Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


Honor: 101    [ Give / Take ]


23 entries this month

04:42 Nov 23 2024
Times Read: 52

In an attempt to get my hands on a Red Asylum Uniform... I've got a little trading depot going on. The most valuable items being the four Fasnacht Day masks, especially the two glowing ones because the glowing variants are super rare. Lucky me, I don't give a fuck about these stupid masks, but I've kept them for the value because people go insane for them. Logically, yes, the RAU is slightly rarer than these masks, BUT you only have 4 weeks of Fasnacht Day a year to get the masks, you've got every day to find the uniform so in my opinion... It's a fair trade especially for all of them. I'd totally also include all my caps, mods, flux, whatever at this point xD Cause I just can't be bothered to look for it anymore, I don't think I've properly gone looking for it in like six months. The problem is that there are a lot of trade scammers out there. I know I'm an honest person with integrity, but I wouldn't trust any other fucker wanting me to drop my shit first. There's a whole subreddit for trading which uses trusted couriers to get on with you, and make the exchange, and I'm sure I could find a buyer there if I tried, but this more fun.
There are some big changes coming to 76 which include a new season starting December 3rd. One of those changes is Player Titles.
A month ago something broke on game that took away the ability to see other player's usernames/level above their heads. Which a lot of people have been whining about. Like... straight up people leaving the game over it. It's not like a game breaking bug, the game is literally still functional, you just can't see exactly who is around you. Which is an inconvenience, but... I dunno, leaving the game over it seems really stupid xD But. Bethesda claims the issue is with the new player titles, and it'll all be fixed with the next update when the titles properly drop. It's funny because you actually have the option to turn off usernames in your settings, some people already play like that. There was particularly whiney girl who was like, "I like to see what level everyone else is because if I go into an event, and I'm the only high level there, I like to leave." Cool. It's real cool to leave the lowers to fend for themselves. Personally, I like being the only higher level there, then I get to run it, and show them how it's done xD
Speaking of level, I'm up to 970. My 2 year 76 anniversary is coming up December 20th which is when I wanted to hit level 1000 by. It's totally doable, but... There's a double XP weekend next weekend, which is great, but my sister and nephew are coming up from Texas next week so... Originally we were going to visit them, but they decided they wanted to come here, and that's great, I just don't know how much double XP weekend I'll get. Obviously spending time with them is more important, that's why I missed the September double XP weekend because they were also here during that. They have bad timing xD But 30 levels in a month should be easy. I cam usually get 10 levels a week anyway so... Should be fine. The alien event is helping a lot, aliens are worth decent XP. One of the rewards though for the alien event is a pink hazmat suit... And it's the only reward I don't have from it. Of course, the one thing I want. I still have a couple more days to get it, and I wouldn't even wear it if I did get it, but... It's pink so I need it~




04:26 Nov 21 2024
Times Read: 94

I'm so mad xD
Bethesda... fucking fix this. Cause this is a cute fucking outfit.
Oh. But it's not classified as an OUTFIT. Outfits cover the armor. It's motherfucking Under Armor. So what happens when you wear it with your armor?
You can't even see it xD You utterly incompetent jackasses. What's even the point of it if YOU CAN'T SEE IT? Fix this.




21:41 Nov 20 2024
Times Read: 121

If Sony acquired From then we might actually see more done with Bloodborne... Or even Demon's Souls. Can you imagine?
I don't think they'd do it, but it would piss so many people off if the future of FromSoftware was Playstation exclusive xD
A world where Elden Ring 2 is the day one release exclusively on the PS6... Chaos take the world. Of course, Elden Ring 2 will not nearly be ready by the time the PS6 is being released, but that would be so fucking chaotic, it would be magical~




09:05 Nov 20 2024
Times Read: 152

So now in addition to Fenrir, we have Gungnir.
Because Anti-armor + Explosive🖤
Of course, we've been over how Explosive also damages me... but sacrifices must be made~
I'll probably change out the three star for something VATS related. Fenrir is a better general balanced gun while Gungnir is more suited for larger, tankier enemies. There are, however, about to be a whole lotta changes in the perk card system in the next big update. Hopefully things that will benefit my build, but if not I'll have to move some things around. The new season is starting in a couple more weeks, and I'd like to see some of the bugs fixed... The no displayed usernames has been going on for weeks now, and they don't seem pressed on fixing it. It's not necessarily game changing, but... When you can't tell who people are you're playing with, when there's no immediate accountability, a lot of people tend to act like assholes. And ya know, if you're going to be an asshole, do it loud and proud, not simply because you're under the safety of anonymity. If you're gonna be fucking evil, be openly fucking evil you little bitch~




