LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


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22 entries this month

GOPQ = Racism

11:32 Nov 30 2022
Times Read: 262

Yes, for all you inbreds, you can deny it all you want.... but it's true... so go and genuflect in the direction of your fucking confederate flag and pay homage to the orange jesus.




More on Elmer and The Other Traitors

01:41 Nov 30 2022
Times Read: 272




Elmer Found Guilty

01:10 Nov 30 2022
Times Read: 274

Elmer found GUILTY of the most serious charge. Meggs was too. I will get to the entire verdicts later. Both are going away for years. All 5 were found guilty of various offenses. 3 were acquitted of seditious conspiracy




Lake Didn't Win Mango Says Make Her Governor

00:46 Nov 29 2022
Times Read: 285

Former President Donald Trump called for defeated Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake to be named victor and appointed governor on Monday while repeating baseless voting fraud conspiracies that he has similarly used to contest his own 2020 defeat.

Trump, in a post on Truth Social, claimed without supporting evidence that the former TV news anchor-turned politician was a victim of “another criminal voting operation” and that her Democratic opponent, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, “ran the election.”

“Massive numbers of ‘BROKEN’ voting machines in Republican Districts on Election Day. Mechanics sent in to ‘FIX’ them made them worse. Kari had to be taken to a Democrat area, which was working perfectly, to vote,” he wrote. “Kari Lake should be installed Governor of Arizona.”

Lake previously said that she chose to vote in a “liberal” district in downtown Phoenix on Election Day “because we wanted to make sure that we had good machines.” She did not suggest that this decision was based on her encountering malfunctioning machines.

Lake has refused to admit defeat to Hobbs and last week she filed a public records lawsuit against Arizona’s Maricopa County that demanded documents related to the election.

This lawsuit follows Maricopa County, the state’s largest county, reporting some issues involving printers at roughly 20% of its voting locations.

Local officials said the printing issues did not prevent anyone from voting. It also was not exclusively in either Republican or Democratic voting districts as claimed by Trump and other Republicans, according to analysis of the locations by the Associated Press and The Washington Post. Both outlets also found that some voting locations that reported issues were in precincts that skewed heavily Democratic.

Lake, since announcing her political run, has publicly presented herself as an election conspiracy theorist and a 2020 election denier ― insisting that Trump fairly won his reelection campaign against President Joe Biden and that electronic voting machines can’t be fully trusted.

In August, she filed a lawsuit ahead of the midterms that requested a hand count of all ballots. That lawsuit, which was filed with the then-Republican nominee for secretary of state, who also lost his race last month, was dismissed by a federal judge who said it failed to show any realistic likelihood of harm from using the machines.

Maricopa County’s Board of Supervisors, which is controlled 4-1 by Republicans, will vote to certify the election’s results on Monday. The state certification is set for Dec. 5.


Same old song.... they can't win and they say don't accept the vote... I mean WTF there were 10s of 10s of supporters of Lake...




MAGA Supporter Arrested For Threatening F.B.I. Agents

10:47 Nov 20 2022
Times Read: 308

A North Carolina MAGA supporter has been charged after allegedly threatening to kill an FBI agent, as well as members of a fact checking organization because they were “defaming” Donald Trump.

Stephen Jike Williams made threatening comments in an email and on social media, according to the complaint against him, which was first reported by the Daily Beast.

Williams sent an email in September to progressive fact-checking organization Good Information Foundation, ordering members to “cease and desist all defamation and slander of MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump,” according to the complaint.

“This is Treason, an act of war. and we will treat you accordingly,” he wrote.

Williams allegedly also warned: “Lethal action will be necessary if any physical detainment is attempted when I shut you down.”

When FBI agents showed up at the door of his Stokesdale home last month after being alerted by the fact-checking organization about the threat, Williams told one of the agents: “I’m going to take you out,” the complaint states.

He has been charged with threatening to kill a federal law enforcement officer and transmission of interstate threats.


I want the MAGA trash to keep up their stupidity.....




Federal Judge Compares Jan 6 Insurrectionists To Nazis

11:11 Nov 19 2022
Times Read: 313

A federal judge on Friday raised the specter of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler as he noted similarities in the mindset of U.S. Capitol rioters mesmerized by a “demagogue.”

Senior U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton pointed to the chilling comparisons as he handed down a three-year sentence in his District of Columbia courtroom to rioter Dustin Thompson of Ohio, who had blamed Donald Trump for his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol in the former president’s waning days in office.

