artemka's Journal

artemka's Journal


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25 entries this month


21:18 Oct 31 2007
Times Read: 863

Just got back ...

We were a little late starting. The neighbouring village wanted a rematch of last year's silly string battle and had ambushed the guys before they collected me - a truce was negotiated until everyone was there - there were eight of us this year, since we found Matt

Did the rounds with awesome results, lots and lots of chocolate and a set of 'green' glow sticks which was nice. We took it in turns to carry the dummy but it was a pain and his head kept falling off, so we left him waiting for a bus ... he's still there

Didn't win anything with my pumpkin carving. Pffft oh well. The nice ladies of the WI had got us the stencils off the internet and let us have hollowed out pumpkins, all we had to do was trace the stencil outline with pin pricks and carve it out. I think it looked pretty awesome - but with everyone using similar stencils, it really just boiled down to who had chosen the best one :(

kewl huh

We had our silly string battle and decided it was a draw - we saw some really young kids going round with adults trick or treating - we shared our haul with them, well Ok we gave them the used glow sticks and the sweets that didn't have chocolate in them, but it did our rep a world of good.

So, once more another Halloween joins the history books and, over the centuries, history will become legend and legend will become myth hehehehe

OK gotta go wash the blood off ...





20:33 Oct 30 2007
Times Read: 863

This afternoon we had to sit quietly and watch an old TV film about a train crash.

Afterwards there was a discussion about the way the film had shown the role of the television news people, the discussion came as quite a shock ... mostly because I had spent the whole film making a bat for Halloween

My pumpkin is all set for judging in the village competition. I have my bag ready for the chocolate haul ... it is going to be a good one





13:51 Oct 30 2007
Times Read: 866

pfffft stupid internet people wouldn't connect yesterday, so I gave up and watch 'nine gates' that I recorded yesterday - waste of time that was, fell asleep a little way through

catching up with everything now though :)





23:42 Oct 27 2007
Times Read: 876

Hello, Bonjour, Gruß, sveiciens, cześć, привет, wassup, hi all y'all

(think that's covered all my journal subscribers LOL I can never be accused of ignoring my public hehehehe)

Today I have mostly been sucking green gloop out of ponds but I bought a bumper sack of peanuts from the shop by the bus stop on the way back - so the birdies will have something to eat now its turning cold. I have also cleared out some of the shed and found a bucket of fat balls to keep em nice and warm.

Bird feeders are all filled and water dish is out :D I got on ladder and the bird box is really empty but it is all dirty inside with nesting stuff, so I guess it has served its pupose in its first year woooooo ... next year I am mounting it where I can see it from my window *makes note*

KCRC is going back to school so I have passed him the key secrets to an easy ride - hope they work in the USA

Halloween is going to be a hoot on Wednesday. I have entered my pumpkin into the village competition - and we have made a dummy in a costume which we are going to carry between us like one of the crowd, should get us more chocolate so long as its head stays on

A long ways back I visited a friends home to delete screenshots that he had taken of another friend of mine who made a mistake while on her webcam (and got smacked for doing it). She has just found out what I had done and sent me a card awwwww *warm glow*

Thats you all caught up to date I think






20:03 Oct 26 2007
Times Read: 884

I have been home alone and going through the kitchen bin (as ya do)

There are four empty bags that used to hold fun sized chocolates - someone, somewhere had a stache of chocolates for trick or treaters

I am now on a mission, it is not in the usual hiding places and I want





Village life

20:53 Oct 24 2007
Times Read: 895

Living in a really small village makes you really appreciate even the smallest entertainment

The last biggie was when the street lamp was first switched on (honestly people came out to watch that)

This time the phone people came out to replace a pole. They had a huge crane that sort of grabbed it and the then twisted it round and round while pulling ... slowly the started to unscrew it out of the ground.

they had it out all but the last few centimetres, but then the concrete around it started to lift up. Obviously this pole had a wide base that could unwind through the earth but couldn't quite manage the concrete cover.

The men couldn't get their concrete saw thing to start. They couldn't let the pole go or it would fall over.

I sat on the wall watching for ages until after about two hours, the 'be done in 20 minutes' job was finally complete

... now how much more excitement can I take ????




I won something !!!!

18:46 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 904

I entered Oppressed Debauchery's Writing contest... and I won a T shirt for second place woooooooo

*little dance*




397 spam mails

21:39 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 910

jeeesh took me ages to get through them all ... think I will get a spam filter someplace





20:50 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 914

today I got Nooska's adoption papers, wooooo I own a wolf !!!

Well, OK the zoo own him, but I am his adopter and everything. I am already saving for next year.

Week off this week, got some pond work tomorrow, Thursday and Friday which is good. I've done all my coursework so it would be a wasted week if I didn't work.

