Sachet's Journal

Sachet's Journal


Honor: 37    [ Give / Take ]


38 entries this month

22:45 Jun 29 2021
Times Read: 545

OMG, Boo's cat came back today! She has been missing, for about two days. Had to end three searches, after she got home. Whew. I felt so bad for her. Luckily, she is a tough girl. Home safe and sound. Love it!

Gave Baby, new cat food. Meow Mix has been rotting on plate. And, he needs something different to try for soft, and dry. He smacked his lips, every time he ate. Let's see!
Love it!

Meanwhile, got ready for an interview, earlier. Luckily, I checked the address, on MapQuest. Was way over the other side. If I left, early morning, I would have to walk threw bad neighborhood, over the bridge, to take an all night bus, then go to the street car. Not good. I really thought it was down the line, I live on. Bummer. Thete is one down there. Never saw anyone white working in that department, anyway. But, would have tried, like an idiot. It was kitchen work, so most likely an early morning start. Plus I wouldn't be able to walk if, if buses went down for hurricane season.

Went in the Main City Library. It's a big deal. Because they close down since Covid started. There wasn't to many people waiting to go in. Use to be a lot. They don't take temperatures, which I wish they would. The few open computers were widely spaced. . . . At least I redid and printed my resume, on a few boards. And, printed two resumes out. They don't have the main copier anymore. Had to figure the new ones out. They have a bunch of copiers, now. The weird thing was how quiet, and empty the library was, today. Before, you had to race for a open computer. Now, it is easy to get a computer, even with much fewer computers open. Even the tables are spread far apart, and there are a lot of empty ones. So weird.

Looked around city, a little. Need to build up my muscles more, quickly. Should not have taken that vaccine.

Need to start working ASAP!




11:27 Jun 29 2021
Times Read: 566

Creepy Joe is getting a lot of media, lately. Truthfully, did this start after he went to Russia. Hmmmmm.
Which in fact, I wouldn't have visited. Biden bad mouthed Putin, ever since he got into office. Then he visited. Got guts. I don't know. I wouldn't get into a debate with Putin. He talks fast, and says a lot. But, everyone knows what's up w Putin. Arranging stuff so that he can stay in office. And, that kidding voice, which honestly hasn't been used by anyone before, has hit major media. Maybe, that's what he wants. Also, many complaining that he messed his speeches up a lot. But, that could be the drink. He should have the best doctors. They should be able to pump him up. Lots of stuff he has to do now. And, what about his dogs. He had to send one home, I think. And, I guess he lost the other. Although, media is claiming that he has 0 dogs. I don't know.

This might be the worst hateful year, with everything . . . . Let's see!




00:30 Jun 29 2021
Times Read: 573

My friend and I, have been sad all day! Made a few calls, and posted. Hope he finds what he lost. Poor dear! Kisses

Didn't do much job search today. But, when I looked at the emails, same old. Have a interview, with something I didn't want to do. But, will try anyway

Didn't see Gerald yesterday. But, if I do catch him, my friend still has that cage. Just needs a homestead.
Love it!


Pikamercury.mp4 on YouTube.




19:11 Jun 27 2021
Times Read: 587

Well, I can't believe I bought Gerald, the Mouse a box of Apple Jack's. Love it. . . . He ate one PC of cheese, but, I haven't seen him, today. Dumped the cheese, and pot an ounce of cereal. I'll catch that lil rascal. Hopefully, before Baby.

I have a dollar plastic hut. But, not big enough for him to live in. Too bad that Boo doesn't own that big cage he use to have on his porch. Could have built a mouse skyliner and pool. Hmmmmmm


Coming to the end of Alfred Hitchcock Movies weekend. The Trouble w Harry was too funny. And, Psycho. . . . Next. ;)




12:09 Jun 27 2021
Times Read: 601

Oh! I can't believe, I remember the name of an actor, from a really old movie. On TMC, they have been playing Alfred Hitchcock movies. And, I just happened to wake up to Family Plot. Which in fact has Bruce Dern, in it. I can't believe I remembered that actors name. LOL. Pretty good. I had a mother who loved this movie. Because, her mother's name was Blanche. And, I guess she reminded her of her mom. Well, when her mom got older anyway.

I didn't know that Bruce Dern daughter, played in Jurassic Park. Hmmmmmm . What a fun fact.

