Jamie's Journal

Jamie's Journal


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16 entries this month

WWJD--What Would Jamie Do? Part 1

10:36 Jun 24 2005
Times Read: 850


Sara and I had wanted to go do something fun. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny, early spring day and we just wanted to be out of the house. That was the time of the year I lived for. I still do. Being 17, the first priority was to find someone to buy us liquor. I called my older friend, Marcus. He obliged me with a bottle of Jack Daniels; a large bottle of Jack Daniels. *closing eyes* I can still smell it...ahh...still feel that familiar burn on the trip down the esophagus. *smile*

*smile* Sara and I were best of friends. I had few female friends. It is still that way. She was so sweet and we had so much fun. We could be found cruising downtown, music blaring (I distinctly remember Aldo Nova, "Fantasy" and Van Halen, 5150 cassette), six point beer hidden from sight. Remember how you used to sneak a swig? *smile* I could fake sobriety better than Sara, so I always ended up driving after a few cold ones. I loved it, as I had no car. And I loved driving her baby blue Ford Mustang. I was in charge of keeping the shit together. I was in charge of finding the keys after she'd lost them.

I loved her. I envied the way she could open herself up, and people would respond with sensitivity. It seemed, with me, when I opened up, people would take advantage or hurt my tender heart. I built my walls strong. Still, I would chance being vulnerable occasionally. Sometimes it worked out. Sometimes it did not, being more vulnerable than I would admit. I miss her so much. She lives in Wichita now. We promised to get together sometime soon. It's hard....I hate the phone, she doesn't get online, where I live.

We decided to pick up Cindy on the way out of town, to a local, smaller town, called Cherryvale. *deep breath* Ah, Cindy...*smile, changing to forlorn, vacant stare*

Cindy was our third wheel girl. She was sweet, two years younger, and could never get things right. She was a Scorpio, and I knew she had intense emotions, but could not show them, or express them as she wanted, so they festered. She could not sustain a healthy relationship, though she desperately wanted one. Guys used her and tossed her aside. We all know that feeling.

She was lonely inside. I knew this. But wanting to belong somewhere, anywhere, she was quite bubbly and easy going, despite the inner turmoil.

Cindy's parents were fanatical Christians. They were constantly pounding Orthodox religion into her fragile psyche. She tried to comply, but she was also trying to find her own path, and that was of the mystical. She came to me for that. Sara was Christian. I was the mystical one. I started her in Astrology, and the Ouija board. She loved it all.

We lost contact with Cindy, when Sara and I both moved away, although in different directions. There were a few letters, a few phone calls, rare visits. One day we heard that Cindy had hung herself off of a bridge right outside her parent's house, from an overpass. It was heartbreaking...but I felt it served her parents for not listening to her, for pushing her into a life she could not tolerate, for not even wanting to know the person she was. At the funeral, Sara and I spoke of how we wished we could have saved her. But, it's all Karma, and is the way it is supposed to be.





Outsource yourself!

01:52 Jun 24 2005
Times Read: 857

Outsource yourself! *smile*

Too busy to maintain your friendships?

Have a friend you just don't need anymore, but you don't have time to end the friendship?

Just want to think about "me" for a bit, and not think about demanding, needy friends?

We've got the answer.


You pay a nanny to watch your kids, and a dogwalker to walk your dogs, why not an Outsourcerer to hang out with your friends?

Outsourcing is more efficient and economical than actual friendship. You'll have more money for YOU once you've stopped spending money on your friends!

WHO YOU ARE: You're a young, fun, urban career-person with plenty of money and not enough time.

WHO WE ARE: We're a group of dedicated friend-providers who put your needs first.

After a short training period, our staff will maintain your friendships when you can't. An Outsourcerer will spend time with your friends and act just like you!

There's no need for a face-to-face meeting with our staff, just fill out a questionnaire about your friend's likes and dislikes, her favorite foods, and some highlights from your relationship.

