Jamie's Journal

Jamie's Journal


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23 entries this month

Been at mom's

12:12 Jun 30 2006
Times Read: 768

Hi peeps! I am sorry to be so late with this entry. I am at my mom's to be with her while she has a biopsy on her kidney. They found a dark spot. She didn't get to have it because they deemed it not safe, and recommend surgery. We have to go see the Dr. today about it, so I need to go to bed. It's after 6am! ha...you know how I am a day sleeper.

Thing is, she also has a tumor on her right ovary that she has had for a long time now and needs to come out too. Which one first though?

I will be back home Sunday night. In the meantime, you guys have a great weekend. =)




Fast update Facts

08:58 Jun 23 2006
Times Read: 775

1. Got a new hamster today. It is a Chinese hamster. Still small. But longer than Tibbs 3rd. I hope it won't bite. It feels weird having another and it not Tibbs 3rd. Went to 3 pet stores to find one I could jive with. Will see. The regular ones were just so big! For some reason, the Chinese one is illegal in some states! ha....Why though? Also apparently the kind Tibbs the 3rd was, is very rare to find and her markings make her even more rare! =)

2. The dog is gone. Some people came and got her Monday morn. I haven't cleaned up dog shit or piss in days, though when I walk through the house, I still look on the floor for stains. I have gotten 1 or 2 night's sleep since then. It was nice....but it's been a hectic week. I will be sleeping this weekend, since Danny will be gone, in Dallas, Texas, going to a Slayer concert with Rhonda and Coby.

3. Schwans food company sucks! They are shitty to their employees and their food is fatty and greasy. They are a horrible company to work for and will run their employees to heart attacks and a variety of other health problems!! I should capitalize that paragraph.

4. I have to go to my mom's on Tuesday to be with her on Wednesday, so she can get a biopsy on her kidney. They found a dark mass about 2 months ago and she keeps freaking out when they try to do a scan. The tube is too confining. I hope she is ok. I can't handle hospital shit as you may remember from when she had thyroid surgery. I almost fainted when they put in her IV. Twice. I am all cool and calm and then BAM, waves of nausea and anxiety hit me. Thing with me, is that to the outsider, one would not know that I am freaking out. I keep it as locked tight as I can, as long as I can.....to escape and freak out in privacy. Usually involves a Xanax.

Note to self......take Xanax to mom's.

5. I have been taking these past few days off, for myself after the dog ordeal.

6. I went to the eye doctor, after no sleep all night and morning. The car has no air conditioning so it was so hot, for an hour and a half. I did get some colored contacts though to play with. It was a bit anxiety producing to put them in. They are a bit blurry on the sides because it doesn't fit EXACTLY over the eye, but very close. So when you blink they kinda move around. But not too bad. Not so bad that I wouldn't use them. What was bad was trying to REMOVE THEM! Oh man that was frustrating. When you try to slide it off your eyeball, you want to blink because it blurrs your vision and you have fingers in your eye. So you blink and it goes right back to the middle of your eye! Grr....you have to sortof slide it to the side bottom and try to pinch it....but since you can't grab it really, it's hard to do. That shit about contacts popping out in the movies....bullshit. haha....I only WISH it would have. But I will use them again, just giving myself time to do it. I have an Aqua I want to try that is pretty but has a slight prescription in it....one someone forgot to get. Also a Green and a Jade. There is so much that can go wrong when using these things! Jeez! Don't do this, don't do that.....wash this, wash that.....careful that you do this or don't do that......oi!

7. Time to go watch O'Reilly factor. It is a good one tonight. Taping it.





11:25 Jun 21 2006
Times Read: 783

How do you reply or respond to this?

"Member: Lathander

Subject: help

Date: Jun 21 2006

Question: hey I've in 2 covens so far got kicked out both of them, I wasn''t on rave for quite sometime, when I came back on I found the covens and it's all new to me, I don't know what I should do to stay in a coven

Yours Truley Dead Lathander


UM...? HUH?!




Beginning today...

13:40 Jun 16 2006
Times Read: 794

Beginning Today...

I will no longer worry about yesterday. It is in the past and the past will never change. Only I can change by choosing to do so.

I will no longer worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will always be there, waiting for me to make the most of it. But I cannot make the most of tomorrow without first making the most of today.

I will look in the mirror and I will see a person worthy of my respect and admiration. This capable person looking back at me is someone I enjoy spending time with and someone I would like to get to know better.

