LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


Honor: 89    [ Give / Take ]


20 entries this month

GOPQ Charlie Hates Halloween

15:12 Oct 30 2023
Times Read: 126

By Frances Langum — October 30, 2023
Ironic that pumpkin head Charlie Kirk thinks Halloween is from...the devil?

Sure it's a pagan ritual, Charlie, but so is a Trump rally.

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): Halloween is coming up, which is All Saints Day, but let's just be honest, Halloween is a dark, dark day. Not a fan of it. It's what you do with it. Not a fan of all the kind of dressing up and all that nonsense. I don't like it.

And if you are a Christian, you must be, and by the way, if you're also a Jew, because this is a Old Testament law, you must not engage in any of these practices of the occult.

I find that there is far too much kind of joking around and playing loose and fast with this stuff. There is legit darkness that can be channeled and put in there. And by the way, this, again, this is an Old Testament law. So this goes for both Jews and Christians.

So that's just a good word for Halloween. Don't even play around with it. Stay away from it. It's explicitly said.

Okay Charlie, no witch's brew for you.





MAGA Mike Johnson-The Speaker of the House

16:04 Oct 26 2023
Times Read: 149

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has a history of harsh anti-gay language from his time as an attorney for a socially conservative legal group in the mid-2000s.

In editorials that ran in his local Shreveport, Louisiana, paper, The Times, Johnson called homosexuality a “inherently unnatural” and “dangerous lifestyle” that would lead to legalized pedophilia and possibly even destroy “the entire democratic system.”

And, in another editorial, he wrote, “Your race, creed, and sex are what you are, while homosexuality and cross-dressing are things you do,” he wrote. “This is a free country, but we don’t give special protections for every person’s bizarre choices.”

At the time, Johnson was an attorney and spokesman for Alliance Defense Fund, known today as Alliance Defending Freedom, where he also authored his opposition to the Supreme Court ruling in Lawrence v. Texas – which overturned state laws that criminalized homosexual activity between consenting adults.

ADF wrote an amicus brief in the case which supported maintaining criminalization.

MAGA Mike also was a leader in calling the 2020 election rigged.... so now this is what you have.... a handful of right wing crazies have gained control of the U.S. Congress

“States have many legitimate grounds to proscribe same-sex deviate sexual intercourse,” Johnson wrote in a July 2003 op-ed, calling it a public health concern.

“By closing these bedroom doors, they have opened a Pandora’s box,” he added.

Now, Johnson is the speaker of the House at a time when a majority of Americans are strongly supportive of gay rights.

In the House Republican Conference’s voting for their speaker nominee, Tom Emmer, who initially beat out Johnson, came under fire from conservatives for voting to codify same-sex marriage in 2022.

Johnson, according to Punchbowl News, reportedly made an issue of Emmer’s vote. Johnson voted against the bill. In 2022, Johnson also introduced a bill that some describe as a national version of what critics have called Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

In the mid-2000s, Johnson’s anti-gay rhetoric was harsh. In September 2004, Johnson wrote in support of a Louisiana amendment banning same-sex marriage saying it could lead to people marrying their pets.

“Homosexual relationships are inherently unnatural and, the studies clearly show, are ultimately harmful and costly for everyone,” he wrote. “Society cannot give its stamp of approval to such a dangerous lifestyle. If we change marriage for this tiny, modern minority, we will have to do it for every deviant group. Polygamists, polyamorists, pedophiles, and others will be next in line to claim equal protection. They already are. There will be no legal basis to deny a bisexual the right to marry a partner of each sex, or a person to marry his pet.”

Johnson added that allowing same-sex marriage could be the downfall of the democratic system.

“The state and its citizens have a compelling interest in preserving the integrity of the marital union by making opposite-sex marriage the exclusive form of family relationship endorsed by the government,” he wrote. “Loss of this status will de-emphasize the importance of traditional marriage to society, weaken it, and place our entire democratic system in jeopardy by eroding its foundation.”

In another 2004 column, Johnson again predicted same-sex marriage could doom America.

“If you were shocked by the moral lapses at the Super Bowl you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” Johnson wrote. “Experts project that homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic.”





Well Lookie Here, Another Mango Attorney Pleads GUILTY, in Georgia

11:19 Oct 25 2023
Times Read: 165

Jenna Ellis reached a plea agreement with prosecutors in the Georgia 2020 election interference case Tuesday, becoming the third former Trump campaign attorney to do so.

Ellis, who once described herself as part of an “elite strike force team” of attorneys pursuing unfounded claims of election fraud, pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.

“If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges,” a tearful Ellis told the judge.

Like the others who took plea deals, Ellis agreed to testify truthfully against her co-defendants, including Trump.

She was sentenced to five years of probation, 100 hours of community service and ordered to pay $5,000 in restitution and write a letter of apology to Georgia citizens.

“How do you plead to aiding and abetting false statements and writings,” Fulton County prosecutor Daysha Young asked.

“Guilty,” Ellis responded.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) charged Ellis, the former president and 17 others in August in a sprawling racketeering indictment that accused all of them of entering an unlawful conspiracy to keep Trump in power following the 2020 election.

Since the indictment, four of the 19 co-defendants have taken plea deals with prosecutors. Scott Hall, a former bail bondsman, was the first to do so last month.

In recent days, three Trump attorneys have now followed suit and agreed to testify against the former president. Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro took plea deals late last week, and Ellis joined them Tuesday.

Legal experts suggest their agreements to testify could raise the other defendants’ legal jeopardy or also induce them to take a deal.

Beyond the racketeering charge, Ellis also faced a count of soliciting a public officer to violate their oath in connection with her attendance at a Dec. 3, 2020, Georgia Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing.

She will avoid those charges by instead pleading to aiding and abetting false statements and writings.

The hearing was one of a series of state legislative committee meetings in which Trump’s allies attempted to convince lawmakers of their baseless claims of mass electoral fraud.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Georgia-based attorney Ray Smith are both charged with a count of making false statements and writings in connection with the Dec. 3 hearing.