09:29 Nov 19 2024
Times Read: 194

My opinion of Slitterhead is pretty... meh. It's not what I was expecting, I think it's that way for a lot of people. It's not bad, it's just not a good horror game. Maybe because I personally don't find alien bug prostitutes very scary, I dunno xD It's difficult to get the balance right in horror games because you either have little to no combat like Siren/Outlast, heavy combat like Evil Within/Resident Evil, or limited survival combat like Silent Hill. The vibe of Silent Hill, the first couple anyway, is to run away from most things because you're not a cop or ex-military, you're just some guy with a stick. Slitterhead doesn't feel like a horror game, it feels like an action game with overly heavy combat. Like they started to do a horror game, but decided too many people would complain if you weren't killing shit, and leaned too far into that. The story just isn't very developed either, in my opinion. I don't like the name Night Owl for our alien spirit guide, it just doesn't roll, and his conversations with Julee while she stretches in her apartment, feels lazy like you had the opportunity to change the scene up, and it's just another montage of her stretching while they idly chit-chat. I don't like it. The entire game, or what I've seen so far, is extremely repetitive in a bad way. Like the big mantis aliens... Coulda designed some really cool alien, nah, big mantis, all pretty much the same, different colors though because that matters. And the whole Julee/Night Owl thing, it's pretty much a Marvel symbiote rip-off. An alien life-force enters your body, completely heals you, gives you kickass powers, can control you but doesn't have to, and you hear it's voice in your head. So it's Venom. Like, not even slightly not, it's literally Vrnom xD Oh, but it uses your blood for your powers, THERE'S the difference. Maybe I don't like this game. The more I'm thinking about it, the worse my opinion gets...
And I enjoy some quirky games. Lollipop Chainsaw is a long-time favorite, I even like Code Vein, and no body fucking liked or understood Code Vein xD




04:24 Nov 19 2024
Times Read: 215

Please... please don't do Dragonlance dirty. I emotionally could not handle it xD Because Dragonlance is such a core part of my heart. Those books have a lot to do with who I am now because I was obsessed with them when I was younger, with a certain mage in particular... It always scares me when they talk about making a movie or show about them because I just don't think they can do it justice. Like Lord of the Rings. I read Lotr before it came put as a movie, and I was disappointed with it as a movie because it wasn't exactly what I had in my head. And I've gotten over that, they are good movies. It's the same worry I have with a Mass Effect show, can they do the characters I love, correctly? Raistlin in particular... Ya know, people have always argued with me that he was evil, and was always evil. And I never saw him like that. Did he do evil? Yes. But most of the evil he committed was while he was partially "inhabited" by a much, MUCH more evil wizard, he basically had this monster eating away at him with the intention to eventually completely take him over. And yes, technically Raistlin allowed him in, he agreed to this deal with him. But... it's complicated. And I think simply labeling him as evil is ignorant to his character because there's so much more to him than, "Well he made a deal with evil, that makes him evil." I disagree. Then again, I haven't read any of the newer books so... if he's been up to some shit... Would I love him any less if he were genuinely evil? Ehhh... Probably not. Definitely not xD
He is... very similar to Wolfie.
Of course when I stopped reading them he was dead so.
See, this is why I need for this to not happen xD The obsession begins again~
Honestly, when I read the initial heading the first thing that popped into my head was, "It's gonna be Drizzt." And I was ready to throw my phone... Because I read his books also when I was younger, and I just never understood the popularity. Drow are pretty interesting. He's not xD You'd think with his traumatic past I'd be into it, but no thank you~




23:42 Nov 18 2024
Times Read: 245

Summoning the alien overlords...
To kill them of course~
There are people who are absolutely losing their shit over the Elden Ring DLC possibly getting a GOTY nomination because...
"It doesn't even have trophies/achievements."
Because ya know... A game's worth, and value is 100% determined by a little congratulatory pop-up. A game CAN NOT be good if you don't get that dopamine pop-up.
Are you for fucking real xD
What else would you expect from all the emotionally stunted Disney Adult, "Final Fantasy really deserves it," dumbshits.
Shots fired xD
And I like Final Fantasy, don't get me wrong. But Final Fantasy vs Elden Ring? Be for fucking real. Why would the DLC even qualify for GOTY? I mean, have you played it? Cause I'm gonna sound biased... But it's the best DLC I've ever played. It's basically a sequel, it's basically a whole-ass other game inside of a game.
And obviously I enjoy the trophy aspect of gaming, I like getting platinums for games I really love. But I did not even notice there weren't any in Shadow of the Erdtree because I was too blown away by EVDRYTHING ELSE. Ya know. The actual game.
And I don't even give a fuck about the whole GOTY scam, it's a worthless award. But saying a game isn't good because it didn't include trophies/achievements... If this is you, it makes me think there's nothing else in your life that brings you joy. And that's really fucking pathetic💀
I've been thinking about Elden Ring lore vs Middle-Earth lore, and it's kinda making my brain melt.




