slipknotbabe356's Journal

slipknotbabe356's Journal


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14 entries this month

04:37 Oct 29 2012
Times Read: 956

Two great things have occurred today. My aunt got to go home from the hospital and my 11 month old cousin, Hunter, took his first few steps dressed in his superman costume! It was so cute! :3



10:53 Oct 29 2012


16:02 Oct 29 2012

Great to hear about your aunt:))

19:03 Oct 29 2012

That was the best news we got in a long time!


04:18 Oct 27 2012
Times Read: 975

Agh!!! Just when things seems to be getting better with my aunt, someone has to throw a curveball at her way. Today she was complaining about her chest feeling hard. The doctors are saying it's hormone related but I don't think it's the case. I think its the fluid that's around her heart that is clotting up. I hope this can be remedied quick and fast. :/



04:19 Oct 27 2012

As you can probably tell she hasn't gotten to go home yet since they are trying to get the level of pain to go down.

17:23 Oct 27 2012

My grandad died because of fluid around his heart. No matter how many times they drained it it kept coming back. Eventually they said they couldn't help him anymore and it built up so much that it suffocated his heart. O.O

19:46 Oct 27 2012

Omg I hope it's not suffocating her heart! :( Did the doctors install some kind of drainage system in his heart?

04:54 Oct 29 2012

They tried but his body rejected it so he had to keep going back for surgeries. But every time they drained it it came back quicker than the last time.

13:31 Oct 29 2012



22:12 Oct 25 2012
Times Read: 981

It feels so good to be home. My aunt is doing fine and she gets to come home tomorrow which is great. They are keeping her an extra day just to monitor her. I think in a few weeks she's going to come down and visit.




19:45 Oct 24 2012
Times Read: 1,002

So surgery has started a few moments ago, so now we wait. The doctors say she will be able to go home tomorrow, which is great news. After she gets out she is planning to rest awhile at home and then start doing things on her bucketlist which includes going to Vegas and coming home to visit family a lot more often. She has even requested to meet my bf Chris before something happens to her. He said he would which makes me happy . :)



21:08 Oct 24 2012

Thanks for keeping us updated....sounds like

your aunt wants to keep on living and have a

good time....good for her:)

03:20 Oct 25 2012

Yea I'm very glad myself considering she was planning on giving up her fight with cancer.

04:50 Oct 25 2012

Oh my. I hope your grandma does get to do her bucket list. =] That would be awesome for her.

I hope the drainage system works well for her.

How have you been holding up?

22:14 Oct 25 2012

I'm holding up just fine Tiffy. I'm just glad she's ok right now.


05:40 Oct 24 2012
Times Read: 1,018

Tomorrow is the day my aunt will have the surgery to help drain the bloody fluids from around her heart. This will be taking place at noon. They will be going in a making a window cut or something like that and will insert a tube inside that will help with the drainage and hopefully fix the clotting issue. It will be a permanent fix and she will be able to dispose of the fluids easily on her own when she gets home. The tube I should've mentioned will drain into a bag then she can dump it when it gets full. Hopefully this will work. Also it turns out that coming home Wednesday is out of the question, which is fine with me. Thursday is now the day I will be coming home now. Well it's getting late now and I think I will go head off to bed since tomorrow is a big day. Goodnight everyone! *hugs*




21:51 Oct 23 2012
Times Read: 1,050

The doctors came in while my mother, my grandparents, my aunt, and I were downstairs and told my aunt that the fluid they extracted were cancerous. They are also scheduling her for surgery to put a draining system in her heart to help drain the fluid out more. Right now it's clotting up.



21:52 Oct 23 2012

We are also waiting to hear from her doctor on the matter

21:59 Oct 23 2012

So sorry to hear...prayers for the family and

to find the strength and guidance they need.

22:20 Oct 23 2012

Wish you and your family the best. *hugs*

22:23 Oct 23 2012

Hang in there dear,no matter what happens.She needs you more than ever.


05:41 Oct 23 2012
Times Read: 1,065

Just as an update on my aunt, she had to have an emergency surgery to extract fluid from around her heart. There was enough fluid to fill up 3 water bottles so far. She also has puenomia or however its spelled. Its also irritating trying to type while autocorrect keeps translating everything to spanish for some reason. But thats an update so far. Also it looks like i will be home wednesday!



