You must obtain the following items; 7 black candles, 7 white candles, a plucked, dead, whole chicken, baby oil, a paper bag, matches, a clean white cotton cloth,
At the next full moon, place the candles in a circle in your living room. Alternating black and white. Light the candles. Remove all your clothes. Take the white cotton cloth and pull baby oil on it. Next rub the oil all over yourself. Then , wash the chicken. Place the chicken into the paper bag.
Enter your living room and sit in the middle of the circle of candles. Place the bag containing the chicken in your lap. Still your mind. Become one with your surroundings. Remain still for at least ten minutes, Then leaping up you run out into your front yard, swinging the bag containing the chicken over your head and shouting "I'm a werewolf, I'm a werewolf".
Upon your release, from the local, locked, psychiatric unit you will never again think of becoming a werewolf but to your neighbors you will always be werewolf boy/girl!
19:30 Feb 06 2008
haha i love it
21:55 May 11 2008
once I found a spell on the internet that apparently could turn someone into a frog, I tried it on at least three people and not one of them transformed into anything so remotely frog like. So i suppose the moral of this story is don't always trust what you read on the internet or find more effective ways to turn your foes into amphibians .
13:26 May 13 2008
hope it don't turn me into a chicken!!! lol
13:03 Oct 31 2009
LMAO nice
13:48 Jul 07 2010
I'd pay money to see this! ;)
20:12 Jan 17 2012
Would a duck work?
14:54 Jul 12 2012
23:24 Jan 09 2013
Love it!
00:08 Apr 17 2013
hahahahaha lmfao that's hysterical!!!!
04:37 May 22 2013
Lmao!! nice way to trick some one in to it! hahah! i know who i will get my silly brother inlaw! cuz he believs everything lol!:))) thanks 4sharing btw!:)
16:20 Jul 26 2013
Thoroughly entertaining~ * grins in amusment *
17:34 Nov 12 2017
Lol very nice ^_^ Very entertaining indeed
12:03 Jun 20 2018