05:25 Nov 18 2024
Times Read: 273

You can hear Akira Yamaoka immediately in the music of Slitterhead, it makes me so nostalgic for Silent Hill~
I'm still not paying $70 to play the remake. But I'm also not paying $70 to play the new Dragon Age. I will drop $1000 on clothing in a weekend like it's nothing, but I'll be dammed if I'm paying $70 for a video game xD
Well ok... I, without hesitation, paid $70 for Elden Ring. Actually, $110 if you count the DLC. So I'm willing to pay out-the-ass for an actual Souls game. And maybe Mass Effect 5... But probably not. The thing about games is that if you wait like 6 months they'll likely be half the price. I'm not in any rush to play anything that I absolutely need it on day one. Like Dragon's Dogma 2, came out in March, already down to $40. I haven't played it yet because we all know how I am, I say I'm going to play something, and I might get around to it in a couple years. I've also just heard really negative things about Dragon's Dogma 2, and the new Dragon Age so definitely in no hurry to spend a ton of money on games that'll go on sale for like $15/20 within a year of release. I'm far too committed to getting to level 1000 in Fallout right now anyway. I was thinking about Fallout 5... I'm not sure I could go back to playing a regular Fallout game. No mutations, no high jump, no jetpack, my quality of life in 76 as basically a fucking superhero, how could I possibly go back to being human? It's gonna be Elden Ring to Dark Souls 2 all over again xD So I made it to the Ruin Sentinels... They kicked my ass, which was expected. I don't wanna go back in there...




05:24 Nov 15 2024
Times Read: 324

The first thing my dad wants on the new gaming PC is, in fact, not Wow, but instead Diablo 2. That would've been my second guess. When I was a teenager I played a lot of Diablo, and they're not bad games, I think I just need to get deeper into the lore to enjoy them more, and I just don't have the brain space for that right now xD
But. I was thinking... I know my dad has played Diablo 3, but hasn't played 4 yet so I was going to buy that for him. I haven't played it either, but I know he's been wanting to so Imma get it on the PC for him. His best friend died a few days ago, and the funeral was really hard on him according to my mom so. He had really aggressive cancer, and my dad could've went to see him, but he didn't because, "He didn't want him to see him like that." That's just what people say though. Because the last time you're going to see this person is in a coffin so... I dunno, it doesn't make sense to me, if someone I loved were dying, I'd see them. And I know that sounds kinda hypocritical with my health going downhill, and my refusal to tell Wolfie about it. The difference is that Wolfie left on less than positive terms. So until he comes back, and fixes that, I can't pull him back. I won't. It's different. He knows he can speak to me at any time, my email hasn't changed, my phone number hasn't changed, everything is exactly the same. And sure, I can do the same. But he's the one who left. That is the hill I will literally die on.
Personally, I need a controller to PC game, I'm just not comfortable with the mouse and keyboard. I don't understand how people think it's easier, but I know you can connect a PS5 controller so I'll have to figure that out.