Hmmmmm. Now to talk of my Grandma. . . Blanche. . . . What a real nice woman. Honestly, real nice. Never even raised her voice. Very pretty, older lady. Lived in a nice place. It was built oddly very old fashion. The house had a shallow stairwell, that lead to small rooms. The first floor had rooms that were circular around the stairwell. Had a Hugh basement, that had a ground door from outside. And, the garage was my grandfathers old store. Had nice land around with granapple trees. Had, a side entrance with a small hall, where you hung coats. Oh, the kitchen, had a small furnace stove. And, the pantry, had a side room w lots of can goods. Very old fashioned. The fridge, was a old GE, that was heavy metal. Probably, what Telsa designed. But, my mom had to go over and scrape it out. Use to build up ice. The stove was GE, heater type.

My grandfather was always nice to me. Always cooked my favorite, spaghetti. Plus, had a lots of candy. Those Hugh bars. And, he use to tell lots of stories. But, he was mean to my Grandmother, who was in a wheelchair, for her later years. By mean, I mean, that he use to have fights w her, and my mom would run over. But, I never saw a fight, myself. Although, when he eventually moved in with us, after his wife's death, he actually wasn't too friendly. Maybe, it was hard living in someone else's house.
My mom died years before him. He use to keep his privacy, and cook his own food. Humph.

LOL. . . .Nostalgic thinking. What a old movie makes you think of. . . .




23:20 Jun 25 2021
Times Read: 625

The Mouse Saga Continues. . . .
Boo, has named him Gerald.

Gerald, I have seen near the garbage can, again. Slow this time. I'll leave him a PC of cheese in hopes of catching him. Don't have anything to put him in yet. . . .

I must really be bored, and destitute, to be writing comments, on YouTube, to pass my time.

Here is the story.

Britney, would like to get out of the forced financing of her family. She would like to finance.. when she wants. Her only crime listed, in media, seems to be pop up medication, to make a great performance:
like so many other generations of performers have done. She has never cruelly committed a crime, against another. (How many performers go on TV, acting too tired, sick in health?... I'll answer that.... They can't they have to pop up. They get paid to make the ratings.)

Britney, just needs to be calm, and in charge! (In my opinion.) But, others, have other loathing opinions. And, obviously her father needs the money.... 16,000 a month, is over the top. He certainly isn't doing it for love.

So, this wacko writer tells me to look at the Britney videos. LOL. I really am not a great fan but,... I did...

It had a full tape of the court proceedings:
supposedly of the recent court meet for Britney. Honestly, I didn't listen to it. Mostly because, the proceeding videos were about Narcissists. Soooo he lied. Just some crazed fan who hates her, if you understand the drift.

I did write back..... to put it short. . . . in a demeanor. Really, actually... my response was quite good. But, he wouldn't stop being a pest, so had to delete my nice comment, for Britney. It really wouldn't get to her anyway, nor does it need to be seen, by her. I am just a supporter.

If Freud was her doctor.... I am sure, by his writings, that he would calm her on his couch, listen and, try to work w the pop ups. Period. There was never any brutality, that would incarcerate her.

But, I must admit social media draws both kinds of people. I am not in media, so why bother. But, I must be really bored to even have fun w that crazed hateful fan . .. LOL. Almost Dawn!

Finishing up for the day. . . . Gerald, ate a piece of cheese. I read he only will ear an once of food a day, anyway.




04:40 Jun 25 2021
Times Read: 648

OMG. I saw big roach, run across. But, when he came out of the side of the bureau... Looks like a mouse with a waist. Good. I would have had to get up for the Raid. Maybe, he is a hungry mouse. So, I Think... He ran under the bed. He has multicolored brown fur. Hmmmmm what else with this place. What if I catch him. Have nothing to put him in. Maybe, a rat, but seems too small. I don't think Baby is goin to kill him.

Another, mouth to feed. Gasp!

Baby is standing under the bed. There is no cloth on the bottom of the box spring, as I just noticed. Cuz, I got on my hands and knees, to look. Didn't see the 🐁. . . . Or whatever it is. Could he crawled in the box spring. I have to research, if mice can climb.

Baby, just ran out, without it.

Soon to be a rodent expert.

Ok, mice can climb walls. I didn't know that. They are small. Usually, at the last place, I would find them dead, from my family of cats.

Obviously, this place is just like the last. People leaving garbage all around. But, a 🐁, ain't a big deal. Maybe, I can trap it. Cuz he, could be a she. . . . LOL. Don't want more. LOL. Maybe, they have a box trap or something humane, at the stores. LOL. I'm one of those crazies that apologize to a roach when killing. They aren't mean, just scavengers. Hmmmmm so how am I going to handle this one. . . . Probably came in from the rain storms, I new I should have covered the corner, of the door.

Saw on Twitter: Creepy Joe. . . . I'm starting to like this guy.

