Proud Member Of This House

Welcome to my little snippet of the internet!
I can not a promise you great masterpiece of literature here but it could indeed be novel. No fear though, it is quick and nearly painless...nearly.
Spoiler Alert!
There will most likely be an astonishing lack of graphics, pictures or other intense visual content. Some reading may be required! (I have to write because I can not HTML my way out of a wet paper bag but I am getting better!...really!...twitch...)
If you do not wish to engage the following please proceed to the bottom of the page and rate what you will. I will return the gesture. For such is what we do here, is it not? (perry, dodge, stab!)
Now to your regularly scheduled VR page of DOOM (or something like it)
About Me:
I am a thirty something wife and mother of one (who is, at the time of this writing is driving me slightly mad as young ones are want to do. We are learning about vocal ranges!) I am also a stay-at-home mom. For those who poo-poo that I would love to inform them it is a full time job, as in 24-7-365, and I have never worked so hard in my life, so there.
I live in a relationship that enjoys glorious fairy tale status. It seriously disgusts most of our dear friends. Although most will take credit for its beginnings.
I enjoy many past times. Such as:
Cooking (want to share any tasty dishes?)
Light weight backpacking (I can get freaky with this one)
Swimming naked in mountain streams
Flintknapping (if you are curious about this just one ask!)
- RPGs( both table top and video)
- I play a mean game of cribbage
- Bloodbowl
- Warhamer and 40k ( on occasion)
Painting models (the miniature variety)
Vampires and the sort (else why would I be here, eh?)
World travel
And if you can't tell, slight touch of sarcasm.
I am sure there are more things but that should give you a touch of inside regarding this humble writer.
Visual Entertainment
Fantasy, scifi, anime, period pieces, ect...
Stardust, Much Ado About Nothing, Beowulf and Grendal (the one with Butler) Where the River Runs Black, City of Lost Children, Spirited Away, Bubba-Ho-tep, Evil Dead, Serenity, Stargate, Indiana Jones, Monty Python, Lost in Translation, Blade Runner, SpaceBalls, Legend, Wasabi, Jean Reno in general, The Neverending Story, Labyrinth, Rozentrantz and Guilendstern are dead, Highlander, Brave Heart, The 5th Element,, Lady Hawke, Willow, A.I. , The King And I, Paint Your Wagon, The Quiet Man, The Princess Bride, Boondock Saints, Corpse Bride, Wallace and Gromit, Serenity, Girl with the pearl earring, Jane Eyre, Orlando, Harry Potter, Shawn of the Dead, Memoirs of a Geisha, Esceflone, Amelie, V For Vendetta. And the list could go on.
Favored Actors:
Jean Reno, Nathan Fillion, Colin Firth, Alan Rickman, Bruce
Campbell, Kenneth Branagh
Television Programming:
A John Stewart Show, No Reservations, The Colbert
Report, The Tudors, and Stargate occasionally.
When they were on: I loved Firefly with a passion and
would pursue a loving beat down to the people who
canceled the show. A damn fine bit of television there!
I also am a fan of Blackadder, Dead Like Me, House, Bill
Maher, Farscape.
Ear Candy
I enjoy a wide variety of music and even "books on cd" (since that whole tape thing is outdated)
Current Audio Selection:
" Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way" By Bruce Campbell
Recent Selection:
" I am America and So Can You!" by Stephan Colbert
Music Selections:
Irish/Celtic, New age, techno, trance, j-pop, goth, mellow stuff, world beat, love the 80s, Blackmores Night, Erasure, Johnny Clegg, Lisa Leob, Pink Floyd, Dead Can Dance, Cocteau Twins, David Grey, 4 Strings, Frou Frou, Ladytron, Ayumi Hamasaki, Lunar Click, Deleruim, Portis Head, Afro Celt Sound System, Great Big Sea, Enigma, Duran Duran, Concrete Blond, Type O Negative, Bell, Book and Candle, Ulali, Birthday Massacre , Allison Krauss, Hearts of Space... just about anything really.
The Printed Page
Fantasy, some Scifi, various political pieces dealing with our
interesting version of government or lack there of. History
pieces as well.
Current Reading Materials:
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, LLL International
For the Love of Evil, Piers Anthony
Blue Book of Preserving, Ball Company
Favored Authors:
David Eddings, C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Piers Anthony, Neal
Stephenson, Joseph Campbell, Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe, Jane Austin. I am sure there are more around
here somewhere...
To Conclude Your Page Viewing
I hope you enjoyed your visit. See that didn't hurt too much! If you indeed managed to get through it, a Hazzah for you! There will not be a test of any kind so feel free to go about your merry.
Feel free to drop me a line. I might be slow getting back to you as I don't make it to the computer too often.
(PS Those are indeed photos I have taken)

Alas we must part for I hear the sounds of a munchkin stirring and in need of a snack!