Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 89    [ Give / Take ]


17 entries this month

23:15 Dec 28 2017
Times Read: 1,221

Well, as of today, I don't think I have the sun anymore. The Stonehenge one anyway. But, I have set up a little prayer area.

Cost sooooo much. All I had, to set up for the new job. But, it might be just for the busy season, lets see! My friend and landlord has been so wonderful. Hopefully, this will give them some money soon!

Meanwhile, it is so awfully, cold.....




18:17 Dec 27 2017
Times Read: 1,237

Well, still nothing from the job Boards. But, one, that I walked into, called. So, thank you Santa, he sounds Jovial. So, after job search, will hopefully get a pair of cheap service shoes. Crossing my fingers. Trial work, will be soon. Which reminds me, must find the menu.

Hard to type, hands are frozen....


Friend took me to Burger King for Christmas, luckily gave a little more for food. Cuz. Need it for shoes. Sweet.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (5/10) Movie CLIP - Ritual Heart Removal (1984) HD

I think we are going there in the movie sequence.

Might have to do a quicky!!!!

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Trailer

Because of Stonehenge, might have to go to ending....

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Ending Scene

Meanwhile, People of Stonehenge, did a ritual to bring back the light.....

Oh well, Edwardo, that is the end of the Dark all over, all over..... LOL

Speaking of, a while back, I did an astral circle using the sun, in the quarters, just to see what would happen..... and the glass broke, in the north and in the south..... but, the sun was still there. Didn't put in glass to begin with....

Happy New Year's everyone....

May there Be Light.....




18:46 Dec 23 2017
Times Read: 1,250

My old friend, never ceases to amaze me. Yesterday, I saw a chat that included me. The chat was about bars that closed, that we use to go to.

How the Hell did she remember the Playden.... LOL Luckily, I looked much older for my age, when we went. Back then, if they did check, you could still use, as you looked for your lic.... must have left it at home.... awwww.

I think that was a lit up floor night club..... like back in the John Travolta days of Disco.... LOL

That is in a time, when you could slip in, if you looked old enough. And you could still pick up cigarettes for your parents.... LOL


Back to the astral, as we hit the window, during the Temple of Doom. Edwardo, that had to be you yelling out that infamous Chinese, that you are know for..... Happy Holiday's Y'all




20:34 Dec 22 2017
Times Read: 1,260

Went to library late.... because it is the end of library till Tuesday....

So wish I could change my age, on my license.... Maybe should think of a fake one.... lol Would be so much better on the job hunt....

Was thinking of giving a Christmas card to a VIP, but, would be tacky without a payment....

Well Hope Everyone has a wonderful Yule....

Had a Astral trip with SH, a little Leary with him....

Everyone else is quite.....

Blessed Be!!!




20:55 Dec 21 2017
Times Read: 1,271

The Astral Movie didn't go to well.....

Didn't see anything irregular....

Did better when it was just in the air. Truthfully, everyone should have done their own thing.

Oh Well.....

Have to admit, to pull everyone together, I use the Stonehenge Wormhole. And, even if someone is trying to stop.... their is always tomorrow. So the Director can do it for herself, next time.







19:21 Dec 20 2017
Times Read: 1,293

Well, truthfully, I should give up. But, I have to get a job anyway, so might as well keep trying. Think that is it for apt. Well, sweet for him to wait this long anyhow.

Only thing today, is cracker company, which I need a car. And a temp service, which I did put in for.

Nothing solid..... The cracker place only pays .45 cents on a gallon, to go to places. And only pays 12. So couldn't have pd anyone off anyway.

Hoping that I will hear back from the 13.50..... Crossing fingers.

Meanwhile, reading further in book.... know how to measure, by using a measuring stick and a shadow.

Like the how angle measuring Egyptians thing goes. But, wonder how they figured out the passages..... in tombs.

The water/mileage thing is pretty good.

Let's see the dot therapy, wasn't bad.....