“The false statements were made with reckless disregard of the truth and with conspicuous purpose to avoid learning the truth,” Young said at Ellis’s plea hearing Tuesday.

“The defendant attended and abetted Giuliani [and] Smith in making these false statements by assisting with the execution of the December 3, 2020 Senate Judiciary Committee meeting,” Young continued.

Charging documents also noted Ellis’s various communications and meetings with lawmakers in other key swing states.

The indictment further referenced Ellis’s participation at a Nov. 19, 2020, press conference alongside Giuliani and Powell to outline their post-election strategy.

Ellis described the group as an “elite strike force team” to reporters that day, and Giuliani had introduced the group as the Trump campaign’s lead attorneys. After Powell took her plea deal last week, however, Trump claimed she was never his attorney.


Read the entire thing.

Now this Makes 4 who have pled GUILTY. Note 3 of the 4 are/were Mango attorneys. NEXT




Meadows, Former Mango Chief of Staff, FLIPS With Immunity Deal

11:06 Oct 25 2023
Times Read: 167

Mark Meadows, former President Donald Trump’s chief of staff, has reportedly been granted immunity to testify under oath in the Department of Justice case against Trump and his allies regarding their efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Meadows had spoken with special counsel Jack Smith’s team at least three times this year — including before a federal grand jury, which occurred only after the Republican was given immunity, ABC News reported Tuesday, citing “sources familiar with the matter.” Bloomberg later confirmed the report.

According to the reports, Meadows told prosecutors that he repeatedly warned Trump in the weeks after the 2020 election that allegations of voter fraud in the presidential race were unsubstantiated. Trump claimed, despite heaping evidence showing otherwise, that the election was fraudulent and that he was the rightful winner, not Democrat Joe Biden. Meadows was one of many Trump loyalists who publicly backed his tirades at the time.

The chief of staff also told Smith’s team that Trump was being “dishonest” with the public on Nov. 3, 2020, when he first began alleging that he won the election before all votes were tallied, ABC News reported.

That dishonesty, however, did not stop Meadows from supporting the president and helping spread election lies. Cassidy Hutchinson, Meadows’ former aide, testified before the House committee investigating the 2021 Capitol riot that her boss warned “things might get real, real bad on Jan. 6.” Marc Short, who was chief of staff for former Vice President Mike Pence, told CNN that Meadows “was a ringleader” for much of what unfolded politically around Jan. 6, 2021.

Because Smith’s team granted him immunity, any information Meadows testified before the grand jury cannot be used against him in a federal prosecution.


lol.... and these reports have been circulating for months.... wait until he flips in the Georgia case... there will be more guilty pleas than the 3 who have already pled guilty




Mango Says Powell Was Never His Attorney - LOL

18:08 Oct 22 2023
Times Read: 186

Former President Donald Trump claimed Sidney Powell was “never” his attorney in a social media post Sunday, three days after she pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case.

Despite Trump’s claims, Powell was briefly an official member of Trump’s legal team in 2020, and Trump stayed in contact with her on election-related matters even after she was ousted from his campaign.

“Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS. In fact, she would have been conflicted,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Trump’s attempt to distance himself from Powell comes after she agreed to cooperate with Fulton County prosecutors and testify against her co-defendants in the case, potentially including Trump.

Trump publicly announced on November 15, 2020, that he “added” Powell to his “truly great team” of lawyers working on the election. She participated in a notorious Trump campaign press conference, alongside fellow Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, where she peddled unfounded conspiracy theories about an international vote-rigging plot to flip millions of votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

The Trump campaign soon dropped her from the legal team and insisted that she was “practicing law on her own.”

She went on to file frivolous lawsuits across the country, in hopes of overturning the results. One federal judge later said Powell’s actions were “a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process.”

And she met with Trump on multiple occasions, including a December 2020 White House meeting where he considered naming her as a special counsel to look for voter fraud. This was the infamous meeting where there was discussion of declaring martial law and ordering the military to seize voting machines.

As Powell’s trial approached in Georgia, she similarly tried to distance herself from Trump. Her attorneys said she “did not represent President Trump or the Trump campaign” because she never signed an “engagement agreement” to be their attorney. Her name was never on any court filings from the Trump campaign, Powell’s lawyers pointed out.

In her guilty plea, Powell admitted her role in the January 2021 breach of election systems in rural Coffee County, Georgia.

With the help of local GOP officials, a group of Trump supporters accessed and copied information from the county’s election systems in hopes of somehow proving that the election was rigged against Trump. They did this after Trump declined to sign an executive order directing the Pentagon to seize voting machines.


LOL . Ok, after she appeared on his behalf time and again... After he said she was his attorney.... Now all of a sudden, after she pleads GUILTY, she WAS NEVER his attorney. lol...

But wait, he must be saying that for his cult of mugwump followers, who will believe it... because a jury will not believe him.




Former Fla. Legislator Who Sponsored "Don'tSay Gay" Law Sent To The Joint

21:49 Oct 21 2023
Times Read: 200

The former Florida lawmaker who sponsored the controversial law critics call “Don’t Say Gay” was sentenced to six months in federal prison Thursday for defrauding a federal coronavirus relief loan program for small businesses.

Former state Rep. Joe Harding, a 36-year-old Republican, resigned in December after being charged with fraudulently obtaining more than $150,000 from the Small Business Administration in pandemic aid loans. He pleaded guilty in March to wire fraud, money laundering and making false statements in connection with COVID-19 relief fraud.

“The theft of any amount of taxpayer funds is inexcusable,” said U.S. Attorney Jason Coody in a news release. “However, the defendant’s deceptive acts of diverting emergency financial assistance from small businesses during the pandemic is simply beyond the pale."