Walton said he was struck that the college-educated Thompson fell into the “rabbit hole” of conspiracy theories and embraced lies spread by Trump that the 2020 presidential election had been rigged against him.

“We saw it happen in Nazi Germany. A very educated, intelligent population was able to be swayed to engage in the atrocities that took place in Germany based upon a demagogue,” Walton noted, according to Business Insider. “It seems to me you bought into that same type of mentality,” he added.

Walton called it “utterly scary that we still have millions of people ... still buying a lie that’s not based on anything other than someone who’s unhappy because they didn’t get what they want.” He was apparently referring to Trump, who was incensed over his loss of the popular vote and the Electoral College count.

Thompson was found guilty earlier this year of obstruction of a government proceeding, entering a restricted building, and disorderly and disruptive conduct. He was also found guilty of stealing government property, including a coat tree and a bottle of bourbon from a Senate office, as Trump supporters marauded through the Capitol.

Thompson had testified that he believed he was following “presidential orders” when he stormed the Capitol with a mob intent on disrupting Congress as it met to certify the electoral votes for Joe Biden.

He told Walton on Friday that he was “deeply ashamed” and apologized to the U.S. Capitol Police and “everyone in the United States.”

He admitted his “participation in the insurrection threatened the government.”

In April, after a jury found Thompson guilty, Walton warned that “our democracy is in trouble because, unfortunately, we have charlatans like our former president, who doesn’t, in my view, really care about democracy but only about power,” Business Insider reported. “As a result of that, it’s tearing this country apart.”


Well the judge is almost right.... but don't be misled by thinking ALL the Jan 6 Insurrectionists are intelligent.... thugs, racists, traitors ...... yes




Walker Talks About Being A Vampire

13:48 Nov 17 2022
Times Read: 327

Herschel Walker delved into an ancient, mythic debate during a Wednesday stump speech in Georgia.

The Senate candidate came out as pro-werewolf as he described the plot of a vampire movie.

"A werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that," he told a crowd.

US Senate candidate Herschel Walker of Georgia delivered a bizarre diatribe about vampires and werewolves during a stump speech in McDonough, Georgia, on Wednesday in a verbose example of the former athlete's ongoing, unorthodox candidacy.

Walker, a Republican who is headed to a December run-off against DemocraticSen. Raphael Warnock, regaled a Georgia audience this week with the plot details of a vampire movie he said he was recently watching late at night.

"I don't know if you know, but vampires are some cool people, are they not?" the congressional candidate said. "But let me tell you something that I found out: A werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that."

"So, I don't want to be a vampire anymore," Walker added, without further context. "I want to be a werewolf."


mmmm I wonder what the Bible thumpers will make of that speech?

So send a few dollars to Warnock through secure act blue. I did last night and will again....



13:48 Nov 18 2022

Good for you. We are donating to him and wrote 1000 postcards to Georgia voters (lots of new voters) encouraging them to get out and vote.


Former Mango Aide Trashes His Announcement

23:31 Nov 16 2022
Times Read: 339

lol.... there you go

And Ivanka and Jared WERE NOT present. Ivanka has said she will not be participating in politics

Matt Gaetz refused to attend... lol as did other GOPQ imbeciles

They are turning on The Orange Jesus

Side Note: Send a few dollars to Warnock who is in a runoff with that idiot Walker.




MSNBC, The Hill and CNN : Hobbs WINS

02:37 Nov 15 2022
Times Read: 353

Lake is MAGA...an election denier..... she has called the Maricopa County Elections Chief corrupt. The Maricopa County Elections Chief is a Republican.... so you know Lake is as deranged as the Orange Jesus




SNL on The 2022 Elections

21:19 Nov 13 2022
Times Read: 368




Dems Retain The Senate

20:41 Nov 13 2022
Times Read: 370

Democrats keep Control of the Senate




Nebraska Raises the Minimum Wage

00:32 Nov 13 2022
Times Read: 380

Nebraska voters opted to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2026, up from the current $9 an hour. The vote was 58% to 42% in favor, according to Nebraska Secretary of State data.

It is expected to benefit about 150,000 workers, according to the National Employment Law Project and the Economic Policy Institute, which are both left-leaning groups. Some 75% of the workers are over the age of 20.

