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21:44 Dec 05 2009
Times Read: 828

We had a disscussion a while back on this.It is not unusual for one to hear and see things when dying due to the release of the chemical known as Dimethyltryptamine Rather than type it all out again,I will leave this here so you can educate yourselves about this chemical and how it affects the brain.




Our inner selves..

05:48 Dec 04 2009
Times Read: 820

Biological Relation to Zero-Point Energy

At the ground of matter there is the Quantum Field, or Void, Vacuum, Zero-point Energy. At the ground of mind and thought there is Sunyata, Emptiness, Void, Absolute Unity Being.

A description of zeropoint:

“The field of cosmic consciousness they experience as a cosmic emptiness—a void. Yet, paradoxically, it is also an essential fullness. Although it does not feature anything in a concretely manifest form, it contains all of existence in potential. The vaccum they experience is a plenum: nothing is missing in it. It is the ultimate source of existence, the cradle of all being. It is pregnant with the possibility of everything there is. The phenomenal world is its creation: The realization and concreatization of its inherent potential.” 155 Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything, Ervin Laszlo. www.clubofbudapest.org/

At the ground of Spirit there is Sunyata, Emptiness, Void, Absolute Unity Being. At the ground of matter there is the Quantum Field, or Void, Vacuum, Zero point Energy. The "emptiness" of empty space is in fact not empty, but a great ocean of seething energy. Tom Bearden refers to this ocean of energy as being of the "time domain." Energy out of time—time itself he says is actually compressed energy; and it is energy which is compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared!

“We live in a vital, pulsing, living, breathing, bioenergetic cosmos, and life is everywhere. Patterns of life are riding in the light from the distant stars, from our sun, in the neutrino flux from the cosmos, in the graviton flux from the cosmos, in cosmic rays, etc. And so it is small wonder that living cells that form, reproduce themselves, and die can be induced in the proper primordial soup of nutrients when that soup of matrix forms and chemicals is bathed in ultraviolet light (one of the magic windows which contains a greatly enhanced transmission factor for bioenergy, hyperspatial energy, life energy), and stimulated by electrical spark discharges.” Tom Bearden, Excalibur Briefing, Bioenergy Collectors

David Hudson was one of the first to rediscover monatomic white powder of gold or m-state elements in the current era. In the late 1970s the Arizona farmer David Hudson found some strange materials during gold mining on his land. Over the following decade Hudson dedicated himself to figuring out how to obtain and work with these strange materials. When the substance was given to people to ingest, he said it propelled the individuals into a kundalini awakening and Christ Consciousness, when they took it as an sacramental initiation after preparing the body with fasting. Through analysis of the brains of cows and pigs, it is likely that 5% of our nervous system is composed of monatomic elements. “Over 5% of the brain tissue by dry matter weight was Rhodium and Iridium. But no one knows it, because it can’t be directly measured. The elements are flowing the light of life in your body.”

David Hudson called the strange materials Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements or ORMEs and monatomic elements in a high-spin or m-state. These ORMUS elements are stealth elements that scientific instruments cannot detect, yet can be seen, felt and used for regeneration of cells and DNA repair. They are abundant in seawater, dirt, rock, plants, fresh water, and the air. Monatomic elements can be uptaken from food, especially from plant material grown in certain volcanic areas. ORMUS applied to crops yields greatly increased health, nutrition, pest resistance and the food holds up longer in storage after harvest. In fact ORMUS and orgone could be the same thing as the fructigenic energies of nature that Viktor Schauberger talked about. Any plants fed ORMUS uptake the elements and show remarkable quality improvement in size, taste, sugar content and disease resistance.

The relative abundance of m-state elements makes them easy to extract and concentrate using relatively simple chemical and mechanical methods (see Barry Carter’s site for methods). Modern ORMUS researchers relate these strange materials to ancient alchemy, Philosopher's Stone, or the Elixir of Life. the Biblical manna, shewbread, King Solomon's gold and the Egyptian mfktz discussed in the book Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark : Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold by Laurence Gardner. “Shemanna” or Firestone was a sacramental bread use for spiritual initiation by the ancient Egyptian priesthood. It was made from monatomic gold powder and frankincense, and was said to be food for the “Ka” or lightbody. It is thought that ORMUS elements could be the connector between matter and spirit.

The ORMUS elements are the palladium group precious metals (also known as the transition or noble metals) in a natural non-metallic form. These deformed nuclei in a high-spin state, M-State or ORMUS state atoms don’t form metal-metal bonds with their own kind. In this form they are called “exotic matter” and exhibit strange properties, such as disappearing, levitation or passing through solid objects, anomalous responses to gravity, superfluidity and tunneling through solid objects. They can explode in a flash of white light in the sun, weigh more or less depending on their temperature and can disappear into other dimensions. We can humorously refer to the “m” in m-state, as “mystery-state,” whereas in actuality is refers to “monatomic.” The understanding of exotic matter by Barry Carter and his colleagues starts with Hudson's theory but is more comprehensive. He says, “In order for these atoms to be superconductors in the m-state, they must be at least “diatoms” and since they are superconductors, they can be manipulated by magnetic fields. As yet we do not know if the ORMUS elements are monatomic or not. We also do not know if they are in a "high spin state".” You can read more about ORMUS at Barry’s website.

