Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


31 entries this month

19:04 Apr 29 2019
Times Read: 1,090

Christina Aguilera - Fighter (Official Music Video)

Hmmmmmm! I see that England will be having a gathering with Trump!
I guess the statements.... When hell freezes over...… And over my dead body..... LOL..... Needs not apply.....

Well so nice to see the Ice Broken....

Chiseled out my little trilithon. Just waiting...…………………..

Saw in my mind a certain wood. will walk the levee to find.
and now saw a rock scoop. LOL ….. will have to use anything...….


My new trial marriage.....




23:15 Apr 22 2019
Times Read: 1,109

Man O Man, I almost died last night..... LOL what a thrill.....

Woke up with my throat almost closed, during sleep, took a 3 gasps to breath..... whew.... then had to clear my throat best I could. Wow. Haven't done that since many years ago. Then..... I had drank a couple of Mike's Lemonade with a friend. The Acid, from the lemonade, was to much with me. Almost got it that time. I was dreaming, back then: that I was laying with an old priestess, and I had to get to the phone, finally I made it.... woke up the same way. Trying to gasp for air. Took a couple of tries back then. Whew. Maybe the Coconut drink I tried from Walmart.

Well, Fixed bike. Had to fix air pump on top of it. What a mess I had to clean from the last tire.

Still have not found a good receiver for my spell. Damn. Got to find it. Usually I use a staff, for the Maypole. but, this year is special. Somehow I have to find one.

Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons w/ Logic & Ty Dolla $ign ft X Ambassadors - Sucker for Pain

OOOOHHHH Stonehenge.... or should I say my favorite Trilithons…..

Britney Spears - Break The Ice




22:27 Apr 21 2019
Times Read: 1,111

Splurged and bought a back tube for bike. Heavy. Tomorrow got to fix.

Still looking for a tree log. Man O man. What are the chances of finding someone cutting the tree.
Really need for ritual. Maybe should start carving precipice for stone.

Found new thing for swollen tendons. But should have bought Ben Gay. Will have to do w aleve.




07:42 Apr 21 2019
Times Read: 1,114

Didnt know I was making training pay. Have to make it up to workers.
didnt tip out enough.

Felt better w out d3. Lol . . . No farts. . . No constipation. . . Although had to take one more after stopping yesterday. Do to runs. Lol. OmG. Lol. Now flu almost gone and clearer mind.

Lol. Yesterday wore winter cloths to bed. Too cold.

Lol. Tried to think back about accordian. Was Tulio Gasparini. 1st Diana, Tony, amd forgot name of best instructor. Tulio must be dead. Son never worked w him. At first, had contest in big hotels. Then fizzled out.





21:51 Apr 20 2019
Times Read: 1,118

Ok. I know I wanted cooler weather. But, . . . .

The other kind of backfired at work.




06:43 Apr 19 2019
Times Read: 1,125

Uh oh. I just did something that my body couldnt do for a couple of days.
Only did one d3. To much soda, though. Uh oh. Every side effect I have. Lol. I GIVE UP.

Well, for the record. Working Italian, wearing a red tie. Lol. Truthfully, I have a lil of that. Hey. To bad I cant play an accordian there. Lol. All those years at Gasparini, a waste. Lol my best. . . . GRANADA.

Still need a pretty hefty peice of wood. For May.

Tomorrow, bet Im OK, MAN O MAN.

Could drink milk and eat sardines. Aaaargh.

Ah oh. Crazy guy is back. Threw refrig down stairs. So he has hir hall spot back. And is rapping loud again.




05:11 Apr 19 2019
Times Read: 1,129

Taken breif break. Shouldnt have taken new meds. Skrewed up . But, at least I made it. Got to pay, to work another day. Didnt round. Lol. No more meds.

Have to find another on top. Think will be fine. Will laugh if I am allergic to d3.
Only took one today.

Did spell for weather and . . . . Not May yet.




13:42 Apr 18 2019
Times Read: 1,132

Damn feel worse. But, when I cough up chest stuff, I am getting better. Just had an energy drink. To pull me up. And need a packet of Dayquil.
And, must remember not to type when sick. Lol. What I Say?