05:58 Oct 23 2012

We are keeping her in our thoughts and you as well Jenn.

12:14 Oct 23 2012

I hope she will soon be doing better!

15:53 Oct 23 2012

Prayers for your aunt, and the doctors,

nurses that are looking after her.

18:05 Oct 23 2012

Hopefully she'll start feeling a little better. I hope she heals up quickly and the pneumonia gets under control. I'm still holding you both in my thoughts. *hugs*

21:54 Oct 23 2012

Thanks for the prayers everyone! She can use as many as she could get!


02:52 Oct 22 2012
Times Read: 1,082

I've been writing in my other journal on my other profile about my aunt that isn't doing so well. We are making an emergency trip early tomorrow morning to go be by her side, so that means I will be going on hiatus from the site for awhile. Hopefully it won't be too long. It really isn't my choice to do so but I believe my family needs me more then VR does at the moment. I will try to get online off and on once I get there and maybe then be able to update everyone on the situation. If anyone needs to get ahold of me phone wise you have from now until 7am to get ahold of me. I hope to be back soon.



03:03 Oct 22 2012

I am glad you are going to be by your aunt's side.That is exactly where you need to be.

Believe me on that one.

I wish you and your family the very best in all this.

03:08 Oct 22 2012

Thank you Oceanne

03:52 Oct 22 2012

*hugs* I hope they can help her and get things under control soon. I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts.

And don't worry about VR, it'll be here when you get back.

04:07 Oct 22 2012

Thanks Tiffy *hugs*

19:06 Oct 22 2012

You are always welcome. *hugs* I've been down almost the same road now multiple times with loved ones. I know a lot of the feelings, frustrations, and wanting to hit someone on the staff.

I'm hear if you need something or a shoulder. =] I hope you know that!

22:22 Oct 23 2012

You're more than welcome.Keeping you in my thoughts and heart here.Stay strong.


05:49 Oct 13 2012
Times Read: 1,091

Back to the NLDS we go the only thing standing in the way, Giants. GO CARDS GO!!!!!




04:04 Oct 03 2012
Times Read: 1,133

You sir should stop spamming the good people across VR. Why? because nobody wants to have your fucking baby you fucktard!




21:08 Oct 02 2012
Times Read: 1,173

Really now? You are claiming you are not spamming the site when it's writing in your journal that you paid for because the admin won't listen to you? News flash! The admin won't listen to you anymore because they are sick and fucking tired of you going all bat shit crazy on them and quite frankly you deserve to be blocked by them!

Also do you even know what spam is and I am not talking about the kind you eat either. I will try to explain it in terms that even a third grader can even understand.

Spam is when a person(s) flood the internet with several copies of the same message (such as your journal entries), with the attempt to force a message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it or in your case read it! If anyone wants to add another meaning or if I left out a part of the meaning of this definition, please, by all means feel free to add on!

You are spamming the site by constantly posting the same thing in your journal. Which also the last time I checked it is against the Tos! I know it's in the ToS. How? because I've read it and it also takes some form of common sense to know that you don't spam a website. Now if you want to accuse me of being a bully go right ahead. I really don't care. You wouldn't know a bully if you saw one staring in your face!



22:09 Oct 02 2012

Oh yes,Thunderfoot/Therealthing does indeed know what a bully is.And sees one everytime she looks into the mirror.

22:16 Oct 02 2012

Yea and it is always so very easy to accuse someone of being a bully when they in turn are the one that bullies

23:03 Oct 02 2012

Come on guys/gals.........be more sympathetic to these people that are desperate for attention....they are crying out for help...................*evil grins*

13:53 Oct 03 2012

Slipknot,thats how they work.Once someone catches them at something,and there is no way out,they start accusing others of abusing them in order to steer attention away from what they did.

19:41 Oct 03 2012

YUP! And here is a great example of her habit of accusing people.This is how she handles her"CAUSES".

Below are some examples of how she handles people who do not agree with her "causes" too.So it isnt only here.