But, there were 2 that were very very boring, on an astral. LOL.

Today is my 14 day since the vaccine, I should be somewhat immune. Hopefully. Still a lil dehydrated. But, better out than in they always say. Was so hungry yesterday, and today.




21:31 Jun 24 2021
Times Read: 659

Too hot outside. Hear thunder.

Checked the deaths in each war. In the Civil War, hundred thousands. WWI, in millions, WW II higher in millions, and The Covid War is over ten million more, and still rising. Wow.

What a world, what a world. Hmmmmmm.

There is a Condo Collapse: In Florida, reporting 99 people missing. Only one pulled out, and that was from a man walking a dog. Nobody has been pulling up stones and passing them to a line of workers, or truck. If this was a third world country, a mass amount of people would try to move debris. So far, they are conferencing. So, if any alive, I guess they better not hope for help. And, truthfully, this is a Collapse like, manybin a 3rd world country. Just like what we had here, and at the Hard Rock. Government, probably didn't do their job, again. Too much red tape. We need a better government.




11:54 Jun 24 2021
Times Read: 667

My cat is up. LOL. I'm usually up feeding them by now. But, figure I'd wait till six. Baby pounced on me twice. Ate some of the dogs dry food. Speaking of, I should change his. Went to the bathroom room jumped on me on way to the window. Lol. I swear, he had a late night snack. He loves spaghettios. Awwwwww. I'm up. Will get the tuna.

Usually, feed Poe at same time. But, he doesn't get up right away. Which reminds me, it's bath day.

Wall, on back side looks hazard. They should have closed it up, at the roof. Had to retape the hole, where it was getting moldy. Took picture. Of where I gently pressed. Notice no sheetrock, behind. Only paper. Cracks getting worse. Maybe, they don't want to destroy the pigeons. LOL. (Once, when I worked General Labor, I and a few others had to clean out the actic. I don't remember dead pigeons, or seeing a pigeon. But, what a pigeon mess. Took days to clean, at the Race Track. Had to wear masks and protective clothing.) And, a hornets' nets on the stairwell top, right on the other side, in the crack. Funny, I was goin to just grab my raid and spray. But, I forgot, it's for roaches. LOL. Once at Elmwood Plaza, they had a big one on top of a light pole. The sprayer reached that far up. Oh well. Not goin to buy that.
Have to take pictures.

Dreamt of Scooby, last night. Cute.

Job searching sucks. If you take away the ones that are remote, for blacks, that need a car, and that I am not qualified for, that leaves me almost nothing to apply to. Leaning towards food. Hate being in isolation. Humpfgh.

Have to check messages, and dashboard. Just stopped because of the vaccine.




11:52 Jun 24 2021
Times Read: 668

My cat is up. LOL. I'm usually up feeding them by now. But, figure I'd wait till six. Baby pounced on me twice. Ate some of the dogs dry food. Speaking of, I should change his. Went to the bathroom room jumped on me on way to the window. Lol. I swear, he had a late night snack. He loves spaghettios. Awwwwww. I'm up. Will get the tuna.

Usually, feed Poe at same time. But, he doesn't get up right away. Which reminds me, it's bath day.

Wall, on back side looks hazard. They should have closed it up, at the roof. Had to retape the hole, where it was getting moldy. Cracks getting worse. And now there was a hornets nets on the stairwell top, right on the other side, in the crack. Funny, I was goin to just grab my raid and spray. But, I forgot, it's for roaches. LOL. Once at Elmwood Plaza, they had a big one on top of a light pole. The sprayer reached that far up. Oh well. Not goin to buy that.
Have to take pictures.

Dreamt of Scooby, last night. Cute.

Job searching sucks. If you take away the ones that are remote, for blacks, that need a car, and that I am not qualified for, that leaves me almost nothing to apply to. Leaning towards food. Hate being in isolation. Humpfgh.




17:45 Jun 23 2021
Times Read: 677

Had a good walk yesterday. Hot though. Looks like Rainey season here. LOL. No comment. Uh, no heavy breathing.

"Let the stormy clouds chase everyone from the place
Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face
I'll walk down the lane with a happy refrain
And singin' just singin' in the rain"

Had another cup of coffee. But, when I looked up ear ringing. Said back off Coffee.

Job search sucks. Man o man.

Going back to Astral Project soon.




15:20 Jun 22 2021
Times Read: 688

Goin to drink some black coffee. Yes I Am, Yes I Am. Although, I still have sound in my ears. So must still be dehydrated. Sinuses feel much better. That was annoying, at rest. The old heart is stronger. Geesh. Tough getting a vaccine. Glad it's only one shot. The man w a walker said he wasn't well on his first shot, but, second was fine. So, it depends. Didn't recommend to my friend. He's in the heat, all day at work.

