The Forum Posting Guidelines
Administrators follow a set of content guidelines regarding Forum posts. Reasons for post deletion may include (but are not limited to):
Posts of a political nature
Posts that ridicule the philosophical tenants of any religion
Rude, obnoxious, hate, or flame posts
Overly sexual posts
Threads that do not fit the theme of Vampire Rave or the Dark Network.
Replies to threads that are not on-topic
Duplicate posts
Silly, nonsensical, or ridiculous posts. This includes posts that contain nothing but "I agree" or "I'll check it out"
Posting restrictions in section 5 (The Sandbox) are the most lax. However, the guidelines posted on this page are not to be broken anywhere within the Forum.
Vampire Rave has high posting standards. If your thread or post is closed or deleted, you should learn from the experience and construct better posts in the future. Nagging Dominars or Administrators about your threads/replies getting closed/deleted is a good way to get suspended. Be respectful toward those that donate their time in service of Vampire Rave. |
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