I am openminded, caring, fun loving, loyal, lesbian stoner. 24 years old with a thousand year old soul. I've been through alot throughout the years and have surely had my fair share of good and bad.
I am a large flirt, but take no offense. I am in a relationship and though it has its ups and downs, I am very taken. I am a saggitarius, and anything you've ever read about Sag's is true for me.

I am proud of who i am.

These are my family and as they have my back, i have theirs. mind ur manners. they are GREAT people.

I love all things vampire.
Biting is a great way to get to me ;o)
I have an affinity for anything sharp it's sexy to me.

I also love dragons and sharks. I hold the creatures dear to my heart for many reasons. Sharks are powerful, mysterious, and amazing. They wont harm you unless you entice them. But fuck with it, and it'll bite ;o) like me.