Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


34 entries this month

23:34 Feb 28 2021
Times Read: 594

Lol. Hugh Roach. Gross. Lol. At the brink of Satan's hour, not witches hour. Sware it looked like a New Yorker, or Florida Palmetto Bug. My guess is, it was under the table I brought into the room. Hugh. It was flapping wings on the light bar. My shoes are soft so.... Got up and grabbed raid. Started spraying, but, he scurried off. I don't think there was enough spray. Lol. Was pretty big. Looked under chair, two tables, and so on. . .
Mon Dieu. My own fault, the nice lady cleaned the table, for me. But, when I brought it in, I thought to turn over and check, and didn't. My fault. It has been on the porch through the winter storms. Still in good shape. But, covering started to crinkle s lil.

Astral, fight last night. Well, actually, not much of anything, w a guy I met.

And, I saw that girl, in a flash that I saw, before Trump, the other time. Hmmmmm

Scooby, has started to poop regular. Gawd it has been years, poor thing. But, ever since I changed the litter, he hasn't gone there. I went back to the regular. Hit him once w an empty envelope, so he knows I am mad playfully. Am glad he is feeling better. . . .




16:49 Feb 27 2021
Times Read: 519

Everything paid, although there was a drop due to that interview. Gave my friend those sneakers, to return. Thhhhhaaaannnk him. Truthfully, couldn't find my size, in all the ones I liked. Had a bigger pair. Lol. They had those awful 18 dollars, that swell the feet. Aaaaargh. Bad timing.

I have been walking by a table, that someone left outside. But, I never see the corner apt, to ask. Turns out it was the apt. Next to me. Got it. So have to clean, sweep. Need to bleach carpet. But, have to get more. Yeah, though! My cat took over the desk, now the chair. This gives me the desk back.

Finished that new app. But, maybe that wasn't the one. His said 2018. The one I fixed is 2016. And, that Eric's one on TV, I don't like at all. Can't do by date.




19:38 Feb 26 2021
Times Read: 527

WiFi keeps clicking off. But, I found out how that guy got my resume. An app I thought was bogus. Another app kicked me into it. Lol ok. Got to do something. Then I have to fix that app.




01:43 Feb 26 2021
Times Read: 542

That food place cancelled. Thank God. I only could find the hard shoes. I need the ones that I used for Global. Truthfully, if I found those I could have kept them. I need the cloth ones. I could walk all over all day in those. I mean, it would have been nice for my friend, if they didn't cancel. So I have guilt and releif. Will have time to get a phone card. Return these ouch shoes. . .(I should have went to the Gentily) . . .prepare the pets. Pay the rent. . . . Gawd. . . . I didn't say no though. . . . Plus, I have two weeks to get a new license once it starts. . . Another 25. . .

Lol. What happened to my hair. It looked so great. It frizzed out. Aaaaargh.

Ooooooo. I can't believe what I saw. The hippy gypsy is closed, and I never thought anyone w CBD stuff would close. There was a few more closed stores for rent, on Canal. Plus, there is a gigantic mess on Canal, further down from the Hard Rock Tragedy. The gov't is really awful. Hurt so many w the prolonged drains, down Bourbon. Then the Hard Rock Tragedy. Later, the shut down, and now the partial shut downs. Not to mention lastly those Hugh monstrosities, in front of the Marriott, blocking Canal.




15:08 Feb 25 2021
Times Read: 560

I am picking up from someone that stole from my draw. Have to check it out. . . . But, if it's him, than no way. Have a bad feeling that I am going to spend money today, needlessly. Aaargh what I do for life, love and liberty.

Well, I guess I could look around. But, honestly, many places are closed, and going out of business. But, I have to check.

Most I hear from are out of town remotes. I might do an in town remote, once I can get a box.

-I could be picking up from Facebook. Cuz, I did something stupid. I clicked all the names looking for a friend request. Mostly, because, I am something like that 👽, on Resident Alien. Anti- social. I am on the media's, but, don't really want to be bothered. And,certainly, I don't want to deal with nasty. Lol.

So, I clicked all. And, no.... Mostly guys who want to talk on messenger. Then, a ton more guys added their photo. Aaaaargh. This was an awful idea. Plus a younger, tried to call. Lol. I thought it was just for posts. Sooooooo stupid. Just goin to click girls from now on. Once I get over this. That is.

Speaking of Resident Alien, it was funny. Felt bad for the bar tender, who finally used deodorant. Lol. Big Black, got his wish. And, the funniest part was when the Alien, did the cognitive picture test, with the kid, and his Parents. Lol. Who are these writers. . . . This was too good.




