Did my second run for the virus. Who the hell, LOL, is it who I keep bumping into. This time he was on the floor, not moving. LOL. Need a name. I don't think that it is Astro. HMMMMM. The watch thing is physics. Sooooooo
Which leads me into, how nice people are starting to be. We all are thinking about the Virus. Me, I am thinking about my pets. I saw the Chinese pets, and worried, a lot. Dollar Tree, has a ton of hand sanitizers on the end caps. LOL. I wonder if that really does any good. Cuz, LOL, when you go to the port a john, you use them, but, your hands still smell. LOL. . . . The masks certainly don't work either. I'm surprised that the masks haven't started.
I finally, looked at my pets yesterday. Out of the no sleep agenda. One had his claw back in his paw. Fixed that again. And, the other was so messy. So bathed him two days in a row. My dog looked a lot better. Lets see, need to replace some of his stuff.
I finally, got the last small check from where I worked. Have to give my landlord some even if it isn't enough. The other check should cover. That job, that I left did a sneaky thing. I had my Account fax the number with the direct deposit info. But, when I sent gmail, on what happened, someone there had gotten in my account. Or, so Google said, and I had to change my password again, to log it off. Odd.....
Maybe, I can get a job, away from people..... LOL in Solitude, not that I'm worried about the virus.
Read some of Sigmund Freud, he starts on a nothing stature, and makes it big. Like when you go to the theater, and you see an actor. And, you forget later the name. All of us do that. We, don't put that much weight to it. Freud, picks through, like pulling out the threads of a fabric. Brilliant. But, I don't think that he wanted to admit, that he was upset over a patient killing himself, so he went into self examination.
The other book, I like is regarding Tesla's creations. It has a court filing at the end, that looks precarious.
Did new black energy trial, earlier. Did a 2 parter. One physical. The other astral. Went back to the old English Church. To seperate a sequence, from dark energy. Saw a guy there. LOL. LUV ya, to. No tying off. It pinched. Lol. I dont mean the rope. That wapr someone else. Silly. Sent first sequence out. Hawking would be so proud. LOL. Probably would be easier to banish. LOL. SAW A WATCH Being constructed. To work w the dark energy. I dont know. I SEE IT LIKE THE VEIL OF ISIS. Not sure of time placement. Although the dark energy should be the same when ever. . . . COUPLE OF LAYERS Of the watch is sweet. GOOD IDEA FOR SOMETHING ELSE.. Finally, put Jafar in the astral jail hide out. And, think I saw a glimpse of Nemo. (The Joker.)
Sunday, seems good for the Astral banish, destroy Corona Virus. COVID-19 VIRUS. ANYONE WHO WANTS TO WORK IT TOGETHER, I guess we will meet in the Old English Astral Church. Starting around 11, this Sunday coming. Open to different links. Meanwhile, I will be shooting some trials till then using dark energy. Was trying to astral hand seperate the curtain. . . . Lol. Starting tonight. Leaving a good pic to work with.
Someone said to link to the virus, and banish it! uhmmmm. Maybe. But, it isn't an entity. But, maybe. How about I do both. I can do some kind of cleaning device with black energy, and the virus banish..... Sweet! If anyone else wants to link in, will be dating an Astral later!
Trying to find a new job, at the same time. . . . LOL
My place is almost all clean, pets are back, but, dog keeps rubbing my metal frame of bed. Have to figure out how to make the poles padded. He a lil crazy, like owner. LOL
The Tenors - Who Wants To Live Forever ft. Lindsey Stirling
The animals made such a mess last night. LOL. Cleaning lil by lil. Getting there. One of them luvs playing water. What a mess. . This new phone is so bad. Got to get a new one. Cant get into gmails to answer for new job. . Landlord wasnt here today. Charging phone the wrong way. LOL. SHOULD BE DONE SOON. . Need to return shirts to last job. . Was thinking on, how to do Corona Virus screening, spell. Maybe dark energy. There has to be something I can link to. Not sure. Got to think about some kind of siv or something. I think I did a confinement spell for ebola. This one . . . . Hmmm. . . . Maybe too late for confinement.
Shoot the landlord left before I got there. Just saw his truck. Did Bacchus, squeezed in, a lil something. Floats were great. Liked the one w a face w expressions. There was a lot of cowboys and indians. And, someone gave me a bag of real Bacchus charm necklaces. Gave out all but 2. There are jewelry beads, w a Bacchus cup. That is silver. And the clasp is a silver turn. Nice. Some day Id like to pay and play w theirs. Luv this crew. Not too tired it ended early, and was easy. Sweet.
ONe marathon, done. One more to go. 434, waiting for ride. Clean and fix up pets. First get dog food. Was right on side of stage, today. Permanently deaf from music. LOL.
Had TO DO BUFFET. NO TIPS IN THAT ONE. But, didnt have to walk far. Just for dinner, breakfast. I can do it, I can do it. I didnt know that another person got crushed. That makes 2. Plus that poor guy is still dangling off the Hard Rock hotel. Gross.