According to court documents, Harding made false statements to the Small Business Administration while applying for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan for one of his dormant business entities. After obtaining $150,000 in COVID-19 relief funds, prosecutors said Harding conducted three monetary transactions, each involving more than $10,000 in fraudulently obtained funds: a transfer to his joint bank account, a payment to his credit card and a transfer into a bank account of a third-party business entity.


The Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program was designed to provide economic relief to small businesses experiencing a temporary loss of revenue.

Harding became nationally known last year over his sponsorship of a law that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, as well as material that is not deemed age-appropriate.




2nd Mango Attorney Pleads GUILTY in Georgia

01:44 Oct 21 2023
Times Read: 211

Kenneth Chesebro, a Donald Trump-aligned lawyer who was one of the architects of the former president's Jan. 6 fake electors scheme, pleaded guilty Friday in the Georgia election interference case to conspiring with Trump and others, CNN reports. The deal marks a major victory for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who indicted Trump and 18 others, alleging a broad conspiracy to overturn the state's 2020 election. It also follows a day after former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to six reduced charges in the case.

Chesebro pleaded guilty to one felony — conspiracy to commit filing false documents — and Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee sentenced him to five years of probation and ordered him to pay $5,000 in restitution. As part of his plea deal, Chesebro agreed to testify in further proceedings and admitted that he conspired to elevate fake GOP electors in Georgia with Trump and his former attorneys Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman, who have both pleaded not guilty. The agreement came shortly after jury selection in the trial started Friday morning.

"The dominos are starting to fall. Trump is planning to blame the attorneys, but now they’ll be prosecution witnesses pointing the finger at him," former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti wrote on X, formerly Twitter. "A deal like this, with no jail time, is warranted in my view IF and only if [Chesebro] can provide ample inculpatory evidence against people who are more culpable than he," Andrew Weissman, a former assistant U.S. attorney, tweeted. George Washington University law professor Randall Eliason said the agreement is "very bad news for Trump," noting the allegations also relate to Jack Smith's parallel criminal case. "Chesebro's plea is a big deal with Fani Willis. But it may be a bigger deal for Jack Smith," former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance added,


lol.... well that is 3 who have pled guilty in Georgia




Jordan, Mango, MAGA Are Cowards

12:52 Oct 20 2023
Times Read: 218

When Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, put in his bid to replace recently ousted Speaker of the House, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., one thing was certain: It would renew interest in the Ohio State University sex abuse scandal that has dogged Jordan for years. Jon Wertheim of Sports Illustrated stepped up to the plate, recounting how at least 11 members of the school's wrestling team reported abuse by the team doctor, Richard Strauss, to a coaching staff that included Jordan, who served as the assistant coach at the time. But, the athletes say, Jordan and other coaches ignored their pleas for help.

Jordan denies it, but he's a notoriously dishonest person and these former players have no reason to lie. In addition, a legal investigation and settlement have created a public record of the truth of the allegations. The details Wertheim got out of the victims reveal quite a bit about how much of a chicken Jordan is under all that bluster.

Dunyasha Yetts, an All-American wrestler in the ’90s, recalls complaining to Jordan that he saw Strauss about a thumb injury and stormed out of the room when the doctor attempted to pull down his shorts. Yetts recalls Jordan saying that if Strauss ever approached him in a sexual manner, he’d “kill him.” Dan Ritchie, another wrestler, says he was present when Jordan was informed of abuse from Strauss. Jordan’s response: "If he did that to me, I'd snap his neck like a twig of dried balsa wood."

That's Jim Jordan in a nutshell: A lot of talk about how tough he is, followed up by an unwillingness to show even the barest amount of real courage. Telling these players they should have killed Strauss is not about actually being a badass. It's about shifting the blame to the victims so that Jordan can avoid taking action.

Want more Amanda Marcotte on politics? Subscribe to her newsletter Standing Room Only.

The stakes were much lower on Thursday, but the pattern held firm: Jordan's focus was on creating an illusion of tenacity while being too much of a wimp to own up to his own failures. He talked up a big game about going forward to a third vote to be Speaker, having lost the first two. In reality, Jordan was negotiating a deal to cancel the vote and let Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., take on the role of "temporary" Speaker. (Though that looks like that option won't be happening, either.) As Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan of Punchbowl News explain, "Jordan hates to lose. His entire brand is wrapped up in fighting liberals and being a winner." He found a way to pull out of the race while pretending to stay in.


— House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸 (@JudiciaryGOP) October 20, 2023

Jordan faux-fearlessness is the norm among the MAGA male set, of course. It's why he's become such a celebrity in right-wing media and a power player in the GOP. He's a perfect avatar of the toxic masculinity of the 21st-century Republican: Loud talking, followed by fleeing at the first sign of a real challenge.

Donald Trump, of course, is the most prominent example. He uses social media near-daily to threaten his political and legal opponents while cringing from any real danger behind a phalanx of taxpayer-funded security. But this week, he made a pathetic effort to bring his phony tough guy act out in person. He returned to court in Manhattan on Tuesday for the ongoing trial to determine how much he'll be punished for decades of fraud. He's been absent for a couple of weeks, once it became clear that his presence wasn't garnering the press coverage he craved. His return appears to have been an attempt at witness intimidation.

Real estate appraiser Doug Larson was testifying against Trump, laying out the various ways the Trump Organization manipulated numbers to make their assets look much more valuable — often exponentially so — than they actually were. On Tuesday, Trump sat in court glaring at Larson, no doubt hoping to scare the man into silence. When that didn't work, Trump got even more disruptive on Wednesday, throwing his hands in the air and complaining loudly to his lawyers, until the judge was forced to tell him to shut up. He also tried to intimidate Attorney General Letitia James by sharing her home address on social media.

Across all these attempts to be scary, however, Trump is mostly exposing his personal cowardice. Bellyaching at a witness from the safety of the defense table isn't exactly taking any great personal risk. Sharing a woman's home address in hopes someone else risks prison to go after her is quintessential cravenness. Trump likes to brag to cameras that he's "willing to go to jail," but of course, he's not even willing to go to a Republican debate, on the off chance someone calls him out for all his crimes.