At Outsource a Friend, we know you care about your friends. We care about you. Give us a try: you - and your friends - won't be disappointed.




Can you read this?

01:40 Jun 24 2005
Times Read: 861

Can you raed tihs?

Olny srmat poelpe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd

waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a

rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the

ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat

ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll

raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed

ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig !!!

Now we know how we all manage to have such great conversations on Instant

Messenger despite typing ability.




*Sniff, sniff*

10:56 Jun 23 2005
Times Read: 865

I am 3% Asshole/Bitch.Not an Asshole or a Bitch.
I am not an asshole or a bitch, more like an asshole and bitch target. I have no backbone, and fold at even a slightly insincere look. I need to stop crying, I am such a wuss.

Well, now I wouldn't say that I am crying all the time. Only on Tuesdays, after 7 P.M....and when people are pricks to me. Ass!




Where I should be, instead of HELLHOLE OKLAHOMA

07:49 Jun 23 2005
Times Read: 868


American Cities That Best Fit You:

70% Austin

60% Denver

55% San Diego

55% Seattle

50% Miami





13:34 Jun 21 2005
Times Read: 877

This man got his prescription for viagra, and goes home to get ready for when his wife gets home. He calls her on the phone,and says, "I'll be home in an hour," "Perfect," she replies.

The man thinks her agreement is because the doctor told him to take his viagra an hour before. He takes the viagra and waits. Well an hour goes by, the man is ready to go, but no wife.

She calls him on the phone and she says, "Traffic is terrible I won't be there for about an hour and a half."

The man frustrated, calls his doctor for advice. "What should I do?" he asks. The doctor replied, "It would be a shame to waste it. Do you have a housekeeper around?" "Yes" the man replied.

"Well maybe you could occupy yourself with her instead?" said the doctor. The man replied with dismay, "But I don't need viagra with the housekeeper…"





13:27 Jun 21 2005
Times Read: 880

Now, I haven't clicked on this link yet, that was added to this paragraph, because I'm uploading at the moment and can't. But I read it, and to me, it sounds too close to beastiality to enjoy the keychain properly. Hey, that's years of therapy, buddie.

"Unleash your inner sex animal with one of these naughty furverts keychains. They look like innocent stuffed animals, but they secretly vibrate!"




Second Joke of the Day

00:37 Jun 20 2005
Times Read: 887

A small boy is sent to bed by his father.

Five minutes later....."Da-ad...."


"I'm thirsty. Can you bring drink of water?"

"No, You had your chance. Lights out."

Five minutes later: "Da-aaaad....."


"I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??"

I told you NO! If you ask again, I'll have to spank you!!"

Five minutes later......"Daaaa-aaaad....."


"When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?"




Joke of the Day

00:36 Jun 20 2005
Times Read: 888

One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm

a mother was tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?"

The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug.

"I can't dear," she said. "I have to sleep in Daddy's room."

A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: "The big sissy."




~Vou Merde~ (formally, I met an Asshole)

09:36 Jun 10 2005
Times Read: 905

Last week I decided to go to the park, alone, and take a walk. I had gotten my icee for the late afternoon, and was in the mood for movement, not going home and sitting in front of the pc yet. It was so pretty outside anyway. Blue sky, warm, but not hot. Finally, some warm weather. I was so tired of being cold all the time. I don't know why I am. It's miserable.

But not this day! Spring was in full swing, and I was taking it all in.

There is a small body of water at this park, complete with ducks, a few geese, a fountain in the middle, and a small waterfall, off to the side. There are small wooden docks, located sporadically, throughout the sides of the water, to stand on, and get a closer gander of the lil ducks. Can you imagine how full the ducks are on the weekends? *laughing* I imagine them to have full tummies by Sunday night, so much so, that they can hardly move! But during the week, starving! I bet they cannot wait for the weekend either. "Everybody's working for the weekend...♪ ♪".

