Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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30 entries this month

R.I.P. John Barry

21:42 Jan 31 2011
Times Read: 743

The Grammy and Oscar award-winning composer John Barry has died at the age of seventy-seven of a heart-attack. From his days with his band The John Barry Seven he produced hit after hit. And, with an extensive list of hit music in his repertoire the talents of John Barry will be sorely missed. He gave us amongst his vast output the theme to ‘The Persuaders’ and ‘Midnight Cowboy’ and produced the beautifully visual ‘Born Free’ that led the films star Virginia McKenna to present him with a well-deserved lifetime achievement award.





17:43 Jan 31 2011
Times Read: 778

I’m amused when ppl.. women, say all men cheat..

ppl like me, say the same... all women cheat.

The post ignores the fact that some, like me.. will never trust a woman in a relationship ever again.



17:49 Jan 31 2011

the thing is, you just cant tell 'til you take that chance again. Not all men cheat, nor all women either, its cheaters who cheat.

17:53 Jan 31 2011

I say all humans can't be trusted.

19:13 Jan 31 2011

I know how hard it is to trust. Life is not over yet my friend...just be careful how much of yourself you decide to offer.


00:05 Jan 29 2011
Times Read: 791

... courtesy of some comments, I am now debating whether to repost the two Angel stories that preceded the 'new' piece up in 'stories'...



04:20 Jan 29 2011

They are your stories, told your way. Post em and comments be damned, I say.

22:44 Jan 29 2011

^^damn right^^

Show us the goods, man. :P


Jean-Paul Sartre > quotes

01:06 Jan 28 2011
Times Read: 801

"Hell is other people."

— Jean-Paul Sartre (No Exit: A Play in One Act)

"Freedom is what we do with what is done to us."

— Jean-Paul Sartre

"It is therefore senseless to think of complaining since nothing foreign has decided what we feel, what we live, or what we are."

— Jean-Paul Sartre (Being and Nothingness)

"Words are loaded pistols."

— Jean-Paul Sartre

"When the rich wage war it's the poor who die."

— Jean-Paul Sartre

"If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company."

— Jean-Paul Sartre



01:42 Jan 28 2011

I played both Estelle and Inez on no exit. Was interesting to do both roles at different points in my life.



00:48 Jan 28 2011
Times Read: 803

After an afternoon on VR, spent re-learning something I’d almost forgotten, I so-longed for the Sanctuary provided by the relative chaos of the Project.

I’d almost forgotten how one set of childish spite could produce an equally daft and, somewhat churlish response.

It’d almost been like being with my last fiancée.




Zodiac changes cont’d - ?? Well, it affects me again and, again!

14:40 Jan 27 2011
Times Read: 847

Zodiac changes cont’d - ??Could this effect us in all ways?

Post: I'm a Scorpio, by nature and birth!


“I had to post a third time, the fourth time, as the previous two/three were removed and, that’s no Looney-Lie…”

Time: 14:39 27th January 2011

Time: 15:57 27th January 2011

She's online again. I know. I checked.



16:24 Jan 27 2011

.. and, when you try to object, you're deleted again.

Strikes me, that when someone blocks you, then deletes you.. and with a friend plays games, then you have no free speech, as they won't allow it.


Subject: Zodiac changes- Could this effect us in all ways?

00:18 Jan 27 2011
Times Read: 859

Could this effect us in all ways? It didn't affect hers - so far I've been edited from the thread twice, in as many days!

And, that's no Looney-Lie...




Is it just coincidence?

14:09 Jan 26 2011
Times Read: 871

She edits threads etc.. and my posts disappear and she ends my threads, with the flimsiest of reasons.

and it's no Looney-Lie.



14:42 Jan 26 2011

I had a hell of a lot of my posts deleted a while back... and never had the guts to ask why.

Oh well.

What can we do? :P


Quel - Surprise

14:53 Jan 25 2011
Times Read: 886

Shee - it! Censored, again!

She edited me from a thread again.. and today, what do I find: a thread in the forum ended, by HER, of course...

IF I have a thread censored, or killed, I can damn well guarentee, it'll be when she's "looking after" the posts.

Hells Teeth.. she has to be the most small-minded individual on this or any other planet.

and that's not a Looney-Lie, it's a sound-alike!





00:54 Jan 25 2011
Times Read: 928

“I dislike being predicable!” He snapped

“You’re usually not,” She wrote, to placate him.

“You can imagine the weather Brittney, pointing at a map of Neil, sayin: "mostly predictable, with scatterings of irritability..." He mused…

*clutching my sides, laughing*

Didn't expect that one.

‘I like that..’ he thought, ‘ might.. use it.. yes, too good not to.’