In the monatomic state an atom oscillates in 2 dimensions not 3, weighs only 56% of its normal weight and does not ionically bond with the surrounding atoms—hence the term mono-atomic. In a monatomic state an atom is larger ie: it has more space between the particles. In a high spin state the atom interacts with the zero point and space-time differently. (Investigation of this monatomic phenomena maybe the key to The Grand Unified Theory.) According to monatomic theory these atoms in a high spin state are used by life to superconduct consciousness and energy. Superconductors and lasers are the best known examples of quantum coherence—communication between atom and atom proceeds via state resonance. Quantum coherent properties have been observed in biological systems and in fact that quantum coherence in the microtubules of every cell may be the key to consciousness itself. The soul-field runs on these m-state atoms, maintaining the intelligence and integrity of everything we are and ties us into the All. Monatomic science could lead us into a new understanding of Enlightenment and a reassessment of our highest spiritual capacities. Bearden says that bioenergy propagates along superluminal deBroglie waves, moving much faster than light. Monatomic superconduction might also be the key to precognition, and our ineffable spiritual perception of Timelessness—the Eternal Present. That is the weird ability to transcend both time and space with consciousness, such as remote viewing, telepathy, precognition and the supercognitive capacities of dreaming.

During metamorphosis the cellular reconstruction of the body is done via the macrophages with the aid of free radicals to oxidize the "inferior" cells to death. The cell renewal rate increasing, is one of the reasons transmuting individuals glow with light, because mitosis gives off ultraviolet light. Barry Carter et al believe that the ORMUS elements differ from their metallic counterparts in that they have some or all of their electrons paired up in Cooper pairs. Thus allowing them to resonance couple with other ORMUS atoms and form a Bose-Einstein condensate at biological temperatures. The main mechanism of ORMUS is to open key neural pathways latent in the configuration of the soul template, via cooper pairs within the monatomic elements. Biophotonic information is delivered to the neural pathways via photonic radiation from the cooper pairs, which transmute to mitogenic radiation.

“Another collector for bioenergy in a living system is the mitogenic radiation between the cells in tissue. Taken as a flux, this mitogenic radiation would seem to have both a photon nature and a non-photon nature. The cells, in their membranes and fibrous internal structures, are continually collecting and kindling bioenergy into electron currents and photons. The electron currents represent collections from the virtual state into observable state, and may in one sense be regarded as the lifting of electrons out of the Dirac sea by direct kindling (coherent superposition of virtual state energy into observable state energy). These kindled currents are thus superpositions or modulations on the ordinary electrical activity of the cells, fibers, and membranes. The mitogenic photons are also produced by direct kindling of the virtual state into observable state, in this case, by kindling virtual state photons into observable state photons.” Tom Bearden, Excalibur Briefing

The Alpha Learning Institute of Switzerland found that these m-state, monatomic elements improve nerve coherency and hemispheric synchronization, thereby raising intelligence, creativity, bodymind coordination, agility, eliminating depression and reducing stress! There may be great potential for taking ORMUS during awakening as a means to speed the adaptation, reduce nerve damage, provide free radical protection and detoxification, for evening out the brain activity and strengthening brain wave frequency coherence. Channeling the Overmind requires using the right brain and left brain simultaneously, in a kind of telepathy with our higher Self, through coherence at the neuron and quantum level. This must create a certain photon flux and increased superconductivity of communication between cells which allows for vastly increased levels of consciousness. Producing a type of quantum jump in consciousness and union with the Overmind that we normally only experience in the dreamstate. Kundalini awakening therefore can be rather like lucid dreaming, and becoming lucid “in this world” is not always a bunch of roses. Nature’s safety valve for the shock of this amplified lucidity and sensoral awareness is massive amounts of endorphins produced by kundalini which tends to buffer the harshness of bare reality. These latent, largely unused capacities of Overmind, are what will save us from our present human created chaos, thus both ORMUS and kundalini awakening are vitally important to the survival of the a noble humanity and well-being of the living world.

M-State and the Future of Humankind

Looking into David Hudson’s work I came up with the wild idea that the increased heart field and EMF of the nervous system during the peak kundalini, might act like a biological synchrotron to actually change certain elements in the central nervous system into their high spin monatomic state. It maybe that during heightened activation the body can transmute certain palladium group elements such as iridium and rhodium into their high spin state by adding energy in the form of photons to the atoms. Thus through the transmutation of these elements the body makes its own monatomic atoms on which the causal and subtle fields of the organism are organized. Matti Pitkanen says there is evidence for nuclear transmutations in living matter and that cold nuclear reactions occur also in living cell and produce metabolic energy. Transmutation is occurring subatomically with the transmutation of elements.

Increased causal level hardware is laid down in the high power monatomic matrix and consequently we amplifying our own soul—a transmutation of spirit. The fine network of these high spin atoms throughout the central nervous system acts to superconduct energy and consciousness. The causal nervous system is such that the working parts (the high spin atoms) do not need to touch, but communicate instantaneously through sympathetic resonance of quantum coherence, with space being no obstacle—ie: they superconduct energy and consciousness. According to this theory it is through this high spin atomic nervous system that we achieve cosmic consciousness, Christ-Buddha mind and all ESP and spiritual phenomena. NASA and the biophysicist Mae-Wan Ho suggest that life superconducts consciousness, and yet it’s not known yet exactly how this is done.

“The study of the ORMUS elements promises to change what we know in every scientific field including meteorology, astrophysics, quantum physics, chemistry, medicine, psychology, parapsychology, geology and all aspects of technology.” Barry Carter. More information on brain coherence and ORMUS at Barry Carter’s site under “Coherence.”

Sun meditation will tend to activate the heart, one reason being that the body hungers for natural radiation. But by Solar Heart I am referring to heart-entrainment...where the Heart wakes up and synchronizes the entire cells and atoms of the body. The Solar Heart is really the only thing that "spiritualizes. It is the transducer that catalyzes transmutation. Whole-brain synchronization is probably associated with the Solar Heart.