The Bird Box seems to be empty, KCRC suggested I get one of those wireless mini cameras for next year. I might do that y'know, I have a website that I don't do anything with - I can probably get the camera feed into that somehow. eBay got them at £15 so it is do-able [unless Santa wants to help]

Went into town with some friends and mooched around the shops for a while, didn't buy anything but managed to have two store detectives follow us around and around which was fun.

We went to the multi storey car park because a guy fell / jumped down the centre of the spiral driveway a few days back - dead dontchaknow - we thought there might be like a taped outline of a body but there wasn't ... just a really, really clean concrete slab. Walk to the top was really tiring and didn't really achieve anything.

Back down to Costa coffee mmmmmmmm

Last bus back, looked in on some House Adopt A Whelp stuff, checked my messages and looked through the House forum ... now CSI is on TV :)




Today I bought a pumpkin

18:39 Oct 21 2007
Times Read: 932

that is all ....





19:08 Oct 20 2007
Times Read: 944

Weird day today

First off I get dropped to connect filters and so on to a pond. Guy has been told about by one of our other customers and knows our work is good. Guy says that he will meet us at the end of the drive ... no problem

We arrive, guy is waiting at end of drive. I hop out with my tool box. Boss drives off and this guy walks a little way down the road away from the drive, then down a path which is taking us into a different street, turn left and there we are in this guys front garden.

Now I'm not that worried because the garden is right alongside the street. So I ring the boss to tell him where I am at and I'm not near the drive he dropped me at. He's really worried but I tell him I'm OK but something weird is happening.

Picture a small garden, a low wire fence around (squashed down in some parts), rusty metal gate, patchy grass, slab of concrete makes a path up to a cheap blue front door, stinging nettles on one side. There's cigarette ends all over the place and the garbage bags are piled up down one side of the house. There's a trials bike in the bin store.

There is a not too level large preformed pond on one side. A pressure barrel filter with a UV lamp, 3000L circulation pump with skimmer, separate fountain pump and preformed waterfall. That would cost about £3,000 - and the guy is talking about goldfish !

Now I have nothing against goldfish, but that amount of kit is overkill, and this guy doesn't have a clue. So I say that I need a different size pipe to connect the filter to the pump and call boss 'to bring it'.

Boss arrives really quick, I think he was on his way back anyway, I get in the truck and we scoot off without talking to the client ... weird eh

Shook boss up more than me - so I should only get the posh established customers from now on .... kewl

Boss is calling round to see if anyone has had any kit stolen





12:54 Oct 17 2007
Times Read: 960

Phew at last the journal is unlocked and I can get my fix of Stabb - I have spent my whole lunch break catching up .... awesome





23:15 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 969

I really should not go into the forums when I am home alone, my replies not making much sense - the ideas are OK its the way I am phrasing it that lacks the 'committee touch'. Maybe I should just play hangman until the help gets back from the dinner dance hehehe





18:35 Oct 15 2007
Times Read: 976

This house is now vampire proof.

At about 5pm I learned that the big garlic thing you buy at the stores is called a 'globe' and the 'cloves' are the little bits inside. I have only ever used garlic salt before.

We had to take a recipe into this morning's food tech with ingredients that didn't cost more than £6 for a meal for 4 - I stole mine off Saturday morning cooks - beef stew dontchaknow

Large lumps of browned beef, whole part fried mini onions, roughly cut carrots and parsnips, a little ripped up parsley, water and a small fresh clove of garlic.

Made it and brought it home to slow cook and eat - it isn't ready now but the smell makes your eyes water




Mission: Impossible

21:11 Oct 14 2007
Times Read: 982

I have reruns of the old TV series of Mission : Impossible on in the background here ...

they really should call it

"Mission : slightly difficult but we know you can do it"

and ... why do they go to all that secret stuff at the start when the main man has a folder with every agent's details in it labelled "Impossible Mission Force" which he leaves on his home coffee table ...

I mean like wha ?





20:57 Oct 14 2007
Times Read: 983

I have adopted my wolf, I've called him Nooska - he's a timber wolf and he's two months old. I will get a pack with photos and stuff and will scan em into here .... he's going to write to me each month

On the way back the bird box was mentioned (repeatedly). I have to admit that I have quite forgotten it over the past weeks. When its light tomorrow I will go look.

Boss was late because he overslept. I gave him a verbal warning hehehehe. He felt a little guilty, so I had no problem about getting away a little early. He even let me go with some o the stuff still to be tidied away into the trailer which is nice of him.

I have this sneaking suspicion that people aren't looking at the database when they're rating, just a sneaking suspicion you understand. Each entry is loaded in three hits - the Amazon link, the script then the picture - I'm adding books and I forgot to resize the pic so it rejected, by the time I had gone back and done it - 4 people had rated a basically blank listing a 10 !!!




