JaydeBloodaxe's Journal


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10 entries this month

00:12 Dec 30 2017
Times Read: 357

I noticed when I get sick I don't do much but stay in bed and watch on the kindle anything. I mean anything. I was watching asmrs, ghost stories, and somehow stuff on stars. which I am not into but it was neat to watch for some reason. I got brain dead and know I lost brain cells but it was comfy and well I wanted nothing to do with the real world. I was sick through xmas and normally go to church. I was not having that either. So I basically went on a binge fest.
Do I do that often nope. Would I do it again.. probably if it helps evade people and stuff in general.
Xmas I got a new chair which was awesome for the old computer chair was truly annoying and well would slide with ease. This one actually supports the back and my roommate asked if I wanted to try her chair and see if I would like hers and I was like um no. I like the new one thank you. The fact that she wanted it made me wonder things that is for sure. For she never does that sneaky shit and well she really wanted that silly chair for hers. I was like huh something new I have seen in doll maker aka doll fundie aka speaks to her dolls and such.
She got my friend evelyn a doll which was a cosmic cat and it glowed in the dark and I was thrilled to say she got me motived like a kid with my elf one. She asked what its name was and such and I was like huh she is jazzed more then I am abut dolls. anyways we went on a normal tangent not talking to the dolls but figuring out what we wanted with the dolls and she was invited to the next doll meet so I was actually looking forward to getting crafty but I was still sick. She dressed her doll three times and well she went gung ho in away that motivated me to get crafty with my doll. My roommate cannot do that for she talks daily for some reason to hers and I was not going to have that for sure with evelyn so we got to talking about ideas and well brought me back to child hood when I used to punk out my barbis. which was cool for I was surprised that evelyn was more looking forward to it than Karen.
I am making a tea time for our doll meet and it will be cool I think for it will be valentines and spring forward. GOing to make an elf costume for the girlie I have. hehe




20:10 Dec 21 2017
Times Read: 375

For four days I have been wishing this stomach bug would be better. Yes I can sit up but truly I am sick sitting up even. I have to say the only positive thing about this is I have lost weight. Would I wish this on an enemy? nope. Not even sure what it is other then nothing taste good and ginger ale and showers are all that feel good. I move I am in the bathroom. An animal steps on me I am at the bathroom. Someone calls I am at the bathroom. My dad along time ago called this stomach bug montazumas revenge. My roommate got sick and I got it in away I cannot even express how mad I am. My immune system has been down for days and I have to say even with lack of sleep and I am glad she isn't here for I want to harm her for giving me this ick. I have not been this sick since a child and for me to be sick there is a problem. No one else got it like I did and I am still praying to the toilet gods that it stops. So if anyone has a cold my advice is keep it to yourself and don't give it out to others.. It is selfish and yes it is gross.



13:52 Dec 22 2017

Fell better soon!

05:07 Dec 25 2017



positive aspects of today

01:52 Dec 15 2017
Times Read: 382

Did allllllllllllllll my laundry I mean allllllllllllllll of it
Walked the animals
Filled out the ssi paperwork allllllllllllll of it it was about 4 hours worth of stuff. Shezzzzz
Got Jewish symbols for cookie cutter from roommate
Looked at games today played a bunch of them to ignore the doggies that are abit mischievous
cooked dinner
Ate cream puffs as a breakfast. Teehee it is great to be an adult and eat whatever the heck you want.
Roommates were gone most of the day had time to breathe
Mailed out ssi stuff for tomorrow’s mail.
Made test marcoons not sure I want to make them as a treat.
Dna song was truly a fun song. Danced…..
oh gave trolls out to roommates hehe yep they needed happiness makers. They forgot what it is like to be inspired by little things....




Little things in life

01:35 Dec 13 2017
Times Read: 385

positive aspects of today
told off my psychologist for she believes I am okay on the medicine she has me on but no joke she believes me to be fine. I know I am not fine. Memory wise it is shot at times. She sees that I am truthful but she really does not believe me. Which I don't like.
Atka is quite used to a routine and is good on that.
I got cream puffs as a desert
I was fed pizza with coke for dinner and it was nice to have a starch intake havent had starch in a while. for dinner at least.
Got spiraled ham for christmas early but roommate wanted ham. I wanted turkey so I got a turkey too. Muhahahaa
I got coke muhahaaaa in the veins mmmmhmm yummy....
hmmm pain in body is at the normal section of the back and not all over like yesterday.
and I got to play dragonstory this morning so I am a happy dragon girlie.




00:38 Dec 12 2017
Times Read: 389

Well today has been busy.
Went with Karen to get fresh veggies and meats and fruits. It was about time for a food run. So we were gathering like mad. Meat for later and then some. Fruits and veggies up the yin yang other roomie did not know what to do. She was in shock with the fruits and veggies literally taking over the metal baskets. She was like ok. I was like pears are something karen and I like. Bananas everyone eats and the oranges and apples strawberry eats so it was a fruit bowl cornucopia. Apparently she was like as long as that it is eatened. I was like it will be. Trust me on that one. Then realized she had been eating sour cream which is not on her diet but I was allowed it that is why it came to the house. LOL I brought in stuff and all of the sudden they are eating more things they don’t eat on a diet.
Anyways karen was proud of our foodage to the point she help decorate the fruit bowl with strawberry. She drove me out there and I went shopping. She made it seem like she did it. I was like uh okay… Moved on from that for I had injections in the back today to go to.
The doctors have been injecting me for months and it does not remove the pain. Just leaves me wanting a tattoo on my back saying bitch please enough of the epidural things that don’t work on this body. She injected me I called the old pain management place for no joke they still have not sent the fax and it was not done so I called while getting injected and I was not getting off of it until I got my mris sent to me and got that accomplished. If these don’t work she is going to burn my nerve endings? I was like that is not going to help with all the disc issues I have. She looked at the mris and she was truly annoyed with my tone of voice. I was not going to do this nerve block without knowing what she meant by burning nerve endings. Sounds to me that if it does not work it would be more damage on my back. I am not looking forward to it and want a second opinion.
Cooking and pondering imagine that. Well kittens and toms I am out tonight.




