Earthgrinder's Journal

Earthgrinder's Journal


Honor: 1,103    [ Give / Take ]


58 entries this month

07:37 Dec 31 2019
Times Read: 1,506

Sleep Conjour One




07:25 Dec 31 2019
Times Read: 1,507





18:57 Dec 30 2019
Times Read: 1,523

I'm so glad -- Cream. I think I broke the internet with this one oh wait it was all vynal when it came out and I have it my records box yehhh Ginger Baker drums Jack Bruce bass vocals and Eric Clapton Lead Guitar. Trivia Question who was the leader of the band?




18:35 Dec 30 2019
Times Read: 1,526

The Hunter - Adam Jensen. This is Badass. I am thinking making it the cover to my profile tell me what you think




06:55 Dec 30 2019
Times Read: 1,547





Rant pt CX%

00:31 Dec 30 2019
Times Read: 1,571

Rant Part cx or 110

This is how I rant once it get what I have to say cleared with all concerned then I will share it with you However my assigned mission has been accomplished trap set I have the bastard dead to rights so here you go my most favorite tune Son of a Bitch that is what I am. Well you'all have heard of the real relationship between vampyres and werewolves. The werewolf is a guardian for as long as they are alive to one vampyre. Maybe the Vampyre's family if needed. As guardian the werewolf is the last shield for the vampyre if all else fails. Often taking full force of the retaliation aimed at the vampyre in this case vampyress. So this is not really a rant but a celebration. My only concern is the safety and happiness of the vampyress. I try to move silently in the shadows and the mists but being very large you might overhear me. So beware you slithering slugs not fit to see the light of the full moon. By the goddess's Athena, Artemis, Lilith, the Morrigan,Hecate and god Appollo this Vampyress is shielded by all of us, walk away so mote it be.




Now we are free

13:05 Dec 29 2019
Times Read: 1,590

Watching the ocean
As the sun rises
My brothers and I look at the setting moon tears in our eyes.
We watch for the owls and hawks
feeding on blind mice
We catch the scent in the air
Turn our heads in unison
Now we are free
The trap has been set

Keep the wolves away



22:31 Dec 30 2019

* second one yep


Ghosts 3am

12:43 Dec 29 2019
Times Read: 1,623

Extreme ways- moby
Man cannot get this tune out of my head possibly because I lived the darkness.




Ghosts 3am

10:33 Dec 29 2019
Times Read: 1,635


imagine dragons





10:28 Dec 29 2019
Times Read: 1,636

[Verse 1]
If it's gonna get violent tonight
Tell me you're gonna be alright
You're gonna be
It's an eye for an eye and I don't know if I
Want you to fight, want you to fight

[Pre Chorus]
I'm losing my mind
Don't leave me behind
We need a bit more time

'Cause I don't want the world to turn without you
And I don't want the sun to burn without you
Yeah, I don't want the world to turn without you
And I don't want the sun to burn without you

[Verse 2]
You don't have to be the brave one every time
I know you wanna make it right
You wanna make
It's a lie for a lie and I'm getting tired
On the other side, on the other side

[Pre Chorus]
I'm losing my mind
Don't leave me behind
We need a bit more time
Can you hear my cry?
And old lullaby
Drifting through the sky

'Cause I don't want the world to turn without you
And I don't want the sun to burn without you
Yeah, I don't want the world to turn without you
And I don't want the sun to burn without you

Oh no

So won't you...