Byron Quotes

14:05 Jan 24 2011
Times Read: 973

Searchhing for some Byron quotes, I came upon these, which I really liked ~

For pleasures past I do not grieve, nor perils gathering near; My greatest grief is that I leave nothing that claims a tear.

Lord Byron

For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction.

Lord Byron

Friendship is Love without his wings!

Lord Byron

Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship.

Lord Byron



14:42 Jan 26 2011



The Green and Present Land

01:06 Jan 24 2011
Times Read: 975

So now ‘they’ are talking of selling off the countries oldest greatest asset, our land, our forests, insisting it’ll be safe in private hands and, the public will have access. Is this lie the better services we receive on our buses and trains? Or even with our privatised utilities? It can’t be forgotten, that ninety percent of the country is already owned by just ten percent of the population: and, that many of those landed gentry, who get tax breaks for providing ‘access’ to their land do very little to encourage the freedoms to walk, that we should have, whilst obtaining rather large subsidies. Again it is another case of the rich getting rich, whilst the poor are pushed aside. Heck, how long till ‘they’ are given the right droit de seigneur once more and can take any woman they want, on their land?




...rewarded, for failure?

00:43 Jan 23 2011
Times Read: 982

So let me get this right? Tuition fees in England are being increased, EMA is being slashed and the pay of college professors is proposed to rise by twenty per cent?

Police budgets are being cut, less prisons are being built and we’re told prison doesn’t work and, meanwhile the bankers get their bonus’s and you get your home sold beneath you, if you need care in your old age; and meanwhile the bankers get their bonuses, as a reward for their ‘success’, in getting us in this mess.

We bailed them out, at our expense, they’re not paying us on interest, on the money we save, then they claim bonuses and, we further reward their failure, by allowing it.




censored, again!

00:29 Jan 19 2011
Times Read: 987

so something ‘real’, or something very different?

Posted: 18:36:53 - Jan 18 2011

Times viewed: 13

I really don't see any discussion value here. There is not enough information.

She closed another thread of mine.

If it's not my post in other peoples threads, it's now my threads..

Hells Teeth.. she has to be the most small-minded individual on this or any other planet.

and that's not a Looney-Lie




Rickey Gervais comedian?

23:56 Jan 17 2011
Times Read: 993

I liked all I’ve seen of Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks [[bar his last filmed gig, in which he knew he was dying]] yet, at this years Golden Globe awards, I truly believe that Ricky Gervais went a step too far with his derogatory remarks and I totally concur with the star of ‘Iron Man’ when Robert Downey Jr. later said on stage: "Aside from the fact that it's been hugely mean-spirited with mildly sinister undertones, I'd say the vibe of the show has been pretty good so far, wouldn't you?"




… with whatever you want.

00:34 Jan 16 2011
Times Read: 1,029

Spinach & Lentil Bake [[My recipe]]

Soak two half mugs of lentils in a casserole dish, with enough water to cover, then add 2-3 peeled garlic, squished with the side of a good knife: and, a vegetable stock cube. Place in the mix half a sliced onion and a few more garlic, this time finally chopped [[or squish with a knife, again]] and 4-5 small blocks of frozen chopped spinach, then place the lid on and ‘defrost’ for 10 minutes, stirring once, or twice.

Once all the liquid seemed absorbed, leave to stand, while you make the sauce, which you can make with a product like Bisto cheese granules. Make up a third of a mug of the sauce and, then place a saucer on top and leave to cool, as you slice some cheese. Take the lid of the casserole dish, and lightly pour the sauce of the mix, that you now have in a bake proof dish [[or use the casserole dish, if it is bake-proof]] and, place the cheese on top, evenly spaced. Now place the mix beneath the grill and bake on a medium light, until the cheese is all melty and browning nicely. Take out from beneath the grill and place on a heatproof tray [[like a breadboard]] and serve, with fish, or meat, or … with whatever you want.



09:40 Jan 17 2011

This sounds realllly yummy.

I may have to try it.



23:27 Jan 14 2011
Times Read: 1,047

Would you believe SHE had the temerity to message me?

Hell, SHE even began her message with 'Friend'. SHE is no damn friend of mine.

It seems from the little I read, before deletion, she didn't like to be called a cheat and a liar…

whoop-dee-doo, it was and is, quite true.

there was and will be no talk out.

wouldn't want to.

she had messaged me to justfy herself..

..don't want to hear anymore lies.

She promised a lot, then said, "I'm gettin married."

So, I hit delete.

[[I still have any evidence I might need to back up what I say...]]



12:52 Jan 15 2011

Yay glad to hear it onwards and upwards

goes to read the rest of what i have missed....