Thunderfoot reply : the person that wrote that distasteful ditribe works for one of the air tour company,and/or has an interest that is financially motivated.It is okay,people can see for themselves what is going on.as for the truth,well one must be wise enough to know it when you here it.That is an old saying that utilize in my thought processes.have a great day,and there is still aloha....ALOHA


This is the reply from the person she wrongfully accused.Obviously it is a habit with her.Of course,at the time he didnt know that he was a she.But she does set him straight on that one!


reply to Thunderfoot=Who’s being judgmental and rude here? How dare you pin a Scarlet “R” on me! You do not know me. I do not support Mr. Bush and have not voted for him in the last two elections. I don’t believe in party lines, nor do I believe in the Electoral Collage. But that is another topic for another day.

What I do believe in is free thinking and taking responsibility for one’s own actions.

I believe that if people have an issue…then they should go after the issue and not hide behind the banner of the Sierra Club or any other “Grass Roots” organization for that matter. These organizations all have their own “interests” in mind.

I called Thunderfoot on his hidden agenda and he admitted that there was one. I’m still confused by the fact that almost being killed by his own “spooked” horses wasn’t one of his original concerns. In my opinion, this is a cause worthy enough to get a petition signed; and see if the Tour Operators can change to their routes. And yes, even for those who don’t have horses, it’s still downright loud and annoying and I would also support that petition.

Let’s face facts; we all know that air travel is dangerous. We all know that there is less of a chance to survive in an air crash vs. a car crash. But we still, as Americans, need to be allowed our freedoms. I’m familiar with the ratio of maintenance company/tour operators. I myself have had a tour cancellation due to “maintenance.” They're not perfect but they’re as safe as they can be. But, what I don’t need is some legislative directive to tell me I can’t go up in a helicopter and view the lava flow if I want to.

By the way, I also take issue when people move to a location, knowing full well what their situation will be; and then say NIMBY, and expect us to follow their logic and agree with them.

Have a great week!


No Thunderfoot, I don’t prosper from the Air Tour Industry, I prosper from the truth…and it seems to work just fine for me!


And naturally,she lets fly with the accusations once again..


Thunderfoot reply=reply:

Everyone calm down.You are getting mixed up with Lee.It seems people are lumping the Sierra club comment with the hidden agenda comment.Although it is interesting that you are overly sensitive to this issue.

As for not first speaking about the horses ,as an issue first,was a choice to focus on the issue not the individual problem of mine.Believe it or not there are still people out there that are altruisitc.I have over twenty years non-profit experience.I enjoy charity work,so does 85% of America.

You want to degrade this issue by clouding it with your own persoanl desire and issues.I have been in hawaii since 1980 and seen many things.But you started this whole dialogue with the vicious,inflammatory self-serving,bias,careless,rude assumption that i had a hidden agenda.What is the fascination with that anyway?.You have attacked my honor without provocation.As far as my comment to your hidden agenda accusation,my initial response was sarcastic.Also,by the way,I am a WOMAN.And as far as hiding behind the Sierra Club,I guess you have forgotten there is strength in numbers.Where there is a will,there is a way.Why is everything so negative with you? you are so skeptical and suspicious of others,it causes one to wonder about your hidden agenda.Can't people just speak their mind without everyone getting personal.

On this issue of overflights,I try to be clinical and legal.I try to leave my personal and emotional stuff out of it.I guess it is from living with an attorney for so long.Why didn't you just ask me questions instead of attacking me right off?

I admire your passion and respect your views,but I don't have to agree.That is the beauty of free will.PLEASE EVERYONE WE ARE ALL FAMILY !!!!!!!!!! Let's come together and show ALOHA


The response to her post..



You remind me of a certain demeaning Planning Commission member that obviously has their own agenda.

How is wjbillock "suspicious and skeptical" of others , but you yourself then falsely accuse wjbillock of being involved with the air tour companies ? Where is your Aloha ?

Greg Henderson



I presume you have contacted County Council/Police/FAA/NPS about your concerns and you were displeased with the response you received ? This is why the choice was made to get the Sierra Club involved ?

It would be nice to know how many Nene and Hawaiian Hawks ( which I see in Leilani all the time ) have been killed or injured due to the Helicopter tours throughout our area. Do you have a number ?

How is VNP not being preserved ?