Hold me now
Hold me like I never did anything to hurt you
Don't let go
Give me another minute to lay here in your echo

I don't want the world to turn without you
And I don't want the sun to burn without you
Yeah, I don't want the world to turn without you
And I don't want the sun to burn without you

I don't want to live a life without you
I will watch the world burn without you




Ghosts 3am

10:01 Dec 29 2019
Times Read: 1,639

Space oddity one of my most favorite songs growing up I miss you David RIP




04:21 Dec 29 2019
Times Read: 1,658

Morcheeba Howling



00:02 Dec 31 2019

* possible


Breath Bliss

01:39 Dec 28 2019
Times Read: 1,677

Super chill





23:42 Dec 27 2019
Times Read: 1,684

Who ever gave you honor and hid likes nickelback thats where the lyrics came from enjoy



23:47 Dec 27 2019

Well, it looks like we both got the idea at the same time:)...thank you hun


That's It for the Other One (Pts. I-IV)

15:53 Dec 27 2019
Times Read: 1,694

That's It for the Other One (Pts. I-IV)




Crystals Restoned

08:21 Dec 27 2019
Times Read: 1,709

something to fall asleep to




Dropping Grenades

00:05 Dec 27 2019
Times Read: 1,720

Today I noticed something that came to a head in my mind. When walking down the street people go out of their way to avoid me, even jumping into traffic with wild crazy eyes. Fortunately for the human population in these parts, this hasn't happened very often, but it has happened. What normally happens is the muggles retreat to the very edge of the side walk while avoiding any eye contact looking for a way out. Maybe they see me as huge, I don't see myself so I don't know, dressed in black hurtling toward them. Maybe it is the collar on my jacket warn and tattered. Maybe it is my unshaven appearance. May be its the navy blue baseball hat that has weathered from sweat and has a DFQ patch, I proudly wear. Maybe it is the blood dripping from my mouth. Could be my claws dragging a decapitated head. Who knows why the muggles avoid me. Could be my eyes they aren't normal. I don't think I am normal. Though that is just a guess because I can not see myself. It funny whenever I look in a mirror nothing is there. To be continued when I find the answer.




Sirens of the Sea

20:05 Dec 26 2019
Times Read: 1,734

This will haunt you.



20:45 Dec 26 2019

Beautiful, haunting and a calling, it tugs to the soul.


Eventide Christmas 2019

04:36 Dec 26 2019
Times Read: 1,748

I am headed down to San Martin, Ca. If you blink you would miss it. It is Christmas day and I have been left to my own devices. I pull into the driveway of the county park Something Bear Park. Alot of people just standing around taking in the gray sky, the cold wind and the promise of a downpour. I look around while inside my truck not really a truck more like the Japanese idea of a bread truck. I was told at the dealership " we don't call what you have a truck we call it an element" Well la de da. Looking at the challenge I set myself. I felt for my Fitbit3. Not there well will have to do an estimate of distance. Suddenly, my phone started letting loose all kinds of hell. My minder was calling. Where are you? Going to Coyote Lake. When will you be back Around 4 pm if I don't get eaten by a mountain lion, OK call me when you are on your way, I have a surprise for you I'll meet you at the house, My son hung up. Great, first no one wants a piece of me than everyone wants a piece of me.
I set off climbing through the eastern rolling hills of south bay. Some where up there is a lake called Coyote Lake. Man it is cold and the wind is cold, cold enough to wear gloves. Lot of mud and cow patties on the trail. All this is part of the Honey Bear ranch. Very big Angus steers graze on the hills My concern was something smaller and a bit more stealthy could be a fox or lynx the track was not big enough for a cougar. My head is on a swivel on the way up making appropriate noises around blind corners on the switchback. Three miles I climbed up until I got to the top and saw the lake. Lakes are rare in this part of the country. It is always an event for me to see one. I saw five or six deer playing around the shore Took a number of snaps with the phone until they noticed me and moved on. Got to the top highest point and snapped a picture of the storm coming in from the west. Time to go Going downhill is faster except when you have to deal with ruts and chuck holes. A couple of time I was not to sure if I was going to make it out with a broken something. Thankfully made to the truck just as the storm hit. All told estimated distance round trip 6 miles with 1000 or so feet of elevation and with a ruck on my back with some weight. Nice way to spend a stormy afternoon.