M-state elements like acemannan and Etherium Gold produce increased alpha and theta brainwaves and hemispheric synchronization—both left and right and front and back of the brain fall into sync. In fact these materials tend to increase psi, super-senses and consciousness in a similar fashion to kundalini itself, so perhaps they might be used to generate a "perpetual" awakening. Delta wave (deep sleep) indicates that the pineal gland has become active. It takes years of meditation to maintain delta (with Gamma wave prefrontal spikes) in the waking state. But apparently m-state materials can create this meditative brain-state within 10 minutes of taking them. Barry Carter suggests that m-state elements may be the most important substance and means by which we can transform as a species. Possibly m-state elements might make us more real and enlightened, or they could just generate even greater spiritual hubris. Whatever means of spiritualization we use, it is only as good as the purity of our heart and our intention.

Mood, Water and Light

ORMUS (M-state elements) increases hemispheric synchronization, thereby optimizing the performance and efficiency of consciousness – increasing the energy charge, flow and coherence – probably largely through changing the bonding patterns of water in the body and thereby improving the stability of DNA and higher expression of the genes. ORMUS provides the energy for breaking through the enormous bio-spiritual weight that the species has carried from our anti-life practices over the millennia. Eating raw foods grown on remineralized and volcanic soils is another means of getting high quality living-water. Working at the level of water and biophotons we can assist the inner marriage and overcome inertia at the molecular level.

Microtubules are structural components that are part of the neuron cell cytoskeleton and brain cells are particularly rich in them. They are cylindrical protein lattice assemblies of tubulin molecules in which the "quantum computations" of consciousness are reputed to take place. It is my belief that DNA can hold the integrity of its structure better when the correct quantum tunneling environment is maintained through highly structured microclusted water in the body that has a high zetapotential and strong electrolytic energy. M-state elements may be one of the most significant means of achieving this. Minerals in life are held in colloidal bonds (chelated) with hydrophilic substances such as gelatin, albumin, collagen and mucopolysaccharides. In their chelated bonds minerals have 98% assimilation capacity by the body. Silicon is needed to make well structured collagen, which conveys light information to the cells DNA via the microtubules...thus cancer tumor prevention requires good collagen to perfect the body's information transfers. Collagen is used as a fiber optic cable system in the body for the conveying of biophotons, ie: information transfer. The degree of light flow in the body determines mood, feeling state and spiritual realization.

www.subtleenergies.com —Barry Carter’s website is the main hub for learning about ORMUS. In fact serious kundalini researchers might like to start here.

http://matpitka.blogspot.com/ —Matti Pitkanen, TGD and Quantum Biology, “Exotic atoms and a mechanism for superconductivity in biosystems.”

www.asc-alchemy.com./hudson.html —David Hudson Lectures

www.cheniere.org/books/excalibur/bioenergy_collectors.htm —Tom Bearden, Excalibur Briefing

www.nonlocal.com/hbar/qbrain.html — Rhett Savage, The Quantum Brain


“Laszlo proposes that it is scalar waves that encode the information of space and time into a timeless, spaceless quantum shorthand of interference patterns. In Laszlo’s model, this bottom-rung level of the Zero Point Field—the mother of all fields—provides the ultimate holographic blueprint of the world for all time, past and future. It is this that we tap into when we see the past or future.” 174, The Field, Lynne Mc Taggart. www.thefieldonline.com

Glen Rein, a biophysicist at the Institute of HeartMath, CA, has been working on detecting subtle energies he calls non-Herzian or scalar energy. Scalar waves (non-Hertizian or Tesla’s “Radiant Energy” waves) are hyperspatial vortex ring in structure arising from abruptly bucking magnetic fields wound into a caduceus (bifilar) coil. Scalar energy or healing energy has been shown to be not part of the electromagnetic spectrum as we understand it. He found that by exposing neurons in a petri dish to healing energy this caused them to fire at their synapses. That is action potentials passed along the nerves from one nerve to another when they were exposed to the scalar energy. This leads one to presuppose that if the energy of nerve transmission is increased during an awakening that this would create a field in which extra nerve energy would be naturally kindled. Thus explaining the phenomena of both romantic love and shaktipat, and why we feel elevated and sparked in the presence of individuals of genius.

Scalar waves might be the point of fundamental intersection where matter and consciousness can influence each other. Their effect is independent of distance and time and is 3-5 times stronger than that of electromagnetic fields. They are prior to, that is more fundamental than magnetic fields and they transmit information, not energy. The transmission of scalar information creates consciousness fields—which are probably Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphogenic Fields. They cannot be detected by the usual instruments for measuring electric and magnetic fields, which work by interacting with electron flow and energy transmission. For this reason they are still considered theoretical.

Kundalini energy may have scalar wave origins, for there is no doubt that kundalini and healing energy are one and the same. According to Robert Jacobs scalar waves are capable of acting on living organisms at a sub-atomic level, and certain frequencies of scalar have been shown to destroy viruses and bacteria. The work of Cleve Backster on the primary perception of cells might be attributed to scalar waves. And since telepathic messages between organisms seem to be able to pass through lead enclosures, such ESP may not be communicated on the electromagnetic scale, but through scalar waves. Scalar waves propagate at faster-than-light speed except when transmitting scalar information on electromagnetic carrier waves. If something travels faster than light, it means that it can penetrate any matter as though it wasn’t there. Therefore scalar waves pervade all matter and cannot be shielded against by Faraday cages.