Similarly, Jordan's campaign to be Speaker was pure scare tactics. Republican holdouts — and their spouses — received a barrage of anonymous texts, emails from right-wing media figures, and other such messages commanding them to vote Jordan — or else witness the destruction of their political careers. Or worse, in the case of one Republican holdout who reported getting death threats.

After it became obvious that the mobsters tactics were breeding rebellion and not compliance, Jordan belatedly tried to play good cop by tweeting, "We condemn all threats against our colleagues and it is imperative that we come together. Stop. It’s abhorrent." But even though the House GOP caucus is famously flush with some dim bulbs, it's doubtful anyone was buying this. Screaming at people until they submit is all Jordan knows how to do. But barking only works if people believe you'll bite. Jordan was in an uphill battle on that front since his colleagues actually knew the quisling heart of the man behind the performative bad haircut and rolled up sleeves.

The emptiness behind the manly-man posturing of MAGA Republicans was hilariously illustrated on Wednesday when Trump failed to pretend that he was too busy fighting in court to handle the tedious candidate duties of kissing babies and eating corn dogs. Talking to reporters outside the courtroom, Trump complained, "They want to keep me here instead of campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, lots of other great places." Even by his low standards of chest-thumping, this lie was weak sauce. Not only did Trump sound more whiny than resolute, it was also a transparent lie that he "had" to be at a court proceeding he's been skipping out on for two weeks.

But then the fragile ruse completely fell apart when a reporter asked Trump if he'd be in court again Thursday. "Probably not. We're having a very big professional golf tournament at Doral," Trump responded. Mr. "I'll Go To Prison," it turns out, doesn't even have the stamina to skip golf to meet voters. Unsurprisingly, Joe Biden's campaign had fun with this on Twitter.

Trump: They want to keep me here instead of campaigning in Iowa… They want me to be here

*3 minutes later*

Reporter: Will you be back tomorrow?

Trump: Probably not. We’re having a very big professional golf tournament at Doral, so probably not pic.twitter.com/l8TUIbASUv

— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) October 18, 2023

To make it even more fun, they posted it on Truth Social. I suspect the goal of this trolling is to get Trump, in a fit of Elon Musk-esque pique, to have the Biden account banned. At which point, Biden's campaign can once again remind everyone Trump's got paper-thin skin under all that orange makeup. There's a long road ahead in exposing the MAGA movement's emptiness for what it is, but this especially dumb week was a promising step in the right direction.


lol.... you know the threatening phone calls were recorded... depending on what exactly was said perhaps a knock at the door is coming along with the handcuffs.... lol

And don't forget the Jan 6 Insurrectionist Trash are being sentenced to prison on a weekly basis.... lol




Mango Attorney, Powell, PLEADS GUILTY

17:02 Oct 19 2023
Times Read: 235

Former Donald Trump attorney Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case, one day before her trial was set to start.

As part of her guilty plea, Powell is admitting her role in the January 2021 breach of election systems in rural Coffee County, Georgia. With the help of local GOP officials, a group of Trump supporters accessed and copied information from the county’s election systems in hopes of somehow proving that the election was rigged against Trump.

Fulton County prosecutors are recommending a sentence of six years probation. Powell will also be required to testify at future trials, write an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia, pay nearly $9,000 in restitution and fines and turn over documents.

Trump, a co-defendant in the Fulton County case, does not appear in Powell’s plea documents and was not mentioned at the brief plea hearing Thursday.

After the 2020 election, Powell had peddled conspiracy theories about purported fraud and false claims about millions of votes being flipped in a global scheme against Trump that involved Venezuela and other foreign powers.

She is now the second person in the sprawling racketeering case to plead guilty. Bail bondsman Scott Hall last month pleaded guilty and agreed to testify at future trials. The other 17 defendants, including Trump, have pleaded not guilty.

Powell admitted taking actions after the 2020 election “for the purpose of willfully tampering with electronic ballot markers and tabulating machines” and “with the intention of taking and appropriating information, data, and software, the property of Dominion Voting Systems Corporation,” according to new court filings.

She is also admitting to hiring a data forensics firm and sending its employees to Coffee County so they could unlawfully access government computers with the purpose of “examining personal voter data, with knowledge that such examination was without authority,” according to the filings.

Her attorneys had vehemently rejected prosecutors’ claims that she orchestrated the Coffee County breach. They’ve said at pretrial hearings that prosecutors are “incorrect” and that “the evidence will show that she was not the driving force behind” the incident.

“This is a really big breakthrough for the prosecutors,” CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig said on “News Central.”

“And it’s so important to understand there is no such thing as halfway cooperation. If you’re a prosecutor, you would not enter into this deal with Sidney Powell unless you had been thoroughly convinced that A, she is telling the truth, B. she is going to be able to testify for you credibly in the way that you can put in front of a jury, and justify and see she is not going to be splitting hairs,” added Honig, a former federal prosecutor.

Only one other Georgia defendant is mentioned by name in Thursday’s plea documents: Misty Hampton, who was the Coffee County elections supervisor during the 2020 election cycle. Powell admits to entering into a criminal conspiracy with Hampton and would be required to testify against her if she goes to trial. Hampton has pleaded not guilty to seven felonies.

Trial was to begin Friday
Fulton County Judge McAfee had repeatedly denied Powell’s motions to get the case tossed or at least chip away at some of the most serious accusations, including the alleged RICO violation.

His most recent ruling came Wednesday night, when he rejected Powell’s arguments that the indictment violated her First Amendment rights.

The last-second plea drastically changes the trial that was supposed to begin Friday, with jury selection for Powell and co-defendant Kenneth Chesebro. They both invoked their rights to a speedy trial and became the first courtroom showdown in the sprawling case – but it now appears that Chesebro will move forward on his own.