23:50 Dec 10 2017
Times Read: 394

Okay I have been to church today and it was divine. The blood and body of Jesus makes me warm and fuzzy every time I do the symbolic act. Its almost like a dance of real blood mixing into the mouth and getting high off the person. Can be done just not recently been done.
I have not fed like that in a while. Rightly so though for my sexuality goes into a huge upgrade and then well brings it to a new level and some like it some don't.
I went to a party Saturday thinking I was going to be annoyed and hounded by men and I found a group of gay men that were just perfect to hide and stay around and communicate for the night.
I was thrilled to be safe in a ring of men that I did not have to worry about straying or wanting something I am not even prepared to go there with. For I am not. I am realizing that my food has to be yummy and not many are and if it is sex well that is another yummy not going into. I was not in the mood and was really okay which was lovely. I seemed to have more fun then my roommates. They saw me in a circle of men and I was playing card games with them and not making much of a fuss about being there. They had to pull me out of the darn party to go home. WEG
Too funny I know. They were eating and talking and such with people and I just kind of found the gay crowd and played games all night making even them blush sometimes. I love gay men they are so robust and freeing with how they love. It is so cute to watch a couple or not a couple but a bunch of them flirt and then find themselves realizing as one of the guys I am a girl. LOL They forget most of the time when I get into a nitch. Seriously fun and seriously funny that my roommates had less fun than I. At the party they wanted to go to and I did not. Well that is how I roll be around the cute ones and literally have fun with no worries.




20:14 Dec 09 2017
Times Read: 401

Well I might actually do the documentary for Vampires depending on the timing and such. They are interested in me for, one I am not the normal vampire type and two I am blunt to the point that they want me to discuss life. I can from the stand point of being born this way. I am totally not one for the word "vampire" for I was taught that is what humans use it for reference for what they don't really know. I am Ori and I am fine with that term.
I look forward to showing people a better view on us. Not the dark clothes and light make up and in a group being goth. I was taught not to get in a hive mentality for it truly makes people. Nor is it healthy to just drain whoever either. So I have different skills in hunting and we will see what happens not sure yet but thinking about it seriously.
bite marks to all. WEG



20:51 Dec 09 2017

LOL make sure to get them to send you a letter of intent that includes the fact that they will not try to spin things negatively and if any negative subject will be brought up that they will give you the professional courtesy of preparing for an accurate choice of words. Please seek counsel from your society and make sure that everyone contributes and votes in favor of the answers you will provide.

20:54 Dec 09 2017

Make sure its notarized or at the least have three or more witnesses signatures on it. So if they try to crucify you on tv you can take legal action.

20:59 Dec 09 2017

Be respectful in regard to peoples identities. Do to negative connotations for so-called vampirism, most for the sake of maintaining professional relationships wish to not revile their true identities.

21:01 Dec 09 2017

Yes, we do come from all walks of life. You're going to kill it.

23:51 Dec 10 2017

Not going to be rude. But thank you for the advice good to know.


03:13 Dec 09 2017
Times Read: 408

Well damn. I was not prepared for extra guests but got them today. I guess an acquaintance had to get away from her home and so she came here. To get away from her roommates. I was like I wish I had a place to run away to. Goodness I do. Not much has been going on in my world other then everything in retrograde is going on. Freaking retrograde until the 22nd. I am stuck with seeing crap. feeling like crap, and going through it gooooddddesss help me on this one for sure. I had my ear phones on and no shit cabbies to crazies wanting to talk to me with earphones on. The cabbie talked my music off. I mean for real. He had to talk about my skeleton dragon in my front yard and what he would do with it. I mean had tooooooo. rolls eyes.. then I get home and again another wacko talks about how women are in his life and don't mess around with them. But he dates them anyway. I mean I looked on my forehead it does not say talk to me in bold. Cannot wait for crazy to go away. Roommates don't have any curiosity to crazy all over the freaking place. not in the right way or in a good way either peeps. I need a nap... but I am baking so I have to wait. BLAH




23:30 Dec 07 2017
Times Read: 409

Well today was eventful. Computer decided to work so I am back online woohoo.
Went to a new dr to which he could only treat my knees and also then said you have eds then no we cannot even help you for the long term plan would be rough for you. They were talking about knee replacement. I laughed and said um not helpful but good to know.
I was told to look into universities that might have a area to which they can use me as a labrat how fun is that? Um not fun but none the less looking into it. So I go onto www.ehlers-danlos.com it is the society page and there are no listings I can find on doctors in my area. How interesting I am unique in health issue but the doctors are also unique. At least there is a help line for it but its through email imagine that. www.ehlers-danlos.com so if anyone needs help that is the email they ask you to look at which is also their website.




21:23 Dec 02 2017
Times Read: 418

I guess it is in my dna that I am not looking for a mate at this point. I have had enough of fakers and well if it was real then I would know it.
Plan to do the tv documentary that the guy looked for people on vr for psi and sang vamps. I am well both so I don't mind. I plan to go to NYC and see some old friends after it and then leave again. I don't look vampire so it is about time that vampires who don't look the part come out and discuss life and such. I mean for real. Real vampires that are out there if you are in NJ or NY let me know they are looking for people that are not for a witch hunt and also not the normal looking vampire.



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