“Quantum mechanics shows that every point in the vacuum possesses an infinite amount of energy, unmanifest, unformed energy.” Dean Brown, Cosmic Law, Patterns in the Universe. www.fmbr.org/cosmiclaw/

The emptiness of the vacuum is in fact not empty, but is a vast ocean of scalar energies (as opposed to vector energies) that underlies all physical reality. The scalar energy ocean is sometimes called zero point energy—the all-pervading energy that fills the fabric of space. The term “Zero point” refers to zero degrees Kelvin and it means the energy is not thermal in nature. Quantum electrodynamics theorizes that all particles are intertwined in a vacuum polarization interaction with zero point energy. Ordinary electromagnetic waves are called transverse electromagnetic waves, to distinguish them from the new scalar longitudinal electromagnetic waves. Strangely these scalar waves do not actually exist in our "material" world, but exist only in the vacuum of empty space, or the time domain. Tom Bearden refers to this ocean of energy as being of the domain of “Energy out of time.”

The vacuum is filled with ghost particles and phantom fields that rapidly wink in and out of existence. Under certain circumstances however, these virtual particles and fields can become real. Though it sounds more like mysticism than science, it is said that the vacuum is a universal field of information or consciousness. It forms the matrix of all manifestation, like an ocean out of which matter arises and then disappears into once again. We must remember that this vacuum of space we speak of exists all throughout everything even our bodies. So the Gateway to the Void is accessed at every point in the universe. Could Kundalini be the 'channel' that connects the unmanifest void, with the manifest world of subatomics, atoms, molecules and cells? Could kundalini be the cellular expression of energy generated from the vacuum? Perhaps this is why kundalini exhibits such pronounced psychic and trans-temporal effects.

“The substructure of matter probably contains energies that are as far beyond nuclear energies as known nuclear energies are beyond chemical energies…[zero point] energy provides a constant background which is not available at our level under present conditions. But as conditions of our universe change, a part of it might be made available on our level.” David Bohm

Tom Bearden says one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous electromagnetic energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself. Wherever there is a dipole there is already immense scalar EM energy ushering out of and back into the vacuum. The polar differential of the body’s dipoles goes up during a kundalini awakening, possibly increasing the transduction of longitudinal scalar waves into ordinary transverse electromagnetic energy.

The spinal core with its outlying sympathetic trunks and their ganglia create a structure capable of generating a caduceus wound double helix magnetic field. The vortex ring is an archetypal form for self-organized coherence in zero point energy. It appears in all levels of nature from galaxies to elementary particles. The brain, with its spiral grown neuroglia is an acoustic resonator set to function most efficiently at the love frequency of "peace"...the neutral center...the sympathetic vibratory resonance of with zero point. At which point biophotons are conserved, atomic spin rates maintained and harmony with the HUM of the universe occurs.

"Synchrotron radiation occurs when electrons spiral into a magnetic field. Neuroglia (connective tissue of the central nervous system) are actually tightly wound spirals, helixes and vortices." Dan A. Davidson, A Breakthrough in New Energy Sources.

When the pulsed charge in this system meets a certain threshold where the excitation signal matches the resonant frequencies of the water molecule’s bonds, this would induce ion oscillation. This electrolytic ion motion could produce a self-organizing interaction with the zero point energy. When sufficient energy from an electric impulse is added to a “gas” it ionizes into a plasma, and as the energy increases more ionization will occur. At a certain point I think the cerebrospinal fluid becomes superfluid and saturated with ions enabling it to carry a massive electric current. The caduceus wound magnetic field with the ionized cerebrospinal fluid core appears to have both electromagnetic and quantum properties. This massive energy generation can occur in a living system because the nervous systems of organisms contain a monatomic lattice, and this affords the superconduction of vibration so that total syncopation of atoms is possible for building the bucking caduceus magnetic fields and massive charge.

The charge of the 10,000 org inner-conjunction might very well be due to the ionization of the cerebrospinal fluid in the center channel of the spine, when the double helix magnetic fields are at their maximum coherency, creating a bio-plasma lightning effect. A toroidal electromagnetic field activated by the caduceus coil of the spine may generate a tempic field which would alter the pace of time for objects in it. Given sufficient energy to the abrupt bucking fields the bending of the fabric of spacetime would occur. If the bending becomes extreme teleportation would result. A farout concept that is hard to imagine the human body capable of such a thing, but we really have little idea of the huge energy potentials we embody.

“Opposing magnetic fields have been associated with ball lightening production. Tesla launched fireballs from his large coils when the oscillations were phased to create opposing magnetic fields. Perhaps the most efficient coiled structure to create such opposing fields is the “caduceus” wound coil. Here the double helix symmetry of the windings allows for perfect opposition of not only the magnetic fields but their higher order time derivatives as well. Could then opposing magnetic pulses maximize their stress on the fabric of space causing a “hyperspatial involution” that orthorotates the zero point energy flux. Abrupt opposing magnetic transients could be important for ball lighting creation.” Moray B. King, Tapping the Zero point Energy, 2000

Zero point energy machines could be developed on the biological model of the caduceus coil and central ion/plasma channel. Then our energy generation could actually enhance human spiritual evolution rather than harming ourselves and the planet as it does now. Similarly if we construct superconducting solar architecture with a monatomic lattice in manmade stone, then the energy emanating from this energy generator will also enhance the consciousness of life around it. In our understanding of sacred architecture we need to deeply reacquaint ourselves with the consciousness basis to manifestation. As Astrophysicist Sir James Jeans wrote that "the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine."

David Loye author of The Sphinx and the Rainbow suggested that all material form is simply coagulated energy. Thus it appears that the fundamental creating and animating force of Eros in the universe is prior to matter and is in the process of constantly creating and transforming matter. To give you a sense of the “space” from which matter emerges I would like to turn you onto the mystical writings of John Worrell Keely (1827-1898) reveling in the glories of the primordial ground. He calls the Void or Zero point energy the Neutral Center.

