To show how smart I am or dumb would be implied here. I got a wopping 50% on the test. It is indeed hard and full or things I had no idea. Hince why I left those unanswered as instructed to do. The questions I did answer were the correct answers. I felt I made a very decent Acolyte. I do Understand Cancer's reasons of making the test. People were just gunning for the title more then helping. I sware no one else was in that box when I was around.
It is a truely hard and difficult test you must master the answers before taking it. Heed my warning. Read all you can before taking it. 30 days is a long time to wait to take it again. OUt of the many Acolytes that where present only 3 have passed the test and have earned there titles. My hat is off to you true acolytes I only wish I could lend you my expierence and service to that rank.
I don't know If i'll take it again. I find my self bored with out it. I bearly do anything on here anymore. I find my uses extremly limited. I only wish to make this site a better one. How many times have I wished to help cancer program this site I can't say cuz it's too numours.
I want to do more then run my little coven.