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8 entries this month

Ignorance is not bliss, and bat shit crazy is worse.

02:54 May 27 2016
Times Read: 686

Ignorance is not bliss, and bat shit crazy is worse.

Today was the end of the semester for us (Technically it's tomorrow for mostly everyone else at the college). Anyway, I'm suppose to be getting some work this summer, so that'll be cool. I figure that I'll have almost a month off, which will suck money-wise, but I've managed before, so...

What's also cool is that for about a month, I'll be able to escape from dumb and crazy shit like this:

* "Where are you from?" blurts out a customer, while I'm ringing him up. "Here" I laugh back. "No - you're mixed with somethin'" he says. I answer with "Most black people in this country are mixed with something." The customer - I don't think he was a student - then tells me that I "look kinda' like one of those 'dot' Indians..." Dot Indian? I realized later that he was speaking of East Indian...with a bindu mark on the forehead. Technically, bindu means dot, so...lol

Anyway, more ethnic hee-haws flung my way when a student/neighbor joked with me about my hair. "Is it naturally like that, or do you use a wave brush? (I didn't even know what a wave brush was until another employee explained it to me, and told the student that my hair was natural. The student then says "So - you are one of those Puerto-Magica-Ricans?" ??? What the fuck is that? lol

* The return of one not quite sane student, who is cool so far. I just hope that he doesn't go from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde again, anytime soon. Hearing a guy go from talking about cool bands to 'killing fucking whores' is not fun.

* And speaking of crazy - for lack of a proper clinical term - last week I got a good one, in the form of a filthy homeless cussing guy. He freaked out a lot of students, of course, yet one guy was able to calm him down by offering to buy him breakfast. (By this time, note that we're still waiting for the campus cops to show up).

Of course, with my luck, I get the nutjob. He was walking out before I could ring up his stuff, and the student had to coax him back in. (Shit - at that point, I was just gonna' have him leave already). The steaming armpit - I mean, crazy guy - comes to my register, and practically raises his plate into my face. I politely tell him that it's okay to put it down on the counter...oh Lord - why did I say that?

"I ain't puttin' shit down on no motha' fuckin' counter. This is MY plate, goddammit!" In his agitation, he starts twitchin' and shit, and lo and behold - the dude's dirty saggin' pants fall around his hips...and I get an eyeful of something rashy and scabby.

He doesn't seemed to be bothered by his ass and scabbie-whacker being out.

"This is my food" he mumbles, followed by a loud "YA' BITCH!"

I was almost laughing, but with his nasty thing hanging out, I didn't want the guy to get angrier and piss on me or something. So, I kept as straight a face as I could, and was relieved when he pulled his pants up, and walked out.

Of course, the cops showed up after the incident.




08:27 May 15 2016
Times Read: 709

Up late writing and screwing around on the internet...and discovered that a student at the college is a distant relative of mine, via ancestry.com. lol

I need to get some sleep. Like - now.




Type O Negative.

08:20 May 15 2016
Times Read: 712

Because I'm lusting for a dead guy:



06:28 May 16 2016

That voice! Ohhh!

23:22 Jun 02 2016

I know. That voice (among other things - lol).



01:08 May 14 2016
Times Read: 732

Busy at work - the usual. A sense of peace and quiet for awhile...before the next psychotic fit, in any case. Two more weeks, and summer!

(I found out that I will be working for most of the summer session, so cool)!

Today, I got an EKG and treadmill stress test. I surprised my old fat ass in how well I did (to me, anyway). They didn't have to stop the treadmill due to me being out of breath or in pain...lol



23:05 May 14 2016

Nice results but don't work too hard!


Oh...how far the vampire has evolved!

01:00 May 14 2016
Times Read: 733

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23:02 May 14 2016

Lol cool


01:36 May 11 2016
Times Read: 747

Last Friday, money was spent on employee training for us, to make us all get along...like that's gonna' change anything. The bitches who start shit will still be the bitches who start shit.

(Well - at least one is gone, and another plans to leave. Yah! Unfortunately, the main shit starter is permanent, and most likely will not be going anywhere anytime soon)...

Getting over a minor cold. I should've known that I wouldn't get off that easily - lol. Still reading and writing...and I need to get a drawing done too (for one of the never-ending writing projects). Listening to a lot of Type O Negative and Red Lorry Yellow Lorry lately - I love both bands, but I don't know why I suddenly have a need to overdose on them. Go figure.

Life is peachy.




WTF x infinity.

19:02 May 01 2016
Times Read: 757

What can I say? I work in a shitpit.

The crazy bitch Ce has been out for three weeks, thanks to her making enemies of practically everyone in the department. I swear, she belongs in John George! (The local county mental hospital).

* Accuses a fellow employee's husband of inappropriate behavior, and meddling with her money (The guy's been coming in in the early morning for years, has never been weird with anyone, makes a ton of money, and all of a sudden he's being 'inappropriate? With other people always present?

With her accusations, the whole matter of spouses/significant others, kids, friends, etc. came up with an impromptu meeting with Boss #1's Boss. Even though none of the above should be hanging around the job site, due to Ce, the ban is now enforced. So - her two 'buddies' at work - who have kids - can no longer have them there...and they're pissed. lol. Did I mention that Dor's youngest kid was on THE REGISTER on two occasions I saw? I didn't bother to say anything, as Boss # 1 was standing right there - joking about it (WTF)? He's currently in hot water now because of the incidents, and not being present when Ce went bat shit and came at me a few months back.

Due to all of the bullshit, a private investigator was hired, to interview a bunch of us. I had a talk with him this past Wednesday, and answered all of his questions truthfully, to the best of my knowledge. At some point, he asked me if I liked Ce. I told him no, and that I've disliked her before her Rumpelstiltskin fit. (He tried to hold in a laugh at my comment). Anyway, I told him that I never liked her laziness, trouble-making, and basic lack of a work ethic. After her attack, I told him that I now couldn't stand her. And that I could still be professional, and continue working with her.

Anyway...what really pissed me and Boss #2 off was when Boss #1 pulled she and I into the office before we left for the day on Thursday, to let us know that Ce would be coming back to work on Monday, and that she would be 'transitioned back' into work from 8 am to 4 pm. Note that this bitch's normal schedule has a start time of 7 am, like me. So, basically, I - with the help of Boss #2, who should be spending time on her own work - have to open and set up everything in the morning. We have been rushing around doing this shit for almost three weeks straight, as Ce's two 'former' buddies have also been out. Boss #2 and I had enough. I recall saying that it's bad enough that the bitch started all of this shit, and now, we have to baby her ass when she gets back? What the fuck, S----? Yes, I was pissed. Boss #2 almost blew a gasket. "Now we have to kiss and baby her ass? I give her one week for this 8 am shit. She needs to be here early like Monique and I, and get her lazy ass to work!'

Boss #1 agreed, but when he later told us the following day that Ce would keep the 8 am shift throughout the end of the semester, that was it. He stated that his boss, and the director of employee relations decision on the shift were final.

And I use to wonder why the college - and the school district, in general - retains some of the most inept employees on the planet.

As for what I think of Ce...a part of me can't wait until work tomorrow. I will continue to be professionally courteous, but that bitch is gonna' feel the ice from me as well.




Cowboy of the Month.

18:26 May 01 2016
Times Read: 763

May 2016

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