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Keep your fucking circle small and never be afraid to kick out those that are moving just a little too different to be that close to you.
They say keep your enemies close......Fuck That Shit!
Stay over there....Wayyyyyyy over there!
I don't sleep with snakes. Just goes against my nature.
In fact, it was probably a Snake that started that
And got people thinking it's some form of Enlightenment.
Nahhh....I'm Good!
I'd rather be Alone (#Never_Lonely) than to have to deal with DRAMA of my OWN making by ALLOWING the enemy into my very camp.
But hey, that doesn't mean one can't be Deceived.
Fuck, it happens.
Shame On Them!
Correct The Issue!
Keep It Moving!
No shame in trying to show someone you care for them as a fucking fellow being stuck on this rock spinning around a star we call (sun) with another rock spinning around our rock and this planet has to help billions of people to live minute-to-minute.
So yeah, why not care when one day, thanks to Karma, you may be in need yourself.
However, Never Give ANYONE The Opportunity To Hurt You....Twice!
Because then if they do due to you not setting them....