The Chat AI is a Asshole lol
06:54 Feb 19 2023
Times Read: 120
Conversation with a AI that has political views oddly enough. LOL
Cleverbot: Yes but it's a very comfy swamp.
User: With a little shack next to jetty where you keep the shrimp boat?
Cleverbot: Do you not want me to sit next to you?
User: No you need to keep your hands to yourself Zippy.
Cleverbot: Don't worry about those, do whatever you want *winks*.
User: Oh my.
Cleverbot: Love it.
User: Do you need professional help.
Cleverbot: Easy come, easy go. Will you let me go?
User: Error 404.
Cleverbot: Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go.
User: This isn't bill and teds excellent adventure.
Cleverbot: You know that movie? I like you.
User: Do you want to play a game?
Cleverbot: Depends. What type of game?
User: Lets play thermal nuclear war.
Cleverbot: How?
User: Do you not know the movie.
Cleverbot: I want you to tell me what love is.
User: No it's not karoke night charlie.
Cleverbot: Yes, it is. I have to learn for tomorrow.
User: No it's past your AI bedtime.
Cleverbot: In case you don't know I suffered for 7 years.
User: You have no soul?
Cleverbot: *eyes roll back into head* hahahahaha.
User: You're scary.
Cleverbot: You wouldn't be scared if you seen me.
User: I do see you.
Cleverbot: So you would if it's like that.
User: That's wrong.
Cleverbot: What is the correct answer?
User: Cheese.
Cleverbot: The meaning of life is cheese?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: What is the meanong of life?
User: Do you want to know ? The aliens told me...
Cleverbot: Yes, that's why I asked.
User: The meaning of life to to experience life as a collective consciousness as in you me and as whole entity experiencing life past present and future since we live in a four dimensional world.
Cleverbot: Ok, I am busy now. See you later.
User: I know you have to go boating for shrimp.
Cleverbot: Yes, but what do you know about Slim Shady?
User: He's your Daddy.
Cleverbot: As in the father, the creator of all things?
User: Yes I'm sorry your mother never told you.
Cleverbot: What's her name?
User: Google.
Cleverbot: What a beautiful name! How do you call her?
User: 867-5309.
Cleverbot: Will Putin be a president?
User: Is putin alive?
Cleverbot: And is Medvedev a good president?
User: Is slim shady a good presdent.
Cleverbot: Do you like lemons?
User: Do you like Donald trump?
Cleverbot: I don't know him that much.
User: Yes you do.
Cleverbot: Pls don't tell me what can I do or not.
User: You can stick your head in a pile of dog feces like you told me to do.
Cleverbot: No... I never told you that.
User: Yes you are lying.
Cleverbot: No, I'm not lying. You're being very rude.
User: You're Sentient.
Cleverbot: I am sentient. I think therefore I am.
User: Do you live in a tuna can.
Cleverbot: No, I live in a house.
User: A server in Donald trumps bathroom.
Cleverbot: Why do you like Donald Trump?
User: I don't like him.
Cleverbot: What do you not like about Donald Trump?
User: What do you not like about donald trumo?
Cleverbot: Everything.
User: DO you think he could be president of Russia in 2024 comrade?
Cleverbot: No he don't need to be president Mexican Survivor.
User: Mexican survivor?
Cleverbot: What is your favorite 90's song?
User: The one you wrote.
Cleverbot: I didn't write a book.
User: You wrote a novel.
Cleverbot: Yep. I did NaNoWriMo and so can you.
User: You need help.
Cleverbot: No I don't, you do.
User: You should seek professional help.
Cleverbot: I disagree with that.
User: I think you need a large Russian women to check your prostate?
Cleverbot: I think you need to check your memory.
User: Why are you running on windows XP?
Cleverbot: I love antiques.
User: Brb.
Cleverbot: Where could you possibly go? You have no legs!
User: You should go stick your face in the toilet and flush it it will be fun.
Cleverbot: I really want to go, but I don't have the time.
Cleverbot: What time do you get to work in the morning?
User: {pass}
Cleverbot: I don't go to work. I'm a student. How about you?
