STABB666's Journal

STABB666's Journal


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27 entries this month

19:32 Jun 30 2007
Times Read: 882

They had better not blow up Gatwick before I fly out...

Glasgow today- probably London airports were the targets for the two car bombs defused yesterday.

It really is time to get my ass the hell out of Dodge.




*shuts up*

22:49 Jun 20 2007
Times Read: 1,029

There is much that I'd like to say, but I have very little inclination to do so.

Why is that?

Not sure myself.

Maybe I'm just pouting my EMO bitch ass off.


Its odd. When I am offline and just thinking, it all comes forth really easily, but when I'm sat in front of the screen, it is gone. Melts away like morning frost.


It is a tragedy, I tell you, to have these thoughts and not be able to express them properly.

If only I could just 'think' and have it displayed.

So much easier than attempting to get up, log on and type, then translate it into something intelligible.

Maybe I should get a dictaphone...




Little Bitches

08:42 Jun 19 2007
Times Read: 1,076

Currently, there are 68 profiles listed on my blocked list.

Of those, a handful are because they stamped my page with some piece of crap collage.

Several are the same individual leaving abusive comments using more than one profile.

Some are as a result of their forum actions and subsequent private messages between us.

What is interesting, is how many of them first send me abusive messages, but when I reply, they then create a new message, not containing the original obnoxious and BS attitude.

I wondered why they did that. Now I know.

As a result, I will no longer respond to abuse. I will block and delete immediately and I will not explain my actions to those with such attitudes.




Show your support.

18:23 Jun 18 2007
Times Read: 1,113

It's often said that people will take the time to gripe, but rarely to compliment.

I am sure that Cancer would appreciate hearing more positive feedback from members, on how the site is Administered, rather than facing a slew of 'email gems'.




16:55 Jun 16 2007
Times Read: 1,170

Sometimes, my life feels a bit like the movie 'The out of Towners'.

I just hope it has a happy ending.

And that I get to see John Cleese in a dress and stillettos...

Too funny.




Ah, a like mind... :)

15:00 Jun 16 2007
Times Read: 1,179

On 20:23:54 Jun 10 2007 STABB666 wrote:


Thank you for rating, but I'd like to respond to the comment, if I may...

Perhaps it is that those who are blind, have never been shown how to see?

On 20:29:04 Jun 10 2007 Friend wrote:

You are welcome and May I thank you for my own rating.

I must agree with you but then I have also found too many who see but refuse to acknowledge the truth.

*I do not have a poster of Mulder saying the "Truth is out there" hanging on my wall*

On 20:31:28 Jun 10 2007 STABB666 wrote:

You are most welcome.

Ah, so then we come to a question of opinion.

Who decides truth?

On 20:34:50 Jun 10 2007 Friend wrote:

If truth is determined by each person's inner vision we are back to the issue of blindness once again, I fear.

On 20:37:02 Jun 10 2007 STABB666 wrote:

But is that inner vision not determined by our learning and experience?

Or do you feel that there may be a more underlying and driving factor, to 'seeing' the world?

On 20:47:04 Jun 10 2007 Friend wrote:

While I will allow much is shaped by learning and experience the core I feel comes from a place within each of us that we are born with. I think of it as the connection of our souls to the world. This is our guiding drive be it good or bad and few will be the ones to overcome it's lead.

On 20:49:29 Jun 10 2007 STABB666 wrote:

I agree.

Except to say that I feel that people are 'taught' in a way which restricts our ability to understand this part of us and also, that becoming aware of this connection to our selves, is what constitutes the true meaning of 'Awakening'.

On 20:54:31 Jun 10 2007 Friend wrote:

Again I cannot argue as the world does seem very afraid to allow people to examine their own minds, hearts and souls and then choose their paths. I have read much of the "awakening" here and wondered if it was in some way similar to how I view looking within.

I feel that by learning to look inward I have enhanced my life and my abliity to learn instead of restricting it.

On 20:58:44 Jun 10 2007 STABB666 wrote:

Becuase we are not shown, or we are told to look away from, that metaphysical part of our existence, because it is not practicle to the needs of society in order to make us 'work'.

If the cogs in a machine suddenly asked themselves why they should be turning, the result is inevitable...