The measure will provide these workers with an additional $2,100 in pay, said Kate Wolfe, campaign manager of Raise the Wage Nebraska. More than 25 organizations and lawmakers are in the coalition that supported Initiative 433, which was backed by The Fairness Project.


You see when it is put to the voters they will vote to raise the minimum wage. When abortion is on the ballot the voters will in all likelihood vote to protect a woman's access to that .

But watch how the GOPQ wants to deny them that.....




Kelly Re-Elected In Arizona

10:51 Nov 12 2022
Times Read: 388

With Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly’s victory on Friday night, Democrats are just one seat away from keeping control of the US Senate as all eyes turn to neighboring Nevada, where the competitive Senate race is increasingly trending in Democrats’ direction.


Two States remaining Nevada and the Georgia runoff. GOPQ Laxalt has a lead of less than 800 in Nevada, however, it is dwindling because well we call it counting the votes. There are still a number to be counted there.

The Georgia runoff is set for Dec. 6. If you have an extra 10 send it to Warnock. Use secure act blue. I still do not understand how an incoherent, liar like Herschel Walker, who is obviously lacking mental capacity could even have received as many votes as he did.

Now back to Arizona.... Mango has called for a new election in Arizona... yep he did it last night... lol..... this guy will never learn. Friday night brought many GOPQ voices out to say that it was time to move past Mango... I guess he didn't like that.




White Nationalist Calls For a Dictatorship

02:43 Nov 12 2022
Times Read: 394

There has only been one idea that white nationalist Nick Fuentes has come up with that was pretty solid. "I'm either voting for Trump in '24, or I'm not voting," he said in September, vowing to "spoil it for Republicans if we get DeSantis." Fuentes, who is just minutes from walking around with a drool cup, also advised that aside from people living in Arizona, there is no real point in voting in the midterms.

And now, he's big mad at the midterm election results. I guess it's because the biggest loser of all yesterday was Donald J. Trump, who is still having a meltdown on his failing Truth Social platform.

We are in the minority," he continued. "There are not as many of us as there are of them. If they all had to vote, if you forced every man and woman in America to vote, there would be more of them than us by a lot. That's why they win the popular vote. That's why they win the House. That's why it is the way it is. And I hate to burst anybody's bubble, but there is simply no evidence that there is a silent majority. There is no evidence of this. Frankly, there are too many non-white people in the country for that to be the case."

"When you look at these things like abortion, it's popular," Fuentes added. "And you can thank the Jewish media for that. Abortion is popular, sodomy is popular, being gay is popular, being a feminist is popular, sex out of wedlock is popular, contraceptives—it's all popular at all. That's not to say it's good. That's not to say I like that. Popular means that people support it, which they do. It sucks, and it is what it is, but that's why we need a dictatorship. That's unironically why we need to get rid of all that. We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe or force them to play by our rules and reshape the society."

Good luck with that, you snot-nosed little rancid piece of racist shit. He admits they are in the minority, so how in the whole entire hell of Gilead does he think he can create a dictatorship? Doesn't he have some wings to pull off of a butterfly -- or perhaps a hobby to keep him busy? I know, how about a job.


So there you go... this little piece of shit knows they are out numbered... knows they can't win so what does he want ..he wants a fucking dictatorship in order to reshape society and force their beliefs on the rest of us.... Will someone pie this little fucker




Men Storm School Bus, Yelling Obscenities and Shouting Heil Hitler

13:18 Nov 11 2022
Times Read: 404

Paige Fry and Rosemary Sobol, Chicago Tribune
Thu, November 10, 2022 at 9:57 PM·1 min read
CHICAGO — Chicago police are looking for a group of men who stormed a school bus, where they spewed antisemitic slurs and threatened to harm a 12-year-old boy in the West Rogers Park neighborhood on Wednesday, according to officials.

The bus was dropping off elementary students from a local Orthodox Jewish school when, around 5 p.m. in the 2800 block of West Jerome Street, the men entered the bus, according to Chicago police, who said nobody was physically injured.

“At one stop, four men jumped into the bus, hurled antisemitic slurs, and performed the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute at terrorized children,” according to a statement from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

After the men threatened to hurt a 12-year-old boy, they fled in an unknown direction, police said.