I made a full loop around the water, and ended up at the waterfall, my favorite spot in the park. I do like the bridge across (troubled?) the water, and the docks (where the sailors come in?), but it's a nice little area, where they have made the waterfall. There are flowers around it, water plants, and rock, stacked for cascading coolness.

I jumped up on the wall of the waterfall, like in the picture on my profile page, as a matter of fact.

A group of foreign girls came over, but didn't speak to me. I mention the foreign fact, only because for some reason, the foreigners here, don't speak to the rest of us. I think that's rude and odd (especially in an English speaking country. Well, it used to be). I only hear foreign language from them. But I smile at the girls and they climb around me awhile, letting the kids climb around awhile, and then leave. For the record, part of me comes from Spain (which half, I do not know). Sure, I'm a mutt. Who isn't? *smile* Spain/Sweden/American Indian.

Across the water, I see a group of teenage kids going to the edge of their side of the water, and sitting, standing, running around. That's when I spied the little ducklings swimming around with their mother. How cute! They were so tiny. I was hoping the kids wouldn't mess with the lil ones. Not that they could reach them physcially, but could throw things at them, as kids so often do. Now before you get pissed at me, you be honest, and admit it....think about some shitty things you've done before to a weaker one. You know what I mean. Write me if you are free from naughtiness. *laughing*

Suddenly one of the boys starts chasing a little white duck, until it either jumps in the water, or flys off. He did this several times, and the ducks had limps. They were wounded, from other malicious inbreeds no doubt. I was enraged. I watched for a bit, and hoped the degenerate would grow weary of being a prick, and move on, but alas, he did not. So finally, I got up and walked across the bridge and waited at the end of it, watching the little ducklings for a bit...waiting for the kids to get up. I wasn't going to go to their lair, but equal ground. When they got close enough, I told that imp, quite viciously, "You'd better stop chasing those ducks!! Or it will make you an asshole!!". He smiled at first, when I started it out, but then you could tell, he was asking himself, "Did she just call me an asshole?", as he was walking away to his friends ahead of him. So, he left. I was so glad, I stood there and they were right behind me, talking in hushed whisper, "What did she say? Whatev...". Yea, right, whatever. Since they were still in the area, I stood there for at least an hour, waiting to make sure they weren't going to retaliate towards the ducks. It had occured to me, that because of their numbers, I too could be a victim. Still, I stood my ground, in open defiance to thier numbers.

In the meantime, while I'm waiting on them to leave, a man walks by, I smile, and of course, he stops to chat. He is rather disheveled, not GQ, not Rico Suave...I would say, typical Okie. I was not born here, so I am not an Okie.

People have a way of telling me their whole life stories, as soon as I smile and say hello. He starts out telling me about his mother in the nursing home, and his ex wife, and how he has found a girlfriend, but he doesn't know if it will work out. I tell him about the kid that was threatening the ducks. It was then that a small child is running toward us, chasing one of the ducks, herself, and her father, and small sister, following, wearing overalls and carrying his fishing pole, bucket. I said loudly as they passed, "If the KIDS WOULD STOP CHASING THE DUCKS!...". They moved on. No more duck chasing. That's when Mr. Okie told me he doesn't get to go hunting or fishing anymore....He kept talking, but I didn't hear anything after 'hunting'. Ok, asshole, move on...

The parents of the kids came back, in their VAN, and whisked them away to "Let's make some more-ville", and left. One remained...the ass. But he was alone, and sitting on a swing. He had nobody to show off for, any longer, so I was feeling confident enough to leave. I was able to do so without detection, so he would still wonder where that crazy chick is.

I thought about it, as I always do. I put myself in his place, thinking that maybe, inside, he felt sad that his spring day was tarnished by being called an asshole. I mean, he knew he had been. And then I think, "Well, he was a turd, and should be laying in the yard, or on the bottom of a shoe.".