“There is a celestial mind-force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of which everything is composed…Every molecule, every mass, every moving body in space, every solar system, every stellar system, EVERY ROTATORY SYSTEM, is built about A NEUTRAL CENTER. It is the indestructible unit around which all that we recognize as matter is built. Immovable itself, it moves all things. Indestructible itself throughout infinity of time, it creates all things. It produced and preserves the incalculable energy of motion of the entire Universe. It bears the unthinkable burden of the mass of the Universe. It is the most wonderful thing Man has discovered in the Universe since he discovered fire."

"The sympathetic conditions that we call mind are no more immaterial in their character than light or electricity. The substance of the brain is molecular, while the substance of the mind that permeates the brain is inter-etheric and is the element by which the brain is impregnated, exciting it into action and controlling physical motion. In order to trace the successive triple impulses, taking the introductory one of sympathetic negative outreach, towards the cerebral neutrals, which awaken the latent element to action, we find that mind maybe considered a specific order of inter atomic motion sympathetically influenced by the celestial flow and that it becomes when thus excited by this medium a part and parcel of the celestial itself.” More information on Keely and others is at Sympathetic Vibratory Physics! www.svpvril.com

We can use quantum metaphors as a rich source of healing and inspiration. Dr. Arnold Mindell’s book The Quantum Mind and Healing, How To Listen To Your Body’s Symptoms, offers profound assistance for integration for kundi-actives, with many practical exercises for exploring the bodymind-soul connection. The non-physical "subtle energy" fields of the vacuum, in turn generate corresponding electromagnetic fields (e.g. biophotons) by imparting the potentials. Kundalini might have the effect of stimulating an increased flow of ions upping the body’s dipole and increasing the EMF. The biomagnetic field of the body generates micro-electric currents that determine the normal differentiation of cells and their final shade and size. The increased energy flow through the areas where there is blockage restores healthy resonance and energetic order—higher order equals higher synchrotronic lasering of consciousness and energy. In 1935 Lakhovsky discovered that a cell possesses two characteristics—capacitance and inductance—which are the elements of a tuned circuit like a radio. He found the cell must be tuned to the desired frequency needed to sustain life. The constructive interaction of coherent oscillating fields means there is greater information exchange between cells leading to increased spiritual presence or incarnation.

Besides scalar waves that permeate the matter of our being, the ways that kundalini energy maybe conveyed around the body include: changes in receptors due to the body’s light generation and EMF, •increased cellular charge—ATP production and changes in hormone and neurotransmitter spectrum, •magnetizing the blood via the iron content of hemoglobin, superfluidity of membranes and heightened polar charge differentials, •the ionic current created by the electrolytes in the plasma of the blood (sodium, chloride, potassium, bicarbonate), •ionized cerebrospinal fluid, •proteins serving as semi-conductors, •heightened action potentials in nerves, •the fascia (connective tissue and sheaths surrounding the spinal cord etc.), •changes in the bonding angles of water, •superconduction of energy/consciousness within the monatomic lattice, hence sympathetic resonance of atoms and neural nets.

Roger Penrose considers consciousness to be a subatomic phenomenon of wave function self-collapse via quantum gravity, whatever that means. Quantum gravity describes the interaction of gravity with the three other fundamental forces: electromagnetic, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force. Cells communicate with each other, and the vibratory energy reaches within the cell via the cytoskeleton and microtubules. Microtubules are structural components that are part of the neuron cell cytoskeleton and brain cells are particularly rich in them. They are cylindrical protein lattice assemblies of tubulin molecules in which the “quantum computations” of consciousness are reputed to take place.

The Penrose-Hameroff model proposes that internal quantum events occurring within tubulin in cooperative interaction with each other, are the bridge between subatomic quantum events and molecular “classical” reality. Stuart Hameroff says consciousness exists on the edge between the quantum and classical worlds. He believes that we plug into the universal proto-conscious mind through this quantum activity in the microtubules. “I think more like a quantum Buddhist, in that there is a universal proto-conscious mind which we access, and can influence us. But it actually exists at the funda-mental level of the universe, at the Planck scale.” Hameroff. Neurotransmission provides input and out put from the quantum processes in the microtubules of neurons. Like Stuart Hameroff I think that consciousness at its most subtle material form is conducted within quantum processes. This is then translated into the classical chemistry of nerves, synapses, receptors, neurotransmitters, hormones and the like. And so the endless variety of thought, behavior and experience of manifestation unfolds.





Let us have a look..

22:39 Dec 03 2009
Times Read: 822

at sacred geometry , divine intent and resonance. Once you know the code,you will be able to read and understand what is behind your magic symbols.

The Fibonacci numbers are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... (add the last two to get the next)

The golden section numbers are ±0·61803 39887... and ±1·61803 39887...

The golden string is 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 ...

the sequence of 0s and 1s are closely related to the Fibonacci numbers and the golden section.



09:57 Dec 04 2009

I'm so not a number person lol. So what you wrote sounds like chinese to me :S Maybe you can explain it to me somewhen.

15:29 Dec 04 2009

LOL I will be posting more about it in the forum as well as in my journal.I have really only posted this stuff so those interested can do a little reading before I explain further.



22:36 Dec 03 2009
Times Read: 823



Hmm you think the message

21:02 Dec 03 2009
Times Read: 833

could be clearer?Those quizzies will tell you everything about yourself.LOL

Your fairy is called Water Goblinshimmer

She is a bringer of riches and wealth.

She lives near bubbling brooks where Lords and Ladies and Cuckoo's Pint grow.

She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom.

She wears deep blue dresses. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.

Get your free fairy name here!