Cant do mayday till new moon

Looked so sunny when pets woke me up for feeding. Now street lights going on. This is why I didnt put air in tire, for slow leak. Might be a bus day.

Need to set alarm. Didnt sleep till 2f0am.




06:55 Apr 18 2019
Times Read: 1,135

Been sick. Started, being very tired. Then sore throat. Then 2 days cold. Still congested yesterday. No voice today. Lol I give up.

Cant do mayday ritual. Yet. Sort of need a log. Need to find fire wood, sort of. Lol. Rocks. And copper.

Suppose to have storm. Need to batten down the hatches.




21:06 Apr 16 2019
Times Read: 1,140

Healed my cat. . . . Then I fell ill. What a cold. Been eating to keep me up. Tried sinus stuff almost back.

Couldnt study till last night. And. Today. Couldnt bring home menus due to rain. My pictures are two dark of menu. So going over early to write down.

Looked at pad like girl. Was 12. Nah. Might not last. See new people. So bought a college version. LOL 2.00


NEED a part time morning job.
. . . .

Need lots of small stones and pennies.




00:22 Apr 16 2019
Times Read: 1,142

I won't tell. LOL
But, I will hint. . . .
In regards to ritual for May Day!

Burl Ives, Silver and Gold
The Flintstones Theme song.


And those Sleeping Gargoyles were neglect in there tasks at Notre Dame. Bad Gargoyles.



00:43 Apr 16 2019



20:34 Apr 15 2019
Times Read: 1,144

I finally went back to Shell, and girl asked me where I have been. Told her about my legs and that I tried to give up my drink. But, now I limit to one a day. Told her about the D3 and she said she went to a doctor about it, he gave her a pill everyday and 2000 D3 a day. LOL Poor thing, she is so much younger than me.

Gave my Pye a few drops of sinus med, mixed in water. Looked a little drowsy. But, drank lots of water, and Ate more. Nose is clear, so are eyes, and mouth. Whew.

Full moon on the 19th. May first lies on the waning moon. New moon starts around the fifth.
Let's see if we can have a lil fun this year!

Starset - My Demons (Official Music Video)




08:32 Apr 15 2019
Times Read: 1,158

Before I left I put water in a bowl with one of my aspirins. Took damp towel w the aspirin water and wiped hhgs eyes, nose mouth. When I got home w supplies, he looked better. Gulped tuna and saw him eat a lil dry food. Maybe out of woods.




08:36 Apr 14 2019
Times Read: 1,166

Pye still not eating. Gave him chicky th at is good for him. Lets see. Wish I had someone who could have watch

Had 3 tables. So much to remember.

Hoe next door starts complaining about dog. Lol they so smell. I have not had a good night sleep since the trouble makers came in. Before, was the other side. When one goes another comes in. Just wish they didnt need to tell me their business. Or include me.

What they say . . . I REALLY DONT CAR




19:01 Apr 13 2019
Times Read: 1,167

My cats congestion is better. Only ate a lik tuna. Actually went in box.
Still breathin hard. But like I said, congestion much better.




06:36 Apr 13 2019
Times Read: 1,170

Awww cat sick. Have to stay home in morn . Maybe I can get my friend to watch him when at work.

Awww. Place I work at had me doin almost everything. Hard only aquainted w some foods. Said I might have a table. Very fancy. Heard great news. One of top ten. Im not yet.

Will get treats for pet in morn.
Maybe I should block the window.




11:51 Apr 12 2019
Times Read: 1,175

Almost May




05:49 Apr 12 2019
Times Read: 1,177

Should not have done so much today. But, was one of those have to.

The restraunt is actually elegant. It's a diffrent media though. From outside doesnt look like much. But, really fine.

My shoes suck. Maybe will where the mens ones.

While waiting for bus. Saw a white truck stay stopped on side of McD. When I dropped gaurd. He came runnin fast at me. So I yelled woe. Stay rright there, and grabbed for the mace. He said he thought I was. . . . Forgot the name. I said you scared me boo. And slowley unlocked the mace and pointed it directly at him. For moment he looked like he wasnt warned. But when I repeated myself and still pointed he gave a look that he finally understood what was in my hand and left.

Mon Dieu.

Oh well, got to get card in gentilly. Love the area. But, saw car break ins on twitter.




