Cadrewolf2's Journal

Cadrewolf2's Journal


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11 entries this month

06:40 Feb 29 2024
Times Read: 183

Oh my god, Thank You Cat aka vHellsguardianv for the most amazing profile update. I love it, you are Truly an Amazing person and coder. Thank you so much.



06:41 Feb 29 2024

You are welcome hun if you ever needed it updated shoot me a message and I will gladly update it with whatever theme you want

06:42 Feb 29 2024

It looks really good, she did a great job.

10:00 Feb 29 2024

so beautiful

16:27 Feb 29 2024



20:13 Feb 24 2024
Times Read: 204

Had a great night out with new friends. Watched pool played with broomstick wow, talk about beginner pool players lol. Never seen that before.

Headed home and the state patrol pulls me over, said I was doing 75 in a 55 mph zone what, just give me a ticket and he did. Rather have that than busted for the couple drinks I had at the bar. But still 75 really. Must need to make a quota.

But it was fun, interesting night with the pool game, and friends. Need to hang out with them more. They too are interesting bunch. Never seen them sing before they are good, but hey everyone has hidden talents.



21:20 Feb 24 2024

Yeah! Glad you had night out. Ticket was bad but still :)

23:18 Feb 24 2024

Lol I cannot play pool at all! lol Glad you had a good time!


02:45 Feb 24 2024
Times Read: 227

What broom stick pool tonight really. Is it that time again. For a good cause, st Jude’s children hospital.

Sorry all you witches you can’t fly tonight they’re using your rides to shoot balls into pockets lol Guess I will wait for karaoke if there is any.




00:57 Feb 23 2024
Times Read: 240

Wow, it's been a real tough month at work. implementing new safety rules and regulations that make us feel like we are back in grade school. With a death of a worker at a one of their mills another state. I am Sad to hear but now it's started a wave of safety garbage that is not necessary from all angles. Now we all have to endure the Hitler morality going on here.

Attendance sheets for meetings now so if they talk about something important our signature says we were listening at the tailgate meeting instead of day dreaming. (mandatory attendance really!) Also, with training on how not to get hurt whether it's a bump to the leg or smash our fingers or be an idiot and jump into the path of a forklift. I understand some logic behind it, but this company has gone way overboard with new safety rails and guarding to places that effect workflow and vision, signs in places that us as old timers have never delt with and scared safe attitude to workers, that rules are to be followed or we are terminated.

Well society has changed from when I first started working with no Osha rules, Wisha, or labor laws. How did we ever survive such dangerous conditions in workplaces. I understand some laws and rules to keep people safe and away from deaths door. but what a pinched finger really, what's next a time out corner for workers who can't handle the pressure of working.

Sorry just me, been working since I was 14 years old and only one mishap. Where my fingers went through a chain sprocket because I was flirting with a girl while I was doing my job lol. Oh, the teen years.

Ok no more ranting, hope all VR members have a great weekend. get through this night so the weekend will start for me.




21:05 Feb 17 2024
Times Read: 269

Lately i have noticed more members of VR online ,other than the usual members. Not counting the members who always lurk.

Happy to see that maybe it will be more active media. I have no faceless book , only Instagram. So I come here to see people or interact with them. Hope VR gets back like it use to be what I remember. But good to see new faces and profiles on.




21:00 Feb 16 2024
Times Read: 277

My weekend has started, yet mother nature once again seems to play the jester. She and mother earth seem to play a game of chess to see what mischief they can do to the little humans of earth.

The Weather seems colder than what the temperature gauge says. Either that my body has come to the age of the chills become eternal and my joints become like wood, stiff beyond belief looking for some sun.

Enjoy your youth for like a clock it never seems to slow down on its ticking tell that final stroke that ends it's work.




20:05 Feb 14 2024
Times Read: 302

I have never understood the fasination of getting married on Valentine's day. I guess some think of it as the day of love. But most men sorry to say, pick unique days so they remember the anniversary. Lol

Took the day off work to attend some friends wedding on this Valentine's day. I am glad to see they both took the leap forward after dating for 10 years. I hope they are truly happy together forever. Even tho a lot of it is medical reasons but hey. Love eternal.

So my time will be off and on today. Even tho I am sporatic at times. But enjoy talking with people and reading journals.

But men. Why not get married on leap year day. Than anniversaries will not be every year and look at the money you will save on dinners and gifts. . Just a joke I hope you know that.



20:27 Feb 14 2024

I've never understood it either. It rings awfully cliché to me (but then again, I always wanted to get married on Halloween, so I'm pretty cliché, too). Of course, I also don't see the point in Valentine's Day to begin with, and I don't celebrate it. I never understood why you need one specific day that society agrees upon as the day to show your partner that you love them. You should be doiig that every day.

21:13 Feb 14 2024

Well stated immortalkiss. Everyday is love


02:48 Feb 12 2024
Times Read: 346

Worst Super Bowl ever. Commercials and halftime show. Wasn’t even worth watching this shit tonight



03:19 Feb 12 2024

Did Taylor Swift win ?

18:49 Feb 12 2024

Lol yes but the whole show and commercial were terrible


22:25 Feb 10 2024
Times Read: 367

Another sunny Saturday. So I Mowed the lawn and picked up all the down limbs from the snow. I burned the garbage. And cleaned the flower beds up. Resting before I head back out too finish some stuff up before the rain starts. So my time is limited today on vampire rave.

Message me if you need something. Will try to be on and off later tonight. I have another memorial tonight for a friend and then meet up with some friends afterwards for dinner plans.

Wish weekends had more time, I seem to just run tell the sun goes down. And never really enjoy the days off work.




07:55 Feb 07 2024
Times Read: 382

Sorry for the lack of being on tonight. A large fire broke out in our planer tonight due to a busted hydraulic line. Spent an hour trying to get the fire under control until the fire Dept. arrived. Soaked to the bone from the fire system went wet and soaked the whole planer because I was under neath battling the blaze using a hose. and smelling like a campfire but all is good. hopefully not too much machinery was damaged in the fire. and everyone mustered safely. don't want more time off.

So now clean up and get my chemical room back in order.



18:09 Feb 12 2024

Oh wow.


21:14 Feb 03 2024
Times Read: 409

Wow, been outside cleaning up the yard. Fallen limbs from trees and checking the hillside for slide potential. And I am already sweating my tail off. Must be about 60 to 65 degrees out. What the heck. Usually still freezing at this time. And don't state global warming bull. Because the freezing temps and snow last month was above average too. So we can't have global warming and freezing at the same time lol.

Hope everyone's day is this beautiful. Love working in my yard. Even tho it's 6 acres. Most of it is woods to clean after snow and freezing rain.

Ground hog said early spring. Cool. Don't care I am hunting the one leaving dirt mounds in my yard. I hate gophers and moles. Grrrr.

Back outside be on later



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