immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 1,257    [ Give / Take ]


26 entries this month

23:21 Feb 28 2017
Times Read: 1,385

The thing about arbitrary numbers here (rating scores, friends lists, honor) is that they're meaningless in reality. Once you log off they have no intrinsic value, they do not impact your life in any way. But, the sad thing is, is that you hold far too much value in this make believe number system.



23:33 Feb 28 2017

Too many do.

01:25 Mar 01 2017

Absolutely. They wouldn't be able to handle all the 1s I get simply for holding people to VR ToS. It changes *nothing* for me to get 1s or have Honor removed. Numbers are all subjective- and if you hate a person doing it... who cares knowing they don't like you? They are insignificant, right?

I actually get people coming to me complaining and wanting administrative action taken against member's for taking Honor or rating 1s... options Cancer freely gives, and THEY USE THEMSELVES.

They want to shell it out but it should be against the rules if someone else does it.

All these people talk a tough game- act like they are tough crap and others can take them as they or screw off... yet they sure are pansies if someone tries to mess with their "number".

01:56 Mar 01 2017

"take them as they *are* or screw off...."


20:16 Feb 26 2017
Times Read: 1,409

The little things that make me smile. Like, a text message saying that someone misses me. It's nice to know someone is thinking of me when I'm not around, enough to actually miss my presence.





12:46 Feb 25 2017
Times Read: 1,430




03:20 Feb 24 2017
Times Read: 1,568



19:59 Feb 23 2017
Times Read: 1,576

Nyx is having her first vet visit today. Well, first with me. She was supposed to go yesterday, but that little bugger is the master when it comes to hiding. I practically tore the house apart looking for her, and then around 7, when I had given up, she comes waltzing out of wherever she was hiding looking for her dinner. This time I made sure she had nowhere to run off to.

She's gotten much more acomidated to living here, though, which is great. She doesn't hide as often, and she runs around and plays. She'll come up to me without me having to call her over. She's such a freaking cutie. And today she's been super vocal, which is new.




10:53 Feb 23 2017
Times Read: 1,601

"We are a house of learning and to help you get on your feet and learn how this site works and make new friends and also gain points and see how active you are going to be once you hit a certain level you will be looked over by covens and they will snatch you up."

Holy fucking run-on sentence, Batman.

I saw this while looking at mentorships. This is why you need to proofread what you write out before you post it up. Maybe get someone in your mentorship who isn't an idiot; who can help you type out sentences that don't run on forever.



11:38 Feb 23 2017

I dont think some people know how to type, I can see various points where grammar is our friend but nope it makes my brain hurt just reading that


02:15 Feb 22 2017
Times Read: 1,661

You know what's awesome? Seeing the same stupid journal entry pop up multiple times on the Journals page under alternate accounts. We get it, someone blocked you, big fucking deal. You don't have to post that same stupid entry fifty times to get your stupid point across.



02:25 Feb 22 2017


02:52 Feb 22 2017

Waaah! I was blocked, no one loves me! ...Yeesh.

10:03 Feb 22 2017

Typically when people make that type of entry, they do it while claiming they don't care, that they're completely unbothered...but if, as you say, they've posted the entry multiple times from multiple profiles, then yeah...they care...because that's effort that goes beyond writing a journal entry and clicking post.

10:06 Feb 22 2017

It was posted six times...?!

05:07 Feb 23 2017

SMH Some people just don't have a life....don't they know that being blocked is nothing...this is just a website...


09:44 Feb 21 2017
Times Read: 1,700

The desire to create a new Coven is pretty strong with me at the moment. I want to just create something. But then I remember that I no longer have access to Photoshop, and I no longer have the time for image searching and manipulating. So, while the desire is there, the actual means to make it happen, not so much. I probably could go to Nevermind, see if he'd create something awesome for me (have you seen Cognitive Fabrication's new Crest?! That shit is gorgeous!), but he's got his own life and things to keep him busy. So, I don't. Plus, I actually really enjoy just being in Eternal. It feels like home to me. So, I don't want to pull either of my Sires out of there. It's one of those things where I want to do something but I know I won't, for whatever reason. In the end, I just keep reminding myself that I've run more Covens than one person should be allowed to open and run, and if I did open another it would probably go the same way as the previous thirteen, or was it fourteen? I don't know. I've had a lot of them over the years.



00:24 Feb 22 2017

I totally would!


02:25 Feb 20 2017
Times Read: 1,726

Would someone who knows Disney Songs fairly well be willing to help me with something? Won't take but a moment.