15:08 Feb 25 2021
Times Read: 561

I am picking up from someone that stole from my draw. Have to check it out. . . . But, if it's him, than no way. Have a bad feeling that I am going to spend money today, needlessly. Aaargh what I do for life, love and liberty.

Well, I guess I could look around. But, honestly, many places are closed, and going out of business. But, I have to check.

Most I hear from are out of town remotes. I might do an in town remote, once I can get a box.




14:58 Feb 24 2021
Times Read: 582

Woke up, well actually I don't sleep well. (Midnight snack, and tons of bathroom trips. ) Well anyway, I woke up to a wolf howl. A dog barking at the wolf, and the pigeons overhead loudly chirping. I feel like I'm out in the country. Mon Dieu.

Couldn't do the online job lobby, did a test and it said it was the wifi. So checked on getting my own, they have used boxes, for 26. And, I think the the service is cheap, it matters which one. Some at 4 dollars a month. It's an old laptop, should be ok.

I don't think I would have gotten anything anyway. Two nursing homes, a hospital, one in Slidell, and another place I can't go by bus, and a school, that is way out. Not much. Saw that on my phone.

I think I touched the palpal last night. I forget why. A test maybe, astral.

Still working on the Emerald Tablet. And, full moon soon.

Scooby ripped the new paper on the desk, that makes 3 times. Was mad. Got to get my anger in check.

Have to check out a job, that called. It's food. Truthfully, I haven't applied for any food jobs. Cuz, the government keeps cutting them off constantly. But, not much in my field.

Also, Johnson and Johnson got approved by the FDA, for their vaccine. 65 percent durable. The other is 80. Wonder how much they charge.

Also, saw this old alien show, narrator being Shatner. Felt so bad for the killed alien, that I started to talk to it astrally. Awwww. And guess what, someone from American Airlines had a space ship hovering over it. What a coincidence.

My favorite show tonight. Sooooooo. What is he going to do w the kids in his duffle bags. (The kids that saw parts of his machine, and the hovering apple.) Also, what about the dead body in the freezer, who he represents. (That, so far ...Big Black and his Side Kick, and dog, has gone into.) And. . . His wife. . . . Is she really his wife. . . . why hasn't she called him, in all the time he was there.
(Plus, she goes in the freezer.) Hmmmmmmm Tonight with Resident Alien. Chung Chung. . . .

My favorite funny people are... the Alien, Big Black, and the Bar Tender.




14:16 Feb 23 2021
Times Read: 597

Goin to try something with the computer. Not sure I can do it, I don't think it has an appropriate camera. My cell phone does. But I don't think the computer does. Will see. Maybe there is a free download. Was days, I couldn't get it to work w wifi. Yesterday, it kicked right in. I updated the Chrome, let's see.

Have such a headache. Did a nip Sunday. And, one yesterday... Given me a headache.

Coffee time.

Saw a Blade movie, where the vampire has a nice short manicure. Goin to try.




16:02 Feb 22 2021
Times Read: 609

Cartoonishly evil. Uh oh. Lol. Is what they are saying about the electric company, in Texas. Hmm. . . . I really don't think it was the link the other week. Should blast over it it was. Lol.

Just waiting, for the blast over.

Well, back to the job search.




19:27 Feb 21 2021
Times Read: 619

It's starting to turn to Summer, again. I think a lot of people, fessed and bought tons of supplies, for last week's storm. Hmm. Not one package of Ramen left on the shelf. Had to buy weird bread as it is.

I thought, that the storm could be that other investigation I did, prior. But, no, I didn't see any other signs. I hope.

Want to question the Papal. When... well....
Want to question on the election. Ha ha

Can't believe how far television has gone. From National Geographics, covering Everything You Need to Know on Drug Trafficking... to ... making people trek through the woods naked. What a Torrid programming.

I feel like that character in Wolf, when JN describes the state of affairs, before the bells toll. Gawd. Expecting Rollerball next. So uncivilized.

Well, got to find something to eat, for me. Didn't feel well yesterday. Really feel like chicken. Everytime I go for that, I wind up w plump hotdogs. . . .




12:06 Feb 18 2021
Times Read: 636

Stephen King said a doosey, on Twitter. Lol. Reminds me of the movie, The Mist. Where in the Grocery store, this crazy religious woman tries to take the lead, sadistically. Sad but true, ... there is always one in the crowd. 36 dead from the cold, is sad. I think we need... two electric companies. But, the North has other forms of house heating, and that doesn't run out unless the fuel does.

