lmao ..somepeople are just so retarded.
& it looks like theres no cure for stupid..
oh our coven is under siege oh ok Vlad
did you come up with this when you were exhanging poetry with your imaginary gf last night ...lol ...so what does your wife think about your imanginary gf vlad ..i bet she would implale you if she knew ...lol
Sete Diabolica Coven is UNDER SIEGE and burning...
08:58:27 - Apr 18 2013
Times Read: 17
Vlad Vampire Lord roams the countryside at will raping and pillaging. Mothers hide their daughters and cower in fear in basements. Throughout the land the evil cackling of a WITCH can be heard hahahahahahahah sending chills down the spines of even the most stalwart man. Woe to them who oppose us and the ARMY OF DARKNESS. Rogues unite and drive the covens into the sea.
Within the coven walls the members are trapped. They starve more every day and succumb to illness and the constant artillery barrages of the ARMY OF DARKNESS.
You can hear their weeping at night and sense their desperation by the last ditch accusations they make and the slander they print hoping that words will defeat our resolve.
Fools! Prepare to meet the business end of a sharpened stake. All men will be impaled and women made slave serving wenches.
The coven burns as I speak and victory is close at hand.
Huzzah lusty vampires! To the battlements...
oh ok whatever vladdy boy oh no.lol. we are so teriffied our coven is under siege by a idiot with two profiles .LMAOROTF
its pretty sad that this is what you have to do to get attention ...& guess what Vladdy you may of mistaken us for a coven that actually gives a shit
about your stupid little fantasies ...
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Scamp (26)
you say i'm evil like it's a bad thing
Set at 16:57 on April 17 2013
Bloodsucker (50)
Sete Diabolica are Heathens and proud
Set at 16:47 on April 17 2013
Great Sire (111)
I'm here and fine with life the way it is right now..
Set at 16:46 on April 17 2013
Hellhound (70)
-Sete Diabolica are Heathens & proud-
Set at 16:43 on April 17 2013
18:59 Apr 18 2013
I agree with you brother !

Suck on this Vladdyqueer
19:47 Apr 18 2013
Lmao Karma will deff. get you
20:46 Apr 18 2013
“It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful.” Anton LaVey
20:52 Apr 18 2013
He's a nutjob. Hmmmm, do y'all think that his gf on here is his mom, dad, brother, sister, or grandma? I think I should start that coven poll. Haha. Everyone on here knows how much of a perv he is. Like when he used to try to use the Vamp Box around the clock to try to get girls by harassing them. It was repulsive and some of them were underage thus making him a pedophile in my book. I'm guessing that's the reason his posting privleges were revoked because admins were tired of all the diseases he was leaving behind in his imaginary "jacuzzi". What a tard. Oh well, at least now he likes to "keep it in the family" so we don't have to worry about catching his diseases.
That boy's just nasty, and if he wants to "burn" us I could use a sun tan. LOL. I'm sure his mom/girlfriend must be so proud!
23:23 Apr 18 2013
no we wont fall because of 2 inbreed fools hmmm I actually think they are the same person .. you know its actually his blow up doll but he types for her .
But its sad that one sick in the head person has to ruin a place we come to have fun , enjoy ourselves at .. a place we like to meet our friends and make new friends .. and just because no one wants to talk to him or be his friend he wants to have a tantrum like a two year old who needs to be put in a corner or put down for a nap ..
But over the years we have had to endure these sorts .. too bad they cant come up with something alil more orginial .
This world is filled with some sorry ass people .. and you vlad are there among them no your not on the top of the list not even close but your there ..
Blah your not worth anymore of my time ..