Was cold last night. Ever see something that reminds you of the Black Mirror, on You Tube. LOL. Maybe why the Dawn told me to stay away from TV people. Didnt say astral, though. Thought of this young girl who was threatened. And, they did show face,even though she requested, not. Showed her pout to get ratings. I linked w her. We got along. She played her music. I played mine. And, there was a third. She asked if I was missing something. She thought of pets. Was a few scenes. There was something that ran by the window, I brought it in, it was sort of stormin outside. It was safe. Some sort of dog maybe. Was something from her about Peter Pan. How cute. And, the hook. Not to mention who that represented. Cute kid. I see her meaning. Too bad her parents wanted her to the ranch. Lovely, child.
Well, thanks to boo. Got white dixie, and tan bra. LOL. Now the final part. Putting yes, for 15 hours Sat. And, 15 hours Sun. Ouch. What that childs theme, the lil train that said it could. Can do, can do. Last two work days for Conv. Ctr. CARNIVAL.
MEANWHILE, NEED WAXING MOON. AND MAP TO CENTRALIZE IN CHINA. HAVE TIME. . Psyched myself, can do. Got to wake up early in morn.
No check today, no shock. . .My cat got caught in couch 2x. Had to cut him out. Luckily didnt bath dog, a freeze is on. Heard when I went to library, with 2 week overdue book. Jung. Also, heard some 63 year old got crushed by 2 mardi gras floats. . .Maybe, should do something about Coronavirus. . .Will do a time astral tonight.
No check today, no shock. . .My cat got caught in couch 2x. Had to cut him out. Luckily didnt bath dog, a freeze is on. Heard when I went to library, with 2 week overdue book. Jung. Also, heard some 63 year old got crushed by 2 mardi gras floats. . .Maybe, should do something about Coronavirus. . .Will do a time astral tonight.
I slept very late. Well, to catch up on sleep. Had an important call to make. .My sabator, has been at it again. She went to an x employee to get help about a guy who wont get a slip for his free drinks. Not only does this woman who gets tWo for one, get away w it. But, she had a talk w me in the bathroom. On how I should do wrong. They all let her do the 2 at a computer. And this guy doesnt need his slip. .My trainor said just write a slip. When next day came. That guy had a full glass. Guy on side gave me same nasty look when I asked for slip. But, gave him the one. After, Their drinks, they both get up and leave. Now there is another. From Sabator. This guy, has been so nasty. Had called big boss about drink, before. But, now the female that gets 2 for 1 is Nasty. Gave me a real hate look when she came in. Must have been trainor that talked to her. Didnt go to her. Then trainor came in. Told me that I have to get zin, put ice and straw in it and say here yov are Mr F. To the guy who is so nasty about slip. Like getting a slip for free drinks, is an issue. After, the freebie 2 for 1 came up w slips. And tried to give tip. I said keep it. 2x. Man o man. Plus, she was goin to do another bathroom talk. Lol. That is it, the sabator got her way. I HAVE TO SAY AU VOIR. BON SOIR. LOL. SINCE FIRST DAY MS. I WANT MY TIPS BACK HAS BEEN AN ISSUE, HER EFFORTS ARE GETTING BETTER TO GET RID OF ME. SEE WHAT HAPPENS AT TIP JOBS. LOL. FOR THE RECORD, I WAS TOLD TO LET 2 FOR 1 GO. LOL. END OF SAGA. NEED A DAY JOB.
Man, I ate a breakfast sandwich and the sausage tasted like fish. What, .... did someone rub it on the crotch. Lousy. LOL
Got all my computer work done for new job, for next month. Is fine now. Just. need. to find another job, to add. Need to work work work.
Bacchus, is soon. Bacchus Bacchus! really love this one. Thinking.... LOL
If anyone has a chance to do the Convention Center Bacchus Ball, ..... go for it, I would love to be a sit down, lots of fun..... And, then Mardi Gras, is soon to be over.
I always leave a tip with the very cheap Chicken Place. Cuz very cheap. And, I leave my pets for a while, so need to treat. They were so nice about the just patties, for dog. Love them. Won't ask for favor again, though. Wanted charge for 2 patties, only. Was cheap again. LOL. But..... First, gave me raw patties. LOL. Then asked them to cook. LOL maybe that was the raw price. Threw in an extra buck for that one. LOL Next time..... regular, promise.
The girl that has been trying to get rid of me since day one, for taking her tips on the floor, has found a way by getting another patron involved. Every week she does a new thing. Why is it that when I introduce I get them to do it. By saying the drinks do not go on the computer or license. The computer is for points and prizes.