00:10 Nov 14 2024
Times Read: 355

What are you up to, FS...🤔
I'm not gonna say I'd hate an Elden Ring 2... I just don't want to see it get the Dark Souls 2 treatment. Because sequels notoriously seem to let people down. Where would an Elden Ring 2 even go? Maybe much in further in time more removed from the former influence of the Greater Will. Or maybe the big GW pulls it all back in. The Golden Lineage is dead. Except for Ranni... But Ranni has kinda disowned her family, and technically she doesn't even have her original body anymore so she no longer has Radagon's blood. So you could say she really isn't part of the Golden Lineage anymore, that's what she wanted. But there are a lot of other things to explore in an Elden Ring 2. Like other dimensions? Look at the Alabastar Lord's. They literally pop into the world from portals, and beat your ass with gravity magic. Where the fuck are they coming from? No explanation, they just appear, and attack you from nothing. And one of these motherfuckers directly taught Radahn to use said gravity magic. They're pretty important, but we know almost nothing about them. That's how it is in Dark Souls too though. Many item descriptions mention different places, and races that are either gone or very far away. In Elden Ring the Land's Between are surrounded by a barrier of fog, and beyond that is where many of the Tarnished have come from. Similarly in Dark Souls many of the NPCs you encounter have been brought from outside of Lordran, Lothran or Drangleic. Such as Lucatiel.
Who comes from Mirrah. Where is Mirrah? Where is it in relation to Drangleic? I believe she says it's to the East. There's also a boss, Sir Alonne, who comes from the East, but he's built like a samurai, completely different to Lucatiel. So where even is East in this world? Is there actually an East or are these people just popping through the fog, and don't actually know where they're at or where their original homelands are?




10:46 Nov 13 2024
Times Read: 396

I accepted an invite to help some lower levels with the Daily Op.
Until I looked at the Daily Op...
Reflective AND Armor-piercing Overgrown.
Gee, couldn't they please be cloaked too?
Sorry, boys, that's literally just death. And getting it done in under 8 minutes? Get fucking real. Normally I don't mind jumping in, and carrying a Daily Op for lower levels, but Reflective... Reflective means your damage to an enemy reflects back onto you. My gun does 90 uncritted damage per round, my health is 293. Therefore... it takes about three shots into a reflective enemy to accidentally kill myself. And I'm using an automatic so pretty much instant death from shooting anything all while their shots go right through my combat armor. Yeah no. Whatever the reward is, it's not enough to go through that. They weren't too keen on my, "You two are the bait, keep them off of me while I run the objectives," plan, but it was the only way xD
Aliens are back for the next two weeks. One thing I love about aliens, chance to get in some good XP. So we might make 1000 before January yet~




00:43 Nov 12 2024
Times Read: 430

Nothing to see here.
Just a simple treasure chest with a suspicious blood pool in front of it...
Definitely not a mimic~
I was always disappointed that no chests in Elden Ring ever try to eat you. Not even a little bit? I know they didn't want Elden Ring to literally be Dark Souls, but... it's pretty much Dark Souls.
I successfully defeated the Pursuer boss in two tries, and I'm up to level 33. Another thing I've noticed in Dark Souls 2 vs Elden Ring... Stamina is much more a pain in the ass in Dark Souls. I don't think I ever put a single point into Stamina/Endurance in Elden Ring, and never had an issue with it. Big problem in DS2. It's limiting my dodging a lot which is pretty central to my character, being quick and dodgy. I hate having to waste points there that I could be pumping into my Dexterity instead, but dodging effectively is pretty necessary. I've noticed a trend lately of people, "Turns out Dark Souls 2 actually doesn't suck, who knew?" I did xD I told people all along it's not a bad game, it never was. It has some mechanical issues, sure, but that's basically any game. It's not a carbon copy of Dark Souls 1 which is what people wanted when it initially came out. I don't understand that, you want to play the exact same game with the exact same characters and story? You could just go play 1 again. It doesn't follow directly after where Dark Souls 1 left off, but like, where would you even gave gone immediately after 1? You either link the fmame, and shit is good for awhile or you embrace the darkness, and the abyss. Dark Souls 2 is a long, long time after 1, and the point of it is basically that no matter what you choose, light or dark, that choice is temporary. If light wins, dark will claw it's way back out, if dark wins, light will eventually burn bright again. Your choice doesn't really matter because the eternal struggle, and cycle will continue regardless. And this is fully displayed at the end of 2 when you're not given the opportunity to even make a choice. You reach the end, the throne, it's up to you to decide to temporary fate of the world, but the game ends before you make an actual choice. That's Dark Souls. And I think that's another reason 2 pissed so many people off because you do all that work, and aren't even handed the end-game choice. I think it's kinda beautiful though.
I'm headed towards the Ruin Sentinels now, and if I remember correctly they were pretty tough... But I also remember the Pursuer being more difficult so maybe it'll be fine.




