Drayton's Journal

Drayton's Journal


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3 entries this month

Everything comes full circle.

22:20 Apr 29 2022
Times Read: 347

Two realizations I recently had thanks to my interaction. With a crystal skull,. is that you just need to just let it go. It's a waste of energy to dwell on negative things or allow something negative in your past to affect your decisions in the future.
And to always Believe in yourself. I find it, odd that was what it told me. Because I own a green tie dye Black craft cult t-shirt with a baphomet symbol. Inside a inverted pentagram that says "Believe in yourself". You should just remember that everything happens for a reason and the universe, will always put you in a specific place and time for a purpose. An example of this Is when I was driving down the road one day. It was a perfectly normal day. I was driving home from a buddies house, and I was just going down the road shifting through the gears of my 92 Toyota Celica GT. When all of a sudden I saw a woman with a baby stroller. She turned around to close the gate to the apartments she came from and took her hands off the stroller for a
second. While she was talking to people on the other side of the gate not realizing. It had begun to roll towards the busy street, I was driving down. Since I noticed it while I was accelerateling and working the stick shift into third gear, Just as I saw the stroller about to roll into the street. I begin honking my horn very quickly to get her attention. And in this moment. I made eye contact with the child in the stroller. Rolling towards the street when they heard me honking. When I drove by, and at the last possible moment the Mother heard my car's horn and turned around and started running towards the street and grabbed the stroller handles, when I looked back in the rearview mirror just before it rolled into traffic.




What is in a profile description?

08:18 Apr 09 2022
Times Read: 423

So I recently decided to update my profile. I've been without a laptop since mine will no longer connect to my router even with a Ethernet cable. I went with a theme I have done before with a american horror story theme. I was able to re-use my research and a few images and now the time has come to write about myself. What can I say really besides my history on VR. It still amazes me I was inducted, into my coven at level 20 and now I am the coven master. This site has always been a great past time. I've seen my share of drama and people leave for whatever reasons. And it's just part of VR life. I remember older members used to be very reserved and would never really speak to many others besides thier own group of friends. A few people I knew never really spoke to me but would often message me as if they knew me. I used to find this odd but maybe my reputation on this website precedes me. I remember when I first joined I was on here talking to people literally all day. I would level my accounts just by chatting with other members. I lost interest at some point because my PS3 browser was limiting. I remember a certain Minecraft avatar would always freeze the browser. Eventually I got a hold of a computer. My neighbor had given me. This old computer that ran windows XP, that had belonged to a computer programmer that hung himself. It kinda was creepy being the suicide note was in the computer in the Microsoft word files. It wasn't a fast PC but it made it easier to learn coding. I remember the first coding I learned was the main profile description background for a free profile. And a center code. The center code helped save time coding since the sections would be centered. Later I learned basic font codes and advanced premium profile layout coding which was more complicated. But worth the effort. I learned pretty fast since my coven master was a coding guru and taught me everything I know. I was able to make things look how I had them planned in my head. I knew I was on to to something when other, members would approach me asking if I would code something for them and they would purchase me a premium membership in exchange for making them a background with the transparent boarders. Which was easy enough. But I hated doing this because, I'd honestly rather teach someone to do for themselves. Members would even give me thier passwords like here. Fix it Dray which is extremely dumb. I feel it takes away from having a decorative profile since. Why would you want someone elses work on your page? When I feel it's better to have something with a personal affect. I remember certain members would often steal my coding and I always could tell because. I would use very specific fonts. That stand out when I viewed it. On another members page. I had to yell at people not to take my coding, but when they asked me why I had paid favor just to blind them. I think they knew I wasn't playing games. The most satisfying moment for me was when my coven master returned to VR and had forgotten the basics they taught me. And I had to teach them how to code again. It was like the grasshopper had become the Sensai. It was a privilege to return that favor to her. The reason I stay around here Is to maintain my coven and chat with friends on a social network. Sometimes I have to protect my Coven members or hide members from others. Because my coven has always been a safe space. Free from all drama and I have a system of my own to remove anyone that doesn't stop the bullshit. I've been known to not take crap from anyone on here. Because I really don't give a fuck. Break my coven rules as a regular member and I will trade you faster than a rabbit gets fucked. I know how easily one member can tear apart an entire coven, with never ending bullshit drama that will cause other members to leave or be inactive. I also don't forgive easily. I've been told I have the patience of Jobe, but I don't forget anything because my memory is photographic. If you come to my coven and shit where you eat you won't be allowed back in. My former coven master was very selective about members and did not trust easily. And this wasn't a bad thing from what I have seen lately.
I have been able to maintain a certain level of activity with just a few members. Because one thing I know is that you don't need 20 active members to have a decent coven. Just a few Sires and people that spend enough time here to keep things running smoothly even if it's just me logging in to multiple accounts to earn myself favor. People don't realize that I see everything and I can usually sense if something is up with someone in the coven. Some people just come and go and I try to never trade because of inactive but I am forced to at times due to the blood cost. if I plan to maintain having over a million favor. I actually just see 100k that's useful to me. Since spending it would bring my standing down. I'm often able to make trades by inducting members to accumulate more favor but I really have no need to. Since my coven is capable of running itself with the protocols I have in place. And my former coven master making It what it is today.
I do what I do here because it's my purpose. I was put in the position I am because I could be trusted. Not alot of people can say the same. Or have had the same experiences on this site as I have.




Bitches are going to turn blue

05:39 Apr 02 2022
Times Read: 466

Someone out there is holding, thier breathe waiting for you to fail. Make sure they suffocate.



07:17 Apr 02 2022

if a hater can hate for no reason i can love for no reason this was a ticktock video i saw awhile back ago

07:37 Apr 02 2022

I love this entry! So true, make them suffer... haha. Love it.

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