Birth Sign: Aquarius, Pisces

Associated Chakra: 3rd Eye, soma, crown, higher crown

Composition: SiO2

Originally used to counteract the effects of alcohol! Amethyst is associated with the divine, egoless love and wisdom. Used in meditation Amethyst opens awareness and helps facilitate metaphysical abilities. A stone of harmony, it brings the physical and mental in line with spiritual energies. Good for periods of transition it also restores balance as a mental adaptogen – energising or calming as appropriate.

I know I do.come on at least its something to do..

aww,I lost all the pix/links when I moved this..sorry bout that.

Your number is 33.

The number 33 is called the Master Teacher Number. A combination of 11 and 22, these individuals has transcended their own desires and usually devote their lives to the spiritual enlightenment of mankind. These unique individuals are often characterized by their sincere devotion to humanity. 33 individuals are extremely rare.

Master Number Numerology

Master Number Numerology is a fascinating subject and if you are unsure about how to calculate if you have any master numbers in your name then please leave me a comment below and I’ll either work it out for you, or create an online numerology calculator that will do it for you.

The Master numbers 11, 22, and 33 represent the Triangle of Enlightenment with the number 11 representing vision, the number 22 representing action and the number 33 representing fulfillment of Divine Law.

What Kind of Empath Are You?

You scored as a Artist

You are an Artist Empath, one who creates their own reality and infuses the realities of others with your energy & emotions. You are poetic and sensitive. You turn your feelings into creations and share them with the world. Everything you touch turns to song and is freed by the color of your eyes. Your spirit dances with the winds and paints delight in the evening sky. (from the "Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Empaths/)











Fallen Angel






Find out What Type of Fighter Are You at LiquidGeneration.com

What kind of Hitman are you?

Silent Hitman

Your dead quiet. You kill the mark and then disappear as quickly as you came. Even if they find the dead body they've got no trace and no leads. He was killed by a ghost

Which Tarot Card Are You?


oceanne is a restricted area. Authorised personel only


From Go-Quiz.com

You are the Universe card, sometimes called the World card. The Universe is the complete, perfect whole. The spiritual path has come to an end and enlightenment is reached. Events have reached completion. The different facets of your life are well-integrated and harmoniously balanced. This is an ideal state in which to rest and feel the true state of your vibrant physical being. Your creative potential is maximized and you have achieved goals that you have set for yourself in the past. After enjoying the pleasure of this state, a new cycle can begin with new challenges and triumphs that will keep you feeling alive and keep building on the foundations you have planted thus far. Image from The Stone Tarot deck. http://hometown.aol.com/newtarotdeck/Take this quiz!

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Paranoid: Low

Schizoid: Low

Schizotypal: Low

Antisocial: Low

Borderline: Low

Histrionic: Low

Narcissistic: Low

Avoidant: Low

Dependent: Low

Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

What kind of spirit do you have?

Spirit of water.You scored spirit of water. this means that you are a very nice and easy going person. your very down to earth and you dont get upset easily.though you are also very shy.

How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

What Kind Of Eyes Do You Have?


You have moonlight eyes. Moonlight is the color of mystery. Your eyes symbolize your ability to see yourself as others see you. You have finesse for letting other people know what you think. You have a soothing and calming ability that you may or may not know about. You have the awesome ability to draw a person's negative energy out and replace it with a positive energy; the world needs more people like you. Some words to describe you: patient, self-controlled, perseverance, insightful, reflective, understanding, serene, and caring.

Right Brain |||||||||||||||||| 72%

Left Brain |||||||||||||||| 62%

*results won't usually add up to 100% as this test measures each side seperately

Left brain dominant individuals are more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.

Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what's not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.

Overall you appear to be Right Brain Dominant

But then I got this one a while later..

Brain Lateralization Test Results

Right Brain (62%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.

Left Brain (62%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain

Are You Right or Left Brained?

personality tests by similarminds.com


According to Darwinian theory, optimal evolution takes place with random variation and selective retention. The evolution savvy individual will try many different approaches when faced with a problem and select the best of those approaches. Many historical intellectuals have confessed their advantage was simply considering/exploring/trying more approaches than others. The left brain dominant type suffers from limited approaches, narrow-mindedness. The right brain dominant type suffers from too many approaches, scatterbrained. To maintain balanced hemispheres, you need to exercise both variability and selection. Just as a company will have more chance of finding a great candidate by increasing their applicant pool, an individual who considers a wider set of options is more likely to make quality decisions.


oceanne is a restricted area. Authorised personel only


From Go-Quiz.com

Your Power Element is Water

Your power colors: blue and aqua

Your energy: deep

Your season: winter

Like the ocean, you evoke deep feelings and passion.

You have an emotional, sensitive, and spiritual soul.

A bit mysterious, you tend to be quiet when you are working out a problem.

You need your alone time, so that you can think and dream.

What's Your Power Element?

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 96%

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is Very High

You've spent a lot of time introspecting, and it's really paid off.

You are comfortable with who you are, and you have a life philosophy that you are happy to live by.

And you're always re-evaluating what you believe. Because you learn something new about yourself each day!

How Does Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Rate?

You Are 52% Strange!

Based on your score, it seems you do have a healthy dose of strangeness. You aren't THAT far out, but you are somewhat bizarre. Congratulations on being different and having some quirks. It makes you an interesting person!How Strange Are You?Quizzes for MySpace

Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)

Ma'at, Goddess of Order, Harmony, and Truth

Ma'at was the goddess of physical and moral law in Egypt, of order and truth. She was not much of a goddess, but more of a concept. She was what was right; she was the way things should be.

You lead a very well-ordered life. You are just and keep things in balance. You know just how to react to things, and people like you for that.