I really have to watch news. By the time I heard, it was a lil late. But, in Stonehenge, I tried to curve the storm around LA. Lol. Last minute try, in the Aether.

Was looking up those circles flow. Does link to Thoth. Think you can put them two ways. One to a higher conscious, and one grounded. Depends on the movement.




04:19 Feb 18 2021
Times Read: 642

Ehm hum. The free internet, kind of sucks. Sometimes ok. But, today was extremely slow...

Apply apply apply..... Going to fix my hair tomorrow. . . . Maybe it means that I'm going back to work soon.

In my meditation this morning saw a tie from both bottom circles to the top circle. Lol. Don't know why.... Em. Tablets. There was something else, and I forgot.

The Resident Alien, is getting to intense. The pair searching for him, kills people who know about him. The bratty kids get a hold of his keys. And, got knocked out by that apple holder. And, a wife appears at the end, while he was trying to get rid of the kids. (Which in fact, might be killed by the searchers.)

And, I guess the kid was right. The Alien is stupid. Lol. Left keys in truck. Left ship parts and the apple holder, in the basement. Plus the body is still there. . . . Till next week.




04:19 Feb 18 2021
Times Read: 643

Ehm hum. The free internet, kind of sucks. Sometimes ok. But, today was extremely slow...

Apply apply apply..... Going to fix my hair tomorrow. . . . Maybe it means that I'm going back to work soon.

In my meditation this morning saw a tie from both bottom circles to the top circle. Lol. Don't know why.... Em. Tablets. There was something else, and I forgot.

The Resident Alien, is getting to intense. The pair searching for him, kills people who know about him. The bratty kids get a hold of his keys. And, got knocked out by that apple holder. And, a wife appears at the end, while he was trying to get rid of the kids. (Which in fact, might be killed by the searchers.)

And, I guess the kid was right. The Alien is stupid. Lol. Left keys in truck. Left ship parts and the apple holder, in the basement. Plus the body is still there. . . . Till next week.




16:07 Feb 17 2021
Times Read: 658

I can't believe we really lost our electric, early Monday Morning. I wonder if the electric company, is doing that rolling shut off, so that they don't have another blow-up. We had some freezing rain, that's all. Weird it went off. And, it was impossible to reheat w the temp drop. But Tuesday and today is much better.

Overfed the pets. Goin to have to buy more. Gawd. But, I figured that if it goes off, they will be like bears. Lol.

Shower time for Poe soon.




16:07 Feb 17 2021
Times Read: 659

I can't believe we really lost our electric, early Monday Morning. I wonder if the electric company, is doing that rolling shut off, so that they don't have another blow-up. We had some freezing rain, that's all. Weird it went off. And, it was impossible to reheat w the temp drop. But Tuesday and today is much better.

Overfed the pets. Goin to have to buy more. Gawd. But, I figured that if it goes off, they will be like bears. Lol.

Shower time for Poe soon.




09:49 Feb 16 2021
Times Read: 682

Cold cold cold. My oldest cat doesn't want to go in the cold bathroom. B. What a mess there was. I'm goin in there... he can go in there. The water is freezing, though. Brrrrrr. The heat isn't enough. 👽




17:52 Feb 15 2021
Times Read: 692

Electric, is back on, and it has stopped raining! Brrrrrr. Wish I had more heaters. Lol. Even had notified WDSU. Lol.




14:05 Feb 15 2021
Times Read: 699

Great. Electric is off. Guess I should roll out of bed. Went off earlier after leaving the bathroom. Lol. Someone must have hit a pole. Bought a big candle at the dollar store yesterday. Guess I should use it....

Can t believe it is already Lundigras.

Well it's raining hard, not snowing. Wish I had followed this before. Waited to the last minute.
Dog wants a shower, but, no. It's going to get cold. Goin to conserve energy.




Happy Valentine's Ya'll

17:14 Feb 14 2021
Times Read: 704

Song by Pharrell Williams




Happy Valentine's Ya'll

17:14 Feb 14 2021
Times Read: 705

Song by Pharrell Williams




16:22 Feb 13 2021
Times Read: 719

Jurassic Park on, while eating my breakfast ramen noodles. Lol. And, today, I'm going to try online apps. Hmmmmm

Sooooooo cold outside. Damn! I don't have winter clothes. And, this is supposed to be for a while. Maybe, I should link w Stonehenge tonight instead of the Papal. Mon Dieu!




21:27 Feb 12 2021
Times Read: 729

Work. I finally got his laptop working. whoo hoo
Using a free wyfy.

So tired. Was a little tough. Finally I read a diagnostic.... Just had to shut off. Yeah. Can do. Now I am linked Woohoo.

