Still no response from the person(s) I actually need and want responses from.
Right back to where I started.
At least I'm feeling more like myself again.
Those moments when you open up, and expose your heart, your inner most feelings, the things that affect your deepest core...
...and no one gives a shit.
I guess I should expect that at this point, but it never stops leaving you feeling pretty worthless.
Sometimes I wonder why people aren't interested in having conversations.
But then I have to think of the people who have tried to converse with me, and I realize, I am also not interested in having those conversations....
Especially with that one.... ugh. Hadn't missed her at all.
LMAO! Ok, the especially with that one has me cracked up. lol!
I have to say I'm enjoying the hell out of not having to go to an office every day.
Always nice when the lack of preparation and knowledge on the part of a contracting entity results in me not having to do any work for the assignment they send me on, yet they still have to pay the minimum hours.
Getting back home two hours ahead of time leaves me time for so many other things...
Is it expected that things should be easy for me right now, and I don't have my own sources of stress and anxiety?
No, but that doesn't matter I suppose.
Has it ever? To anyone?
We're to the point in our program when businesses all say they're hiring, but they're really not hiring.
It shouldn't take months to make a decision to fill a position. It shouldn't take more than 2 interviews to select the person you want to fill that position.
Anything more than that, as an employer, you're just wasting everyone's time and money.
Seems as though the pace is consistent, regardless of what I do.
So I guess I just have to slog through this now.
So little changes regardless of effort.
And here we go right back to where this started.
What was all that effort for if it changed so little?
This is a Literal hellscape.
Makes me appreciate what I have.