Pictures, are different....

Astral, there was a dress rehearsal last night for Indiana Jones. So S. don't let us down.

Let's see Wardo, is Short Round, must project as such.
Mola Ram, is JA, White shirt, black pants, nice shoes, and red robe with charm around neck.
Willie Scott. me ... but, using the filmed dance at the beginning.
Chattar Lal is a woman with long hair, black attire, and gold necktie, red glasses
Sacrifice Victim?
Lao Che, Chen, Kao Kan.... English Band
Wu Han..... Faerie
Nuhachi..... any dead guy

ohhh I forgot Captain Phillip..... need a volunteer.
Highness, The Maharajah of Pankot Zalim.... SH

Need a Chief Guard.... the Tough Guard
Need Marhan..... The guy who asks Indy to retrieve stones
Director, has camera with wide screen, hand held talker, script, note book.... ready and dolled up!

Just waiting for the director to start.....

Of course, Indiana Jones..... MK White authentic shirt, Black pants, and black shoes for beginning scene.

Let me start you off!

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Opening (Anything Goes) ᴴᴰ YouTube

First Scene
Indiana Jones 2 Car Chase
if you can get to it Indiana Jones 2 Plane Crash

Indian guy haven't got.
Meeting Long hair lady after going threw bats......

Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom - indian food
Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom - KALI MAAAAAA




19:19 Dec 18 2017
Times Read: 1,298

Before I start the job search, because I ended so late Yesterday!:

Here is something fun.....




10 14
5 28
2 56
1 112

then you take the 9 and double it for four many....

Then cross out any row which starts with even numbers


50 times 4
25 8
12 16
6 32
3 64
1 128





21:45 Dec 17 2017
Times Read: 1,307

Man, I can't believe I walked 2 hours in the rain, to get onto a computer for a job. At least this is a nice place. Had Harry Potter, and Yule festival showing.... How sweet.

Still, I have not found anything. Still plugging away.... Only had one interview for a Soul Food Place.... Was not any chance! Was so bad mouthing, astrally, plus something about the meet.... heard that before the library slugger once.... Didn't have money for the outfit, anyway!

Meanwhile, started reading about guy in wheel chair, was interested in his gadgets, and later saw him astrally, was sitting on his chair with him, Naked, lol, sorry I sleep that way.... He met someone from a circle astrally and pushed him aside....
and accidently, collided the chair guy with the two dimensional Einstein, in the 3 dimensional astral world, briefly....
Truthfully, that was meant for me!

There was a lot of activity, astral, that is.... with the Indiana Jones episodes.... "there is no more parachute", is one.....Wardo.... very funny
The talk at the table...... w K
S wants to direct, but must wait till midweek....
JA grabbed the lever in the bug sequence..... but, I prefer him as the evil guy, with his school chanting.... but, he has to loose that beautiful smile....

The faerie, can try the first seen, guy who gets shot....
SH as the Child King....

Meanwhile, the infection in my back is gone, or little to nothing. Some of the scab came off and it looks like three puncture marks....
What kind of insect does that? Maybe I should check apartment.




18:18 Dec 14 2017
Times Read: 1,316

Well, I decided to change resume, again.... Man..... took me too long!!!!!

decided to add all of job boards, mon dieu

Decided to talk to last entity, from Stonehenge, this morn, to find out what is goin on....

Just started something else.... Somebody, came in right during.... Wonder who that could have been astrally.

I Give Up.....
There has got to be an easier way.....

Got to get out there!!!! Went close to home, and it is dead as a door nail. No help wanted signs. God.... I am such a dead beat.
Really, have to think of another way to get money. lol If I still had my accordion, I would have been playing in the French Quarter.

My resume got attention, but, just a side thing in real estate. Need something besides, to start that off. Maybe on this other thing.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Opening (Anything Goes) ᴴᴰ For the Wardo Of course: you can be the kid.... So, who is goin to poison Indy first.....