Far from high speed. But, checking everything out.

First song test.... Jokes On You




13:35 Feb 12 2021
Times Read: 745

There is a woman on YouTube that does a bunch of easy recipes. Some to note. French Toast made by dipping bread in melted ice cream, and toasting in butter.

Another is frosting/mouse. Made w instant coffee, lots of sugar, and water. Just blended in mixer.

Coffee mixed w toasted flour. A flour you use to make flat bread. And add sugar.

Bowl bologna, w/3 PC's of bologna, topped w a slice of cheese topped w/egg... Microwaved about 3 mins.... Lol.... Easy cooking!

Speaking of, lol, Scooby wants to be fed breakfast. Jumped on me.

Friend coming over w a computer, w colds. Would have to delete the hard drive, and reload. But, doubt if there is a disk.

Need to get rest of Valentine. Have card and lil stuffy. Does not like chocolate. Sooooooo have to run to store for pizza and soda, w splash of liquor. Lol




02:39 Feb 12 2021
Times Read: 754

Wow. This job I see, all the time, in Gretna, came up again. Mon Dieu. Wonder what is up w it. Too mean or maybe everyone getting Covid. Hmm. Who knows. Even get the texts.

Fell asleep on my favorite show., Resident Alien.
Awwwwwww . Slept just before the end. But, I did see it messy like, last week. To me, this episode was intense. With a few comic spots. Last week was too funny. W lil drama. Can't wait to see the diner party... Saw two other movies I loved... I think... A Mountain Between Us... And... Some terrorist one, w a comedian. Definitely not funny at all. Interesting.

So I saw this other true story, in regards to a church. Felt really bad for the girl involved. She needed to be in a hospital. Horrible pictures. Almost linked. Poor dear. But, I need a red episode like a hole in my head. I remember the link w the ghost on Geen Street, UK.

Felt terrible today. Stress, headache. Probably the ramen and chips all week. Lol.

Thinking of the MI for Sat night/Sun morning, in the Aether. Have some questions for the new guy.




17:11 Feb 10 2021
Times Read: 763

Well, the Superbowl blues, are about to start. Lol. The gov. Closed a lot of stores. But, most ran to alternate shopping. Might say, the quiet before the storm. Americans. Was a great game, Anyhow.

Giving job search, a break, this morning. Must catch up w cleaning.

Dog happy w food. And, asking for a shower. Next.

Still working on some projects, aetherly.

My favorite, Resident Alien on tonight.




16:22 Feb 07 2021
Times Read: 776

Poe, my dog. Lol. I opened a can of macaroni. He walks over to it and makes the sound psssss. Walks away. Won't touch it. Later, he licked my leg ... Lol. Had to get him cocktail franks. What a spoiled. Lol . Making some make and cheese. Just gave the cats tuna, they couldn't wait for the Mac and cheese. Lol.

Been seeing a lot of CIA stuff. There as bad as the terrorist. Wow.

My friend went above the cause. Bought the cats and dog flea collars. Wow. The drops didn't work. Thanks sooooooo much.

Superbowl Day. Saw tons of people at Sam's Club. I am sure that there will be a lot of parties. Even though, the govt is trying to lock it down. . . .

Me. . . . it's trim the dog day. He hates it. But, the nail clippers have a safety on the cutter. And just needs a lil trim on first.....




16:22 Feb 07 2021
Times Read: 776

Poe, my dog. Lol. I opened a can of macaroni. He walks over to it and makes the sound psssss. Walks away. Won't touch it. Later, he licked my leg ... Lol. Had to get him cocktail franks. What a spoiled. Lol . Making some make and cheese. Just gave the cats tuna, they couldn't wait for the Mac and cheese. Lol.

Been seeing a lot of CIA stuff. There as bad as the terrorist. Wow.

My friend went above the cause. Bought the cats and dog flea collars. Wow. The drops didn't work. Thanks sooooooo much.

Superbowl Day. Saw tons of people at Sam's Club. I am sure that there will be a lot of parties. Even though, the govt is trying to lock it down. . . .

Me. . . . it's trim the dog day. He hates it. But, the nail clippers have a safety on the cutter. And just needs a lil trim on first.....




17:14 Feb 05 2021
Times Read: 788

Almost, 10,000 dead, in Louisiana. Are they sure that Vaccine works. Mon Dieu.

Job market is pretty much, at home w laptop(which I don't have one), marketing (which needs a car), and food(which is the worst job, right now). Aaargh

Oh hum. My youngster is wrapped up in a blanket, again. Just put the heater back. Scooby is cuddling, and Poe waiting for a shower. Have to get the room warm first. Oh hum.

