Oh look it's a poor little Vampire1010.....another fucktard who thinks that blocking people on here makes him a big bad scary dude.
All it does it makes you look like a moron.
So....your only on here to block people.....well it's gonna be lonely here if you don't have anyone to talk too.....but again your just like a fart in the wind......here one minute and gone the next.
Is it a bird? is it a plane? No its Herobrine in a nappy.......I mean come on dude noone wants to see your old ass in a diaper on cam......keep your fetish off VR......this is probably why noone wanted to come and join your coven.
This is Vampire Rave, people here dont give a damn about your diaper fetish......if you want to share it.......go to a fetish website and let your freak flag fly there.....noone wants to go to your webcam on VR and see you in a diaper.......everyone is laughing at you.
lol diaper man?? I remember him from cartoon when I was a child. Did he swing his baba around too? loi