“The Simon Wiesenthal Center is urging anyone with information about the antisemitic incident to contact the Chicago PD or the Midwest offices of the Simon Wiesenthal Center,” said spokeswoman Alison Pure Slovin, in the statement. “This shocking incident took place on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Nazi pogrom that destroyed almost all synagogues across Germany in 1938. Many members of the Jewish community have family who lived through those horrors.”

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is a Jewish global human rights organization dedicated to imparting the lessons of the Nazi Holocaust and to combating antisemitism, according to the statement.

Area 3 detectives are investigating and no arrests had been made as of Thursday evening.


There you go, MAGA at work




Now The GOPQ Wants To Raise The Voting Age

02:06 Nov 11 2022
Times Read: 414

As Gen Z headed to the polls this week, conservative commentators had a message for young voters: please stop.

Tuesday’s midterm election saw Gen Z come out strong for Democrats, including for their generation’s first U.S. representative: Maxwell Frost, a 25-year-old Democrat from Florida. The young blue bloc left Fox News personalities dismayed, with other conservative voices suggesting that the minimum voting age be raised from 18 (currently enshrined in the Constitution) to 21 or 28.

“The fact that these youth voters are coming in so strong in an off-year is very concerning,” Fox News commentator Jesse Watters lamented on Wednesday night. “It looks like they’ve been brainwashed. This new generation is totally brainwashed ‘cause a lot of these single women [who] vote 37 spreads for Democrats, are teaching all of our younger generation in these schools and they’re polluting their minds and then they grow up and they’re in their twenties and then they vote for leftists.”

Exit polling shows strong youth support for Democrats, typically on issues like climate change, reproductive rights, and guns. Voters aged 18-24 (all of whom fall into Gen Z) voted 61 percent for Democrats, while the 25-29 age group, some of whom are Gen Z, voted 65 percent blue, exit polls show.

Allies Beg Trump to Delay 2024 Announcement After Midterm Flop

Research by Tufts University’s Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), suggests 27 percent of people ages 18-29 voted in the election. It’s the second-highest youth turnout in midterm history, Al Jazeera reported.

Frost, the newly elected representative from Florida, said his generation is fired up over the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and economic issues like student debt.

“We see that young people see the economy through a very specific lens, looking at things like crushing debt, not because we live beyond our means, but because we’ve been denied the means to live,” Frost told The Daily Beast. He pointed to President Joe Biden’s student debt relief program as a win with young voters.

Other Fox stars acknowledged the right’s weakness with young people. “We have to win over voters outside of our traditional base,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on her program Wednesday night. “That means young people too.”

Young voters’ support for Democrats actually softened between 2018 and 2022, exit polls suggest. Democratic support among the 18-29-year-old age cohort dropped seven points between the two elections, according to a CNN analysis of exit polls. But virtually all demographics swung right this election, with Democratic backing taking a larger hit in other age groups like 30-44 year-olds.

Other conservative voices were less rosy on winning the youth vote. In a now-viral series of tweets, anti-Muslim activist Brigitte Gabriel suggested barring America’s youngest voters from the polls.

“Raise the voting age to 21,” Gabriel tweeted, immediately after noting that “We were promised a red wave and we got a red puddle.”

She went on to tweet that “Generation Z thinks doing drugs in the street should be legal. Generation Z also thinks speech that offends them should be illegal.”

Though Gabriel didn’t specify which drugs, a Gallup poll last year found that 68 percent of Americans (including 50 percent of Republicans) support legalizing marijuana. And despite a strong push by Republican legislatures to ban educational material about race and gender issues, Gen Z students overwhelmingly favor strong free speech rights, 2022 polling shows.

Not to be outdone, conservative radio personality Peter Schiff suggested cutting out current Gen Z voters altogether. “Let's raise the voting age to 28. If I was still 18 I'd support this,” the 59-year-old tweeted.

The current 18-year age minimum for voting is guaranteed by the Constitution’s 26th amendment, which passed, in part, because the Vietnam War draft was conscripting people too young to vote.

Frost said he wasn’t shocked to hear talk of disenfranchising young voters. He likened the talk to existing measures that make voting more difficult for people of color.

“When voters don’t vote in their favor, what do they look to do?” he asked. “Change the votes, change the electorate, change the people who can vote. That’s why we see these horrible voter suppression laws championed by the GOP to suppress the votes of Black and brown people, to put it bluntly.”

“I think the GOP's doing the calculation,” Frost added, “‘half these people can’t vote yet. What does this mean for us in the future?’”


