL classes online.



22:38 Nov 15 2020

That's awesome!

01:16 Nov 16 2020



18:15 Nov 13 2020
Times Read: 736

I am impatiently waiting for my drug test to come back so I can get to work at City Hall. It's possible I can knock out this work and be bale to go on vacation with my family to Miami for Thanksgiving. My son's fiancé has offered to drive down and take us, but if I have to work- well... I'll be here alone. I don't mind being alone for Thanksgiving, I just want to go down there because there will also be a stop along the way to visit my niece in Bradenton. And I also want to be with my future daughter-in-law as she meets these people on my husband's side for the first time. They can be a bit much on certain fronts, and I could be a good ally.



19:28 Nov 13 2020

Sending Magickal Positive Energy and Well-Wishes....

04:44 Nov 14 2020

Thanks. And an edit:

"It's possible I can knock out this work and be ***able*** to go on vacation..."


03:33 Nov 10 2020
Times Read: 769

Thanks for the support :)

I'm doing better. I was back at it today with provisional ballots and a recount for a local candidate. I am off tomorrow to take a drug test as I am being hired by City Hall permanently (yet part-time) in another capacity in re: elections I spoke about in the November 5 entry here.

I'm not alone in my feelings. Today, reuniting with my fellow commissioners we all had the same stuff going on, and they all appreciated what I said on the news. We've got camaraderie, and that's awesome. We put our heads back in the game and busted out today's stuff. We went through 30,000 ballots to find a specific 1500- then tallied those candidates (the recount). And we also verified the many provisionals.

I've found a calling here that's just one of some I have in life, I believe. No one is ever going to be doing this for the "money". You have to be interested in this to do it. It's rewarding even when it's hard and unglamorous. It makes me think of how Cancer describes this role as "The Hand": It is considered by many to be an unglamorous, tiresome, and difficult job of great responsibility.

My first day working at the Superdome is the 15th. *That* will actually be fun. I might be working the pressbox area- hopefully. Public Safety Officer... kicking asses who dare to tread that area and shouldn't LOL



04:42 Nov 10 2020

22:38 Nov 15 2020

Thank you for your service


15:45 Nov 08 2020
Times Read: 813

Major, massive depression. I just cannot explain adequately what it feels like to be so incredibly thrilled and proud of what I did- then to plummet to the ground as millions of people call you a liar and a cheat. I guess it'd be like doing the 'best' of illegal drugs and getting an amazing high- then going cold turkey and crashing down.

I had such an amazing time working this Presidential Election. I worked hard, I worked a LOT. I got noticed, people really loved me, I kept getting asked to do more. When it was all over I was asked to speak on behalf of this major US city to the Associated Press in regards to how things worked here. It's enough to make a person feel really good about themselves... but I ended up drinking as much as I could yesterday so I could pass out and not have to hear anymore. To see (reading online) and hear so many people I love talk about people like me as liar and cheats feels pretty devastating. Only one doubter sent me a personal message to inquire how it really worked. No one else will bother- and they all know I was part of this. They choose to simply believe whatever is being passed around that fits their agenda.

I'm going to use/adapt some or all of this to make a blog post that I can share online to a wider audience.



16:52 Nov 08 2020

Rules to live by:

Rule #2....Refer back to Rule #1.

01:23 Nov 09 2020

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you such an amazing, wonderful and honest person was made to feel this way. I am sorry that more people don't know who you truly are and just wander about all willy-nilly and assume the most horrid of things and let people brainwash them into believing the same.

Depression sucks. It's hard. It's brutal. It's a struggle. I know it makes us doubt things about ourselves because that's just what it does. But don't ever doubt this- You are fuckin' amazing. You are rockin'. You are the bees knees.


03:06 Nov 07 2020
Times Read: 856

I have been on the news a few times this election- but for the second time... spotlighted specifically.