Chesebro has pleaded not guilty to seven crimes related to his role in the fake-electors plot.





Fredo Says: Buy AR-15s In Case Paragliders Invade Your Home

17:06 Oct 18 2023
Times Read: 243

By Conover Kennard — October 18, 2023
Donald Trump Jr. used time on his 'Triggered' podcast' to call on Americans to arm themselves with AR-15s. Most of us have urged Americans to support gun control because children are being slaughtered. Still, Junior made a bizarre counter-argument by saying that people need the right to purchase an AR-15-style firearm in case "people in motorized paragliders come into your home."

Let he or she who has not had a paraglider come swooping into their home cast the first stone. Amen.

"To the Democrats out there who's constantly trying to ban, you know, 30-round mags for your AR-15 and the AR-15 themselves," he said after possibly sniffing rails of cocaine off of Kimberly Guilfoyle's ass.

"That's why you need those things," he continued. "That's why you need an AR-15. That's why you need a 30-round mag."

"Because if people in motorized paragliders come into your home, that's what it's for," he said. "It's not about hunting; it never has been about hunting."

"You can never depend on the government to save you in a time of need when seconds count," he added. "Cops are just minutes away. You need to be armed. You can only trust yourself and keep your family safe."

OK, but y'all always told us it was about hunting. We know for sure it was never about saving innocent children's lives.

I wonder who home life is with Junior and Kim. Don wakes up in the middle of the night, grabbing his manly AR while Kim says, "What's wrong, my big Alpha Male snookums?" And he says, "You don't see the paragliders, Kimmy?" while wiping sweat off his brow.

We know he's referring to Hamas's attack on Israel, but holy fuckballs, Junior, pull yourself together.


lol.... Cocaine? Alcohol, Heroin?




MAGA Trash Attempt To Kill Female Then Does Kill Himself

16:50 Oct 18 2023
Times Read: 244

A Republican activist who has been a reliable donor to Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — despite a racist tweet that put him on the outs with DeSantis’ predecessor, Rick Scott — shot a woman and then himself in the parking lot of a Palm Beach County restaurant, according to sheriff’s deputies.

The activist, 72-year-old Steve Alembik, died. The woman, wounded in the back and arm, survived when she ran into the restaurant bleeding and was rushed to the hospital.

The shooting happened at a Burgerfi outlet in Delray Beach a week ago Monday, although Alembik’s identity wasn’t revealed until last Friday in the Boca Raton News. The wounded victim was believed to be his wife.

Over the past 20 years, Alembik, gave more than $200,000 in political contributions, mainly to Republicans, including thousands of dollars to both DeSantis and Donald Trump. The founder of a Boca Raton digital marketing company, the Democrat-turned-Republican earned notoriety in 2018 by referring to former President Barack Obama as a “f******* Muslim n*****” in a post on the social media platform X, then known as Twitter.

At the time, DeSantis was running to replace Rick Scott as governor. Scott, term-limited out of the governor’s mansion, was vying for the Senate. Both had received contributions.

The tweet, which Alembik later said he regretted, prompted Scott to pass along the $1,100 contribution from Alembik to charity.

The DeSantis campaign and allied political action committees had both received contributions from Alembik. The PAC returned $11,000 but the campaign said $4,000 given separately had been spent in the primary and could not be refunded.

DeSantis, running in the general election against former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, had ignited a racial controversy a month earlier by urging voters not to “monkey this up,” referring to the possibility of electing Gillum, who is Black.

The DeSantis campaign team denounced the tweet and announced it would take no more money from Alembik in the future.

But his campaigns have continued to accept Alembik contributions. The governor’s re-election campaign and a state political committee supporting that campaign, Friends of Ron DeSantis, together took in more than $5,000 from Alembik in 2021 and 2022, according to state records.

Alembik, who describes DeSantis as one of his “close friends” in a post on LinkedIn, first attracted attention in the wake of Trump’s comments following a 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia that left a counter-protester dead. After Trump insisted their were “many fine people” on both sides of the issue, mainstream charities pulled events from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club.

Alembik, however, decided to move a charity gala for his newly formed pro-Israel nonprofit group, Truth About Israel, to Mar-a-Lago to help fill the void.

“This president has had Israel’s back like no president has since the days of Ronald Reagan,” Alembik, who sometimes wore a red, white and blue flag costume, told the Washington Post. In total, Alembik has contributed more than $7,500 to committees supporting Trump.

Then-congressman DeSantis was one of the featured speakers at the Mar-a-Lago event.

Alembik worked with a promoter to push ticket sales on Chinese social media platforms by indicating that attendees would have access to the former president. Trump was never going to attend, however, because of the annual Governor’s Ball scheduled that same night. Unaware of that conflict, hundreds of Chinese nationals arrived, hoping to have their photo taken with the president.

The event was glitch prone in other ways. Despite Jewish attendees, the hors d’oeuvres served around the pool contained non-kosher items. There was no seating chart, leading to arguments over the best seats.

When a Herald journalist later approached Alembik to ask about the event, he told the reporter to “step out of this elevator before you get hurt.”

In December 2018, Alembik was arrested by police on a domestic violence charge. The charge was dismissed via pre-trial diversion.

Laura Loomer, a right-wing political activist who has run unsuccessfully for Congress, tweeted: “Sadly, those or us who knew Steve understood that he struggled with his mental health at times.”

The Trump and DeSantis presidential campaigns did not respond to a request for comment.


Another family oriented MAGA guy. Read the article and see the pic of this asshat with Duhsantis




Faux Governor of Arizona Seems Deranged

01:06 Oct 16 2023
Times Read: 266

By Conover Kennard — October 15, 2023
Failed Arizona Republican Gubernatorial candidate and election denier Kari Lake thinks the duly elected President of the United States, Joe Biden, is "feeble" amid fighting between Hamas and Israel in a recent interview. And this woman thinks that twice impeached four times indicted one-termer Donald Trump, a former reality show star, won the 2020 presidential election. Stop laughing; I'm trying to type over here, y'all.