The Delta variant, is supposedly here! They are guessing, because the testing isn't available. And, now they are talking of mixing the doses. Unbelievable. Science at it's worst.

My friend was talking about how many lives we're compromised, during the Civil War. I said, that it's nothing compared to the Covid War. A war without guns. . . Is far worst. . .

Rain, rain rain... Had cold legs today! Yeeessss.
Maybe, will go for a walk. LOL. Watch the sun come out.

Just saw the end of Twins. That's a sweet oldie. Not like that Kevin Series, where you want to kill the actors, to stop the laughing. LOL. Must be how a Maniac feels.




12:17 Jun 21 2021
Times Read: 696

That new series, Kevin Can F@#$ Himself.. Or something like that, is crazy. They have a recording of laughter. . . that laughs all the time, when Kevin is on. But, when only his wife was on, it goes dead quiet. Couldn't really watch it, Kevin wasn't funny, nor a good actor. Annie Murphy played a sick person well. But, I kept falling asleep w the repeats all night. The laughing was bothering me to much. LOL. The group w Kevin, honestly wasn't funny. All that laughing wasn't warranted. Maybe the producers want us to kill Kevin, to shut the laughing up. LOL

As far as the J&J shot. . . Heart is a little strained, otherwise good. Happy it didn't make my other conditions worse. Just a new one.

Poe is hungry hungry hungry. . .




08:30 Jun 20 2021
Times Read: 703

Yesterday, was the first day, since the vaccine, that I had cool skin. It was great, that I fix the air conditioner problem. Not, just excepted it's demise. Just need a screen for it. Found some material, I could use at the Dollar store. LOL. But, have to make a Trestle, for the material. Hmmmm

The test yesterday, was at 4pm. The dog was not breathing heavy to cool himself off, yeah! I felt good also. Had to put the heavy blanket on now at 2am. How wonderful. It is the first time I had cool skin, since the vaccine. Hopefully, I will look back at this journal and say, no more vaccine shots. Toooooo hot!

Soon to be going back to astral project.

Happy Solstice, today!




09:28 Jun 19 2021
Times Read: 715

Well, I cleaned the air conditioner. Then at about 11:30, let the outside fan run for over two hours. It"s now blowing better, and I just checked for any freeze. None, so I put the temp control cooler. Feeling better in here. LOL. Really needs to be taking out and cleaned. But, my 💓, right now, has had it. Can't bring it down. So I sprayed the interior with dish soap water, after cleaning, and ran the fan. Oh, and checked the sides, also. Not bad, just needs a lil duster.

So, glad we had that storm system come through.

Could use a lil midnight snack. But, almost breakfast, so will wait. Growling stomach.




16:39 Jun 18 2021
Times Read: 722

A reprieve from the heat today! Woohoo! Storm day.

Goin on 7 days from the J&J shot. Sinuses are back. Still have a lil noise in ears. Shouldn't have ate 2 English muffins w salami, for breakfast. Such a tummy ache. But, could be that new drink packets of Ginger ale cranberry. Aaaargh. At least I drank a lot of water. Never got chills. Just hot to hotter. Lol. Oh, and no dry mouth last night. So the ale was good for that. Actually, hasn't been bad. But, hard in the heat.

Saw a job, I'd like, hope it's real. Applied for it. Lot of complaints. But, would be a good back to work. Pays good.

Was still warm, after 4 last night. But, as usual, nice right now. This is when Poe sleeps well. Shouldn't have made him an omelette. He wants to sleep an enjoy the cool. Sweet.

Baby, will probably stay in window. Ate well this morning.

Seeing that it's not bad outside, I tried to check out air conditioner. Cleaned a lil. But, it seems a lil frozen. So friend said to run the fan for 5 mins.

Would be a good time to try and put tacks on the top of bulletin board.




11:52 Jun 17 2021
Times Read: 738

Poe, is sick of. Can food. Hardly ate yesterday. Threw out chicken salad sandwich. So, got to resupply.

This is the cool time in here, till 4.

Got a jelly donut, and rip it. Going to be spinning around.

This, at 1, will be day 6 since the J&J shot. And, had a lil blood from right side of nose. I think it's because of that True Lemon that I put in my water, the day before. Tasted so mild, I'm surprised. But later, it felt like what happens in the North, with a high heater. A vain in the nose goes. It feels funny at first, then the blood from the vain appeared, a lil last night, and this morning. Just like I had as a kid in the North. Otherwise, trying to pump up.