Fantasy-Mythology Quizzes


Bald Eagle's Wisdom Includes:





Keen sight

Illumination of Spirit



Knowledge of magick

Ability to see hidden spiritual truths

Rising above the material to see the spiritual

Ability to see the overall pattern

Connection to spirit guides and teachers

Great power and balance

Dignity with grace

If you enjoy this quiz please rate, and I may do some more!

11222 other people got this result!

This quiz has been taken 545503 times.

8% of people had this result.

You're fiery, independent, and the best anyone's ever had. You're so hot that you drive everyone wild with sexual frustration. You're a total star when you're on top, but you also need to be impressed in bed.

Aries, you are headstrong, spolied, fiery in temperment, and fiercely independent. You always want to be the best anyone's ever had, and you'll spend all night convincing your lover that you are. Don't worry - you usually are the best anyone has ever had. When you get down, you don't leave out anything.

Sexually, you're a leader and very sure of yourself. One of your favorite positions is being on top, where you can move freely - while letting your lover observe you orgasm. Sex with you is always exciting. You start with teasing, playful seduction - that always drives your lovers wild with frustration. You always deliver though!

You love being over powered, and you respond to a strong sexual appetite with equal fervor. The confident lover who can give you breathtaking, powerful sex will have you eating out of his or her hand.

You Are a Witch (or Warlock)

You are deviously brilliant and a perfect manipulator.

You somehow always end up getting what you want - without anyone knowing you're working behind the scenes.

Crafty and cunning, you can work your way out of any jam.

And it's easy for you to get people to do what you want, whether you're working for good or evil.

Your greatest power: Mind control

Your greatest weakness: Making people your puppets

You play well with: Ghosts

~Im not a witch dammit!~

Funny stuff.

You Are Brigitte Bardot

Naturally sensual and beautiful

You're an exotic beauty who turns heads everywhere

You've got a look that's one of a kind

What Famous Pinup Are You?

Your Birthdate: March 13

You don't love lightly. For you, love is always a serious undertaking.

However, you are able to love many types of people. You can bring out the best in almost anyone.

Love surprises you often. You never know when or where you'll find it next.

Number of True Loves You'll Have: 1

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 5

You are most compatible with people born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of the month.

What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?

My authentic japanese name is 藤原 Fujiwara (wisteria fields) 美弥子 Miyako (beautiful march child).Take your real japanese name generator! today!Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

What's Your Best Quality?

Your Result: Intelligence

Your best quality is intelligence! People like you because you are smart and always make the right decision. Your intelligence also helps you handle tough situations.





Sense of Humor

What's Your Best Quality?Take More Quizzes

Ten of Diamonds: The Blessed Card

This card sits in the very center of the Grand Solar Spread of cards, protected on all sides by Jupiter's blessings. It is THE card of material opulence. With so many blessings, you might expect them to be generous souls, but that is not always the case. Many of them simply direct these blessings to the acquisition of more money and some of them even become ruthless in this regard. Others, however, pay heed to their Queen of Clubs Karma Card, the Mother Mary card, and devote their talents and resources to helping the world. In this way they use their natural intuition and fulfill a desire for devotion and service. With their creativity and intelligence, they are always successful in whatever they undertake. Usually this power is directed towards business and gain. Many of them inherit or marry into wealth. If they develop their spiritual awareness, their later years will be filled with expansion of their mind and soul instead of doubt and indecision.

Your Karma Cards are the:

Queen of Clubs - You owe something to this person and they reflect you in some way.

Queen of Spades - This person owes you and you are their mirror in some way.

Text Copyright 1996 by Robert Camp - all rights re




Had to move this forward.

19:21 Dec 02 2009
Times Read: 844

One of the first people in our time to render vibration into visible forms was the eighteenth-century German physicist Ernst Chladni, who began by scattering sand on steel disks and observing the changing patterns produced by playing various notes on a violin. These “Chladni figures” which have so inspired artists and symbolists, result from the fact that the disk resonates to the violin only in certain places, shifting the sand to those areas which are inert.

Chladni’s work inspired the late Hans Jenny of Zurich to spend ten years duplicating and expanding his experiments with sophisticated equipment, and he named the pursuit cymatics, the study of the interrelationship of waveforms with matter.

Since the circle seems to mediate harmonic patterns in a way no other shape will, Jenny also used disks and scattered them with liquids, plastics, metal filings and powders. He then vibrated the disks through the controlled medium of a crystal, observing that as the pitch ascended the musical scale, harmonic patterns on the disks also changed, many of them to organic shapes: the vanishing spirals of jelly, fish turrets, the concentric rings in plant growth, the patterns of tortoise shell or zebra stripes, the pentagonal stars of sea-urchins, the hexagonal cells of the honeycomb, etc.

All these are, of course, the same geometrical and vortical forms which one discerns underlying both the ordering of physical matter and the ordering of human consciousness into deeper dimensions of vision. With Chlandni figures, as well as with the crystals of sacred geometry, we see how symbols are not merely abstract ideas but actual ciphers and doorways to the vibrationary music which knits us all together. To he whose feelings are alive to depth, the forms of snow crystals, the mandela faces of flowers, actually resonate to the awakening harmony within him. It is only to the culture or individual which sees merely in three dimensions that the universe is an existential fluke of chemistry with no rhyme or purpose.

What is fascinating about Jenny’s work is that “fluid vibration” such as sound produces organic shapes in our three-dimensional, physical world. Another fluid vibration of course is thought. Might this, very special of all vibrations, be the holy grail of understanding how thoughts act upon the etheric web to produce our reality? Here I’m getting ahead of myself, so let us get back to the Chladni figures and see where it leads us.