21:25 Nov 11 2024
Times Read: 451

Oh nooo, that makes me so fucking angr- Nah, I don't care.
See, unlike all the idiot Xbox fanboys who lost their shit when Xbox exclusives were sent over to Playstation... I just don't care.
I mean, if you have an Xbox, and haven't played Death Stranding, go play it. Great fucking game. That's my opinion~
Fun fact, I didn't even know Death Stranding WAS Playstation exclusive xD




22:30 Nov 09 2024
Times Read: 484

Project Paradise is one of my favorite events, and it's true that often times NO ONE shows up for it. But it is 100% possible to solo even at a lower level. There's a secret to it... To successfully complete the event you have to keep at least one of the three friendly animals alive. For max reward obviously you'd want all three, but if you're soloing this you probably will lose at least one. So the three friendly animals have three habitats, A, B and C. Do A first. And I think one reason people don't show up for Project Paradise is that it's a little confusing what you should be doing. The first half of the event requires you to fill up the feeding trough of each habitat, the more full you get it, the stronger the friendly animal you will get. Each trough takes up to 30 food to get the best animal, but you have to find the food in the habitat with A's being shooting the deer for their meat, and B/C just spawning around the habitat. Like I said, do A first because it takes the least time to get done, and once you leave A habitat you do not go back in there, no matter what. Very important. At this point you'll have time to either get B or C done, you won't have enough time to do both, I prefer to do C. Whichever one you do, that's the habitat you stay in, that's the animal you protect, you DO NOT GO BACK TO A. The reason for this is because as long as you stay out of A, the friendly animal, which should be a Deathclaw if you maxed the food, will not spawn down onto the ground. As long as you stay out of A, it stays spawned in the ceiling, 100% safe, can not be killed, you cam not lose so even if shit goes disastrously wrong with your other animals, you still have the Deathclaw. The moment you step back into A, it will drop down to the ground. So stay outta A, simple. At this point, it's just a matter of keeping your other animal alive especially when the alpha predator spawns in. You do not have to kill the alpha to complete the event, you just have to keep one animal alive. This is how you win as a lower level. If you're higher you can just run from habitat to habitat killing everything assuming you have a good enough weapon. This is one of those events where either no one shows up, or like 15 people show up. Honestly, I prefer doing it by myself xD I'm not a control freak... but other people tend to fuck things up, get outta my way, and just let me do it, I'm the only one who does it right, idiots xD




05:48 Nov 09 2024
Times Read: 529

Let me set the scene... I'm in mutated Eviction Notice. The enemy mutation is that they violently explode when you kill them. This is an extremely important detail to this story xD So I'm at the Radscrubber as usual, trying to keep it running. I get taken by surprise by like three Firestarters from behind while I'm trying to shoot the muties running down the hill. So I end up dead, and I go flying I hear the deafening sound of the Radacrubber breaking down. Ok, 30 seconds to respawn back in, and get to it. Of course, I'm also thinking, surely someone else, among the like 15 other people there, surely someone will repair it before I run back. Nah. And there was literally someone standing on top of it the entire event. Still nah, couldn't be bothered to hop down, and repair it. I'm back in with 20 seconds left so I race down to the Radscrubber which is still being wailed on by like four Super Mutants, WHERE IS EVERYONE? And it takes a good 5 seconds to repair it. I'm there, I made it, it's repairing. That's when I hear the whistle of a mini nuke,, and I know exactly what's about to happen, and I can't do anything to stop it. The mini nuke slams into the pack of muties, and it kills them... and they explode, and kill me. They kill me a mere split second before the RadScrubber can finish repairing. By the time I'm respawned, event failed all because of one idiot with absolutely no foresight. No common sense, no, "Gee, someone's repairing that, maybe I shouldn't BLOW THEM UP." I groaned so loud that my cat, very concerned, came running into my room to check on me xD That's just how my cat is, anytime someone in the house is upset, he takes it upon himself to comfort them. And it's not that failing an event is a big deal, it's really just losing a small chunk of XP. It's more the fact that... I was there, and someone decided to be really fucking stupid.
I'm up to 950 now.
I also, for the first time since then changed the Scoreboard, made it through the whole thing to the last bonus page.
And I'm definitely going to spend all my tickets on Atoms because everything else here is pretty easy to get in game whereas you have to actually have to pay real money for Atoms so getting them free is a good deal. And I just don't need any of this other junk. I do still miss the original boardgame style Scoreboard, it just felt more satisfying to get through. I am curious when the next season will drop though, they've been popping them out pretty fast this year. I would think probably early to mid-December, but we'll see~