What are the statistics you have in regards to the aircraft incidents and deaths? How many were caused by mechanical malfunctions vs. pilot error ?

Personally , I truly wish concerned individuals would attempt to find answers at a County or State level rather than bring in an outside advocacy group, which then in turn leads to lawyers and court cases.

We have our Council Representatives for a reason. To represent us.

While we may not agree on each decision he or she makes, they are elected by a majority of the voters.

The seemingly preferred method of bypassing these individuals leads to a very divisive environment. As you have come across in these posts.

The Sierra Club or a lawyer ( sorry Glen :) isn't always the answer.

Greg Henderson


18:11 Oct 02 2012
Times Read: 1,197

Seeing all of the spam entries that you made yesterday and again today reminded me of rabbits. You put 2 rabbits together and then they will start to breed, but in your case, the breeding has gone way out of control!



18:59 Oct 02 2012

The beauty of all that? It simply proves that she lied from the beginning about not having certain profiles.Profiles who did nothing but push people around. In her anger,she made the mistake of showing everyone that ALL of those profiles were her all along.


19:20 Oct 02 2012

She's also proved to us all what a dumb ass she really is too. Cancer knows and sees all and knows she has them. Yesterday I counted up to 9 journals that belonged to her that have the same damn thing written in them. Today she is posting them all over again and there is a 10th profile added into the mix! 10 freaking profiles! Who the hell can keep track of 10 profiles!? I can barely keep up with the ones I have! Good lord she needs to get a life or get laid! At least one or the other

19:48 Oct 02 2012

I guess there were 9 profiles posting the same thing. But she has 10 profiles total

21:19 Oct 02 2012

It doesnt matter .she has made her own bed,and is now getting ready to lay in it.

22:05 Oct 02 2012

Yea she is going to have to accept the consequences of the BS she is flinging at people


06:58 Oct 02 2012
Times Read: 1,226

I like so many others are tired of you spewing nothing but bullshit from your lips. You need to get over yourself. You yourself have claimed that this site is terrible and not worth being on and yet here you are, logging in every day just long enough to post a journal entry, bad mouthing Cancer and the Admins, while claiming that the rules are unjust and unfair. That's so easy to say when you are the one that does nothing but break all of the rules! I guess the site really isn't so bad after all since you keep coming back for more each day. If the site really is all that bad like you claim it to be, stop logging in or just do us all a favor and just self delete. It's really simple as pie, other then that stop acting like a whiney bitch!



08:54 Oct 02 2012

It's too simple of a concept for her to grasp ;)~

15:18 Oct 02 2012

That isnt going to happen.Bullies dont stop until someone gives them the ol Bully beat down.

It was the same thing with Aracon.

Everyone had to band together to do it, but do it everyone did. Eventually.

Via dishonour,blocks ,rates and by ignoring them in every other venue.

16:00 Oct 02 2012

There is a huge difference between being a revolutionary and a loud mouth conspiracy theory spewing moron. The things they just so happen to be complaining about right now have been in place since day 1 I'm sure.

16:13 Oct 02 2012

Oh, forgot to add this little bit in....

If the site is so horrible, why be here for as long as 7 years (3 for the other blowhard)? Go ahead and blame the Admins for how badly you screw up with ToS violations, and they'll promise not to listen.

Both used to be Coven Masters, and now the system is so 'oppressive'? Give me a break! If the system is so wrong in your eyes, why run your own covens? Unaffiliated existence on the site is ALWAYS an option for a Sire so long as your level us retained. But please...keep talking and sounding like hypocrites!

18:36 Oct 02 2012

As usual I highly value all 3 of your opinions and like usual you guys are correct!


00:35 Oct 01 2012
Times Read: 1,033

I am having the worst day ever! I have been not feeling too well all day. I have a sore throat and don't seem to have the ability to stop coughing and sneezing. Oh and my ear is hurting as well. I managed to get up out of bed to got up and my knee decided it didn't want to stay in it's socket and dislodged itself. Just as I was about to fall over, it relocated itself. My knee is feeling numb and still hurts every little bit but it should be fine. I really hope it doesn't happen again.



01:01 Oct 01 2012

I hope you get to feeling better. *hugs*

01:07 Oct 01 2012

Made a typo it should be to get up not got up

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