18:49 Apr 11 2019
Times Read: 1,181

Man. Had to get that broken roach home out. Then had to screen window for pets. Them get them a lil food. Me a energy tea and choc.

Now getting ready for work.


Whats that thrift shop song, again!




17:21 Apr 10 2019
Times Read: 1,188

One more interview I did. This one called me when I was in Gentilly. (Which, I love their bus and the area.) He called and I said that I could interview tomorrow. Said it was part time to full. 5 days a week nights.

This one, I heard last night. Astral. He said he wasn't telling Me the truth, what he said was a lie. Restaurant, you know. And most likely will excuse if slow.

So, I went in there thinking that it is probably like one of the franchise restaurants, in the quarter. Would give me some money for my landlord, while and during set up with security. Let's see. Guy seem nice enough. But, most time they want a server that knows the bar. Most I can do is pour beers, and get bottles. LOL. Not exactly fine dining. His is a few late nights a week. Let's see.

Saw another sign, just in case, I don't get the other job regarding alcohol. Applying now. Have landlord breathing down my neck. And I feel to bad to disappoint him.

Security position, I have to go back and get my temporary official card, at the end of week. They are giving us a walk thru Saturday, in the morning at the site.

OMG. Someone left a cart that is a lil smaller than my futon. But, I was running late for the interview. . . . . Got back and it was there. Yeah . I fold the futon pad up a lil.... Like a pillow and looks like a day bed.

Only trouble. Dog can't get on and he jumps off wrong. Mon dieu. So. . . . Folded up my xlarge comforter so in case he tries again, wont fall hard.

Have to think about this. . . .

Jazzfest is being called cursed. . . .
First Mick

Got other job, also, start tomorrow.




21:25 Apr 09 2019
Times Read: 1,196

Actually, left at 830 and got there early.
Was good ride. I biked up there once at a clothing shop for inventory scanning. Went into a coffee shop that was so great. Love the feel of the people I met outside. Could be the D3. Lol.

So far everything. Ok. Dont really want to talk about them. But, the manaquin was so funny. Everyone thinks it is a real person till we all get close. LOL

AND they do warn about the rocker chairs. But, they dont look like them. So when you sit. You get flung back like your goin down. But then you pop back. Funny. I did it. So did others.lol


Part time interview for dining tom.




17:46 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 1,214

OK, didn't want to tell landlord till I see legit. Security for Jazz Fest. Couldn't understand her Friday message, but, when I went to delete I heard her say jazz fest. So, made appointment for class tomorrow. Far away, have to leave early. Only two busses. Made 11 am appt. tomorrow

And, there is one that just email, that pays daily. Entered in a lot of information. Lets see....

OK, sent me a survey, that couldn't get in. Left message. And sent me the on boarding. Done.
Think that is the one I kept hearing to use their card..... Astral that is......

Tomorrow.... hmmm 3 or 4 hours early than time Hmmmm.... Let's see about Security. Only did it at stores, and scanner. Could mean a new bracket.

Time to go..... Nice weather.... no more moon.....

1219 and I am listening to this god awful music outside. Unbeleivable. If it isn't the hick music than it is the ghetto jam. So great living in the hood. Not.

5 hours. . . .




05:33 Apr 08 2019
Times Read: 1,217

I must be feelin better wiped everything down in the pet playroom. Threw out old pillows. Put pet patches over clawed rips. Washed couch.

Feel nauseous!

Must be feelin a lil better.

Had lil storm. But, we have power.

So maybe will be clear for the job hunt tomorrow. Washed my favorite blue shirt in case. Ok. Goin to almost barf. Lol.




15:12 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 1,224

Warm. . . . so dog bath day, before I go.

I did hear. . . . Or should say skimmed a radio show w Nemo. What. . . . Get rid of toxic w toxic. That could be old. Some resubmit shows.

Did notice 2 electric shots. They missed the elephant being fried.

Still no go w Stonehenge. Maybe should change wording.

Cat clock is workin today. Yeah

Oh to explain my twitter pic. NYPD arrested this lil guy for non payment on subway. Brutes.

Went through Kenner. Nothing so far. But..... did find the dollar drops for pets.
If not storm tomorrow. Will go other side. HMMMM

Saw something about knee joints. The recipe was with d vit. Bought d3 at dollar store. After 2 hours no pain. and I drank soda yesterday and today.