Two and Two sometimes equal Four (real life)

04:39 Dec 25 2019
Times Read: 1,764

I don't understand how I got here. All I know there is no way out of here. I take another swig from the Ouzo. Feel the liquid heat moving down my throat. Where the fuck am I. Looking around I find it is the dead of winter, cold beyond belief. The snow has drifted to five feet and it is the witching hour. Why am I in this godforsaken place. I really don't remember how I got here. My beard and hair are frozen and I am in a bad way. Take another drink from the bottle look at toss it into the snow. I have no memory of how I got to the western Massachusett berg. One of those places that is off the map and time forgot. Lets start with what I do know. It is 3am or there abouts, I am freezing, this is not funny I need someplace dry and warm or I will go where I should not.

The houses look like they were built two centuries ago. This means they have basements and boilers for warmth. Looking about I see what I am looking for..a cellar door built flush to the ground with an angle up. I cross the yard leaving my foot prints in the snow. Another shiver I try the cellar door. It opens. I hear the boiler in the depths below. Warmth. As quietly as possible i take each stair. My frozen body almost falls foward into the darkness. Overhead I hear foot steps coming toward me. As quickly as I can, I get behind the boiler away from the door to upstair. The door opens and they listen. I stay silent. Then a voice, "You may stay the night but begone in the morning." I did not reply grateful, warm and dry. Human interaction was not on the menu . I slept and left in the grey light of morning. I simply vanished.




christmas eve

02:56 Dec 25 2019
Times Read: 1,771




Solar Wind

23:37 Dec 24 2019
Times Read: 1,775

I really like these




Christmas cheer

20:28 Dec 24 2019
Times Read: 1,786

On the eve of the most wonderful day of the year, I wish everyone good cheer, long life and prosperity.

My christmas present to ya'll




The Mystery of the Two Wolves

18:21 Dec 23 2019
Times Read: 1,804

First, the Disclaimer, Any likeness or similarity to anyone on this planet whatsoever is purely coincidental. These events happened a very long time ago.

It is like I am seeing a vision in my mind's eye. All I have to do is give it form and a description. Past few days, I have been on the sidelines. Two words come to mind. "Never More!' Never More!" I have been watching a dance of Masquerades being played out in an endless loop. Only breakable from within.

An example, A very long time ago I knew a vampiress, don't know what kind doesn't matter, she didn't even know. She was of great power and influence. Lived in the northern forests of Norway. She enjoys collecting men, falls in love, sucks them dry and stacks the dry husks in the corner of her chamber for her to weep over. This is her nature. This is what she is supposed to do except the earth-shattering regret she feels. Incredibly, she does this dance over, and over a thousand times and will continue into infinity.

When she found me in the misty park, I was walking away from her she following very quietly. I stopped, turned, and saw her. My green dragon came to me. The dragon whispered in my ear, "let her heal" I walked away and stood over yonder. She screamed, yelled profanities any sailor who crossed the equator would be proud of. " A fair good tantrum wouldn't you say", said the Green Dragon to me.

True to her loop she calmed down and was very sweet. I asked, " Have you heard the tale of the two wolfs" Looking at her smiling. 'No tell me", she replied It goes something like this

"An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

It comes down to which wolf are you feeding. The Vampress nodded and shyly smiled. With that, she leads a happy fulfilling vampiric eternal life. I think you'll get the point. Roger that 10.4 good buddy




Ghosts 3am

07:07 Dec 23 2019
Times Read: 1,812

super chill





21:13 Dec 22 2019
Times Read: 1,826

When growing up Christmas was a wonderous time
Now that I've reached middle age it is time for friends and family.
To those that are spending christmas alone. You are welcome to my table
for laughter and cheer
You are welcome all day and into the night for I am one of you
Merry Yule Tide.




Ghosts 3am

01:00 Dec 22 2019
Times Read: 1,849

This is a favorite great chill song over a sunset by the beach.