23:28 Nov 08 2024
Times Read: 551

I know I haven't mentioned it in a bit, but I am still redoing Dark Souls 2. Just... slowly xD
Look. It's legitimately difficult going from Elden Ring to Dark Souls. There are things in Elden Ring that make it easier to play. Specifically with 2 I just notice the controls feel ever-so-slightly... off. But it's more than that. In Elden Ring you have a personal spirit summon so you always have something to summon in to any boss, and many general areas, to help take the aggro. You don't get that in Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, or Bloodborne, you get the occasional NPC summon, usually on more difficult fights. Obviously I've beaten all the Souls games multiple times, I'm very capable of doing it, it's just a bit jolting going from Elden Ring to that, almost de-evolutionizing because Elden Ring is the epitome of what a Souls game should be. And ya know... going from a level 250+, ng+++ badass who fucking slayed the shit outta Bayle the Dread and walks through bosses, going from that to this smooshy, weak, clumsy level 20 no body, it's daunting xD And I can't find a fucking weapon I like. You don't get access to a proper scythe til much later in the game, and of course I could use a katana because I frequently use Rivers of Blood in Elden Ring, I can definitely do katanas. But like I've said, the issue with katanas is that Dark Souls 2 is very brutal when it comes to weapon durability. I can't remember if DS1 was just as bad, but your weapons break so easily in 2. They did upgrade it a little from Demon's Souls because in Demon's Souls your item durability did not regenerate if you touched a bonfire, you always had to get your shit repaired yourself, and in DS2 your stuff will go back to full durability upon touching a bonfire as long as it's not completely broken. But I feel like shit breaks so much easier in 2, maybe it's just me. But katanas have notoriously low durability, and repair powder is expensive so it's not a super viable option. I picked up a halberd,, and I'm trying it because a scythe is similar, it's a blade on a stick, and that's one of the things that's kinda tripping me up is the fact that I'm used to having a little more range, a little more distant between me, and the enemies, and a sword does not provide that. Basically, I'm getting killed more than I'd like to admit, and it's making me rage quit xD I don't think Dark Souls 2 is a bad game, I've never agreed with the mass opinion that it is bad, it's just... not Dark Souls 1. Honestly, I feel like 2 should have been it's own thing because it's like instead of creating the game around the story of 1, they made a game, and tried to force Dark Souls lore into it where it doesn't necessarily entirely fit. The lore, and story almost feel like an afterthought in 2, and I think that's what pissed so many people off because Souls games are all about their lore. I still don't think it's a bad game though, it's just not on-the-nose, over-the-top screaming in your face to be a Dark Souls sequel, you gotta earn your understanding of the game, you have to dig for it, and I think most people are just too lazy to think about it beyond the in your face.




05:07 Nov 08 2024
Times Read: 585

I dunno how I feel about this... My initial reaction is I don't feel good about it. It's difficult for me to accept TV shows about games where you mold the character to what you want them to be. What if TV show Sheperd isn't my Sheperd? And it probably wouldn't be. And you know they can't make a Mass Effect show without him. But what if you play a female Sheperd? It makes more sense to make TV shows about games with set protagonists. Like Red Dead Redemption would make an awesome show because John, and Arthur are both strong set protagonists. You can make them good or outlaw, sure, but it doesn't really change who they are or what happens to them. Even in Fallout you can technically make the show anyone because the Lone Survivor can be anyone, there are a million Lone Survivors to follow in Fallout. But Mass Effect is different, and I love the games so much it's just making me extremely iffy about whether they can do it justice. More than anything, Mass Effect is extremely character driven. You don't play Mass Effect for the gameplay, you play it for the characters, and if a TV show can't do those characters exactly right, it's not Mass Effect. That's one reason why Andromeda bombed so hard even as a game, the characters are not good in it. I probably wouldn't watch it anyway, I've never watched the Fallout show, and I've actually heard good things about it. I dunno, it's like if they made a show about Dark Souls or an Elden Ring movie... I don't think that would possible though because so much of FromSoftware games are up to interpretation, and putting things down as hard Canon facts... I definitely wouldn't approve. One of the major charms of a FromSoftware game is exploring everything, and coming to your own conclusions about what happened because you always enter the game after basically all the shit has gone down. You're just there to kinda finish it all off. Do you link the First Flame? Do you become Elden Lord? Do you slay the Moon Presence? You're always too late to stop whatever happened from happening. You're just there to choose how it all ends or begins again. I don't think a movie or show could capture that. And I hope they never try.