***** is Available

00:52 Jan 14 2011
Times Read: 1,061

***** is Available


a right cheerful tag line


not always a cheerful woman


as you illustrated

sometimes you have cause


aw thank you


rarely use frellin chat

cept maybe for one or two

hello three




am tired


get some rest


not going to do side-splitting, Now am I??




where Bill when I need him

I have my ticket

but no shoes for the ride.


who is bill?






I liked him.

and Hunter S.

of course.

other than Ghandi and Bugs Bunny they were some of my heroes


I can definately see Hunter S as your hero


and The Saint.

can't forget the Saint.

aye.. Hunter and Depp, the last cowboy's.




RIP Christina Taylor Green

00:06 Jan 14 2011
Times Read: 1,062

May Christina Taylor Green - born the day the towers fell, find rainbow puddles to jump in: such a fine sentiment and, I heartily agreed with President Obama when he said it.




Bankers bonuses

12:39 Jan 11 2011
Times Read: 1,075

So the bankers have been told they can have their bonuses. Quel surprise? This is a conservative government after all: and, on the front row of the commons, many if not all of ‘them’ are millionaires, so the increase in petrol price to about five pound a gallon doesn’t affect them.

Yet, the bonuses are obscene, totally obscene. We are rewarded these individuals for failure, plain and simple. Hell, if you or I went for a job, having a work record as bad as some of the bankers, then you’d know full well you’d not have much of a chance of employment. But, if you’re a banker, you get rewarded for failure!?! And their argument? ‘We need the best men [[and women]] for the job, that’s why the bonus culture, to encourage them.’

“But how are they the best for the job? They got us in this mess, with their greed!” As to them going elsewhere if they don’t get what they want, I say, “Let them, they don’t create, or produce anything. Their world is based on nothing material!”

And, the industry we had, that might have got us out of this mess destroyed by a former conservative government, led by Margaret Thatcher, who took pride in what she did, saying the city was enough.

Well, the city got us in this mess and, we have propped them up: yet what do I see happening, the rich get richer and the rest of us suffer a rapidly lowering of our standard of living. And meanwhile, the bankers get their bonuses.



12:46 Jan 11 2011

Ha. When I was reading the Journal Entry, the upper section I thought it was about America.

23:46 Jan 11 2011

that is very true, sad but true

23:14 Jan 14 2011

Its very unfair and unjust. But we have an unjust system and there's not a huge amount we can do about it. And if there was, could we as a society be bothered to do so? We're a very lazy nation after all:(


Aw eh!

22:48 Jan 10 2011
Times Read: 1,079

am going to have a treat, soon.

John Carpenters...

"Vampires: Los Muertos."

I enjoyed the first.. and, I like Jon Bon Jovi!!!




"How do you feel?" She asked.

13:04 Jan 10 2011
Times Read: 1,086

"How are you?" she asked.

So I answered honestly, as I do.

The woman I wrote the last few poems about.. it tanspires she calls herself 'sister' to the lying cheat, I had an internet relationship with here.

She led me on, as I helped her with her stories and course work: we shared a lot. She led me on, thinking we had a frigging future, then said one day, I'm gettin engaged.

and yes, that's about enough... she did as Now expect women to do.. as I've learnt they do, lie and cheat.

I found that our a short while ago.

I feel... "tickety-boo."




It's sunny, but chilly...

14:00 Jan 09 2011
Times Read: 1,090

It's sunny, but chilly: and, I am going to go a walk and, teach my fingers a lesson, for turning purple on me, from the raynauds..

darn awkward so-an-so's...




In a dark lair

01:42 Jan 09 2011
Times Read: 1,098

"I was sitting on the train, idea's flitting through my brain... and, I jotted one down..."


In a dark lair, where bats fly, two figures sit before many small screens and, a console at the vase, with a multitude of levers and, knobs and flashing lights. In on of the two chairs before the bank of equipment a certain darknight detective dwells, deep un thought, left hand on his chin. Finally, after long moments have passed, he turns to the other man, dressed in blue and red; with muscles and, a cute quiff, oiled into the front of his hair and, in a dark foreboding tone, he says: “I’m telling you, the press might be able to handle you coming out… but, changing you name to Horace?”




Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

21:27 Jan 07 2011
Times Read: 1,109

Before I went to voluntary work on Thursday, I stopped off at my ‘beloved threads’, to see if there were any interesting, to read understand, or add.

Just before I’d left VR, I’d left a message saying, “to all to who ridicule the committed, I’m off to go poison the homeless.’

When I returned to VR after voluntary work I’d returned to the same thread, to see again, if there were anything of interest. And, as it transpires there had been.

My last entry posted had been removed, by the very individual who had attempted to malign my character.

