Hey I'm Martinique also known as Angel on here, I'm not going to do anything fancy on here, I float on and off here, it depends whats going on in my life.
What can I say about my personality. Well I will try, I don't take sh!t from anyone, I can fend for myself and it is how I like it, I stick up for my friends and I have alot so just be careful you dont cross me when your being mean to people, I'm fiesty so I get told, when some-one gets my good side I'm sweet, funny, 'adorable little sister' to some on here. All in all I'm just an interesting person to know, Dont be scared to send me a message sayin hi, I dont mind unless your asking about any sexual conduct...then you will get my bad side.
Hmm my history...I'm a smoker but I wouldnt encorage anyone to start, I enjoy writing, some bad things have happened in my time but I dont regret a thing, somtimes bad things happen to good people.
I help out people with personal proplems, maybe because I have an open mind and don't judge people, but mainly because no doubt I've been there before.
I have no excuses, I don't use them, I'm honest and take pride in that. I've made many mistakes but thats how we learn and as I said above I do not regret a thing I've done.
If I rate you low there is a reason for it, but just ask me why and I wont mind saying, it could just be the fact you have two words on your page... But just ask and I will explain, but let me know when you update it so I can rate. Because I'm not the typ of girl to give out 10's for nothing, I dont work like that.