So that's two sensations, that I haven't had since I was a kid. Dried sinuses, and gulping for air. LOL.

Whoo hoo. The dollar store had bulletin board. Bought two. And partially blocked the window. Wow! What a difference. 😳

And, Poe ate a whole bag of meatball's. LOL




15:53 Jun 16 2021
Times Read: 746

At one, it will be day five, after the J&J. And, five is when people started getting blood clots. Hmmmm. But, as usual just need drinks. Waiting till night for rip it. Tried putting a real lemon packet in water, had a lil allergy to it. So no more of that. Otherwise, everything is fine.

Decided to tape up windows, to block heat. Cuz every day at about 4pm it gets hot. But, ran out of tape. Forgot to get poster board, which would have looked pretty. Awwwwww. The cat part, I was going to do 3 strips. But, like I said ran out. Was thinking of goin to thrift, to find a blackout panel. But, I doubt I could find that right now. Hmmmmm

Back to job search.




21:46 Jun 15 2021
Times Read: 760

It is about three days and 3 hours, since I took the J&J. Today, I only feel 70. So, I got my Rip It. . . . (Which is why I think I didn't get a headache.) After, I put the two bags of Ice in the cooler, and waddled across the street. Drank the Rip It in 1 minute. Because bus was in sight. And, walked across the compound, as usual.

So, don't drink, Coke. Although, that could have stopped the headache, also. But, makes me nauseous. And, Sunny D is what I drank before the Green Mile. So, that drink I would avoid. Powerade, is what I drank at first in the heat Saturday, that was good.

Today, I noticed I was dehydrated. Had that fuzzy, in my sight. And, felt a lil weak goin down the stairs the second time. Bought those lemonade packets, that I mix w water. Hopefully, those will help. Maybe, should have bought, Gatorade, or Powerade. But, today was a fast test. Breathed a lil heavy. Nothing like before.

Luckily, it looked like a storm was coming, and the bus was fast.

Think I'll have another energy drink. Who had the gun this morning? Sweet. And, thanks for the blood. . . . .

Can't believe I recked 2 of my clothes. But, I cut my red plaid sweat pants from the junior Wal-Mart. And, cut the neck off a red tank top, that had a high neck. . . . My PJs. . . . LOL




17:17 Jun 14 2021
Times Read: 775

I can stand having a sheet on me today. Was sssoooo hot yesterday. And, drank warm Coke last night. Aaaargh. Today I splurged, and bought the 260 ice. LOL And, my energy drink. So it is almost two days since the J & J Vaccine, and feel fine. Just feels different in chest area.

I had looked all over, in the mall for a Hugh males T-shirt. Thought, I was going to be sick. There was one in Jordan, but, LOL, didn't want a name shirt. Had to be a 2x or 3x for length. No night shirt....

Told my sister about the Green Mile, walking across the parking lot Saturday. Felt like I was 80. LOL. There was some sorts of accident. So, I couldn't sit there. Looked to the other side and thought I could sit there. But, no shade. So, said to myself c'mon almost there. But, by stairs it looked like I ran a mile. Huffing air. But, at least by the stairs, I was in the shade. Just didnt like the cold audience behind me. Once I cooled off a bit, up I went. Still working on my cheese Doodles. LOL

Not too long ago I use to walk to Walmart and back, without a problem.

Last night, after I fed the pets, I took out the can of stew, I've been saving. LOL. Nobody wanted it before. Now they all did. So, split in three ways, there is always plenty. Can't get nothing bye these guys.

Till tomorrow. . .

Haven't linked, to my usual link to make things cooler. . . . Yet!




17:17 Jun 14 2021
Times Read: 775

I can stand having a sheet on me today. Was sssoooo hot yesterday. And, drank warm Coke last night. Aaaargh. Today I splurged, and bought the 260 ice. LOL And, my energy drink. So it is almost two days since the J & J Vaccine, and feel fine. Just feels different in chest area.

Told my sister about the Green Mile, walking across the parking lot Saturday. Felt like I was 80. LOL. There was some sorts of accident. So, I couldn't sit there. Looked to the other side and thought I could sit there. But, no shade. So, said to myself c'mon almost there. But, by stairs it looked like I ran a mile. Huffing air. But, at least by the stairs, I was in the shade. Just didnt like the cold audience behind me. Once I cooled off a bit, up I went. Still working on my cheese Doodles. LOL

Last night, after I fed the pets, I took out the can of stew, I've been saving. LOL. Nobody wanted it before. Now they all did. So, split in three ways, there is always plenty. Can't get nothing bye these guys.