And, I cannot, for the life of me, see what it was she used from TOS, to remove that entry, except perhaps her own reading of it. “Pass, who knows how she thinks.”

It was for this reason I wondered, “what will I find, next time I enter my ‘beloved threads’?” And, needless to say, I discovered what I thought I would.

‘Yes, she had done it again!” That’ll teach me to talk about being censured in public.. no, in future, I’ll be snidey, like those who censure and criticise as they have thought far…

Before I went to voluntary work on Thursday, I stopped off at my ‘beloved threads’, to see if there were any interesting, to read understand, or add.

Just before I’d left VR, I’d left a message saying, “to all to who ridicule the committed, I’m off to go poison the homeless.’

When I returned to VR after voluntary work I’d returned to the same thread, to see again, if there were anything of interest. And, as it transpires there had been.

My last entry posted had been removed, by the very individual who had attempted to malign my character.

And, I cannot, for the life of me, see what it was she used from TOS, to remove that entry, except perhaps her own reading of it. “Pass, who knows how she thinks.”

It was for this reason I wondered, “what will I find, next time I enter my ‘beloved threads’?” And, needless to say, I discovered what I thought I would.

‘Yes, she had done it again!” That’ll teach me to talk about being censured in public.. no, in future, I’ll be snidey, like those who censure and criticise as they have thought far…

And, someone said, why not complain, which is a reasonable question.

But how can you complain about them, to them??


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes




Stuck in the Middle With You

15:16 Jan 06 2011
Times Read: 1,112

PIP Gerald "Gerry" Rafferty

(16 April 1947 – 4 January 2011) was a Scottish singer and songwriter best known for his solo hits "Baker Street" and "Right Down ... and, who doesn't remember 'that song from "Pulp Fiction", where the fellows ear is about to be sliced off?

Well, he was with Stealers Wheel then...

Stuck in the Middle With You

Artist(Band):Stealers Wheel

Well, I don’t know why I came here tonight,

I got the feeling that something ain’t right.

I’m so scared in case I'll fall off my chair,

And I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs.

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Yes, I’m stuck in the middle with you,

And I’m wondering what it is I should do.

It’s so hard to keep this smile from my face,

Losing control, yeah, I’m all over the place.

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Well, you started off with nothing,

And you’re proud that you’re a self-made man.

And your family comes a-callin',

Slap you on the back and say, “Please, please.”

Trying to make some sense of it all,

But I can see it makes no sense at all.

Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor?

Well, I don't think I can take anymore.

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Well, you started out with nothing,

And you’re proud that you’re a self-made man.

And your family comes a-callin',

Slap you on the back and say, “Please, please.”

Yeah, I don’t know why I came here tonight,

I got the feeling that something ain’t right,

I’m so scared in case I'll fall off my chair,

And I’m wondering how I’ll get down the stairs,

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Yes I’m, stuck in the middle with you,

Stuck in the middle with you,

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Joe Egan: Vocals, Keyboard

Gerry Rafferty: Vocals, Guitar

Paul Pilnick: Lead Guitar

Tony Williams: Bass

Rod Coombes: Drums




"How are you this morning?"

14:12 Jan 06 2011
Times Read: 1,114

"How are you this morning?" She had asked.

I had replied, "...thoughtful, with a view to a whiskey." And, it was true.




RIP Pete Postlethwaite

16:22 Jan 03 2011
Times Read: 1,121

At the age of 65, Postlethwaite has died. He was being treated for cancer.

Born in Warrington he made his name at the Everyman theatre in Liverpool, being going on to appear in the British film movie, ‘Brassed Off’, before going on to star in several major blockbusters, including amongst many, ‘Aeon Flux’, ‘Romeo & Juliet’ and ‘Inception’. Spielberg is reputed to have said of him, “He was one of the finest actors I’ve ever known.” It is said that in return, he has said, “Spielberg say that I believe that I am the worlds greatest actor…” or an approximation of such. The timber of the remark suggests the character of the man, whose screen presence was such that whenever he was on screen, he captivated his audience, with his style, his performances and, natural gravitas.




"This message will self-destruct, in thirty seconds..."

01:04 Jan 02 2011
Times Read: 1,131

aha.. I have a new mission in Life, to bring Page, to those who were formerly page-less.

very well, I accept this onerous task.




**pulls yet more hair out**

00:36 Jan 02 2011
Times Read: 1,136

… got busy, with a laptop, a camera and you hopefully someone liked the results and I'm writing another story.. and it's unlike anything I've done [[he says again]] and I'll swwear down, I've been puring myself into it.. and, gotta wonder if anyone will notice??

**pulls yet more hair out**



00:43 Jan 02 2011

Don't get so stressed.

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