I think over again
My small adventures –
My fears –
Those small ones that seemed so big
For all the vital things
I had to get and to reach
And yet there is only one great thing –
To live and see the great day that dawns
And the light that fills the world.
-- Words of Uvanuk, an Iglooik Inuit
Domus Ex Umbrae Octo
Hall of the Expiscor
I am a writer of tales. The gods and goddesses of mythology often claim my pen. I'm a published writer, having written for Llewellyn since 2000. I have also written for a local pagan organization called Circle of Gaia Dreaming, which is affiliated with our local UU Fellowship. I was lucky enough to be the first editor for their newsletter, The Pellet. It was wonderful to see it grow. If you stumble across something by Laurel Reufner, that's me!
But I am not just a writer. I am also a wife to a wonderful, frustrating man who usually supports me in my insane and chaotic endeavors. He was an art major who graduated with a degree in art history and now works as a librarian. I think librarians are sexy. Especially when they have broad shoulders, blue eyes, and "belong" to me. Our anniversary is 21 December. Yep, the Solstice. This year will mark 14 years together, with some being better than others. ;-)
I am also a mother. This came as a bit of a surprise about 9 years ago. Our first daughter, Rowan was born on Halloween. She's now 8 and still a lovely treat. She's often a trick as well. Most days I consider her a blessing. Every day I love her very much.
Her sister Cassandra came along just under two years later. She's my little Persephone, having been born under emergency conditions and not breathing at first. At 6, she grows more priceless each day. As a Virgo, like her father, she is often a stubborn little challenger, but that's part of the reason she's still with us, so I deal. I also love her very much.
I'd not trade either of them for anything I could possible imagine.
I am also a bit of a wild child, having been lucky enough to grow up out in the country on a farm. You can tell it's cold out if you see me in something other than barefeet or my Birkenstock sandals. ;) If you truly want to get in tune with the seasons, hang out with those who enjoy gardening or with a small farmer.
I consider myself a witch. My mother is a witch, although I'm not sure she would appreciate that description. She spend the 70s and 80s reading Nostradamus and Cacey, taught me my first candle spell, and knows a bit of folk magic from family supersitions and traditional beliefs.
Neither Christian or Pagan truly describes my beliefs although pagan probably comes the closest.
Short curvy brunette...blue/grey mood-ring eyes
Writer, mother, lover, wife, wild child....oh, yeah, and witch.
Oh yeah, I'm also a Girl Scout troop leader to an awesome group of Brownies. AND a Big Yellow Box Consultant. I'm just full of contradictions.
What else to say that hasn't already been said by so many others?
I love reading and devour books as often as life will allow. One of the last books I read was The Vampyricon: Priest of Blood by Doug Clegg. Go! Read it!
I've also discovered another author, who is a member of Vampire Rave. J W Walsh is known as VampWriter1369 here on the Rave. Go visit his page, check out his website, and read the samples from his books. It's worth it. Trust me.
This is the year I tackle a book. Honest. Okay, so the school year is half over. I need to get busy come January. Maybe I'll try to post updates on my research in my Journal's area.
If you wish to read some of my work, I've started stowing stuff in my journal.
By the Earth that is Her body,
By the Air that is Her breath,
By the Fire of Her bright spirit,
By the living Waters of Her womb,
This circle is open, but unbroken.
May the peace of the God and Goddess by forever in your heart.
Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.