Ghosts 3am

00:52 Dec 22 2019
Times Read: 1,857

Quick MrFox is stalking me Ohhhhhh Nooooo It is MrFox



00:54 Dec 22 2019

Oh I know that feeling I have ToxicKitten stalking my ass.

01:00 Dec 22 2019


01:03 Dec 22 2019

Wait till he starts begging for you to be with him....then gives the sob story of how no one wants him to only turn around and degrade you

21:51 Dec 22 2019

Maybe he should stop his game's, then people would talk to him...lol

22:05 Dec 22 2019

We will see...lol



02:53 Dec 21 2019
Times Read: 1,865

Standing in the dark and mist ready for the chase.




Today's Inspiration

01:06 Dec 20 2019
Times Read: 1,874

I have started a grand adventure, a heros journey and I am excited.




Ghosts 3am

22:58 Dec 19 2019
Times Read: 1,883

When I heard this I drifted away between the sky and clouds enjoy.

Caution flashing lights might cause a siezure proceed at your own risk, enjoy.




23:25 Dec 17 2019
Times Read: 1,901

I heard this 5 years ago. Today I am passing it on. Just completed my 1 year quest of 1000 mile rucking and this is to celebrate.




Ghosts 3am

03:50 Dec 17 2019
Times Read: 1,918

These i came across fits my mood.




Ghosts 3am

00:58 Dec 17 2019
Times Read: 1,920

End of the day time for some chill.





20:17 Dec 16 2019
Times Read: 1,927

I' ll put this out there. A computer wizard i am not. How do you change the font and the color of the font?



20:26 Dec 16 2019


This site it font colors, sizing and other stuff will take you through it step by step, there are also samples you can use on there too. Hope it helps hun

20:30 Dec 16 2019

Thank you!


This really really happened to me.

20:07 Dec 16 2019
Times Read: 1,928

Woke up at 0600. Completed morning practice than sat down for breakfast. It hit me. This is so unfair so very unfair. About 1995, I was possesed by a female demon. I became a thrall for this bitch from hell. All it took was a poffered cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup after an hour of... Indeed a succubus from hell, too many thralled boyfriends. The possesion lasted for a year until my Vietnamese friends became very concerned about my behavior. I was a hot mess. Just couldn't get out of the pit, slowing going insane. I had to hide myself. I had a constant hunger, being drained daily by this worker of the worst kind of magik. I won't go into alot of detail now. The evil one had a powder made up of who knows what and from the temple of the Black Buddha, enough said about that. It is to terrrifying to contemplate what was done to me. My friends new what was going on and the helped. By this time I was way down the rabbit hole. Nothing going on every thing is cool, ya right. A hand was offered to me. I was introduced to my future wife, a very honest woman wth a bigheart and the sparkle of magik in her eye. If you know what I mean wink wink nod nod say no more. We traveled halfway around the world to Thailand because thats where we going to break the bad magik. Mr Bond, body guard ,taxi driver ,tour guide, CIA agent, information collector, my friend took us under his wing. Our cover was tourists going around the country seeing the sights while making descreet stops a various Buddhist Temples, myself undergoing various cleansings of the mind body and spirit. We spent a month doing this. The monks knew that I was possesed and that I was in dire need of their help. At the end I was told if I saw this person on the street I would not recognize her, if she spoke to me I would not understand her words. My mind and spirit is wiped clean of her possesion. I was told when I retire I should join them. Soon after I married my lovely wife and have a family I never had before.

So when I get that feeling I have to get it out side myself. Since I am the only one here right now I write about it.

These are the cliff notes.




Ghosts 3am

05:28 Dec 16 2019
Times Read: 1,941

I came across these tunes a bit off the beaten path. I like them because that is where I am.