"[S]ome of these world leaders are like sharks," Lake said in an interview on One America News Network (OAN). "They smell blood in the water. With Joe Biden, you can tell the man is feeble. He's not strong, he's not for America and they can take advantage of him, and they're taking advantage of America right now."

Sure thing, hon. Meanwhile, 'Sleepy Joe' stressed continued support for Israel as well as the need for humanitarian aid for Palestinian civilians in calls on Saturday with the leaders of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the White House said, Reuters reports.

In his first call with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas since Hamas' attack on Israel a week ago, Biden offered Abbas his full support for "urgently needed humanitarian assistance to Palestinian people, especially in Gaza."

Biden is multitasking on a multinational level while Trump, once again this week, for the second time, confused Biden with Barack Obama, insisting that Obama is the current President.

Kari, have you seen this, filter queen? This is your party.





Mango Praises Hezbollah and Criticizes Netanyahu

02:29 Oct 13 2023
Times Read: 282

Former President Trump risks potential backlash in the Republican presidential primary over his criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks in Israel.

In a speech Wednesday, Trump accused Netanyahu of “letting us down” in 2020 just before the U.S. killed a top Iranian general. Trump also suggested that the Biden administration and Israeli leaders’ public discussions helped Hezbollah, which the U.S. designates as a terror organization, plan further attacks on Israel. Then on Thursday, Trump said in an interview that Israel “wouldn’t have had to be prepared” if he were in the White House. Additionally, the former president referred to Israel’s defense minister as a “jerk.”

The comments have already opened Trump up to criticism from rival GOP presidential candidates including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his former Vice President Mike Pence. Additionally, the comments could threaten to attract more criticism from other members of the GOP, which is dominantly pro-Israel.

“I think it’s a strategic mistake,” said Alex Stroman, a Republican strategist. “If I was a Republican candidate, I would probably be running ads [using Trump’s comments against him].”

DeSantis took to X, the platform formally known as Twitter, on Wednesday to criticize Trump and tout his own position on Israel.

“Terrorists have murdered at least 1,200 Israelis and 22 Americans and are holding more hostage, so it is absurd that anyone, much less someone running for President, would choose now to attack our friend and ally, Israel, much less praise Hezbollah terrorists as ‘very smart,’” the governor wrote on the platform.

DeSantis further responded to Trump’s remarks Thursday during an interview with Fox News.

“This is a time to be standing with Israel,” DeSantis said. “And to be attacking the prime minister and the defense minister just makes no sense.”


lol.. Mango seems to think that if he was still President then Hamas wouldn't ahve attacked Israel.... this fucking traitor, is so fucking delusional as are his cult of followers.




MAGA Cult is Getting Weirder

16:31 Oct 09 2023
Times Read: 296

Close watchers of the MAGA movement have been chronicling the alarming escalation of both violent intimidation and overt white supremacy in recent weeks. Donald Trump, of course, now begs his followers on a nearly daily basis to murder his perceived enemies. But the rhetoric is spiraling, with people like Fox News host Greg Gutfeld openly calling for civil war. Meanwhile, Christopher Rufo — a right hand man for Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla. — recently hosted a forum that pushed establishment Republicans to build a “bridge” to the so-called "dissident right," including some open white nationalists. He may get his wish, as one of the top contenders for Speaker of the House, Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., described himself as "David Duke without the baggage."

The radicalism of the right is growing as the GOP careens swiftly towards nominating Trump as their presidential candidate, despite his 91 felony indictments in four jurisdictions. But, as anyone who has studied cults can tell you, they never limit their escalations to violence or hateful ideologies. There's almost always a weird sexual component, as cult leaders come up with ever stranger rules and regulations to control the sexual expression of their followers.

The MAGA movement is no different. The cult-like following of Trump always had an unsettling mix of incel-inflected misogyny, coupled with a homophobia that is somehow also homoerotic. But it's been rapidly getting worse in recent months. Even more frightening is how determined they are to inflict their sexual hang-ups on the rest of the country.

Gutfeld, who claims to be a "comedian," has long positioned himself on Fox News as an everyman character. He's meant to make audiences feel that normal people can be Republicans, and not just Bible-hugging weirdoes or camo-clad militia nuts. But, as his civil war rant makes clear, lately he's been channeling a more David Koresh-esque vibe, and invariably that comes with some sexual weirdness.

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Last week, Gutfeld hosted a far-right figure named Hotep Jesus, who is known primarily for being an apologist for white supremacists and anti-semites. Hotep Jesus, whose real name is Bryan Sharpe, was on the show to promote a "dating" blog that is, in actuality, propaganda for domestic abuse. As Media Matters chronicled, Sharpe regards it as a form of adultery if women are "allowed" to work or vote. "Imagine guts, sweat, and tears shed only to watch your woman get dolled up only to prance around another man’s office while he gives her marching orders," Sharpe writes, claiming, "Women WANT to give up control of their life," and that they only vote, work, or otherwise make decisions because of "the pressure of modern society."

This wasn't a one-off, either. Gutfeld recently joined the chorus of right wing voices defending Russell Brand, after the British "comedian" was accused by multiple women of sexual violence and rape. Gutfeld applauded a teacher who got arrested for having sex with a 16-year-old student. And he claimed men only cry because of "substances in the water that reduce testosterone."

The jokey tone of some of this is there to insulate it from criticism, but Gutfeld isn't joking. The party of Donald "Grab 'Em By The Pussy" Trump shows no limits in normalizing extremely toxic masculinity and sexual violence. That much is evident in new court filings in the first big test case for the abortion "bounty hunter" law in Texas. The author of the law, former Texas solicitor general Jonathan Mitchell, has so far shown no shame that his client — who is suing his ex-wife's friends for helping her abort a pregnancy — displays a long history of abusive, controlling behavior. Mitchell shrugged off reports that his client, Marcus Silva, tried to prevent his wife from working and called her names like "slut" and "whore" in front of her coworkers.