02:53 Feb 20 2017

I hope I was of some help

11:59 Feb 21 2017

It's heaps late, but I am pretty good with Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Sleeping Beauty, Pocahontas and I am excellent with Tangled. :P



23:21 Feb 18 2017
Times Read: 1,751



01:02 Feb 15 2017
Times Read: 1,781

Work with the kitten is slow going. I understand that it's all new and different from the shelter, but even so, she should be coming around by now. Instead, she likes hide under one of the couches and the dining room table. I'm able to bring her out from under both by grabbing her by the scruff on the neck, like a mother would, and for a few moments she's okay in my arms. Then she hears a sound or I move too quickly and she bolts right back into her hiding spots. Namely the couch, where it's harder to get to her. I do think she's getting used to me, though, albeit, slowly. She starts purring and kneading at the carpet when she sees me. And when I stick my arm out and touch her, she will rub against me. I don't know, maybe I should have gotten a younger kitten, something that I could raise knowing me. With Nyx, even though she is only seven months or so, she's pretty set in her ways. I'm hoping she comes around soon. I don't want to send her back to that shelter, but I can't spend months and months with a cat who is too timid to be out of hiding when people are home.



05:46 Mar 01 2017

some kitties are timid by nature..I think she will get use to you. My daughters grandparents have a cat that comes out for them but in hisses and swats at anybody else. Every once in awhile she will let me pet her for a minute then all of a sudden when you're not expecting it she starts hissing and goes after you...lol


08:14 Feb 13 2017
Times Read: 1,803

It's been an eventful day. I went with my mother to help plan Liz's baby shower. The way my mom had described the meeting last week, I had expected something extravagant and over-the-top, but it really isn't like that at all. The colors are teal and silver, and the theme is stars and moon. It's all really cute. I especially love the color pallet we're going with. I've got some homework to do, choosing some of the party games, creating a "daddy emergency diaper kit", kind of a gag gift for Kevin, filled with some useful stuff and some silly stuff like tongs, ear and nose plugs, goggles, heavy duty rubber gloves and such. So, that will be fun to throw together.

I also decided on a name for the new kitten. I'm going to call her Nyx, because I love me my mythology. Nyx, goddess of the night, who was said to be so beautiful and have such power that even Zeus feared to anger her. And, the kitten is beautiful, I cannot deny that. She's getting a little more used to things. She mostly likes hiding under the dining room table, but she ventures out a little. She's a little neurotic, she won't sit still when being petted and she nips my fingers as she kneads the carpet. I don't think being in the shelter for the five months she was did her any favors. But, she's home now, and I aim to show her that she's loved and will be cared for. Aphrodite still hasn't made up her mind about her, but Mongo doesn't mind her one bit. He doesn't even acknowledge her most of the time, so that's good. I can't wait until she feels comfortable enough to start venturing into my room, sleeping on my bed.

Wednesday I'm going to go to an engraving place and get a new name plaque for Ishtar. I really hate that they spelled her name wrong on everything. I got a card in the mail yesterday from the vet offering their condolences and giving me a copy of The Rainbow Bridge, and they spelled it Ishatar on both the card and the back of the poem. But, I suppose it doesn't matter. Her name will be fixed and that will be that.




23:38 Feb 12 2017
Times Read: 1,836

It really makes me cringe when viewing profiles and people have added an apostrophe to a word that shouldn't have an apostrophe, or no apostrophe where there should be one. Pet peeves, man. Grammar and spelling is a lost art.



23:43 Feb 12 2017

Haha oh if you come and see my profile you'd probably get sick 😂 my English is "perfect " 😀

But hey I'm Serbian so I am allowed to make grammar mistakeZ 😀

23:44 Feb 12 2017

Awwwww but people like to just smash their heads on their keyboards and pretend they know what words mean. ;)

04:35 Feb 13 2017

Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc


01:22 Feb 12 2017
Times Read: 1,871

Honestly, I didn't intend to get a new cat this soon. It's only been a week. But, Aphrodite hasn't been taking the loss of Ishtar well, so I wanted to get her a new companion. I was actually going for a kitten, but I walked into the shelter, saw this beauty, and fell in love. The way the girl was describing her reminded me a lot of Ish. She's timid, shy with new people, but when she's comfortable she's affectionate and likes to cuddle. So, I brought her home. Aphrodite and Mongo seem indifferent to her, I honestly expected the worst, but I'm glad neither of them seem to be bothered by her presence. It'll take her a while to get used to being here, to get used to them, but I'm hoping that once she does, she fits in well. I'm thinking her name should be Selene, or maybe Nyx. I haven't really decided yet.



04:20 Feb 12 2017

Aww, she's adorable. :)


21:31 Feb 10 2017
Times Read: 1,900

I was able to bring Ishtar home today. They spelled her name wrong on the plaque, so I'm going to have to get a new one, but they did give me an imprint of her paw print and a seed to plant in her memory. I hate to think that my little princess, all that's left of her, is in this tiny wooden box. She's going to rest on my bookshelf, that way she's close to me when I'm gaming or whatever, like she used to be when she was here.



03:41 Feb 11 2017

-hugs tight- I'm sorry. Nice way to honor her memory though, and at least she can stay with you. Keep your chin up.



20:46 Feb 09 2017
Times Read: 1,915




04:42 Feb 09 2017
Times Read: 1,934



10:27 Feb 08 2017
Times Read: 1,975

I was thinking about creating another Coven and using the cat as a representation. Then I realized the cat was already taken and I don't really have the drive at present to undertake that endeavor. I wanted to use an image of my Ish. Oh well. Knowing me it probably wouldn't have lasted long anyway.