01:20 Dec 16 2019
Times Read: 1,949

Long day 4.8-mile ruck. Just 6 miles short of 1000 miles for the year. I will pick it up tomorrow. My son brought me a Vietnamese Ba Ca. Big carrot chunks, chunks of stew beef, delicious tendons garnished with a touch of hot sauce. Hmmmmm so good on this cold night. I am grateful for this meal and my son who wants to buy me a sound system so I can cause loud explosions and such. Hope you all that are kindred have a warm and cosey evening. Night all.




07:37 Dec 15 2019
Times Read: 1,959




Ghosts 3am

23:10 Dec 14 2019
Times Read: 1,978

When the world was born
Then did the night did
in rapid machine gun fire
with people and coffee
where did the world go.




Ghosts 3am

22:37 Dec 13 2019
Times Read: 1,989



23:29 Dec 13 2019

WOW, Those lyric's are amazing and powerful to the heart hu...


Ghosts 3am

07:53 Dec 13 2019
Times Read: 2,006

Just another step along the way.

A journey begins with one step

Fall down seven times get up eight.

Then the dance begins.





03:45 Dec 13 2019
Times Read: 2,013

Well well well, this morning getting really excited about walking in the woods. Went to start the element nothing, turned the key again nothing. The dead battery completely drained. These a difficult taking out and very heavy for small batteries.

Yes,I made it to the woodland trails. Missed the cougar warning, It is a dark day with raint very green inside. Saw wild turkeys, goats and of course squirrels. Good time well spent after the randomness of yesterday.



03:52 Dec 13 2019

Happy you got the chance to take your nature walk, its so important to stay in touch with nature.

04:40 Dec 13 2019

Thank you. It ended up being a 5 mile ruck.


Shocker on Old San Francisco Street

00:40 Dec 12 2019
Times Read: 2,037

This is shocking. This afternoon I decided to walk to the library, thats not the schocking part . Walking along someone called out to me. "Hey Dude wait.", a number of times, Turned around a this boy 21-22 in aviator sunglasses ran up to me out of nowhere. "Dude give me back the phone< he said with a slignt accent and a little anger "You stole my phone now you have it give it back dude!" " I don't have your phone." "You stole my phone, I'm calling the cops." "Go Ahead, with what phone." "I got 2 phones, dude!" "Hey stop calling me dude, I am not your dude." Wrong thing to say he addressed me as rat. "You rat stole my phone!"
I started to walk away
"I going to call the police on you rat" "I am leaving now." and started walking " No you not!' This guy is having a fit trying to decide to restrain me call the police or whatever. " Hey it is a Free Country" He responded something about rats that didn't make any sense probably their ability to procreate rapidly. I start walking again down Old San Franciso hoping the weather would hold off be for i got to the library. Here he comes turning into the car lot half his car hanging out in the street. "I am call the cops" and made a big deal of takeing into his second phone. He description was ludicris. "He has a big blue coat on." I walked away He tried to follow. On my way to the Library I stopped by the police station and file an actual complaint. Lesson learned call while it is happening so they can swarm the person. As it was it was 15 minutes after contact. Impossible in this area to track him down try to get the liscense plate.



01:07 Dec 12 2019

lol...now that is Random

03:06 Dec 12 2019

very random


Ghost of Paraguay

20:12 Dec 11 2019
Times Read: 2,044

More chill




Ghosts 3am

02:57 Dec 11 2019
Times Read: 2,051

Something to chill by





13:50 Dec 10 2019
Times Read: 2,068

Legion swarmed into the living room embracing the night. What hit first was the gut-wrenching odor. Legion swarmed on. We came upon a hole in the floor leading to a pit. Darling a glance, legion swarmed down the pit. The odor ripened the further we traveled downward into the bowels of this monster pit. Then the banging started. A sledgehammer wrapping an anvil. Bang Bang Bang.....and we will be right back after a music break from our sponsor...

