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Welcome to my portfolio. I'm going to showcase some pictures that I've taken in here mostly of our group in my area. Particularly of my vampire/werewolf friends of Nightstalker Company and our Dagorhir House Crondair.
Enjoy the pics! Oh yes... Some have been photo shopped by myself to add some vamp/background effects. I'll try to note what was edited from the original.
So what is sucking badly right now about all of my images and taking me forever to get anything up, is that they are all WAY too large. I do lots of image editing and photography but I keep all my images at original resolution... Ie. HUGE.... So, just give me a bit more time and I'll have a full photo album up here soon.
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Last Updated: | Oct 18, 2007 |
Times Viewed: | 861 |
Times Rated: | 205 |
Rating: | 9.616 |
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~You have been visited and rated fairly by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn. Enjoy the darkness...~
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