With any one of the patterns, which “magically” emerged on the discs through playing various musical notes, there emerged always two patterns. The one formed by sand, and the background, which is free of sand. The runnels of sand, which we see are simply where sand has collected at the dead areas of the disk, whereas the “life” of the pattern is vibrating in the background behind, or between the runnels, where invisible energy is causing chaos to coalesce into form. The interesting paradox is that the visible expression of energy is the inverse of the actual vibrationary pattern, which is invisible. We are reminded again of the Gnostic assertions that the physical world is but a pale shadow, the mirror image or outermost shell of a supreme ordering energy that exists in another dimension.

Words, of course, are also vibrations. There is evidence to suggest that the script, where it remains, of sacred, liturgical languages (such as High Javanese or Hebrew) bears close scrutiny as to the vibrational effects it has on matter. Legends of the Navajo Indians, famous for their sand paintings, speak of the time when their shamans produced pictures in the sand merely by “speaking” to it. The genesis legends of Ethiopia tell of the origins of language, of how the first men could only sing, like the birds, or the wind in the reeds, but how gradually they forgot the tune and had eventually to make do simply with the speaking of words. The vibration of music, such a primal part of primitive expression, hints at a forgotten awareness of the rhythms and tones which actually keep us alive. And let us not forget that the Bible’s account of creation states quite clearly that the world was created by the “word” of God. This is commonly thought to be a poetic phrase, and what is inferred is that it was God’s wish or intention to create the world, and so it was done. But perhaps they meant to say exactly what they did. The deeper implication here is that a mystery language once existed whereby words were instantly manifested into reality, and that God is the founder and creator of this language. Incredulous to believe but then again, why not?

The ancient Aztecs of South America recognized that each individual had a particular note and pitch. With this “sound knowledge” a man could be purified and raised by vibrationary mantras. Perhaps the chants and liturgical rhythms of the church are shadows of a long vanished and forgotten wisdom of the early churches.

Many spiritual systems still change the names of novitiates in recognition of the fact that each time they are called by their new name they are being struck with a new vibrationary pitch, one which resonates to the inner palate they are trying to awaken. Name changing from this perspective emerges not only as a symbolic act, but as the actual re-tuning of an individual’s resonance to one more in harmony with his present axis of growth.

Polish physicist, the late Andrew Glazewski, who was also a Jesuit priest, spent almost half his life studying musical harmonics as well as infrasonic frequencies. “Atoms are known to be harmonic oscillators,” he wrote, “the nuclei being the oscillators themselves, the electrons and their orbits being seen as the reverberations and echoes of the periodic harmonic motions of the nucleus.” In Glazewski’s terms this is “the music” of the atomic scale. Glazewski further found that there is a sonic field that emanates from the human body and differs with each individual as radically as fingerprints. One could further state that all physical reality could quite accurately be thought of as music/sound that has taken on form. Our bodies, in this context, are vibrational music as distinct and unique as anything in the universe, singing and pulsating to their own rhythm.

Now back to thoughts. From the perspective we are taking, thoughts could be seen as “singing our reality alive.” Each thought, as the eminent neurologist Sir John Eccles wrote, indicates “…a river of a million sparking synapses, like a golden loom perpetually weaving and reweaving its way to a conclusion.”

I’m choosing to end on this poetic thought, for it is often through the heights of poetry or art that a transcendence happens to take us to places where reason cannot go. Often at these times something in us clicks and we go “Ah… I understand.” We of course don’t understand at all, but something larger, grandeur, awakens in us and we are left with the feeling that our life and the universe in which we inhabit it is much more miraculous than our limited perceptions of it would indicate. This is a wonderful and reassuring thought to have.

John Kehoe




Sounds around us..

21:08 Dec 01 2009
Times Read: 868

your a slave driver with your words Oceanne anyone ever said that?

but you are totally correct in the saying of it. There are many ways to achieve this, it becomes not about the doing but about the frequencies, and currents that are able to be controlled by the conscious mind to resonate within the body opening up the energy centers.

A slavedriver? oh gee,thanks infernal.;)

But yes,As you well know,I believe wholeheartedly that it is all about the frequency.After all,frequency is the language of the universe.If you do not speak the language,you cannot communicate with it or through it.This is why it is harder for some than it is others to achieve any kind of result with theyre magick .

Some naturally resonate at frequencies which make it difficult or impossible to achieve this type of communication,so in order to do so,they need something to help .Ie; Mantras,medicines etc....On the other hand,some resonate naturally within the frequencies that I feel enable us to communicate in different dimensions or in one dimension on different levels..

Take symbolic magic.The symbols that are used are not simply pretty patterns or circles to bind or protect as believed by so many,if not most practitioners.Far from it..they are cymatic codes .Patterns made by frequencies.And when used correctly either singularly or in multibles they create harmonic combinations that cause certain manifestations etc...Witches and many shaman use symbols as a tool because they are unable to resonate at the desired frequencies without the aid of the drawn or chanted code .Unfortunately,I have yet to meet a witch who has heard of or understands this concept.Of all of them I have questioned,(and I have questioned many)not one ever understood what was behind their symbols or what made them work.So I will explain further that Sorcery is simply the ability to resonate at the desired frequency at will to get their magick accomplished.This is why there are so few of us.Most need tools .Tools that resonate.Tools,in their own words,tools that help them focus.

In short,tools that helps them entrain their minds to the required frequency that enables the thought to become manifest.

And there is nothing wrong with that.

But either way,it does indeed come down to frequency.



18:03 Dec 04 2009

Am I far off in my understanding:

Frequency is the manifestation of thought in action. It is thought, will/direction, and action/spirit; on a path (inertia.)

When energy and matter are fixed into positions by will perception, then that is it's frequency.

Harmonizing is the act of countering inertia (ie will/thought/action) with the intent of altering self or matter/energy, because harmonizing with other frequencies, affects change in both.

More or less?

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