I will cherish each moment of my life. I value this gift bestowed upon me in this world and I will unselfishly share this gift with others. I will use this gift to enhance the lives of others.

I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and to revel in the mysteries I encounter. I will face challenges with courage and determination. I will overcome what barriers there may be which hinder my quest for growth and self-improvement.

I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time. Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self-image, my desire to succeed or my capacity to love.

I walk with renewed faith in human kindness. Regardless of what has gone before, I believe there is hope for a brighter and better future.

I will open my mind and my heart. I will welcome new experiences. I will meet new people. I will not expect perfection from myself nor anyone else...perfection does not exist in an imperfect world. But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.

I am responsible for my own happiness and I will do things that make me happy. I will admire the beautiful wonders of nature, listen to my favorite music, pet a kitten or puppy, and soak in a bubble bath. Pleasure can be found in the most simple of gestures.

I will learn something new; I will try something different; I will savor all the various flavors life has to offer. I will change what I can and the rest I will let go. I will strive to become the best me I can possibly be.

~ Penny White ~




Spelling, people! Jeez! And, what the hell is that?

09:58 Jun 16 2006
Times Read: 796

I was spying new profiles tonight. Just a few of the GUYS quotes.

"the night is so dark, beautiful amd mysteries i love it"

"fuck it all fuck this world fuck everything that it stands for don't belong don't excist don't give a shit don't fuckin judge me"

"the blood of the week shall be spilled and the blood of the strong shall be drank"

"Vamp Killers Mohterfuckers"

"abadon all hope ye who enter here"


Here is one that exudes intelligence:

"how would u like to suck my balls"


This one I don't really even understand, though I read it several times.

"Love and War A love never really is lost"


"let the darkness consum your soul when all else has failed"

"people like us there is no simpothy ,there is only pain."

Actually, this could be a favor being fulfilled. :P

"i'm cumin for u"


"life is short my ass....its the longest thing youll evry fucking do you ass hole"

"Natural Born Alcholic"


"I can make you immortal.....kinda"

"love in vein"

I have no idea what this shit is:

"Die or gave me satisface"

"Come with me in to etenaldarkness"

"life a bitch thin u die fuck the world let all git high"

And this one pretty much says it all:

"It takes a smart man to know when he's stupid."




From LandoverBabtist.com, on childbirth

07:36 Jun 16 2006
Times Read: 800

"1. Ladies, keep your legs crossed until after midnight. A True Christian™ lady always keeps her knees together -- and June 6 is no time to stop. As your demon child willfully pushes and kicks, causing your lady hole to dilate to the size of a drainage pipe, keep your knees locked together at all times. This will give your demanding child a wonderful, early lesson that he can't always have his way. To underscore this valuable disciplinary message, as the devil child flops around, trying to claw its way out to the human world to do Lucifer's bidding, continue to warble in a loud voice, "La la la la la la la I CAN'T FEEL YOU!"




What we hear when we try to sleep or walk away...shh...shhh...

07:27 Jun 16 2006
Times Read: 802

Dog for sale:

And the other I just took tonight:





13:07 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 807

This is most pressing! We must do this. Read, sign, pass on, whatever you need to do. But we must do something. This is not the first I have read about this. Ebay is also sending this out, along with another that someone sent to me from their IP.

Read this!!!





Words of wisdom for this hour

12:51 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 808

"The future, higher evolution will belong to those who live in joy, who share joy, and who spread joy."

-- Torkom Saraydarian

Joy, as the energy of love, is the highest vibration on this planet. Everything in the universe is energy; it can be measured and reduced to vibrational frequencies. It's a universal law that as we think and feel we vibrate, and as we vibrate we attract. When we are in the high joy vibration, we attract what is for our greater good.

The Ancient Egyptians saw Joy as a sacred responsibility. They believed that upon their death, the God Osiris would ask them two questions: "Did you bring Joy?" and "Did you find Joy?" Those who answered 'yes' could continue their journey into the afterlife.

For at least the next week or two, ask yourself these two questions each and every day: Did I bring joy? Did I find joy?

"Man loves because he is Love. He seeks Joy, for he is Joy. He thirsts for God for he is composed of God and he cannot exist without Him."

-- Sathya Sai Baba




Ugh, still 64%?

12:38 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 810

I hate having to fuck with that shit again. It drives me crazy. I have been at this % forever it seems. You would think I would be Sire by now.