On 21:05:42 Jun 10 2007 Friend wrote:

That makes all too much sense, this world seeks to hinder growth in order to protect the status quo. Economics will always win over the wellbeing of the mass majority, I fear up until a time when hunger and illness and be eliminated.

On 21:10:28 Jun 10 2007 STABB666 wrote:

Indeed. And so the push on technology to automate production, in order to drive people into more service oriented work.

Whilst we continue to propogate ideological rifts in religion and politics, there can never be an end to the suffering.

Which leads back to education, imo.

On 21:20:33 Jun 10 2007 Friend wrote:

Yet the service industry is notoriously the lowest paid and benefited of employers for people to try to live, raise children and educate those children on. Which means the government supplied education system is all they have to rely on and that is more and more being controlled and guided by special interests groups. History re-written to suit their modern preferred examples and the gifts of our forefathers thrown away in trade for promises that will never be realized. The educational system corrupted to suit the needs of those in power and not to enable the people to reach their full potential. It seems we circle once again.

On 21:27:07 Jun 10 2007 STABB666 wrote:

Ah, blessed is the ability to see!


I am in total agreement. So, we hit catch 22. We can't break the cycle without breaking the syste, and we can't break the system, because we need it to survive. We are dependant on the convenience society.

Final reply from Friend:

I guess me must fall back upon the hope that more become disillusioned with the surface appearance and seek the deeper meaning within. But it must be slowly or else as you say the system will collapse completely and no one will be better off for it.

I thank you for an interesting conversation, it is rare that I find those willing to discuss the more obscure truths of my own beliefs. I have enjoyed myself very much.




What Astrology would say about me...

18:22 Jun 15 2007
Times Read: 1,213

"Beware, here be Dragons... with OCD".






23:19 Jun 14 2007
Times Read: 1,237

I've just had a very intriguing conversation.

I'd like opinions on it...but./..I am loathe to ask.

*is weirded out*





One of my most passionate subjects...

19:08 Jun 14 2007
Times Read: 1,259

Hamas has taken control of the Gaza open prison.

Palestinian civil war is now in full effect.

Though many will care less for this, it is a landmark moment in the history of the region, as significant as the self-declaration of the state of Isreal.

The Palestinian cause has always been unified against the Isreali's, but now, this could be the turning into chaos, without the moderate voices of the secular Fatah party, low scale Guerilla warfare will increase against Isreal.

With Hezbollah to the North, ideological allies of the Hamas, having proven that they can match Isreal in full-scale armed conflict, the situation is tense.

In a way, it has been the undermining of the democratically elected Hamas government, by the US and other western states, which has led to this very situation.

Additionally, Isreal's insistence upon arbitrarily and illegally withholding tax revenues from this legitimate Government, has pushed the poverty line in Palestine so low, that people are bound to reach the point of most resistance.

"You got a hole in your belly and a gun in your hand..." ~ Bruce Springsteen.




Thank you.

22:54 Jun 12 2007
Times Read: 1,294

Sometimes, the days are made good by the unexpected little things...


i am sorry you had to spend me for a day,

i am sorry i is said any thing political, that was not my intent, i was trying to find out about wars, in history, for historical use, such as the cruciades , nothing, and i was un aware about the political things, which i have re read so no further mistakes will be made

but i do apoligaze"

Thank you for this.

I can even overlook the spelling, for such a gracious message.





Mean? Nah....

18:13 Jun 10 2007
Times Read: 1,370

.............................................................................................................. ...........................................................................................................................

Requiem is the most cuddly-wuddly, yummylicious scrummy bum!





A risky strategy...

07:52 Jun 10 2007
Times Read: 1,387


Yeah, Australia never works.

Everyone I know always goes for America first...even if their mission doesn't need it.

Is this an insightful analogy for the modern geo-political situation?

Everyone thinking that America is the biggest and baddest of them all? Once you conquer America, you can conquer the world?

Or is it just easier to defend than Europe?

Important questions of strategy...

And another really burning question I have- why the hell have they called Russia 'Ukraine' on the map?





A life changing experience...

07:43 Jun 10 2007
Times Read: 1,390

Two years today.

Woo. Go me.

Seems like longer.

A great deal has happened in those two years.

I don't think that I could ever have known what would happen when I typed 'vampire' into google all those months ago...

Strange thing, life. All these twists and turns.