Thinking of resume. Going back to New York....

Wonder who that tiny skater/and his wife was in
The Rink At Rockefeller Center near the Rockettes..... HMMMMMM




18:45 Dec 13 2017
Times Read: 1,321

SOFI TUKKER - Best Friend feat. NERVO, The Knocks & Alisa Ueno (Official Video) [Ultra Music]

Walked to the new Bourbon. LOL Nothin!
Did do two three apps.

Goin to hit the street again.
Had a beautiful interview, but....

Sorry, to MK about the guy who keeps callin you a Nerd. I know you never saw yourself as that....
Because, these days.... Anything Goes!

Yesterday, at library, think one of my assailants went out the door. At the LIB.... LOL. Spitting and Kicking.... I guess I took that as racial, at my Bus Stop.... but, honestly.... Not.... did it to her own Color.... So I stand corrected....

Saw some guy MK shaking your hand. Not sure who that is astrally. Sorry!

SOFI TUKKER - F*ck They (Official Video) [Ultra Music]




17:51 Dec 12 2017
Times Read: 1,324

Well, need to read the chapter on Scabs. Because it is all there is. LOL....

Maybe, it was that old thing that I thought was a tight muscle. But, I didn't see anything bleeding, nor did it hurt or grow, till last week. Is weird after a year. Or maybe it was a major bug bite, was some internal bleeding. Did have some little bites, on my butt, that I had gotten at the same time. That is why I am going to the city library, not the local.... bites may had come from something while sitting on their chair....

Trying to do this tobacco company app. But, it doesn't seem to be going through...., before I hit the street.

Truthfully, my friend, has such a nice boss. Real nice, and older.... it would be nice if I could find someone like that. Would be perm.

Meanwhile, I think My friend is so worried. But, I seem find. He had given me a lil of the medication that he needs. And it is legal for him anyway. LOL

My poor landlord, is still waiting for payment. I really, don't want to include him in my troubles. Don't need him or my friend feeling sorry for me. He has enough of his own. That is why he has a camera around him.

Well .... back to the tobacco app.




18:22 Dec 11 2017
Times Read: 1,335

Well............. OK

It's over...... Yeah........ Can sit back...... can put a band aid on....... Damn!!!!!

Just a little infect left...... Whew..... What ever that was...... Feel a lil hung over.....


A week and a half, an still not sure what that was. But, at least my skin looks normal, and no more red gel, yuck!

Now, supposedly, someone gave me The OxyContin. Hmmmm I really, didn't feel better.... Really, don't know what the rave...... Oh Well.....

Maybe, I just don't fit into the drug grove..... only had two tabs anyway! One day and then the other. LOL maybe someone switched his drugs, think four aspirins, would have been better. LOL

Sweet try though, was real bad!

Truthfully, probably would have done better with the ice cream.

(Beavis and Butthead, after being electrified!)


SOFI TUKKER - Best Friend feat. NERVO, The Knocks & Alisa Ueno (Official Video) [Ultra Music]




21:37 Dec 10 2017
Times Read: 1,342

Wow. That last day of the storm was truly horrible. I new I should have gotten more food. But....

Had to put emergency blankets over the book cases. Which helped a lot. The only reason that I new to do this, is that I started reading the Hyperspace book again. Don't ask me why. And I felt a strong cold coming from the book case. So.... That night me and my pets made it....

But, that whole day, lots of stuff had been coming out of my back. Hurt like hell. Kept cutting up pieces of cloth from somebody's old cloths and pressing to get the stuff out.

Buy the day after, my stomach and body was all cramped. I moved like Tim Conway, as and old man. Seriously. lol. And, I thought by that day, yesterday, that stuff comin out must be done. But, after taking with my sister in RI, I got up and saw a stream down my back. So, I cut another rag and pressed.