Drama back...jeez, where's the clear box or Admin when you need it?

12:33 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 814

I wish I could have booted that druidia chick. She has been a troublemaker at least twice since I have been on tonight. She fucks with everyone. Jeez....

Bottom up to read. This seems to be her typical convo style:


07:31:34 - Jun 15 2006

no problems just being a bitch today as my eternal prince aint here*crys*


07:31:32 - Jun 15 2006

have fun ...


07:31:22 - Jun 15 2006

this prof is done....


07:31:12 - Jun 15 2006

sorry all i think i will go now look for me on myspace...


07:31:10 - Jun 15 2006

wow i thikn we all need to calm down lol


07:30:35 - Jun 15 2006

hey enough blacklist me if u dont like me


07:30:15 - Jun 15 2006

not u was tlaking to vampire slayer sorry hugs lol


07:30:08 - Jun 15 2006



07:29:38 - Jun 15 2006

i wasnt bothering u druidia i was just wondering when i spoke u kinda snapped and i was wondering at who just chill


07:29:37 - Jun 15 2006

all i did was give him advice and he freaked out on me


07:29:16 - Jun 15 2006

np just dont go after me when i didnt do shit


07:28:36 - Jun 15 2006

*wakes up* sorry druidia


07:28:20 - Jun 15 2006

i didnt start the drama he did leave me alone thanks


07:28:06 - Jun 15 2006

oh ok i was wondering ~closes my eyes~


07:27:51 - Jun 15 2006

looks like the drama is back


07:27:36 - Jun 15 2006

vicous lol


07:27:09 - Jun 15 2006

??? who are u tlaking to if i may ask


07:26:37 - Jun 15 2006

dont send ur friends ot me ok stick up for ur own grounds mr vampire if u were a real vamp u wouldnt have to have ur friends come to me


07:26:23 - Jun 15 2006

~goes and sits in the box~


07:22:41 - Jun 15 2006

leaves the box again


07:20:55 - Jun 15 2006

druidia if i want to talk to you i will ok?


07:18:03 - Jun 15 2006

oh vicous grow up please


07:17:51 - Jun 15 2006

lol hehe


07:17:24 - Jun 15 2006

urm okay. what ever floats your boat!


07:17:17 - Jun 15 2006

umm ....*leaves the box


07:16:43 - Jun 15 2006

woops dm im drunk...


07:16:13 - Jun 15 2006

oh hey dn ur on my flist hugs and gives u a kiss


07:15:50 - Jun 15 2006

*ponders in drunk stumbles into vicous arms*




Arg matey!

12:26 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 816

Cade and I were chatting again tonight. I beautified one of his pictures for him and placed it in my portfolio. I called him Cap'n Cade and he said I could not do that unless I put a parrot on his shoulder, so I did.

He so funny. I just love him.




One of the things that made my night

12:25 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 817

Not at all. You replied much more promptly than I expected you to,,it's a pleasure to recieve you. I do have one question that maybe you could answer for me before you run away though. How do you manage to stay looking so good..what exactly is your secret? I need the pointers with all the bodily and emotional stressers in my life. :)

- D

I had to laugh and check and see if he went to my journal and wrote that to make me feel better. No, he hadn't visited it. Made my night.





10:41 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 818

You hear me behind you just before you feel my hands upon your shoulders. Your shock is evident. Your body freezes for just a moment, but its a heart beat to long. Your head is bent to the side, and my teeth are upon your neck in a flash. The heat of my mouth burns your soft skin, and sets a fire with in your moist folds. You close your eyes to relish the feeling.

You have felt the bite of

Master Thoth




Lights, camera, drama...

06:19 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 821

I happened to catch some of a convo in the box tonight as well. It reminded me of Khay's journal and her copying some to hers. I follow suit. Drama! It's all in there! ha....


00:43:49 - Jun 15 2006

thanks vicious thanks


00:43:43 - Jun 15 2006

how old are you druidia?


00:43:37 - Jun 15 2006

when i got problems myself


00:43:28 - Jun 15 2006

afte ri fuckin helped u


00:43:22 - Jun 15 2006

but u call me carazy


00:43:15 - Jun 15 2006

yea right.


00:42:44 - Jun 15 2006

we all arnt happy we are jsut masking our pain


00:42:42 - Jun 15 2006

and i get backstabbed


00:42:35 - Jun 15 2006

even tho im depressed i sitl intedn to help others


00:42:18 - Jun 15 2006



00:42:05 - Jun 15 2006

but im crazy?