Son of a bit. . . . Saw guy on skate board, near door of restaurant near Race Trac. Few blocks down. With sort of long wood branch in hand. Like as long as him. Thick. Few blocks down, saw him coming towards me on my right. On highway. I Stopped bike. So he ended in front. He was asking for lighter. Went for mace in pocket. Lol. Went to pull out of jacket pocket. Forgot, I put in purse. Grabbed purse quickly. And, gave answer twice that did not have lighter. He knew thEn, that I was goin for weapon, seeing that I said I didnt have lighter. So he left fast. Felt like. Indiana Jones, going for gun in Temple of Dome. Lol. . . . So stupid. Kept thinking I should spun around prior. Maybe, warning from passing car.
So tired. From job paperwork, and valentine. And, put new curtains up got new bed set. Cheap though. Work tonight. Have to deal w situation. Till. . . . Man, at the movie,, yesterday, that 15 popcorn and soda was hugh. Was goin to get my valentine his own cup. But, guys at counter kept saying, refill. LOL then valentine took too long smokin, so picked my own. Lol. Arcade was fun. Love air hockey.
So far my Val for him sucks. Girl at CCs wouldnt take my money. Even I bet him.ok. . . Next one. Knives Out. Ill beat him. Cuz I owe him a shit load.
Yeah. Have a job that replace the conv. job. Easy one. Not as much money. But, might c shows. Performing. .Lots of problems at casino. Girl so wants her tips back. Was on my floor all night. Maybe, is why admin said that a lot of people are hiring in this area, on 1st day. Lol. Should be able to get one. Have a lot of paper work to bring back tomorrow. Finally, direct deposit.
God. The attrocities, that are happening in China. People taken away in metal boxes. Not allowed to stay in homes, due to Coronavirus and military. Will that be us? .Not something I want to think of, when I get up. LOL. where is my energy drink.
Uh oh, Nemo. Charlotte Lawrence, Joke is on You. What ya think of that! . Man O Man. Had to bike, against the wind. Ol the way. Whew. . Stopped for fries. Need ketchup. . Washed dog. Went back to bleaching the floor. What to do for the pets.
My new Sigmund Freud book came in. And, it was handed to me as I walked through the door. Kisses. It was even put on my account already. But, I cleaned it up anyway. Extended the other books. And, paid the fines. Was sweet to do that though. Guess this is BeBe Rexha week. . . . Feel like, GoNna Show You Crazy.
The lousy, let me stress lousy...... Walmart check cashing, the girl did not even try to run it through. After that girl ripped the paper, on the crease. Really, she should not even have touched it. If she is under the influence, she should have just apologized, and asked me to get another check.
But, honestly, you can read the numbers. So, I think it is a set up. They were waiting for me.....
Going to give to my friend to deposit into his bank. Next week, I should have direct deposit. and I always get tips. except on Sunday, when I am training in the Cage. Although, that nice lady paid for my energy drinks. How sweet. Roses..... to her.
Got,my friend a love bug and a little candy for taking it off my hands. I can't get a hold of my agency. So, that is it with them.
Caught up on my sleep..... Astral time later......
Made a complaint in corporate, regarding issues w managers and such.... . .My boo saved the day. Took me to the bank, on the check. They cashed it. Ha. Gave the 35 to him. It is like the 13th Ghost Movie, for him. Because I owe him a shit load of money. LOL But, he took me out to eat w it. And was goin to give me 10 back. Sweet..
Conv Ctr check dated for next day. Mon dieu. Have to find another part time. Plus, the girl at walmart ripped it. Hmmm luckily its only 35. . ASTRAL TONIGHT, MAYBE. .AT LEAST MY NEW JOB IS FINE.
Yesterday, Heard Im a mess at Subway. And, of course I thought of the sequel, in the Name of Love. 2nd Jung astral. . Really, need to get up! Lots to do. . .
Wow. Got to work too early. Left at the same time. But, I didnt stop at the Arab store. Biked because of stopped rain. But, I stopped at Subway. Wow. Driver must have been faster. LOL. SUBWAY played Im A Mess, from BeBe Rexha. That was my beginning song for Jung. Lol. Memories. Got to do something astral soon. W Sonic.
Didn't get anything from other job, this week. But, Casino job called for hospitality, again tonight. So yeah. Have to give this guy roses. . .Bad storm here.
Ha! Made it. And, Boo called. Lol. Had to straightened out phone. After I tried to jack it. Unknowing, left me unheard. My new belt is too big, but, nice. Havent heard from other job. New I needed 3. Drinkin 20 oz Red Bull lol. Subway people, funny. Will come back.
Dropped new phone in dog water bowl when trying to set alarm, and fell asleep. Did someone give me the evil eye.
Also, found very fat, dead mouse. Lol. On dog bear blanket. He ate his last chef boyarde.
Wonder what would happen if I put old sim card in new phone. Lol It doesnt work. Lol
Boston has case of corona virus. Uh oh.
Aargh aargh. My dog ate the fat dead mouse who ate the ravioli. Aargh aargh. Gross. Should have picked him up right away., . . . . . . . False alarm for dog. He was playing. Brought it out from bed.
Dropped phone in toilet yesterday. Learning how to type on new one.