Till tomorrow. . .




17:17 Jun 14 2021
Times Read: 776

I can stand having a sheet on me today. Was sssoooo hot yesterday. And, drank warm Coke last night. Aaaargh. Today I splurged, and bought the 260 ice. LOL And, my energy drink. So it is almost two days since the J & J Vaccine, and feel fine. Just feels different in chest area.

Told my sister about the Green Mile, walking across the parking lot Saturday. Felt like I was 80. LOL. There was some sorts of accident. So, I couldn't sit there. Looked to the other side and thought I could sit there. But, no shade. So, said to myself c'mon almost there. But, by stairs it looked like I ran a mile. Huffing air. But, at least by the stairs, I was in the shade. Just didnt like the cold audience behind me. Once I cooled off a bit, up I went. Still working on my cheese Doodles. LOL

Last night, after I fed the pets, I took out the can of stew, I've been saving. LOL. Nobody wanted it before. Now they all did. So, split in three ways, there is always plenty. Can't get nothing bye these guys.

Till tomorrow. . .




17:17 Jun 14 2021
Times Read: 776

I can stand having a sheet on me today. Was sssoooo hot yesterday. And, drank warm Coke last night. 😜. Aaaargh. Today I splurged, and bought the 260 ice. LOL And, my energy drink. So it is almost two days since the J & J Vaccine, and feel fine. Just feels different in chest area.

Told my sister about the Green Mile, walking across the parking lot Saturday. Felt like I was 80. LOL. There was some sorts of accident. So, I couldn't sit there. Looked to the other side and thought I could sit there. But, no shade. So, said to myself c'mon almost there. But, by stairs it looked like I ran a mile. Huffing air. But, at least by the stairs, I was in the shade. Just didnt like the cold audience behind me. Once I cooled off a bit, up I went. Still working on my cheese Doodles. LOL

Last night, after I fed the pets, I took out the can of stew, I've been saving. LOL. Nobody wanted it before. Now they all did. So, split in three ways, there is always plenty. Can't get nothing bye these guys.

Till tomorrow. . .




16:11 Jun 13 2021
Times Read: 790

Well, two informal subjects:The God Equation, and Weak Strong Man, on C-SPAN .... Interesting. I don't like the third...., two angry, using name calling.

About twelve AM I woke, and had a very very wet pillow, not from the pets. LOL Watched Prom Night, and Prom Night two.

Got up as everything was the same. Had a Rip It. And, forced down some ramen. Feel fine though. And, haven't hyperventilated, since the stairs, yesterday. Feel fine, but resting. (From J&J)

Maybe, that new guy that I see astral. Shouldn't be there. Remembered.... Cry Little Sister Remastered.
Does not really fit.




22:23 Jun 12 2021
Times Read: 805

Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy.
I walked around the mall, before and after shot. Nurse told me that she had a headache, and her arm hurt a little, after shot. Told me to drink plenty of fluids. Well. . . .

The needle was painless, and the shot just pressed A bit. LOL. Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy.

After 15 minutes, after the J & J. I walked around and left. Walked across the highway, and I got a gulpie. Stood in heat a while. . . . , jumped on bus.

Got off bus, and instead of waiting to just go under the bridge. I walked. Felt a lil cramped. Went to Dollar Tree, LOL. Walked to bus stop. Knee cramped. But, got on bus w bags. lol. Got to my stop. Crossed, and felt, veeeerrryyyy tired. . . . But, I didn't eat. . . Rested, at the bottom of the stairs. Lol. Thats a first. Very tired got in room. Flopped on bed, and instantly felt better. Much better. Toooooo hotttttt.

Fed and cleaned pets. Have a bag of frozen meatballs, for later. Need shower. And, that's it. Lol


In The Year 2525 - afanmade - music video clip made in 2020.




12:26 Jun 12 2021
Times Read: 808

Today is going to be a difficult day, for Poe. I have to leave for a while, so he has to lay on his dog bed. Oh the barking. LOL. I gave him is favorite HogHead Cheese, last night. And, I have one more package for the morn. Then chicken, and tuna sandwiches for the rest of the week. He doesn't want to eat hot anymore. If I can on the way back, I'll get him some cheese doodles to snack on w me. Lol. Have to get him quiet before I leave. Wants to lay on bed all the time. I thought that I can use the other set of sheets, and I'll rap his dog bed. Maybe it will suffice.

