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So not only have the Russians lied about scaling down the invasion of Ukraine, but it seems Putin was misled(lied to) by his advisors. Perhaps they told him what he wanted to hear? Perhaps they were just stupid ? Perhaps they intentionally lied to him, in order to entice him into folly, which might hasten his departure (guess what I mean by that)?
In any event this is what Mango simps for.... This former president... the only President in history to encourage violent insurrection in this Country sucks up to the dictator of Russia... because he wants to be like him.....
From what I understand the claim of the 3 million from the Mayor of Moscow has been debunked several times.... not that it matters to Mango and his mugwumps.
In addition to being racist the GOPQ is full of hypocrites. However, the mugwumps are probably unaware of the stat as they watch FOX and this clip was from MSNBC.
Republicans Debating Death Penalty For Women Who Have Abortions
09:52 Mar 29 2022 Times Read: 395
And does this actually surprise anyone?
And in Missouri, they are debating whether to kill doctors who provide abortions.
Also in Missouri Republicans wish to stop women from leaving Missouri to receive an abortion.
You see, your land of the free, really wouldn't be free under a second Mango term. These Republican controlled state legislatures would run wild. I suspect that in the future pregnant women will be housed , in secure locations, until they deliver.
Where to begin ? Truckers are the new scientists my ass. The dingbat doing the talking in Gym Jordan's office is so far off the mark, as to be laughable.
He is a perfect example of why parents SHOULD NOT control the curriculum in schools.
Let me see, a P.H.D or a trucker? P.H.D.
A M.D. or a trucker? M.D.
An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner or a trucker? A.R.N.P
A Registered Nurse or a Trucker? R.N.
If I want directions to Omaha.... then maybe a trucker... but I'm more likely to look at Google Directions.
But if you insist go ahead and take horse de-wormer, or drink some bleach, or stand in the sunlight and chant. I wouldn't want any of those in the video within 6 feet of me
Chris Wallace Speaks Out Against FOX Election Conspiracies
19:53 Mar 27 2022 Times Read: 432
This article appeared at
Former Fox News host Chris Wallace has opened up about his surprising decision last year to jump ship for rival network CNN ― saying Fox News’ post-2020 coverage became “increasingly unsustainable” for him and that he disagreed with its airing of political conspiracy theories.
“I just no longer felt comfortable with the programming at Fox,” Wallace told The New York Times in an interview published Sunday.
The veteran news anchor, who joined Fox News in 2003, said it wasn’t until after former President Donald Trump’s 2020 defeat that he felt a shift at the network. He said he could no longer do his job well and feel good about it, and that he spent “a lot of 2021 looking to see if there was a different place for me to do my job.”
“I’m fine with opinion: conservative opinion, liberal opinion,” he said. “But when people start to question the truth — Who won the 2020 election? Was Jan. 6 an insurrection? — I found that unsustainable.”
Wallace told the Times that he complained to Fox News management over the quasi-documentary miniseries “Patriot Purge,” in which Fox News host Tucker Carlson baselessly suggests the 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was a “false flag” operation intended to demonize the far right, among other conspiracies.
Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera also called out Carlson’s series at the time of its release, calling the “false flags” claim “bullshit” on Twitter and describing his colleague’s work to the Times last October as “inflammatory and outrageous and uncorroborated.”
“One of the reasons that I left Fox was because I wanted to put all of that behind me,” Wallace said of other Fox News hosts’ stances, when asked about some of their recent commentary on Russia and Ukraine.
With his new weekday gig at CNN+, the network’s streaming service, Wallace said he’ll feature a range of guests, including from beyond the traditional scope of politics. He’s enthusiastic about the change, though he said he was “obviously unhappy” about former CNN President Jeff Zucker resigning over a scandal just weeks after Wallace himself joined CNN.
Wallace had cited working with Zucker as a reason for joining CNN when he announced his resignation last December.
The departure of Zucker, who hired him, “is not ideal,” he told the Times.
Note: Translated.... FOX is bullshit.... All you mugwumps should pay attention....
Did you hear the caller's voice and content? Like I said in the previous entry..... Mango supporters are RACIST.
And a couple of other small matters..... both the Kavanaugh and Thomas confirmation hearings had SWORN testimony from each ones accuser..... SWORN.... the accusers put themselves forward and testified UNDER OATH in front of news cameras that they were both assaulted by the nominee. Outside of denials from the nominees there was no proof that what the accusers TESTIFIED to was incorrect.
Fuck, those hearing even differed from the mugwumps claims of voter fraud.... since no one raised their right hand or filed an under oath affidavit to that claim of fraud.
Maybe he is the anti -Christ...... on the other hand he is exceedingly illiterate....... fixated on toilets and windmills........ and draws on storm maps with a marker.........
I can assure you , he is not what we need.... unless you believe in racism, white nationalism, have a hatred of people different from you..... and are just plain stupid
Well 6 Million Jews were exterminated by Hitler..... Do you know anything about a ship called the St Louis which sailed from Hamburg Germany in 1939 for Cuba? Over 900 Jews were onboard ,seeking asylum there. The Cuban authorities refused to allow them entry. The United States and Canada refused them entry. The ship returned to Germany. Over 200 of the 900 plus died in the Holocaust.
Joseph Stalin had starved MILLIONS of Ukranians to death because he wanted to seize their private farms and replace them with state run collectives... not to mention stifle their independence. Of course, this country was silent.....
Not to mention, Russia became our eventual ally in WWII...after Hitler fucked them over
This is more than politics.....
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha
11:50 Mar 26 2022 Times Read: 475
Listening to the Republican Senator from Tennessee is painful for me.......
And I have read the 1619 Project........ The book sits in a bookcase a few feet away....
