feralmuse's Journal

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3 entries this month


14:48 Mar 19 2008
Times Read: 830



rant on emo's

01:39 Mar 11 2008
Times Read: 834

I hereby declare this page an ANTI-EMO zone. It shall be, from this day forward be, swept clean of attention seeking whiney people!!!! I WILL NOT answer pm's from people who are so wrapped up in themselves that they cant look at the world around them and realize how LUCKY they really are. And if you message me expecting sympathy when you go on about how you are thinking about killing yourselves... think twice, at this point Im more likely to give you detailed and precise instructions on how to do it without screwing it up. In short, Im sick to death of people who dont care enough about themselves or anyone else to knock off the bullshit.

Ive got a news flash: If you have a computer AND internet access, YOU DONT HAVE IT THAT DAMN BAD!! Try NOT having a home at all, or NOT having your sight or hearing, try being so poor you DONT have food to feed your kids, try surviving a disaster that strips you of everything you own. try living in a 3rd world country, try having HIV or AIDS, try facing cancer treatment or having any other life threatening illness. Wait...heres a really novel idea,,,, why dont you try appreciating the things you HAVE and the friends that are standing by you INSTEAD of being so wrapped up in yourselves that you cant see past the nose on your face.

EVERYONE has problems in life, thats what living is about. And we ALL get down in the dumps from time to time,....But you go on and slog your way through it. No one said it was gonna be fun, nor did anyone say it would be easy. Leastwise not in the handbook that I read. And Im not speaking to those that have REAL PROBLEMS and are in need for a freind to talk to or a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. We ALL need that from time to time and for those people, I will always be there.

Im sure this tick a few folks off but... OH WELL. Im SICK and tired of being there constantly trying to cheer people up who....in reality.. DONT want to feel better!! They would rather wallow in their misery than be happy. If thats the case.... fine... live that way but dont think you are going to drag everyone else into your self made pit of doom. I know people that DO have it rough and have had HUGE tragedies in their lives.... and by all thats sacred, they are surviving and still trying to smile and find a measure of happiness with the shitty cards they have been dealt.

Face it, if you have enough time to sit on the net and cry to people about how awful you feel, you have time to get off your God Damn ass and change your circustances and if you dont do take that opportunity then you have no one else to blame but yourself. I do apoligize if this all sounds harsh or unfeeling, but I honestly feel it needed to be said. I am at the point when I seriously feel that people need to get the fuck over themselves and WAKE UP!!




Rant on Female Circumsicion

00:41 Mar 04 2008
Times Read: 846

Female circumcision... okay.. I know Im biased because Im a woman.. but what sick, sadistic, controlling, twisted male mind came up with that one? For those of you who arent aware of what this means, it is also called "female genital mutilation". Its done primarily in middle eastern and african countries as a social and cultural thing.

There are generally 3 systems to accomplish this:

(2)Sunna circumcision_Thi is the removal of the tip of the clitoris and/or its covering (prepuce)

Cliterectomy_This is the removal of the entire clitoris and the adjacent labia (the external and internal folds of skin, or "lips" that protect the vaginal opening)

Infibulation_This procedure involve performing a clitorectomy, including the removal of the labia. The tissues are then sewn together, leaving only a small hole for the flow of urine and menstral blood. In this case, it is often needed that a second surgery be performed so that sexual intercourse may take place.

And while some may feel the social and cultural benefits of FGM are needed, the physical risks and side effects to the young girls is horrifying and many. These include:

(1)Infections of the pelvis and urinary tract, **Serious blood infections (septicimia) **Bleeding**Pain and swelling**Negative effects on sexuality and self esteem** Inability to deliver a baby vaginally**inadequate drainage of urine and menstral blood**development of hardened scars (keloids) which can interfere with intercourse and giving birth

Okay... so why in the name of everything thing sacred and profane would something like this be done? It is proven and sustained that there is almost NEVER ANY medical benefit of the above procedures. These procedures are done primarily for cultural and religious reasons. A couple of reason that "supportes" of FGM advocate these procedures are: to insure a girl is a virgin when she marries, and the idea that the removal of the clitorous decreases sexual desire therefore, decreasing the chances of extra marital affairs. And some cultures believe that the clitoris is a health danger and should be removed.

These procedures have been documented as far as history can be traced, including Pharonic circumcision w/i the nile valley. In todays socieities it is still considered a way to tell the "good and decent" women from prostitutes and "loose" women. In a good majority of these cultures, a young woman w/o these procedures is effectivly trapped. She cannot marry and has no economic and social resources to stand on her alone. These unfortunate women are basically forced by birth to endure and accept FGM. In these cultures, one of the greatest "honors" to the head of the household is the "purity" of its women.

While the AMA, the WMA and the World Health Orginization firmly oppose the procedures it is still fairly common. Steps are being taken to try and slowly outlaw FGM but it is a long and slow process and in the countries where it HAS been outlawed.... the procedure is being done in private, much like the way backroom abortions have been done in the past. It has been declared illegal in several countries (ie: Sudan, 1956, Senegal, UK, US and many others) But despite the laws on the books, these procedures are still fairly commonplace and not only accepted.. but expectd.

In many cases, FGM is done as an initiation process for young girls into womanhood and while in general cases this is done when a young girl reaches the years of 4-12, in many of the African countries, babies, teenagers and older women undergo the procedure depending on social status and tribeal custom.

In the African countries where medical care is almost non existant these procedures are done in ways that can only be described as crude and barbaric. Handmade scissors, knives, razor blads and even shards of glass are used to perform these procedures and the wounds are often closed with thread and anesthetics are almost never provided during the "operation".

Ironically...In a study that covered a 5 yr period interviewing 300 sudanese women and 100 sudanese men on the sexual experience of circumcised and infibulated women it was found that despite the procedure... these woman STILL experience on some level, sexual desire, pleasure and orgasm. This single study puts into question... the effectivness of any of the above procedures. So I have to ask??? Why??? A possible and probable explanation is that in the countries where these procedures take place.... the societies are controlled and run by males.

Okay, so Middle Eastern and African cultures this is an accepted practice, how is it that in "evolved" and "enlightened" Western socieities this horror is STILL performed. Recently there was an article written in Great Britan following the journey of a 6 yr old girl preparing to have this operation done. And to add insult to injury... the "Doctor" performing this operation on this poor child was a WOMAN!!! How could a woman do this to another female...it boggles my mind.

As far as Im concerned... this is beyond an outrage, its horrifying and needs to be stopped. Its nothing more than a way for males to control their females and dont give me that whole religious reasons excuse, which ARE still used today.... I dont buy it. Its just.. wrong. I agree a person should be able to do what they want with their own bodies... but when a female... a female CHILD has that decision taken away from her because of someone elses idea of modifying her behavior.... thats criminal!!!

ANyhow.. more on this later...



08:30 Mar 04 2008

The first time I heard about this, a few years ago, I was outraged. I mean, male circumcision has proven health benefits, a fast recovery rate, and can even make it look bigger - so it keeps the guys happy! But to carry out a procedure on a woman with no health benefits, no psychological benefits, and no real reason for it is just sick.

Get them a chastity belt if you're so worried about their virginity, it's kinder!

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