By eleven, I, saw the cats dry food run out. So, I didn't want to wait for my friend and I set out to the store. My body was so cramped it took for ever, and my breathing was very bad. Got finally to the last store, and told friend, I was in too much pain to wait for him to get me.....

So, by the ever long time I got a few blocks from my home; my friend called, was close by. So, I walked a little back. Slowly got in car, and felt back stuff break open again. Didn't sit back. So when we got to wal mart. I got out asked for an napkin and showed him the stuff coming out. He felt so bad that he gave me 2 of his pain killers. Took one but, it only loosened my muscles. Not got rid of body feeling. He helped me so much though.

That night, I really felt, that that was it. Think I saw MK in a space suit. LOL.... Should have had him hanging outside like the original Lost In Space. LOL, the cartoon, that is.

Hopefully, it wasn't him who hit me back in..... Because..... If I have to wash body with Bleach..... He is so in for it..... Better not be living dead.

Anyway, my skin hole today, doesn't look like a tiny volcano, and I don't feel much else in it..... But, what ever venom was there has to come out.


SOFI TUKKER - Best Friend feat. NERVO, The Knocks & Alisa Ueno (Official Video) [Ultra Music]

My poor friend, if I hadn't all ready beat him to the bandages.... he would have been like that movie, when the girl saw her friend puff up with a allergy. With Will Smith.

Meanwhile Edwardo, said something back from the Indiana Jones movie, like "Than it was Black All Over, All Over".....




21:02 Dec 07 2017
Times Read: 1,349

Did so good putting jeans on and t-shirt to go to library. Sat back with no problem. But, Ouch.... T-shirt is stuck to my bite..... OOOOOOOOuuuuuuch!


Honestly, bite looks better, leaked only water, yesterday, finally surfaced.

Wonder what bit me,.... for real.


Don't know why I walked here in rain, nothing on computer.

Oh, couldn't find the words to describe what the English guy looked like be for his dark beard..... Now I do..... Barber Shop Quartet! That is why I gave him a I think your crazy look. And, is why I did recognize him. The Old English robe was the same. Rolled up pants....

Was a Quite Cold night..... Guess I will go home.

Good, feel so board.... Need a job......

Went three places, just knocking..... One was a nice man, who knows everybody.... when he mentioned Russell, I agreed..... But, come to think of it, it isn't his real name.

Other, is at a good time so that I could work 2 jobs. But......

Last, probably isn't hiring, but, I know a lot about!

God,.... So sick of the search..... Have to get something!!!!!




20:14 Dec 06 2017
Times Read: 1,361

Someone asked what is so bad about singing while working. Ok, I'll give.... Star Trek episode.... Have No Fear, O'Rileys Here .... kathleen

By 2266, Riley was serving as navigator aboard the Enterprise as a lieutenant. In that year, Riley was one of the first crewmembers to fall victim to an unusual disease which caused those affected to act out and lose their inhibitions. Under the disease's influence, Riley commandeered the ship's engineering section, and rerouted all command functions there, prohibiting the rest of the crew from controlling the ship. This posed a significant danger to the Enterprise, as it was locked in an unstable orbit of the planet Psi 2000, and in the process of spiraling down towards the surface. Proclaiming himself "Captain Kevin Thomas Riley," he deactivated the ship's engines and regaled the crew with repeated renditions of the song "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen." Eventually, Captain Kirk and crew were able to regain control of the ship, and institute a full-power restart of the engines, narrowly avoiding destruction of the Enterprise. (TOS: "The Naked Time")

To the Singer: for your pleasure....

Traditional Irish Song - I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen (Karaoke)



As my life is "Lost in Space" movie, segment of
Never fear, Smith is here. | "Lost in Space" (1998) | 720p 24fps

Never fear, Smith is here. | "Lost in Space" (1998)

Yup, the bite has surfaced, and truthfully, not as swollen..... Soon!

And the Monkey flips the Switch..... Lost in Space - Launch of Jupiter


My life with MK

Lost in Space Movie 1998.... ( Me : I wonder what would it be like to jettison your body in to deep space.....
MK.... do they have a name for what is wrong with you?)