And I would point out that the prevalence of so very many confederate symbols at right wing rallies (Republicans) , and the association with those symbols with racism pretty much tells you that yes there are plenty of racists in this Country.... mainly on the Right.....
as well as the statistics on wealth and homeownership
Well I mentioned this a couple days ago. Here is the clip. Oh, and let's say Southern States banned interracial marriage...and Northern States allowed it...... What happens when an interracial couple from the North moved to the South? mmmmmm I guess a visit from the local proud bois, or those sheet wearing clowns would be on the agenda, right?
Oh, and yesterday U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R) suggested that the case allowing birth control to be sold was incorrectly decided.
You see where this is going, right?
They are looking for ways to increase the WHITE birthrate...... they don't like the idea of a white minority...... yes, that is my opinion... but think about it
Don't forget Mo Brooks had body armour on during his appearance in front of the group of Insurrectionist/Traitors before they marched and stormed The Capitol on Jan 6, 2021.
1. So Republican U.S. Senator Mike Braun has stated that interracial marriage should not be legal nationwide and that individual states should decide.
For those of you who do not know Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, was a landmark civil rights decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that laws banning interracial marriage violate the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Yes, they really want to go back to the 1950s.
2. In todays Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings of Ketanji Jackson... Republican U.S. Senator,Lindsay Graham, of South Carolina asked her to rate how religious she is.......
Do you believe that fucking question ?
3. And in the same hearing Republican U.S. Senator, Josh Hawley, of Missouri (remember him he gave the fist pump to the treasonous insurrectionists back on Jan. 6, 2021) attacked Judge Jackson on the grounds she sentenced criminal defendants to lightly..... It should be noted that she follows the sentencing guidelines as mandated by the Congress
4. Utah Gov. Spencer Cox vetoed a ban on transgender students playing girls’ sports on Tuesday, becoming the second Republican governor to overrule state lawmakers who have taken on youth sports in a broader culture war over how Americans view gender and sexuality.
See, they all aren't complete morons.
5. Eric Grietens ,Republican of Missouri , who is the former governor of that state and is now running for U.S. Senate, has been accused by his wife Sheena ,in court documents of physically abusing their children and her.
You may recall that Greitens resigned as Governor of Missouri in 2018 amid a sex and campaign finance scandal.
So there you have it..... all of this in the last couple of days.... and these clowns are in addition to the antics of Cawthorn, Space Laser Barbie, Paul Gosar, Lauren Bobert
Let me sum this up..... She is Anti -Semitic, She doesn't like people of a different skin color than hers, She doesn't like being caught on tape looking like the TRASH that she is......
She is not overly bright..... So much for her prolife stance... Oh, wait, that doesn't count.... they should surrender... no, they shouldn't. She needs to be removed from Congress ..... she can go back to bumfuck Georgia and polish her guns and White Nationalist paraphernalia. Don't forget she just appeared at a White Nationalist gathering in Orlando.... I'm sure she wants all that TRASH fully armed
Seems Tuckums is essential to the Kremlin propaganda effort. As noted it is unknown whether the leaked Kremlin memo is real however, what is accurate is that Russian State Run Media plays portions of his show all the time.
Don't you just love how his brows scrunch up as he delivers his line of bull to the mugwumps..... isn't it funny how these freedom lovers, life protectors , abortion opponents would allow the Ukranians to be slaughtered... who actively suggested the U.S. join with Russia (yep, Tuckums did that)
And if your state is controlled by a Republican legislature and a Republican Governor... it's coming your way too..... though there maybe a few exceptions.... but in Floriduh where Gov. Dumsantis is a clone of Mango you can expect more of this fuckery.....
mmmm.... hopefully China can influence Vlad..... or maybe the Russian Generals will wake up and take Vlad out back..... but what would that mean ? Would it mean that the U.S. and it's allies lift sanctions? Would it mean that McDonalds and Starbucks rush back? Would it mean that American Express and Master Card begin to process transactions again? I would hope NOT.
You see though removing Putin has an immediate effect.... there is still the problem of those who think like Putin..... the Russians need to purge those individuals once and for all.... because if not, this will happen again
Yep, Mango is a Putin puppet.... probably it's because he wants a Mango Tower in Moscow.... or because Putin has the videotape of the Russian Hookers pissing on Mango or vice versa.... as we all know Mango is unable to keep it in his pants
In any event, a reminder that he was impeached the FIRST time over Ukraine.... and though he likes to say the phone call to Zelinsky was perfect...just perfect..... it was an attempt at blackmail.... nothing new from this family of grifters though.
And this 38 y/o told the Federal Judge he has no savings...doesn't own a home....doesn't own a car... so the Judge appointed the Federal P.D. which is appropriate
Now consider this...this piece of garbage wanted to tear down the system... a system that he has no stake in.....
I suspect that given his history.. that of police informant.... he will be flipping.... OK give him 20 years.... but under a different name. that is all he deserves.. and nothing more
This same law and order guy, who promotes Insurrection who has threatened Democrats and others who don't get into line with violence once again charged with a misdemeanor....
This same guy has lied about being accepted to the Naval Academy...lied about the accident that put him in the chair... lied about the election.....
Hey, Mugwumps in his North Carolina district.... isn't enough enough with this clown?
For the mugwumps here.... the LSAT is what is used to get into law school..... But you see here that Putin advocate, Tuckerofsky, wants you to think that these scores are commonly released when an individual is nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court.... they are not... for that matter G.P.A.s aren't released either...... though there maybe mention that so and so was a member of the Law Review, which indicates their grades were in the upper percentile or that they clerked for so and so which again indicates their grades were in the upper percentages..... She graduated Harvard Undergrad and Harvard Law School
As for Tuckerofsky.... his application, back in the day, to join the C.I.A. was REJECTED.