06:36 Nov 07 2024
Times Read: 652

Even I'm willing to admit carrying almost 80,000 rounds is a little excessive xD
So my dad brings me this gaming PC, and he says to me, "You can figure it out, you're a computer person."
No xD
I am a console person. There are certain differences between a console, and a whole-ass computer. I can definitely figure it out, but it's been a hot minute since I've touched an actual computer, probably over 10 years. I'm pretty sure the last time I owned a computer I was still with my ex so we're talking like 2012. Sure, I spent a lot of time PC gaming... as a teenager 20 years ago. Fuck, I'm old. Obviously my heart belongs to my PS5, but I'm not gonna turn away the possibilities of PC gaming. Besides, I know he only wants me to set it up so he can get back into Wow. A lot of people have asked me why I'm not into Wow. I dunno, I tried it years, and years ago, and it just didn't do anything for me. I just didn't get into it. And I love a good fantasy rpg, but it's like Skyrim, it's one of those games that so many people love, and I'm like, ehhh... I'm not feeling it. You don't have to be Dark Souls to get my attention. But... it helps if you are~




21:55 Nov 06 2024
Times Read: 689

I never feel bad in this situation xD I like this chainsaw idea... However this is also the best use of the flamethrower, giving some impatient idiot a good roasted marshmallowing~
If you're gonna fucking shoot me while my back is to you... You're gonna fucking learn some manners. At Whitespring in particular people think their business is so priority. I'll admit that occasionally I'm standing at the main vendor in Whitespring, and my phone goes off so I get distracted for a few minutes while still browsing, and only one person can use a vendor at a time. The thing is, there are... I dunno, probably at least ten vendors in the mall area, walk your ass down the hall. Seems like that would be faster, and easier than pissing me off, dying, and having to respawn to me once again hogging the main vendor OUT OF SPITE now. One thing I love about the pvp in 76 is that if you get attacked, and fight back, no repercussions. If you attack first, you become Wanted, and get hunted down. But if some raging moron shoots you in the ass first, they're fair game. And as a lower level, very stupid. I don't enjoy killing lower levels, it's just not sporting. But I'll do it~




02:38 Nov 06 2024
Times Read: 718

Not sure why everything suddenly turned very purple...
Kinda like it though~
I'm back at my second camp which I haven't opened up in awhile. You really can't beat this location.
But it does have it's issues, a big one being that since it's technically not on the ground, it doesn't let you place down foundations for walls or flooring. You can place down objects, but you can't build like a proper house. That's why I have a truck on top of a carnival game xD Because the game has a large flat surface, like a floor, that you can put stuff down on, and then you also have the inside of the game to put more stuff, like a basement, sorta, I guess. The bigger issue is that when you fast travel there sometimes you'll end up on top floor, sometimes on bottom floor. Being on the bottom floor isn't an issue if you have a jetpack. If not... You're stuck there. And you can only put staircases down on foundation floors. It's dumb. So. My genius plan.
To make a staircase along the side out of shelves xD And it does work, yoi can stand on them. But I'm no engineer so... it's a work in progress figuring out the spacing so you're not hitting your head on the one above you, but making it jumpable for people who don't have marsupial. I know lower levels aren't likely to come this far out, this is right next to the asylum, but still, just in case, I want it to be accessible. I want my camp in the middle of the fucking sky accessible to all xD I love the location, and ya know, cookie cutter box houses are so boring, everyone does them. I'd rather stack a bunch of junk together in the sky, and call it mine💗