17:46 Dec 04 2017
Times Read: 1,372

That guy, I met with, when I worked for Habana Port, on just a quick talk, honestly, amazes me.

My boyfriend was astrally, harassing me, and that clear sheet went over him, and scrunched him. Awesome. I might have gotten something from a Physics Professor, finally. If somehow you (Spunky) are reading this.... What college was it? I saw a Jewish schools, (you mentioned prestigious.) with almost the colors, blue and blue/green. But, Not sure. That sheet was what was over you right? at the beginning.... in the water way. I haven't heard and seen so many overlays, since Witchcraft 101. But, I must admit, you are extremely telepathic. Most Excellent. Sorry I am so boring, I feel that that stuff is sort of kiddie. But, must admit you really are very telepathic. I'm thinking now that you did the scene with JA. You know at the rail road tracks. Because, I mentioned his name as a author. (Because, I said I'm not following you, just going home.) And yes I saw the young Chinese Guy, but, really can't figure out what the prestigious college was. That was very excellent. You are yours are very impressive. I hope you are reading this. Geneseo knight?

I am in the city again, dressed like city people, not dressed business. Need to try personally, again for a job. Nothing on the job boards. A service, telepathically, linked w me this morn, but, said wait no later then 9. if he has something he would call.

Meanwhile, I have had a lump for almost a year, on my lower back waist. Never has it hurt. It hurts so much now. Maybe it is coming to the surface. My mind is saying that it is a Burr. But, I don't think so. Or maybe I am spelling it wrong.

Nothing on the computer to go to yet, will keep monitoring.

Seen a lot of new AI units, I guess they are trying to replace the human race..... But, even though they look invincible, The CPU aren't.

God..... I dressed down for a certain job, went into a certain area, so I could run and apply, and there ain't no job like that. Mon Dieu
Should have went back to my end. Well, let me try by foot.... later diary!




18:47 Dec 01 2017
Times Read: 1,378

Well, still no luck, and the library Wed. let me stay on almost all day.

Maybe, I shouldn't have said I was retiring. What I meant; is that I am retiring from being the server for the Salem Witches. The young one is ready and doing her thing. Definitely, not retiring from these god awful jobs. LOL
The Satan, Call from Stonehenge, Actually, made me feel real good at first. Actually, I ate 2 pounds of hotdogs, and I am still alive! Awesome. Never mind that one day, I ate a 1 bag of chips for all my meals. And did not get a severe head ache. But, like I said there is no recovery job yet! To bad the echo's always distance. Maybe, it is Satan stopping it!

But, Meanwhile, the police have built a command center on Rampart. And they are starting to put up camera's around the French Quarter. Which is good, because I am still being followed. So the culprits, on gay, at the bridge yesterday, came right up to me while I was trying to give a old crazy lady, a sheet with addresses and numbers of shelters.

I don't see her today.

Actually, I see a policeman in the library, all the time. Use to be two nice security black ladies.

That woman at the motorcycle job, actually, I think I met before the street thing. I hate to say it... she was a friend of my landlords helper.... I never got a close up look, but from far away, they looked like a nice couple.... Then one day, she was screaming around the building, he almost strangles her, and then she was screaming for her dog. I am so glad, I just called my landlord regarding. Because, after, meeting her, woe, ..... I should have let him strangle her. She actually, said the job before was landscaping, and she got yelled at a lot. Definitely, was not true....


Found out that High Blood Pressure, causes Memory Loss. Maybe that is why I did not remember her.


The only good thing of being out of work..... I am acting so human..... Brushing the animals...... The fat one is so jolly now.... god, I can't believe it, he was so wild.... Starting to not lay in the dogs, waste..... So well, even the older female cat has come back.... she looked so tired before.... now she has gained weight and starting to fun around....

Well, back to job search......



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