First I will share something I put on Facebook:

The integrity of the count (this post is not visible to anyone who will get lippy with me over it because it will serve no purpose, you can screenshot it if you want though)... We took an oath. We had no access to phones, internet, TV, or radio. We had poll watchers. We had reps from both the Democrat and Republican Party looking over our shoulders, we were in pairs (no one alone to tally all willy nilly). We verified with fine tooth combs. We worked our butts off. I did more on Tuesday than I did with the work I accomplished in getting a Navy Achievement Medal. Nothing shady happened here in New Orleans I can assure you (not that anyone is saying that with us being in a red state - New Orleans voted for Biden 81.3%). It sucks to come out of that incredible experience and know exactly how it goes down, to then see so many of my connections throw us under the bus as liars and cheats. I can't speak for every city- but I know this for sure.

Earlier today I was contacted by the Elections Coordinator because they selected me to be the spokesperson for how things went down here- the Associated Press wanted to do an interview. This is short and sweet, but here it is on Yahoo News: Poll workers defend election integrity.



03:12 Nov 07 2020

At this moment I am at a loss for this election personally I just want it over....I know that sounds bad

03:19 Nov 07 2020

Thank you for sharing this. I am sure it is the same at all of the polls. This should have been called by now under normal circumstances. Just crazy. Thank you for volunteering.

03:36 Nov 07 2020

I just got goosebumps reading. LOVE IT!

05:06 Nov 07 2020


21:39 Nov 05 2020
Times Read: 873

In re: the last entry... I was up at City Hall (Registrar of Voters office) a bit ago- this specific job is just full time for a few weeks- another election going on where I'd start in a few days until it's over the first week of December. I'd be doing the back end stuff getting the ballots out, then I can still do the commissioner stuff when it's time to vote. They'd call me in for any of these things and I'd get first dibs on the jobs since I am a Parish Board Commissioner. I gave them my resume and DD214- laying the ground work because maybe something permanent will pop up too. They liked me enough to ask me to do more. Maybe I can expand it beyond. But I do know I will be doing both of these jobs every time there is an election (there are about 4 election seasons each year).

This is a bit more than the commissioner stuff because I am being set up for direct deposit and getting a drug test. As a commissioner you aren't on the City payroll to that degree and you don't take a drug test- they just mail you a check 30 days after elections.

I'm making connections.

Also... I just started my Public Safety Officer job at the Superdome, Smoothie King Center, Yulman Stadium. We had orientation last night over Zoom and I go in for my work ID tomorrow. First event I will work is the Saints/49ers game on 11/15.



22:38 Nov 05 2020


21:44 Nov 04 2020
Times Read: 898

I have had the most incredible time as an elections commissioner. It was like a damn movie, yesterday/last night.
It was intense and exciting. I busted my ass.

There is a very good possibility I may land a job with the city out of this. My supervisor asked me if the office called me yet- I said no and she said she told them to. She asked what my weekday schedule was like and I knew she was talking about a job- I said I don't have a fulltime job, and she said, "Do you want one?" They said they'd be in touch. Not only them, but the company who supplies all the voting machines also said they wanted to hire me as a contractor. We will see what happens. *crossing fingers*



22:14 Nov 04 2020

:::crossing fingers snd toes::: lol

22:52 Nov 04 2020

They would be so lucky to have you!

01:40 Nov 05 2020


05:05 Nov 05 2020

That is awesome!!!


02:43 Nov 03 2020
Times Read: 920

Electricity is back on after more than 5 days without- very happy I have to say... I get to have a comfortable night before I head in to count absentee ballots tomorrow. Going to be long day and I am looking forward to it! I'll have no contact with the world until after 8PM. And even then.... I might still be counting.



03:22 Nov 03 2020

03:28 Nov 03 2020


03:47 Nov 03 2020

oh hellz yea!


14:39 Nov 02 2020
Times Read: 930

Still no electricity after the storm... day 5. I really need it to be back on today so when I come home from elections stuff I can really relax and be prepared for the BIG day tomorrow that will be a long one.



16:53 Nov 02 2020

5-Days? Wow! Well, at least it's not the water that is off. That's a whole other level of #TheStruggle!


12:47 Nov 01 2020
Times Read: 947

Fourth day without electricity… This sucks big-time. #HurricaneZeta



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