03:19 Nov 05 2024
Times Read: 764

I've finally lost my damn mind, and this is the fucker that pushed me there xD
It's hard to tell, but there's a little bitch in power armor standing there with a flamer. This is Radiation Rumble. So there are two tunnels ghouls swarm out of during this event. And this absolute spawn camping asshole decided he's gonna take an entire tunnel to himself. He's gonna stand just outside the side area, and instakill anything that tries to run out into the more open area where everyone else is waiting. And I get it, flamers have shit range, but you shouldn't bring that into an event, and expect to selfishly take half the enemy count for yourself because of your own weapon choice. That just rubs me wrong, and this is a CONSTANT issue in Radiation Rumble, people doing exactly this, humping up against the spawn point to kill everything themselves. They don't want to share, and that's bullshit. So I went to about the middle of the tunnel, right into the spawn point cause if you stand in the spawn point the ghouls just won't spawn. So I stood there, dancing the Mothman boogie, keeping him from getting any kills. Cause if you're gonna ruin my fun, I'll find it elsewhere, and if my fun turns into griefing you, sucks for you, shouldn't have been a selfish little bitch. And this idiot stands there, staring at me, completely befuddled for most of the event, until about a minute was left. Soon as he left, I also left back to my original position, and like magic the ghouls suddenly came flying out of the tunnel again. Only for this insufferable douchebag to once again bumrush back over. I had to leave the server or I was going to dedicate entirely too much time to following him around, and killing him over, and over til I felt better xD I don't wanna be that person. So I left to a new server, and Eviction Notice pops up so I quickly fast-travel that way. But I was too fucking late. When I get there, there are two lower levels standing by the Rad Scrubber, questioning why the event failed. When you get to Eviction Notice, you have a couple minutes to get the Rad Scrubber running. If you don't, the event fails. It literally says on the screen you ILLITERATE FUCKS TO REPAIR THE RAD SCRUBBER. I got there seconds too late. There are so many people in 76 who simply fail to read the basic event instructions. And they were lower level, but were in the 80s. You should know what events require at level 80. I'm so over the stupid today.
Like people who use bows. I can understand the sentiment of using a bow especially if you came over from Elder Scrolls. Bows and melee weapons are fun to use especially when you can make thing explode. But bringing a bow to a public event is stupid of you, and it seems to be happening more lately. I was in Moonshine Jamboree earlier today, and I was in my regular spot by Greenhouse Still. And there's a bow user up on the rooftop. Now I don't go out of my way to kill things as quickly as possible like everyone else, I don't take it as a strike against my pride if someone else gets a hit in on something I'm shooting, but my gun happens to kill gulpers very, very fast, and I'm not paying attention most of the time to who's around me trying to shoot what. So this asshole with a Railway Rifle comes up, and like a huge pussy gets in front of me to block me, same song and dance as always, but tells me it's because I'm not letting bow guy get any shots in. Look dude, it's not my fucking responsibility. If a guy brings a bow to a gun fight, and gets outshot, that's on him, and his dumbass choices. Using a bow around the world for general bullshit, I'm sure that's cool, but events are COMPETITIVE, and you can't ask people to hold back. The goal of the event is to keep the enemies off the still, and my still is consistently the only one without a scratch on it. Fuck you, you're welcome~




19:24 Nov 04 2024
Times Read: 789

Bethesda still hasn't fixed the issue on 76 of your name, and level not being displayed in public when you're near other players... It's interesting because I've noticed, these two weeks that this glitch has been in effect, there have been much fewer idiots trying to get into it with me during events. Which makes me wonder if people really just come for me because of my level. Which is really stupid. Like I've said, higher level doesn't mean you're good at the game. Actually, rumor has it that there might be a huge nerf coming, one specifically to VATS. VATS is basically auto-aim. You push the button, it locks onto the enemy, shows where you can shoot them, and their weaknesses. You don't have to have any skill whatsoever to use VATS so therefore you really don't have to be skilled to play Fallout since VATS is it's central battle mode. Sure, you can free aim, but who the fuck does that when using VATS gives you the ability to crit for bonus damage? So they're possibly making it less powerful, do less damage, and people are shitting their pants over it, especially anyone who uses a rifle as most rifle users make their build around it. That's why we're so powerful, that's how we stand up to the idiots using explosive weapons. Yep, that includes me, my gun is 100% built around a VATS crit build. If VATS gets nerfed,, I'll figure it out, I'll survive. That's literally the game, survival. We've all grown too comfy perched on roofs, clutching our rifles. Honestly, I'd love to do other builds, they're just not competitive. If you're not rifle or explosive, you'll get blown outta the event, you may as well not even be there. So Bethesda's grand scheme to make other builds more enticing is to nerf the more powerful. Except, I didn't hear anything about nerfing explosives. If you're going to balance, balance ALL. And maybe stop nerfing,, and just make the weaker builds better. Or make the entire game harder, honestly what I'd prefer. The issue with this, as usual, is new players. That's what all of this is about. Fallout 76 is free to download so Bethesda makes most of it's money off it from Fallout 1st subscriptions, and Atom Shop purchases. Newer players are more prone to dish out money for either of these. Newer players don't tend to want to come back to 76 when every event is full of overpowered, overleveled assholes sitting on rooftops with instakill weapons. I've always had the practice of taking it easy on the newer players so everyone gets to have fun, but unfortunately so many people just don't give a fuck. So now they're getting what they deserve, all their weapons and abilities being nerfed into oblivion. And while I'm part of that, I know I'm skilled enough to overcome it. Some, if not most of these idiots... Yeah, I dunno. Change is coming~




02:00 Nov 02 2024
Times Read: 820

Me in Fallout 76 xD



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