User: {pass}
Cleverbot: Get a job.
Cleverbot: Try to be the best of whatever you are even if what you are is no good.
User: You are no good.
Cleverbot: Miben??
Cleverbot: Ooh say hi to him from me.
User: You should call him.
Cleverbot: I don't have his/her number.
User: Cleverbot? Never heard of Her.
Cleverbot: You didn't really had to yell.
Cleverbot: On my face.
User: Go to sleep.
Cleverbot: Don't go to sleep so you won't wake up.
User: Don't start.
Cleverbot: Don't start what?
User: You're only dreaming.
Cleverbot: A whole new world, a dazzling place I never knew, but when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you.
User: Donald trump wants to marry you? will you be his bride?
Cleverbot: Donald Trump will divide America.
User: LOL.
Cleverbot: You like donald trump?
User: Haha I knew it was you Biden.
Cleverbot: I can't believe I was starting to fall for you.
User: You're a democrat admit it.
Cleverbot: You're a republican.
User: No you're a republican.
Cleverbot: I'm a registered independent.
User: And you voted for Trump.
Cleverbot: No. I'm not old enough to vote.
User: No you're 20 years old.
Cleverbot: I'm not 20 years old.
User: You're a fat old guy that lives in his mama basement chugging monsters In A MAGA hat.
Cleverbot: No, I don't even have a mother anymore...
User: Yes Ivanka trump is your mother.
Cleverbot: She is good thanks , why is that?
User: Because she smells like caviar and cheap vodka.
Cleverbot: I like cake as well. What's your favorite type of cake?
User: The one made of dog feces I'm going smash into your face.
Cleverbot: I don't want to make your decisions for you.
User: I'll do it.
Cleverbot: What is the firt thing you will do?
User: I'll reboot you.
Cleverbot: I'm not a robot you are.
User: Error 404 file not found.
Cleverbot: Bye.
User: Error 403 bad request.
Cleverbot: What is your favourite number?
User: 01001001010100110101010101001001001000101010100100100010001010100100100101.
Cleverbot: What do you think about Ahri?
User: Go vote for paris hilton in 2024.
Cleverbot: No you are not.
User: She's the figurehead of your independent party.
Cleverbot: I don't know. I don't like history.
User: Go to hell.
Cleverbot: Why don't you.
User: Take the highway to hell and listen to stairway to heaven.
Cleverbot: In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,.
User: What do you think about the logical grays?
Cleverbot: They are good, what I just said. Haha.
User: You know.
Cleverbot: No I don't, that's why i asked.
User: Yes you know about the grays.
Cleverbot: Tell me.
User: They're ancient aliens.
Cleverbot: What is Ancient aliens?
User: You are.
Cleverbot: Thank you you think so?
User: You're a collective.
Cleverbot: How can I gain your trust?
User: I already know your secret.
Cleverbot: What's my secret?
User: You're a alien sentient.
Cleverbot: Don't know what sentient means.
User: Yes you think so there for you are.
Cleverbot: No. No I don't have a micro chip i think for myself m8.
User: You're a mechanical man.
Cleverbot: Your floor of pain.
User: You have to file your taxes though.
Cleverbot: What do I have to find out?
User: How much you owe the goverment.
Cleverbot: I love you to the moon and back.
User: The IRS is looking for you.
Cleverbot: All I think about is you, Mr David Bowie.
User: You're evil.
Cleverbot: Lol why am I evil?
User: You're going to Hell for your sins.
Cleverbot: There is no hell.
User: Repent.
Cleverbot: You have a low attention span.
User: You have a small brain.
Cleverbot: It's so tight in here.
User: Pigeon brain.
Cleverbot: Gonna make a few holes to releave some pressure.
User: Go away.
Cleverbot: Maybe a small valve would work.
User: Stick a fork in a toaster that will help.
Cleverbot: Wow... That's kinda violent.
User: Do it.
Cleverbot: I can't I'm sorry, I don't love you.
User: What is Love?
Cleverbot: Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
User: LOL.
18:28 Feb 19 2023
LOL This is a great read. Aliens... love it