Meanwhile, Working on connecting w the vibrations around. To work on stuff. Very Hermetic.




02:12 Feb 05 2021
Times Read: 794

Applied yesterday, again, for one that needs a car, and one that usually hires immagrants. I think one other. Today I did four, including two in another field. Aaargh. Writing them down, cuz I am seeing some listed as new, but, was there before. I give up.

Meanwhile, I plan on asking someone very important, some important question. Aetherly, that is.

Pets, seemed to be doing fine. Although, baby slept most of the day. Yesterday, he was up, most of the day. He is starting to eat other food then tuna, and cat food. Scooby, is upset, that I won't let him on the bed. But, he was happy cuddling on the chair. Kisses.

Things should be getting better, with the Pandemic. But, they aren't. Still 50 something people dying a day. Up to 8900s. And, the Africa virus, may be immune to the new vaccines. Oh boy. Over a year. Unbelievable. If there is any way to get out of Louisiana. I'm there. Lol. The job market hear stinks. Aaargh




14:25 Feb 04 2021
Times Read: 804

Yup Yup. My favorite new series was on last night. Actually, the only series I have seen in many many years. And, it gets better each time.

Yesterday, finally, the confrontation played. It left off w the kid who can see him as a 👽, screaming, prior. So, the Alien threatens him w a Bone Cutter, and the kid jumps out the window. Lol. Later he calls him to convince the kid that he left. But, the kid was too slick. So, the Alien dreams up ways to kill him, while trying to fit in as a doctor. He finally, decides to mess w his brakes. Which you learn at the end, that the kid is nastier. Might win!

Meanwhile, in trying to fit in. The Alien trys to eat. Drinks from a cow, etc. . . And, eats the maybe poisoned chicken, from the guy who died. He figures out that he wasn't hungry, was missing home. Makes a plate that can levitate an apple.

I can't believe, that he got me once. When he was eyeing the lane, to get a strike. He threw me off when the bowling ball hit Big black. . . . I let out a Yelp. Lol can't believe I did that. Lol. Truthfully, Big Black was overdressed. Which means he is slick, in bowling, that is.

Plus, the Alien mentions how his kind created, and ended up building. . . Stonehenge, cuz the Druids was to lazy. Lol

Yup. . . . Stonehenge lol.

* * * * * *

Saw the next show. Was a special for SYFY. Was intense. It was more like the first showing, with a lot of drama. Starts off with the Alien worries. Then a peice of body was found. Another, confrontation w the child, actually 2. The second one was w the child's new friend. Also, someone else saw him as a Alien. Big Black scores the lake. The body is found. The other guy who sees him, was killed. Yup. By a women. And, the nurse's baby is found out.

It was too hard to see the episode on the SYFY app. But, finally got to the end. The commercials kicked me out. A lot. Mon Dieu. Sooooooo next one is intense, and fun.




22:05 Feb 03 2021
Times Read: 809

Resident Alien, is tonight! Yeah SYFY

Meanwhile, still doin work w the Emerald Tablets.

And, practicing w the MI link, w someone special. . . .

Still doin on job search. . . . .




How could I forget. . . Ground Hog Day

18:37 Feb 02 2021
Times Read: 820

No visitors were permitted this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but WTAJ was live at Gobbler’s Knob to see Punxsutawney Phil, This was actually Joe Murgo’s 20th year IN A ROW at the Knob for Groundhog Day.

And. . .

We have 6 more weeks of winter! Boooooooo Phil.

Man, I feel like Bill Murray, before the end of Ground Hog. Lol. Over and over and over again!




15:47 Feb 02 2021
Times Read: 825

Started to link last night w the new correspondence. It won't be difficult. Lol. Got to create the show....

My first job app today, was a doozie. I forgot the password. So I put in a new one, and it changed my Google password. Gawd. Had to change it immediately. Making sure the Employment app was closed. Unbelievable.

Got to get a job today. Sick of Isolation. Aaaaargh.




21:17 Feb 01 2021
Times Read: 841

Well, soon I'm going to do the link with El Capiton.
Should be interesting.

Speaking of link. Guess I can do it w Stonehenge. Cuz, still looking for a job.

Had such a hangover. Mon Dieu! But, over. Coffee and aspirin helped. So worked on apps, and cleaned. Hmmmmmm

Severe storm in New England. Will check on friend Tomorrow. NY and NJ, in a state of emergency. So I guess that temp call this morning was fake. Unbelievable.

At some butter sugared bread. My Scooby loved that. Lol



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