Folks, as I have said the GOPQ are anti democratic and want a fascist state... I'm so fucking glad these GEN Z ers think as I do




The Day After

22:46 Nov 09 2022
Times Read: 424

The Senate is up in the air. There will be a runoff between Warnock and the incoherent, Herschel Walker. In Arizona the Counting continues with Kelly's lead shrinking. John Fettermann in PA beat Dr. Oz. A 25 y/o Max Frost (D) was elected to congress from Florida. Interesting name he has... Has anyone seen a very old movie called Wild in the Streets ? The main character was..... Max Frost

A woman's right to an abortion was enshrined in the State Constitutions of California, Vermont and Michigan. The State of Kentucky rejected a referendum which would have prevented Kentucky from EVER enshrining abortion rights in the Kentucky Constitution.

Of 9 Republican candidates for Governor of various states, who were all election deniers, ALL of them lost.

Anyway, I will write more or post more as it trickles in.... but the red wave was a fucking pink trickle. It defied historical norms... because usually the party out of power sweeps into the Congress and Senate BUT NOT THIS time.

Oh one more thing , Lauren Bobert (R) , a nutcase is behind in her race to be re-elected to Congress and they are still counting votes but apparently many, many voters are fed up with her out in Colorado, But it is close..




Glenn Kirschner On Elmer's Testimony

20:52 Nov 05 2022
Times Read: 439

Kirschner was in the courtroom and observed Elmer's testimony.




ELMER Has Taken The Stand

00:49 Nov 05 2022
Times Read: 446

So for those not following the case, The U.S. Government has rested. The defense has begun their defense. Elmer Stewart Rhodes founder and chief thug of The Oath Keepers has begun to testify.... :) Due to the abbreviated Friday in Federal court he will resume his testimony next week....

lol.... I suspect his own arrogance will trip him up... he has already called the 2020 Presidential election unconstitutional.... :)

stay tuned




G.O.P. Rep. Crenshaw Says Election Deniers Know It's A Lie

15:05 Nov 04 2022
Times Read: 453

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) revealed what election deniers actually say behind closed doors as a slew of reality-defying candidates run as Republicans in next week’s 2022 midterms.

“It was always a lie. The whole thing was always a lie. And it was a lie meant to rile people up,” the Texas Republican said of the lie that Donald Trump was cheated by widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election during the latest episode of his “Hold These Truths” podcast.

“I’ve talked about this ad nausea, it really made me angry,” the former Navy SEAL told election reform advocate Nick Troiano. “Because I’m like, the promises you’re making that you’re gonna challenge the Electoral College and overturn the election, there’s not even a process for you to do that. It doesn’t even exist.”

“So I was like, ‘What the hell are we doing?’ And I would tell that to people kinda behind closed doors too. Especially a lot of the rabble-rousers, like the political personalities, not even the politicians,” he said.

Crenshaw recalled “arguments behind closed doors in the Republican Party before that.”

The lawmaker continued:

But even just the others, they’re like, ‘Yeah, we know that, but we just, you know, people just need their last hurrah. Like, they just need to feel like we fought one last time. Trust me, it’ll be fine.’ And I was like, ‘No, it won’t. That’s not what people believe and that’s not what you’re telling them. And maybe you’re smart enough to know that but like …’ So we have a lot of people in the political world that are just willing to say things they know aren’t true, they know aren’t true. It’s a huge manipulation.

Crenshaw, in the aftermath of the 2020 election, supported a Texas lawsuit that challenged Trump’s defeat, but he’s now a fierce critic of those who falsely claim Trump was the election winner.


Crenshaw is a Texas Republican, former Navy SEAL, who lost his eye in combat. Note, he says the whole reason is to rile people up. Well, those riled up are the dumber, more easily led people in the country. Those riled up are stupid enough to resort to violence .

Better wake the fuck up.... VOTE




F.B.I. Has Credible Evidence of Threats on Synagogues

10:00 Nov 04 2022
Times Read: 457

The FBI said on Thursday it had received credible information about a “broad” threat to synagogues in New Jersey, a warning that prompted some municipalities to send extra police officers to guard houses of worship.

The nature of the threat was vague. The FBI’s Newark office released a statement urging synagogues to “take all security precautions to protect your community and facility,” but wouldn’t say anything about who made the threat or why.