17:40 Feb 08 2017

No way! If you create a coven we will put our covens in an alliance and help each other out. Cinnamon would probably even throw in forbidden fruit.



01:03 Feb 08 2017
Times Read: 1,990



05:12 Feb 06 2017
Times Read: 2,013

The worst part of all of this is how I keep expecting to see her sleeping on my bed, or to have her jump in my lap as I sit here watching TV, to hear her meowing at me, calling to me to hold her or pet her. And then knowing that it isn't going to happen, because she isn't here anymore.

And I keep thinking that maybe I could have done more for her. That I didn't wait long enough to see if she was going to get better. My dad says that he thinks she had a mild stroke, which is why she deteriorated as fast as she did. The tumor seems so unlikely because she was fine up until that Thursday. She had no problems the day before it all started. But, a stroke would explain it. Only, she didn't really have the symptoms of a stroke, she wasn't wobbly when she did walk, her eyes weren't all funny, aside from the complete numbness in her leg and her utter lack of appetite... I don't know. I really don't fucking know. There was no reason for her to get as bad as she did in such a short amount of time. I guess I'm never going to know what really happened with her. And I think I'm going to be a bit of a mess until I get her ashes back. At least then it'll be final.



05:21 Feb 06 2017

I'm so so so sorry.


21:04 Feb 04 2017
Times Read: 2,059

She's been gone since about 9:30 this morning. I feel empty. This house feels empty. Laying in bed without her feels wrong. I can still feel her in my arms. How she went from terrified to relaxed in seconds. And then she was gone. I haven't slept. I probably should, but I just lay here and cry. I have the worst headache, and my eyes are burning. I can't even bring myself to go to the planning meeting for Liz's baby shower. I can't fake a smile right now and plan something like that. I miss her. I want my Ishtar back.



00:02 Feb 05 2017

awww :( sorry for the loss of your furry baby...

01:40 Feb 05 2017

I was reliving these feelings two days ago- it was the sad anniversary of my girl Vegas who was 17 at the time. They *are* family. Everything changes when they go. It sucks.

01:52 Feb 05 2017

Sorry for your loss. Cats become family and we mourn for them the same way.


03:45 Feb 04 2017
Times Read: 2,090

Tomorrow. She's going in tomorrow. She isn't getting better, and now she's having trouble breathing. I can't see her suffering like this anymore. It isn't fair to her, my absolute selfishness. This is always the worst part of owning pets, it's the third time I've had to make this decision. I don't want to lose her, she's my Ishtar, my little princess, my little cuddle bug. But... I can't stand seeing her just there, existing. She doesn't eat, she doesn't drink, she can't really walk. She just stays in her bed, or on my bed, sleeping. She deserves better than this.



05:38 Feb 04 2017

it is sad that animals are so short lived in our lives, they love us unconditionally and we wish for them to be there forever..sorry to hear your poor kitty is in that state :(



21:17 Feb 03 2017
Times Read: 2,097




13:02 Feb 03 2017
Times Read: 2,107




09:33 Feb 03 2017
Times Read: 2,119



09:27 Feb 01 2017
Times Read: 2,157

I have friends on Facebook that are on pretty extreme sides of the political spectrum, some very conservative and some extremely liberal, so I've been seeing the stuff about the Boy Scouts allowing girls who identify as males into their ranks a lot. Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with it. If a girl wants to be part of the Boy Scouts, why stop her? That's something I could never understand, the segregation between boys and girls and the Scouts.

I suppose it's why I love the Young Marine program so much. There is no separation of gender. Male or female, they all do the same things, they're all able to earn ranks and ribbons and take part in awesome things. I think the military aspect throws some people off, I've heard that when I was in the program as a teenager, that I was being groomed for military service, which just isn't true. I mean, sure, a good amount of people who graduate out of the program do wind up serving, but that's not what it's about. It's about learning respect, discipline, how to be a leader, doing community service. I took part in parades and color guards, camping trips and week long trips on actual Marine bases with both boys and girls. The only time I was allowed to take part in something no male was able to, was when I was 16 and was invited to New York with 11 other girls for a few days to attend a Woman's Conference at the United Nations and Columbia University.

So, when I have kids, that's the youth program I'll put them into. Not to say anything ill towards the Boy and Girl Scouts, it's just not something I can personally get behind. I don't believe children should be segregated because they are male or female. They shouldn't be thrown into a different group because of gender. No, let them grow alongside each other, wearing the same uniform and taking part in the same activities. They honestly should just do away with the Boy and Girl Scouts, just throw them all together and let them have fun and make friends and learn things. I don't see why that's not a thing already.



11:07 Feb 01 2017

Part of Girl Scouts is when it started and by whom.

A woman founded Girl Scouts in 1912. The intent, girls hanging out together, talking together, mentoring each other, helping the community, self reliance. It was a club to raise female empowerment.

It doesn't serve a purpose for girls and young women anymore so I don't support it.

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