I don't go around calling people assholes, that often. Oh, well, ok, I sometimes do. Like that time we drove by the anti-choicers as they formed a line of fellow religious finatics along the road. But that was more like, "FUCK YOU!!!", as we drove by. I suppose I am the fighter for the underdog. This is the same person, that goes to great lengths to save tiny bugs trapped in a drop of water, on the sink, or a moth, trapped in the house. The one that tried to save a mouse from the beak of a crow. One that will carry ladybugs to safety from being stepped on, warn others that they are about to step on Fred, my new beetle friend. Remember, though, that I am very, seriously afraid of bigger bugs. I detest roaches, June bugs, creepy crawlys, spiders, snakes (I know, not bugs.), praying mantis (no, it's not because they are praying), etc. .

But I also can't have them in the house, and apologize inside, when I have to take their life. Have been known to cry when the mouse trap snaps. I say, though, if it must be done, make it quick. No torture.

I'm not perfect. I used to spank rolly pollies. *laughing*....I used to hate cats. I had that book, "101 Uses for a dead cat". Funny book, btw. My ex husband juggled one once. Not me! I can't juggle.

I used to dress my dogs up, complete with underwear. Madeline, our Scorpio Cocker Spaniel, would run around the yard, with a ball of shit in them, trying to escape the madness, I subjected her to. That wasn't spite, though, that was pure love for the dog, actually. I also had a pair of angel wings on her. Sorta fits now, since she has passed on.

Even today, I put hats on my hamsters. But it's so damn cute.

So, back to the kid. I guess the point of it all, is, that if you are an asshole, admit it, apologize and move on. And if you are one around me, don't be surprised if I call you on it....and most likely post it for public viewing. No, wait, another thing...don't chase the ducks.




Thank You to Olive

11:55 Jun 08 2005
Times Read: 912

A big thank you to olivetexas, for his help for a few things. Hmm, did that sound bad? Anyway, he was most kind and just wanted to make a note of it. Thanks babe, I appreciate it. *smile*

Yo! Danke! *smile*




Interest Of The Moment

10:46 Jun 08 2005
Times Read: 914

You Were Actually Born Under:
Resourceful and practical, you are a quick thinker.

You are very observant - and it's hard to get anything past you!

A total perfectionist, you are especially picky about looking your best.

You're a big dreamer - such a big dreamer that reality can disappoint you.

You are most compatible with an Ox or Snake.
You Should Have Been Born Under:

You are solid, methodical, and you do things right the first time.

Even when no one else does, you always believe in yourself.

You tend to see the world in black and white, right or wrong.

A good memory and eye for details means you tend to thrive at near impossible tasks.

You are most compatible with a Snake or Rooster.




Murdering Crows

02:47 Jun 03 2005
Times Read: 926

Crows suck. I was outside, saying goodbye to a friend, enjoying the beautiful day, this late afternoon. There are many, big ominous looking clouds in the sky, threatening severe weather. It was pretty hot, so the breeze and clouds, gave refuge from the humidity. After the friend left, D and I were standing in the yard, joking around, when I heard a familiar "scream". It was a mouse! Looking across the street, to the field, I saw a murder of crows, a cottontail bunny and a stray white cat, all running and chaos ensuing. I knew that a mouse was in the middle of it all, and was in trouble. So I ran across the street yelling, but it was too late....the crow flew off, with my unfortunate fuzzy friend in it's mouth. *sigh*

I walked around the freshly cut field for awhile, looking up and watching the clouds roll by. It felt so nice outside. I was wondering about the continuity of life, and thinking, yet again, of my own mortality. Of course, with my 36th birthday rolling round in mere days, mortality has reared it's ugly head quite recently.

I was sad about the mouse, and it's horrible way of leaving this world. How horrible that would be, to die, by being ripped apart, alone, with no chance of rescue! How gripped with fear it must have been, in it's last final moments. Much like livestock is, when they are killed. Their last moments on Earth, are filled with terror, confusion, innocence still lingering. If you think about it, and believe as I do about energy created and never being destroyed, you will realize, that the meat you/we are eating, is filled with this horrible energy. Interesting view huh?