Where's my ride ?

11:02 Oct 14 2007
Times Read: 990

Its late, boss was supposed to have been here an hour ago - pffft

Last night was good we had another 'put together a forum reply' evening and I have added another great phrase to my armoury:

"Mythology is found in books and reputable websites - Fantasy is found in Blockbuster Videos - never confuse either with reality"

think it will replace my now over-used line of

... as in all things

which I always thought looked really intellectual

Anyhow I am going to go sit on the wall ... catch you later





19:50 Oct 13 2007
Times Read: 996

a really nice guy used to always start his messages 'hello' but now he's moved to the USA he actually starts 'Hi' ... and so another little bit of the English language has slipped hehehe

Today was good at work. I waded around in a pond with my sucker and sucked gloop - tested water - added water - jet washed the sides and everything.

Lady next door leaned over fence and asked how much it cost so I gave her one of the boss's cards, next thing I know my phone rang and "if I was finished there could I start next door ?"

Was no problem except I had to lug all the gear around to next door - strange thing is the pond wasn't actually that bad - I honestly think they were just showing the neighbours that they had people in to do their pond too - pfffft

Going to visit the zoo tomorrow after work, the wolf cubs have arrived so I can go chose one to adopt and name *excited*




Guiness Book of Records 2008

17:31 Oct 11 2007
Times Read: 1,004

this is now available in the shops. so if you break a record in the next two months errrrr tough I guess

I was reading a thing in there about the world's luckiest dog. I didn't know they put things in there that couldn't be recorded, measured and tested - but I think it was more of an 'interest' thing than an actual official record

This dog fell off a cliff (in the USA), bounced and landed on an electric fence, the shock threw it into a road where it was hit by a truck, a policeman didn't want it to suffer from its wounds and shot it in the head with his gun, the dog was then sealed in an airtight bag and placed in a freezer. When the incinerator man came to dispose of the dog, he found it sat up and begging !!! A vet then put it down by injection

I still don't know if I would call it "lucky"





11:44 Oct 09 2007
Times Read: 1,011

LOL I tell people that my village is flooded and I got no power ... a few people look at my journal and a few people message me about it

I mention that the left margin has got gaps, everyone looks at it and I have 8 messages ... hehehe

Anyhow, the fire alarm has gone off in the science block. We've stood out in the rain for a while until they have realised its a false alarm - they have managed to stop the bells in every area but the science block - so its a mite noisy still

Early lunch but I reckon its going to be a longer afternoon. They say if an engineer can't get it working soon we're going to have to go home.

D'oh and I was so into thermoclines





18:25 Oct 08 2007
Times Read: 1,022

is it just me or has the left VR margin just got spaces between the sections ??

Please tell me that it hasn't always been like that LOL





20:45 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 1,034

I thought that I had found a solution to people who use oversize rating stamps, hosted on photobucket, and really screw up the format of every profile that they visit.

I use firefox and blocking all images from their photobucket account was quite easy.

The problem is when the inconsiderate stamper is a PM and has their oversized stamp hosted on vampire rave - blocking all images on VR makes it a really dull place to look at !

I found today a bunch of 'blank profiles' with people rating them a 10 - nothing new there - except one comment had me look closer at the page.

It seems I don't block images from an individual photobucket account, but from a group of them - I couldn't see the images that the newbies had taken the time and trouble to put on their profiles. I unblock them and wham - there's a 800px stamp, so now I can't tell if the profile format is screwed and worthy of a lower rate or if the stamp has done it ...





Snitched from Nightgame who copied it from KCRC who got it from Fang who got it from the Rat ...

20:18 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 1,035

What Artemka Means

A is for Amorous

R is for Refreshing

T is for Tender

E is for Elitist

M is for Musical

K is for Kinky

A is for Active




Prefect !!!

13:50 Oct 03 2007
Times Read: 1,055

Aha guess who has been made a prefect - taaaa daaa the power will go right to my head I can tell

I could kick myself about the keyboard 'problem'. I have a USB cyrillic keyboard that can switch between western and russian characters at home. I use it when I am writing to my friends ... why didn't I just use that ???

Swim club tonight and we're travelling to Bristol so not sure if I'm going to be able to get in later.

Think that's it *reads over*

.... yup





15:32 Oct 02 2007
Times Read: 1,067

Sorry I didn't get in yesterday reader. I thought I would clean my keyboard with a vacuum cleaner and sucked p o i k m and enter clean off the board and I couldn't get them to go back no matter what I tried. Luckily there's a bunch of keyboards being upgraded in the ICT room - so I asked if could take one of the old ones home - phew, panic over, just catching up now :)



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