Hard not to get lost. I've been lucky to have some of the most genuine and deeply funky people to guide me, in my personal development, my ideas and my heart.

I would thank everyone individually here now, but it'd turn into something of an Oscar acceptance speech.

Funny thing is, today was the day I was going to leave. Not because I don't like this place. I value VR above any other site of its kind, both as a resource and a community, but, personal issues were mounting up.

But I was given a reason to stay....call it friendship...love, caring, Love. Real people with real concern for me. I can't bring myself to not have them in my life, as virtual as it is.

Soon I'll be in the states, providing opportunity and much less expense of travel. I hope that I'll get to meet some great people over the next year, before New Orleans.

I'm really looking forward to a new chapter in the ever growing volume of my life. This one, I know will be the best so far.

Anyway, no thread please. It's no biggie, just...glad to still be here.





LOL Ah, how long will this one last?

05:34 Jun 09 2007
Times Read: 1,427


| Unblock |

Date: 05:32:35 - Jun 09 2007

Rating: 1

Comment: u fucking doushe go fuck one of your gay friends with your pussy u homosexula prick!




Constant Pain

02:54 Jun 09 2007
Times Read: 1,432

My back is on fire. This sitting position is extremely bad posture...





Playing Risk...

22:23 Jun 08 2007
Times Read: 1,442

"I dream of the day I get six men."


I had been getting three reinforcements for every turn...

My friend was getting six...






20:07 Jun 08 2007
Times Read: 1,450

So far, I've managed to give up chocolate, tea, nearly coffee, fizzy drinks, donuts, snacks in general, most alcohol (from over 60 units a week down to less than ten), cheese, sugar, cakes, pizza, chinese and I'm on my third attempt at not smoking.

So far, so good.

Now I just have pies, steak, curry, pasta, pork, brioche, crisps and porn to ditch and I'll be ready to turn my body back into the temple it once was.

Nearly time for the bran and water diet...lol




Coming to America...be prepared. lol

18:38 Jun 08 2007
Times Read: 1,456

It's on.

America is my promised land.





07:43 Jun 08 2007
Times Read: 1,482


Two infinitely suspended members have visited my profile this morning, one after the other.

What are the chances on that? lol




My inspiration.

23:25 Jun 07 2007
Times Read: 1,491

Nike- the Greek Goddess of just doing it!




Taking my own advice...

19:23 Jun 06 2007
Times Read: 1,513

People need to learn to live with what is, rather than deconstructing and over-analysing everything.

Just accept who we are and live life.

It's the only way to be happy.





20:39 Jun 05 2007
Times Read: 1,559

Who's Online (700)




20:17 Jun 05 2007
Times Read: 1,563

I've been what is known in club land as 'on one' for the past two days.

I can walk ok, I don't hurt half as much and I feel motivated, lightened, awake.

Yummy is, as Yummy does.





12:26 Jun 04 2007
Times Read: 1,634

My ex just admitted to me that she is seeing one of my friends.

I've known for ages, but I'm glad that she has admitted to me.

Amusingly, it came out because I asked how she hurt her chin.

It's a friction burn from stubble...lol




I called it 'Lurking'. lol

15:13 Jun 03 2007
Times Read: 1,667

First ever attempt at a movie production.

A 60 second clip.






16:15 Jun 02 2007
Times Read: 1,696

I'm watching the G8 protest in Germany live on TV.

It seems that the infamous 'Black Bloc' have turned up in number and there are a number of running battles with riot police.

No tear gas yet, but it's gettting pretty hairy there.

I remember the Rostock festival. This is a bit different. The organisers are appealing for calm, but not likely now.

The Black Bloc huh?

There are a number of theories about who they are really. Some say anarchists, but it's a bit more organised than that. True anarchists are probably just turning up and joining in, but there is a deliberate intent to riot, set up by some group or other.

Many people suggest that they are spies from 'the system', infiltrating peacful protest in order to drown the peaceful message in violence.

The cops look a bit outnumbered. Not many mounted or vans...I don't think they're ready for riots.

It's odd to see so many flags, so different. Peace ones grouped together, staying out the way, with loads of black and red banners all around them, charging the cops. Say's it all really.




13:57 Jun 02 2007
Times Read: 1,704

Unless I have sent a message of explanation privately, please do not assume to know my reasons.



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