So it's unlikely that Mitchell will mind a new filing providing evidence that Silva threatened to upload sexually explicit videos of his ex-wife, unless she returned home to clean and do laundry for him. Or that he used blackmail methods in an attempt to rape her, saying he would drop the lawsuit if she had sex with him. The document had a transcript of Silva, this latest "hero" of the anti-abortion movement, telling his ex, "You’re just gonna have your f*cking life destroyed in every f*cking way that you can imagine to where you want to blow your f*cking brains out."

It's not surprising that Mitchell would be fine with this treatment of women. As he argued to the Supreme Court in 2021, women have it coming by not "refraining from sexual intercourse." But now, of course, Mitchell is working for a man whose goal is to force his ex-wife to have sex with him.

One would think, after the political backlash to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Republicans would not be so eager to advertise how the anti-choice movement is about controlling women and not "life." But, as David Kirkpatrick of the New Yorker writes, the head of Alliance Defending Freedom, the biggest conservative legal group in the country, was open about how the goal is to destroy access to contraception. "It may be that the day will come when people say the birth-control pill was a mistake," Alan Sears explained.


read the entire article..... this MAGA freaks are domestic terrorists.




Authoritarianism Expert Says Hayley's Comments Mean One Thing

10:57 Oct 09 2023
Times Read: 301

Authoritarianism expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat on Sunday said Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s refusal to condemn Donald Trump’s violent rhetoric showed America is “living through real-time preparation for an authoritarian crackdown.”

Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told Kristen Walker of NBC’s “Meet The Press” that Trump’s floating of the idea of executing retired Gen. Mark Milley, the former chair of the Joint Chiefs, was “irresponsible.”

But Haley claimed it wasn’t enough to disqualify Trump from running for the White House again.

“Apparently the idea of executing Milley is now the Party Line,” Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University, commented on X, formerly Twitter.

“We are living through real-time preparation for an authoritarian crackdown,” she continued. “We are in a phase of ‘getting the public used to the idea of violence.’”

“Having authoritative voices like Haley endorse violence is key,” added the author of “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present.”

Trump’s attack on Milley prompted the top military leader to take “safety precautions” for himself and his family. The comment drew sparse criticism from conservatives, however.

Four-times-indicted Trump remains the Republican 2024 front-runner, polling at around 57%. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is in second with 12% and Haley in third with 7%.

Haley has been suggested as a potential running mate for Trump, should he win the nomination. Other potential candidates for the role reportedly include far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

In June, Ben-Ghiat predicted Trump will “never leave” if he wins back the White House. “That’s very clear, because like all authoritarians, he needs to get back into power because he’s so corrupt and shut down all investigations,” she wrote at the time, describing the GOP as “an autocratic party operating in a democracy.”

Later, Ben-Ghiat warned Trump should be believed when he threatens to do things like obliterate the civil service and seize total control of government.

“Authoritarians always tell you what they are going to do as a kind of challenge and as a warning, and people don’t listen until it’s too late,” she said.


What the professor says is correct. The Consitution as we know it will be shredded.




Milley Unloads On Mango

14:56 Oct 08 2023
Times Read: 313

This is great!!. Retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs unloads on Mango. The General clearly considers Mango and MAGA a threat to our Country. If you don't understand what I have been saying listen to his words.




Mango Channels Hitler

11:18 Oct 08 2023
Times Read: 319

By NewsHound Ellen — October 7, 2023
As the legal and financial nooses get tighter and tighter around Donald Trump’s treasonous neck, his already disgusting and dangerous rhetoric has gotten even worse.

Appearing on the right-wing propaganda website, The National Pulse, fraudster Trump, currently charged with 91 felonies, and with possibly more to come, took a page out of Hitler's Mein Kampf book, literally:

TRUMP: You can go to a banana republic and pick the worst one and you’re not gonna see what we’re witnessing now. Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions, insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have.

The New York Times noted that in Mein Kampf, Hitler repeatedly used the words “poison” and “blood” to demonize non-Aryans. For example, he linked “the poison which has invaded the national body” to an “influx of foreign blood.”

It has long been known that Trump is a Hitler admirer. So, I think we can safely conclude Trump’s Hitler rhetoric is no accident.

Mr. Trump has long had a Hitler fascination, according to biographers, news articles and books about his presidency. His bedside table once held a copy of Hitler speeches called “My New Order,” a gift from a friend, which Ivana Trump, his first wife, said she had seen him occasionally leafing through.

During a trip to France in 2018, Mr. Trump told his chief of staff John F. Kelly, “Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” according to the journalist Michael C. Bender, now a New York Times reporter, in a 2021 book on the Trump presidency. Mr. Trump denied making the remark.

According to another book on the Trump presidency, by Peter Baker, another New York Times reporter, and Susan Glasser, the former president also complained to Mr. Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, that American generals didn’t treat him as loyally as Hitler’s generals had. “Why can’t you be like the German generals” of the Third Reich, he demanded, the authors wrote.


There you go, Mango paraphrasing Hitler.... and wishing his Generals were as loyal as Hitlers. You better wake the fuck up. He is telling you how he feels and giving you a direction that he will take. In addition to the above he has called American Jews disloyal.... he believes he can order the military into large cities to occupy them... he thinks he can shoot someone on 5th ave and get away with it......

He is telling you what he will do if returned to office.... an office he will never leave.




Jan 6 Defendant Receives 7 Years in the JOINT

01:29 Oct 08 2023
Times Read: 326

A Donald Trump supporter who smashed a window to the Capitol with a tomahawk axe and threw projectiles at officers during the most brutal battle of the Capitol riot was sentenced to seven years in federal prison on Friday.