The Scan I downloaded, (from my health file) are in my pictures. Hopefully, I can swipe my phone, later. Hmmmmmm

Me, well, I may get a cheap energy drink and maybe something to eat. LOL

(Don't Fear) The Reaper




12:42 Jun 11 2021
Times Read: 837

This guy pulled in the parking lot, and asked me if I want a ride. (As, I was walking back from getting my soda.) And, turned around and asked if I need company. C"Mon now!!!! Wise guy. 14 yard from room. Unbelievable.

It's bad enough when I wait for the bus. I dress matronly. Give me a break!!!

On Labor Day, Edwardo stopped at the other bus stop. LOL. Yup, the old goat still lives. (I new astral anyway.) (His goaty is a bit dishevaled.) It is always a no to rides. One, I'll have to pay, and the bus is only 1.50. LOL. Rejected even the Rouses worker, and I see the dear all the time.

This place is notorious. So..... No.

Boo, just remembered, if I Croak than don't do it! LOL

I'm thinking maybe, this is why I am having bad luck finding a job. Soon to see.

I was worried about that scan thing, for the vaccine.
Whew. Was a picture of it, on the top of my folder. I downloaded it. But, it may not work. Let's see. Until. . . .

(Don't Fear) The Reaper

FM "I gave out more than I made."




21:02 Jun 10 2021
Times Read: 843

With the eclipse, it is a pretty good day to do something. Gave something a shot.

Speaking of shots, I signed up for one. The vaccine that is. Wasn't easy to set up. Convention Center closed. Let's see. Might be my last week. Or, maybe not. LOL. At least my friend, can tell by me, if it's bad or not.




04:12 Jun 10 2021
Times Read: 855

Well the leak streaks are more. .
And, the TV is getting a line across. Mon Dieu.
So, I tied mine in, seems to work fine.

Saw this thing on the vaccine. And, that new variant in India. Maybe. . . . Lol. Watch me croak.

This X files is getting rather corny. Makes me think of a school in France, run by nuns. 1400 chicken died, so they closed it. Now they have found over two hundred more, buried. Hmmmmm.

I just saw a doctor to doctor. Problem. Our Doctor, gave money to the Wuhan Doctors. OMG. First, the media tried to closet the Wuhan video, during Trump presidency. Then, they now try to blame them, to get money. Now, come to find out, we were sending them money. So, what does this mean, we have to pay some. Can't trust the gov.

And, what was this gift to Putin. Biden called him a criminal since the election. What?

Moon phase, is new moon today.




Trials and Tribulations.

15:04 Jun 09 2021
Times Read: 863

Can't believe I cooked egg and meat for Poe's breakfast. And, ramen, for me. It is warm, again. Need a fan on top of an air conditioner. Aaaargh

The sheets are done... just waiting for the blanket to fnish drying. It is such a workout. The blanket is Hugh and hold lots of water. So after cleaning and rinse, I have to put it up on the shower seat to drip dry then hang. Way to heavy to hang until water excapes. Then I open dry when when lightly damp. Lol. Someone must have hung it wet on the door,. Cuz it's moldy on bottom, and a lil broken up. I hang cloths, in back of shower curtain, and over tub. But, Leary of the weight, of the blanket. So, this is the safest/ best way. With all the heat, I am sure it will finish drying fast.

I was goin to try for the J and J shot, this week. But, the news said that the two shots are good for the new Covid variant. Not, that one. Let's see if they keep it in India.

I don't think that my arm being numb would be a problem. But, my much younger neice, and nephew we're sick after the second shot. One, for a week. A dilemma. Hmmmmm

My cat has a habit of laying on my neck. Googled it. LOL. He is claiming me. LOL. Wish I could get him a girl cat. Awwww




03:20 Jun 09 2021
Times Read: 872

Auh oh. . . The Body Snatcher Lady, is on T-MOBILE Files. Fox is being bumped. LOL.

And, I see the Night Stalker in the 3rd. Took me a while to figure who that new guy was. Hmmmm the bug in mouth reminds me of a Stargate episode.

It is hot tonight. What happened. Need more rain.

Saw a news report that said the new strain of Covid attacks 12 -24. And that the 2 shots make your arm magnetized. Interesting.




12:53 Jun 08 2021
Times Read: 878

Must have rained a lot, my wall is leaking. LOL. And one of the stream must have hit the pigeon poop. Looks like rust stream. I"m sure this is goin to smell nice after. Aaaargh.

Speaking of. . . . I have to clean the blanket and sheets that Poe has been laying on. LOL. Will be like pulling the table cloth out from under the dishes. If I bleach the old set, let them dry. Then pull the blanket. Put those sheets there. Then when that blanket is dried. Put that on and pull the white sheets. Hmmmmmm should work. Poor Poe, he loves his spot.




