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Did someone ask if she wrote a lot of poetry? She writes the poetry. Those names you read in the history books; the best among them can claim only to be a semi-clever dullard cast in her shadow.
I am so with Beastt here. Jo is my favourite poet, and god knows I have studied a lot. Some of the poems I have read have scorched through me and left me with soul scars, but none touch me in the way hers do.
Since I know she isn't so good at taking compliments I will now throw a smoke bomb now and run away fast:P
06:32 Dec 29 2008
so do u write a lot of poetry?
11:22 Dec 29 2008
Ahh to dream..
11:40 Dec 29 2008
This is a fun little ditty :) And thank you for your comments on Infidel.
13:56 Dec 29 2008
Yay! Haiku!
*golf clap*
22:08 Dec 29 2008
Did someone ask if she wrote a lot of poetry? She writes the poetry. Those names you read in the history books; the best among them can claim only to be a semi-clever dullard cast in her shadow.
20:48 Dec 30 2008
I am so with Beastt here. Jo is my favourite poet, and god knows I have studied a lot. Some of the poems I have read have scorched through me and left me with soul scars, but none touch me in the way hers do.
Since I know she isn't so good at taking compliments I will now throw a smoke bomb now and run away fast:P