Ah, I understand...It's hard to think about that. It's hard to even want to understand and empathize with the animals sacrificing themselves for us. It fills us with guilt! And we would have to own up to it and be responsible, and do something about it. Most people are not that brave...or too lazy.

Back to the main topic....I continued thinking, in the car, on the way to Wal-Mart, about one of the reasons I don't want to die, is because I would miss out on alot of shit! I mean, I think about everything I would miss, almost on a daily basis, and am thankful for this body, my mind, my heart everything, and everyone around me. But think of all that is to come. Ugh, it makes me angry. *laughing*....I hate being left out of things. I hate missing out. I suppose I will have to linger around, and haunt my old haunts. *smile*

Well, most likely not really. I have learned/heard that after we leave here, we are ok with it, and move on, past our earthly ties/concerns. That could be depending on the circumstances in which we passed over.

Do you think that we would care about life, if we were immortal? Do you think that life is fun, joyous, painful, adventurous, thrilling, etc., because we are going to die? If we were not going to die, there is no risk. Without risk, there is no elation when we achieve our goals...if we set goals. Of course, risk comes in many forms, from bungee jumping, to opening one's heart to another. This is life....

It's a celebration, bitches....




Most Original Line I've Ever Heard...Umm...

12:15 Jun 02 2005
Times Read: 936

Here is the message I received from someone this morn. Ah...where has he been my whole life? I close my eyes and let my imagination take me to him....Apparently he is in the 70s, with big, fake gold chains, open shirt, Paul Stanley hairy chest, baby blue suit, and white platform shoes...with long, fuzzy Elvis sideburns, greased hair, half-shaded sunglasses, and a mixed fruity drink in one hand, umbrella hanging out, and a Swisher Sweet in other hand...chewing gum. Who says romance is dead?

Xxxxxxxxxx: (5:59AM, 11 seconds, June 2nd)

i wanna sex u

My Reply:

I think somehow, you've mistaken me for the Whores-R-Us, store, down on 69th street.

Why can’t men get Mad Cow disease? Because they’re all pigs...

I think you may have to work on your approach Romeo.


I wasn't going to dignify his message with one of my own, but thought I would play with it a bit. At first, I thought, "How dare this fucker talk to me that way? Ass...". Then, I thought, "Well, see if you can break into his wee mind and mill around awhile. You have a few spare minutes.".

And the winner is...for the most original Rave message? I can hardly stand the suspense....




~Life's What You Make It~

11:10 Jun 02 2005
Times Read: 939

This is another lovely song by Talk Talk. Another anthem. I adore Talk Talk. Their 'Colour of Spring', album, was so melodic and melancholy. I fell in love with it years ago. It is still a favorite of mine, and many others. Bon Appetite...

Talk Talk Lyrics




~It's My Life~

10:48 Jun 02 2005
Times Read: 944

For much of my life, I have been rather indignant about independent thought and individuality. Retaining, especially...Not only does this remind me of my life, mortality, etc., but also of my pesky, yet consistant enamoring of amour. This is one of my anthems. I have several, the preceeding song, as another. *pondering*...Hmm, I may make a poll along these lines...*smile*

Funny how I... find myself...

In love with you.

If I could buy my reasoning,

I'd pay to lose.

One half won't do...

I've asked myself,

How much do you...

Commit yourself?

It's my life,

Don't you forget.

It's my life;

It never ends...

Funny how I... blind myself;

I never knew.

If I was sometimes played upon,

Afraid to lose...

Oh, I'd tell myself,

What good do you do?

Convince myself...

Oh, It's my life,

Don't you forget.

Oh, It's my life;

It never ends...

And I've asked myself...

How much do you,

Commit yourself?

It's my life,

Don't you forget.

Caught in the crowd;

It never ends...

It's my life,

Don't you forget.

Caught in the crowd;

It never ends...

Oh, It's my life,

Don't you forget.

Caught in the crowd;

It never ends...



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