The alert was posted after officials discovered an online threat directed broadly at synagogues in New Jersey, a law enforcement official said. The posting did not target any specific synagogue by name, the official said. The official could not discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Messages left with the FBI’s Newark office weren’t returned.

Public warnings about nonspecific threats against Jewish institutions, made by a variety of groups including Christian supremacists and Islamist extremists, aren’t unusual in the New York City metropolitan area, and many turn out to be false alarms. But the area has also seen deadly attacks.

In Jersey City, Mayor Steven Fulop said police would be posted at the city’s seven synagogues and foot patrols would be added in the broader Jewish community. In 2019, two assailants motivated by anti-Jewish hate killed a police officer, then drove to a kosher market in Jersey City and killed three more people, before being slain in a gun battle with police.

Police officers armed with rifles guarded a synagogue one city over, in Hoboken, where the public safety director also announced increased patrols in Jewish communities.

Five years ago, two New Jersey men were sentenced to 35 years in prison after being convicted for a series of attacks in 2012 that included the firebombings of two synagogues. They also threw a Molotov cocktail into the home of a rabbi as he slept with his wife and children.

In 2019, a man stabbed five people at a Hanukkah celebration at a rabbi’s home in an Orthodox Jewish community north of New York City, fatally wounding one person.

U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a New Jersey Democrat, said he was “concerned and outraged” by the latest threat against Jews.

“I am deeply concerned and outraged by today’s alert from the FBI,” Gottheimer said. “This is what happens after years of antisemitic comments from public figures,” he added, citing recent comments by Kanye West and a social media post shared by NBA star Kyrie Irving.

The FBI didn’t release any information suggesting the threat that prompted the warning was related to the public debate over those comments.


I'm sure the perps are all registered Republicans




Fed. Judge Orders True The Vote Founder To Comply Or Go To Jail

10:12 Nov 01 2022
Times Read: 469

On Thursday, a federal judge in Texas found True The Vote's Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, a former Texas official who claims that "2,000 mules" stole the 2020 election from Donald Trump, in contempt of court. Engelbrecht is a friend of Ginni Thomas's , by the way, and her group has collaborated with QAnon. And the story is about to get weirder.

Via The Texas Tribune:

They are facing accusations of defamation and computer crimes from a company at the center of a viral right-wing social media campaign engineered by the conservative voting organization.

The judge informed the pair they would face jail time if they did not comply with the terms of a court order by Monday at 9 a.m.

"I expect both defendants to be present," said U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt, a Ronald Reagan appointee, looking at their table. Marshals, he said, would be ready to arrest them.

The judge told Engelbrecht and Phillips that they would face jail time if they do not comply with the terms of a court order by Monday at 9:00 a.m.

Thursday's hearing, which took place on the 11th floor of the federal court building in downtown Houston, was the first time either Engelbrecht or Phillips have appeared in court in the matter. Engelbrecht and Phillips testified only after the judge demanded they do so — Hoyt needed their testimony so he could rule on whether the pair should be held in contempt of court for refusing, for weeks, to hand over information he'd ordered they produce to the plaintiffs.

The two don't seem to want to give up the names of certain individuals. Could it be because there weren't any individuals and they really did just defame a company because they thought they could?

At issue is the name and contact information of individuals Phillips and Engelbrecht have alleged were present at a Dallas hotel meeting in January 2021, when True the Vote was allegedly given proof Konnech was improperly storing the personal data of “millions” of U.S. poll workers on a server in China. True the Vote then used that information to fuel months of vaguely defined accusations about the company and Yu in podcasts and appearances.

Phillips and Engelbrecht repeatedly claimed Yu was an agent of the Communist Party of China. China, they said, had used the poll worker data to influence the 2020 election. The claims have powered weeks of fundraising for True the Vote, and Phillips and Engelbrecht have enlisted their followers to do additional research on Konnech. It’s an undertaking they’ve named “The Tiger Project.

Engelbrecht and Phillips have been promoting election conspiracy theories for years without evidence to back those wild-eyed claims up. Claims of voter fraud that don't exist did not start with Donald Trump. These groups are supported by powerful and wealthy donors, so it's a money-making thing for them.


The leader of the group that has had people stalking voting drop boxes. I know she has court tomorrow on a contempt charge in AZ. pic.twitter.com/KuBPad6ukX


lol.... you see it's a little something called discovery where you turn over your list of evidence and list of witnesses to the other side AND holy shit what do you mean we have to testify UNDER OATH.... lol



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