Where did we leave off, the banging, the stench, legion swarming the pit? We all chanted good morning Earthgrinder. Not getting to close, legion stood watched in awe. Smoke swirled around the enormous shadow. Yellow eyes flickered. Fangs revealed. He growled at them. His beloved minions. Life is simple, there is only right now. Earthgrinder had to remind himself of this every day and in every way, things get better and better. He had been in this pit for centuries. His daily work is to forge tools. The old gods who put him here left him alone. They feared his power, ruthlessness in avenging the helpless, the hurt, the forgotten, the damaged. Let's get back to the action...but first a music from our local sponsors...

The breakfast gong boomed. Legion cheered and swarmed for the great hall. A table was set for a thousand maidens loaded with venison, beef, blood pudding, sweet mints and fruit. Earthgrinder took a steep toward the great hall. The entire cave shook. He made it to his chair and started rendering the freshly killed deer, blood drolling between his jaws. He looked at the far end of the breakfast table. He couldn't believe his eyes. Lilith jumped up on the table and ran at full speed to him jumping into his arms. Kissing everything. She looked into his eyes, " I have a message for you from the Prince. He needs to speak with you about a matter most urgent." Earthgrinder stood up closed his eyes and became his human form. He looked forward to walking in the northern woods. End of Chapter One

Chapter 2
Earthgrinder is standing in the middle of field in the rain, his clothes torn from the change. In the distance he saw the head of a man hiding behind a stone wall by the road. Earthgrinder started running towards the man, who smelled like a hunter (all bourbon and smoke). As he got closer he saw the head disappear behind the stone wall. "What fun" Earthgrinder thought "we have a chase". He saw the scope of the rifle and the flare from the barrel He jumped 70 feet into the air and landed with a bang behind the hunter. The hunter turned his head. Then he heard the whispering breath next to his ear. From the shadows Earthgrinder lurked.
Yellow eyes sharp teeth Massive size. The hunter didn't have a chance. Eyes wide, the hunter blinked and peed himself. Earthgrinder jaws snapped silently, quickly, he swallowed the head, blood spurting like a fire hose from the torn throat. " What a waste", Earthgrinder thought. That was the last of them. His mission for the prince complete. Back to the pit and his legion Maybe in time for dinner.




Ghosts 3am

06:10 Dec 09 2019
Times Read: 2,119




Ghosts 3am

23:08 Dec 07 2019
Times Read: 2,134




Ghosts 3am

20:40 Dec 06 2019
Times Read: 2,146




Ghosts 3am

20:39 Dec 05 2019
Times Read: 2,161



21:35 Dec 05 2019

Cool song...


04:05 Dec 05 2019
Times Read: 2,167




03:59 Dec 05 2019
Times Read: 2,168




02:28 Dec 05 2019
Times Read: 2,173

Sometimes I get lost and can't find my way home.




01:59 Dec 04 2019
Times Read: 2,182




01:44 Dec 04 2019
Times Read: 2,186



01:54 Dec 04 2019

Dedicated to Ember Moon for helping me.

02:59 Dec 04 2019

Beautiful song, thank you.


01:34 Dec 04 2019
Times Read: 2,189




Ghosts 3am

20:53 Dec 03 2019
Times Read: 2,199

Row Boat---Johnny Cash
Doobie Wah---Peter Frampton
Slip inside this House---The 13th Floor Elevators
Mission Venice---Nightmare Wax
Celluloid Heroes---The Kinks
Light of Day---Little River Band
Vivaldi: The new four seasons of summer--- Nigel Kennedy
Amos Ame---Hidria Spacefolk
No Quarter---Led Zepplin
Civilized Worm---Melvras
Mohahammad---The Deadly Warhole

Would some one tell me the step by step process of transferring a music video from U Tube to this journal. Thank you in advance.



00:19 Dec 04 2019

When transferring video from Youtube to your journal, hit share under the video, a selection will come up hit the embed and copy and paste to your journal. Hope that helps

01:20 Dec 04 2019

Thanks I give it a go..

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