Where shall I begin, . . .
Membername: AmantdeLestat1676
it is French, and it translates to, 'Lover of Lestat' in english.
Name: Sclera (obviously not my real name,though I love the
way it sounds when spoken).
Status: Straight, Single
Height: 5'5"
Hair: was blue/black, it's since grown out a bit, and is now just
black/dark&light blonde, and long.
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Element: Air
Birthstone(s): Opal, Rose Quartz
Piercings ~ 9, four down each ear, and my tongue
Tattoos ~ 4, one lil' butterfly on the second toe of my right
foot, a blue kenji that means, 'Dragon,' a somewhat large
black dragon on the top area of my forearm, and a
bracelet of barb'd wire, with green ivy w/ leaves wrapping around it.
(it's a 'Friendship' bracelet that I share with two other
friends). if you would like to see my them, just check out my pics on my (MySpace.com) profile. . .
Likes ~
~> Jackass repeats on tv, watchin' the movies on dvd.
~> Horror movies, the bloodier, and scarrier the better.
~> Vampire flicks, I especially love Queen of the Damned.
~> Dragons' (collecting any/all things with or to do w/ them).
~> Gothic Art of all different types.
~> Hangin' out, chattin', and just laughin' it up with my
friends. they're what keep me sane, . . . sometimes.
~> Family Guy, . . . that Stewie cracks me up, lol
Dislikes ~
~> Players'
~> Possers'
~> Wannabes'
~> Haters', those who hate any/every one for no real reason.
Hobbies ~
~> Drawing, I love drawing period, wheither it's drawing my
'Creatures,' or drawing different things for friends'
~> Crafting different necklaces, braclets, and other such
things for either myself, and friends.
My Favorite Bands ~
~> HIM
~> KoRn
~> AFI
~> 30 Seconds to Mars
~> Rammstein
~> Rob Zombie, and sooo many others'. . .
Well that's about all I can think of to mention for now.
If there's anything else you wanna' know, simply message
me, and ask. . .
Vv Sclera vV
~ R.I.P. ~
Marcheline Bertrand
Beloved mother of Angelina Jolie.

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