Yesss. I have the right vitamin. Sort of a Vampire disease. Lack of sun plus calcium. And the D3 was right. Cuz D is from D3. And can take up to 4000mg. It is 600mg in ea tablet. So took 2400mg. Lol. Not cracking. So lets see. Lol. What I get for drinking soda all the time. Children get rickets.

Got another warning about weather tomorrow.




03:49 Apr 06 2019
Times Read: 1,229

Tomorrow better search search search.

Cuz Sunday, another bad weather day.

You know the other day kept thinking to change batteries in cow. And did dollar ones. Luckily. Cuz when I checked radio, acid all over. Whew.




22:28 Apr 05 2019
Times Read: 1,231

Storms are finally over, yeah. Was drenched just getting cat food. Did two tests and a phone test. And did a cashier, but, I think where I am living is a bust.

Someone said that he didn't like what Nemo said today..... ????????
Listened a lil but, don't know. A lot of people don't like what he says.

3:50 is Waxing moon new moon........

Not able yet to break through to see something w Stonehenge.




21:45 Apr 04 2019
Times Read: 1,236

Wow. Been stormin all day. Sister called to warn. Phone died.

Tried playing Swiss Cow, didnt work. Cat got mad kicked it going of table, and yup, it yodelled. Whoo hoo. Cut off once when lightning hit above.

Lil flooding. What a serious rain day.

Got pet food in case of emergency.

But, happy about Swiss Cow.

Oh. I can throw out last years staff. Had intruder watching me last year. This year. PRIVATE.





13:25 Apr 04 2019
Times Read: 1,240

Got up with the Storm. Love hearing thunder.

The blonde was at it all night. But, he is just a astral mermer. So . . . Lol. . . . He is astrally too low. Did hear him answer himself once. Lol. Going to make me scream. Yeah, w laughter. Thinking of ousting him, almost null. Maybe he should take more acid. Lol.

Today I am a Serpent. Hmmm Sweet.

Up for job search. Ready.

Did try doing something w Stonehenge. Cant say till I do it.

Storm getting stronger. Sweet




15:32 Apr 03 2019
Times Read: 1,243

Need new library, cuz probably need new area to walk after.

My haunted cow isnt working. Sad.

Almost out of waning moon.

Was 2 pranks on April 1st. Stephen Hawking coin being sent back. Because of error in black hole equation. AND the more elaborate dogecoin. Which I didnt get till I looked up. MON DIEU, L'ENFANT.

Oh. Still working on profile.
Maybe powerball w Jungs numbers.

Lets see picked 28, 32 twice. Bday 4, @14. And 40.

Play 2, 13
,10, 1thru 9. How about unlucky number 13.




19:51 Apr 02 2019
Times Read: 1,254

Yesterday, was not a good day. Started with the dog with.... looked like poop on his face. Wiped off fast. Fed him with cats just a little earlier. hmmm gave another cocktail franks can, in case. ????????

Then cats took over pillow. Later through up on. omg
Cleaned that.

Went to library. Looks less than before, for jobs. Did a visual walk after..... looking for jobs. Will do again today. Walked for miles. Good Phys.

Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons w/ Logic & Ty Dolla $ign ft X Ambassadors - Sucker for Pain
Not good.

And the Blonde wants to turn me on.... please stop, lol..... Try saying something smart..... LOL.... got to be an one liner.... somewhere on google, that he could use. Homey should go for it. LOL

Saw a new film on CHERNOBYL..... Official Trailer (2019)
there is a sad song, and pics that depict it. But, this is interesting.

And Life Goes On




10:59 Apr 01 2019
Times Read: 1,266

Now, the blonde, I call Homey. ...Says that Nemo and Astro don't belong there. In the cells. Lol. The whole point of Heathens is to stress the point, . . . That they are just as lethal without guns.. They themselves are the weapon.

So, like the song Heathens states. . . . You are free to walk around, you seem like all others there. . . . Lol

Although, I should keep Homey locked in one more day. And I did hear a female saying I dont bring in fems. New Moon. . . . . Lol

Skillet - Monster (Official Video)



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