16:42 Jun 07 2021
Times Read: 896

Both pets ate a big whole pork chop, and a half. But, they didn't like the old stuff put on ice. Lol. So back to tuna, and omelette, this morning.

Had a lot of pork chop dreams. LOL.

Anyway, was yelling this morning outside. Never a full moment.

Got to get a job this week. Prospects are slim, but,....

You know that day that I started my project. He drank from me. Hmmmmm that is a new one.




06:24 Jun 06 2021
Times Read: 910

Woke up at the same time, and writing about the same time. Hmmmmm. All quiet here.

Had my midnight snack, and left one for Poe. Might as well check on Baby.




06:18 Jun 05 2021
Times Read: 930

About 11:30, I was woken by what sounded like gun shots. A few fast ones then slow ones. Heard people talking on the upper left. And after a few minutes saw 3 cars leave. No screams. But, you never know. Thought, someone else would call the cops. Guess not. Maybe, I should have but that was at 11:30, and it is now 12:16. Door is baracaded in case. Just listening. Rough when you get waking, and not sure. Heard guy on side telling someone to get back in slowly. Maybe nothing.

I had pulled the cat out of the window, immediately. I don't think anyone would have gone to their cars if danger. Must remember not to drink before bed. Should have called cops. Lil late now.

. . . It is too quite. Could hear a pin drop, out there.

There was one good thing that happened tonight. . . . A very old movie, on that old movie channel. . . Magic, with Anthony Hopkins. I haven't seen that in a long long time.

LOL, the next movie was named Dolls. LOL Someone had a sense of humor.




12:50 Jun 03 2021
Times Read: 945

Poe, who was up late last night eating tuna w garlic bagel. Is not eating his sausage. And, I even boiled the hot out. Mostly because I didn't want to give another omelette. Hmph guess it is toooooo boring. Baby had his too, and already ate breakfast. Dinner was pork and cheese. But, the garlic tuna bagel was better. First time he ate while I held the place. Sweet.

Nemo Nemo Nemo. . . . Not nice to play with my connection. Do you think, dead or alive. Dark or light. Ancient it modern. Good connection anyway. Maybe, a great connection. Only Time Will tell! If it's good . . . . Goin to leave something out.

Aaaaash. Poe didn't eat his boiled sausage. So out they go. Hamburger omelette coming up.


(Can't move it, and you have to stay within.) Hard to get something out of something ancient. Hope it's something. But, maybe a thought like Sonic's.




13:10 Jun 02 2021
Times Read: 976

A walk threw the parking lot. I know these people want to get even. But, leaving garbage without even a trash bag near your room is not a good idea. Aaaargh. LOL

Hey, saw the 1989, on X Files, forgot that one. Think 2 got shot in that one, but, no bodies. No count.

The other one with the smoking guy. I don't know. If I saw a red dot, I would have moved. Hmmmmmm

Need to start a Project. . . . Let's see. . . .

Only one job I could apply for. . . Is there anyway out of this state.

Someone, whom I dislike, has promoted himself to veer attack. Went over to his astral, and saw lots of, what I call pellets. Worth it's weight in gold, that is.
Astral feigning. Hmmmmm a box full. ( Pick is close, more like a double oval.)

Queen - I want it all

Nemo Nemo Nemo
That has nothing to do with you.
Started an old project - cross your fingers

Queen - The Show Must Go On

00 00

On a surface with lots of rings. Hmmmmm




Left picture of Poe - named "Dinner in Bed"

06:59 Jun 01 2021
Times Read: 880

Midnight snack. Baby had tuna. And, I split a x-large burrito with Poe. LOL.

Hey, I saw someone with special needs. I wonder who threw that stuff at him, yesterday. He went on the bus today. Truthfully, I was going to pay for him seeing there were issues. But, the bus driver didn't kick him off. I wonder, if it was OK for him to ride. At first he was holding his arm up. Then he was bent over for a while, before bus came. Poor dear.

Breakfasting was a success. Tuna for baby, and this time I left the omelette a little runny, for Poe. Not only did he eat it all. But, the pan cleaned easy. Yeah. I had 2 ego waffles. Left over from the chicken waffle meal. Lol.

Jooooob search day! Crossing my fingers.

Yeah, Poe ventured off the bed. Was holding fluids I guess, lol. Went threw a few pads. But, barked and jumped to get back on. Lol. Need steps for the bed. Lol.

Turns out, a head ache, I thought was because of Baby lying on my neck. . . . Turns out the tea. . . Oh well. . . Probably the Monster Tea, when I was getting leg cramps. Have to give up this tea, also. Hmmmmmm



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