00:41:57 - Jun 15 2006

lol * hugs*


00:41:49 - Jun 15 2006

i wana end my life


00:41:42 - Jun 15 2006

meanwhile u are all happy


00:41:05 - Jun 15 2006

and thats end of story


00:41:05 - Jun 15 2006

oh Rzr *hugs*


00:40:57 - Jun 15 2006

so he lied to me countles times


00:40:47 - Jun 15 2006

which i havent


00:40:37 - Jun 15 2006

and then he calls me crazy saying im acting like hes my bf


00:40:17 - Jun 15 2006

and im on depresison told him ima kill myself which i am


00:40:14 - Jun 15 2006

and im on depresison told him ima kill myself which i am"




Oh yea, I forgot!

05:01 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 824

I forgot to write that I turned the big 3-7 on June 5th. It has me a bit down and a bit depressed about how hard it is to keep ahead of gravity and why I should even have to worry about it.

I mean, you see older people as you are growing up and think that is them....not you, or will it ever be. *sigh*




Well, that will do

04:56 Jun 15 2006
Times Read: 826

I have been feeling very unpretty lately. Especially last night, when I was taking some pictures, trying for some different shots. Why won't my hips behave?

When I logged back in here, I got this message:




Jun 14 2006

dam you are beautiful hello how are you




Jun 13 2006

You are.. amazingly gergous!

Holy tsunami.




Sean Paul rant

05:30 Jun 14 2006
Times Read: 829

I like hip hop. Yep, if it makes my ass wanna get up and move, I dig it. But I can't stand that Sean Paul shit. That, Sean Paul song, "Give it up to me" shit. It is on my XM radio right now and it fucking sucks. It gives me a headache and I can't hear it. I mean, what is that shit anyway? It's not rap....it's not hip hop....it's not just pop.

It's annoying, that's what it is.

Rant over......this one anyway.




Train wreck with Barbie!

05:28 Jun 14 2006
Times Read: 830

The other night on the way home, we went over the tracks. I was watching out the window and saw one of those large, pink Barbie cars that little kids ride around in. It was all crashed up and laying right by the tracks. I thought that was so funny. "Oh no! Barbie wrecked into a train!". Or, what kid was "driving" his toy car across the tracks and wrecked? Was it in the paper? HA...





05:19 Jun 14 2006
Times Read: 831

I was telling someone here about all the cats we feed outside (15 at one point a few years ago). It started about 14 years ago when the old woman next door moved, and left all those cats behind that she was feeding, for us to take care of. And how now they depend on us and currently trying to find new places for them to dwell, though some are too wild to pick up.

The guy said, "well u shouldnt have started it years ago dont u have a humane society they could go to..."

Guys are so sensitive. I thought, "Ok, I am done with you, pal.".




What the hell is that?!

14:47 Jun 13 2006
Times Read: 838

I just tried to pick up something the dog....expelled..... and almost threw up. I had to run to the sink to throw up....didn't, but I am still on the edge.

Whatever it is, it's yellow...smells like shit, but has hard bits in it. Still warm.....

I don't know what end it came out of, but that is dag nasty evil.




Puppy = mentally challenged kid

11:44 Jun 13 2006
Times Read: 845

Still dealing with the new puppy. I need to keep a tally of how many pee and shit spots I clean up in a day......and how many times I get up out of bed to rearrange her toys, her leash, and to see if everything is ok.

Having a puppy is like having a mentally challenged kid.

We haven't decided on whether we can keep it or not. The sleep thing is pretty big, meaning, I am not getting any.

I am currently (as I type), trying to get some pictures posted so you can see the lil diablo. Ha. I am resizing now. I had not put pics in my pc from the camera in a long time, and it said I had 391 in there. Ew. That has taken awhile to accumulate.....I obviously haven't taken them to get printed either in awhile. Egads...What will that bill be to get them developed?

Check Portfolio for puppy pics.




I'm the Juggernaut bitch!

10:55 Jun 08 2006
Times Read: 860

This is funny shit. It's just silly and off the wall. It's obviously some guys sitting around, filling in their own words. It's funny the way he says, "Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut bitch!". All the things he says under his breath is funny too. HA...

Little did I know that this is all over the internet in threads, etc. (myspace sort of shit). My younger brother showed it to me.



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