Shane Jenkins — who refers to himself as "Skullet" due to his shaved head and mullet — was found guilty of nine criminal counts in March, including felony civil disorder; obstruction of an official proceeding; assaulting, resisting or impeding and officer using a dangerous weapon; and destruction of government property.

The federal government had requested more than 19 years in federal prison, which would have been one of the longest sentences given in any Jan. 6 case. The longest sentence so far went to Enrique Tarrio, the former head of the Proud Boys, who received 22 years in federal prison last month after being convicted of seditious conspiracy in May.

Jenkins' attorney called Jan. 6 "one of the saddest episodes in American history" and said there "remain many grifters out there who remain free to continue propagating the 'great lie' that Trump won the election, Donald Trump being among the most prominent."

The government called Jenkins' conduct "egregious" and said he "planned for violent insurrection long before his arrival" in D.C.

His "lack of remorse is extraordinary," and he "thinks that political violence is acceptable," Assistant U.S. Attorney David Perri argued in during the sentencing hearing on Friday.

What happens if his preferred candidate gets convicted of something?" Perri asked, referencing the four pending criminal cases against former President Donald Trump, including one case unfolding in the same federal courthouse in D.C. where Jenkins was sentenced. "How would he react?"

Perri encouraged the judge not to "roll the dice with this country's democratic future."

Attorney Dennis Boyle said during the hearing that Trump promoted "a legal fiction" that Vice President Mike Pence could overturn the election results, and that people like Jenkins were "particularly susceptible" to Trump's lies and propaganda.

Before his sentencing, Jenkins talked about his troubled childhood and said his life began to come apart when he learned he was adopted. He said he tried destroying himself with drugs and alcohol after he killed his stepdad in a gunfight when he was 20 years old. (Jenkins said he shot his stepfather in self-defense, and was not charged.)

The Justice Department also said that Jenkins took part in an attack on Jan. 6 defendant Taylor Taranto — who was arrested outside of former President Barack Obama's home — on July 10, when a dozen inmates allegedly entered the television room of their pod and assaulted Taranto "because Taranto had been saying derogatory things about Ashli Babitt and her mother." Taranto was ordered held in pretrial detention.

In the 33 months since the Capitol attack, more than 1,100 participants have been arrested, and about 660 have received sentences, including nearly 400 who have received sentences of incarceration.






Did Mango Admit To The Fraud?????

16:51 Oct 04 2023
Times Read: 344

Donald Trump kicked off the second day of his fraud trial in New York on Tuesday by essentially admitting to the crimes.

New York Attorney General Letitia James sued Trump in September 2022 for fraud, accusing him and his associates of gaining more than $100 million by fraudulently inflating the value of their real estate assets. State Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron issued a partial summary judgment last week, ruling that Trump committed business fraud and ordering all his New York business certificates to be canceled, a move that could effectively kill the Trump Organization as it exists today. The trial, which began Monday, is to determine how much Trump and his co-defendants owe in damages.

Trump insisted Tuesday that his organization’s financial documents were not the least bit fraudulent—but even if they were, he couldn’t be held responsible because it was up to the lenders and insurers to fact-check that.

“Many, many warnings. Page one, page two, and many pages, it says, ‘Please, you must understand that you have to do your own due diligence.… Do not rely on anything, do not rely on the financial statements,’” he told reporters at midday.

“Also, the financial statements are very strong in terms of cash, liquidity, and everything else. This case is a scam,” Trump continued. “There can’t be fraud when you’ve told institutions to do their own work.”

One jokester on X (formerly Twitter) compared Trump’s comments to saying, “Hey, if [your] bank doesn’t have good security, it’s all legal and cool to rob it.”

James’s lawsuit alleges that Trump claimed his Trump Tower apartment in Manhattan was three times its actual size and worth $327 million. No New York City apartment has ever sold for that much. He also valued Mar-a-Lago at $739 million, about 10 times its actual worth.

Trump has responded by accusing James, who is Black, of being racist against him, and Engoron of being a Democratic political operative.


In related news Mango has been removed from the richest 400 by Forbes Magazine.... let me give you a hint...if he is ordered to pay 250 million he will not be able to because he doesn't have it




Retired General, Former Mango Chief Of Staff UNLOADS on Mango

01:51 Oct 03 2023
Times Read: 361

John Kelly, the longest-serving White House chief of staff for Donald Trump, offered his harshest criticism yet of the former president in an exclusive statement to CNN.

Kelly set the record straight with on-the-record confirmation of a number of damning stories about statements Trump made behind closed doors attacking US service members and veterans, listing a number of objectionable comments Kelly witnessed Trump make firsthand.

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

“A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.

“There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”

In the statement, Kelly is confirming, on the record, a number of details in a 2020 story in The Atlantic by editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, including Trump turning to Kelly on Memorial Day 2017, as they stood among those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery, and saying, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

Those details also include Trump’s inability to understand why the American public respects former prisoners of war and those shot down in combat. Then-candidate Trump of course said in front of a crowd in 2015 that former Vietnam POW Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican, was “not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” But behind closed doors, sources told Goldberg, this lack of understanding went on to cause Trump to repeatedly call McCain a “loser” and to refer to former President George H. W. Bush, who was also shot down as a Navy pilot in World War II, as a “loser.”

CNN reached out to the Trump campaign Monday afternoon, telling officials there that a former administration official had confirmed, on the record, a number of details about the 2020 Atlantic story, without naming Kelly, and seeking comment. The Trump campaign responded by insulting the character and credibility of retired Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley, who had nothing to do with this story.

The Atlantic article also described Trump’s 2018 visit to France for the centennial anniversary of the end of World War I, where, according to several senior staff members, Trump said he did not want to visit the graves of American soldiers buried in the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris because, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” During that same trip to France, the article reported, Trump said the 1,800 US Marines killed in the Belleau Wood were “suckers” for getting killed.


and there you go.. Mango is a true piece of shit.... a would be dictator, a liar, a thief, a seditionsit, add more if you like.



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