You wish to know about me right?, well i do wish to get to know people, i do wish for friends, but im not the type to put my life history or views on a profile for anyone to read that i may or may not wish to read it, im not really what you would call overly open, i know my spelling sucks im sorry but i have a bad memory always have, its what causes it, no im not a little kid or a moron, yes i love rp but no im not on here pretending to be anything more then i am, if im rping i will tell you, but no i didn't come on this site for that, if you wish to rp let me know but its not why i came here, will i tell someone more about my self?, maybe but i prefer to get to know a person first befor telling someone everything about my self, its not to easy to even type this much, im not very good with people, never have been, at least once they get to know me, people seem to wish to be a pack leader or a sheep, if i had my choice i would pick pack leader but i would much rather just be left alone rather then pick, no im not a asshole, but i can be a bitch at times or if pushed, i also can be one of the best people and friends your ever meet if treated right, i have many belives and views, i hate the idea of picking just one idea and view, its just not me and never most likely ever will be, i know more then i act like i do, im not someone to talk out my ass i hate that, but i am someone who gets underestimated alot and shouldn't be, don't care if you belive that, not out to make anyone belive me anymore, people will belive what they want, you belive me or you don't, but i rarely lie no need for it in my eyes and i hate being called a lier, there is alot to me if you take the time to get to know me, and if you don't then you don't, but if you want to come around and give me shit for whatever i will ignore you or say something your most likely hate, i try hard to speak my mind as far as it is allowed and most don't like that, i also try to be really understanding and no i don't go out of my way to be a ass but i sure get hounded by alot of them, thats everything you need to know about me for now, anything more you might get to learn over time and not for everyone to read T_T
Ps to everyone who has rated me or wanted to or has befirended me or added me as a firend because they truely wished to get to know me or give me a chance, im still trying to respond to everyone and i didn't expect anyone to even really message me this much or bother rateing much, most people ignore me, so for all that, thank you, i really mean it, it truely means something to me, this is my way of saying thank you to even those i haven't had a chance to respond to yet ^_^