
Hell (Coven)

Yesterday has passed, Tomarrow has yet to come today must be a presant
Set at 02:22 on June 19, 2012

Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Eidolon (38.10)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of The Talmud.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  Tommyboy
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

on the planet

Bite Exsavioure

Stalk Exsavioure



Rate me, add me but please let me know so I can do the same thing for you too! Thank you.

My profile is currently under construction so please be patient. Thanks

I guess I'll start this way:
#1 I'm not on vampirerave to be involved in anybodies trama-drama,I have enough of my own!! If that's why your here PLEASE LEAVE MY PROFILE NOW!!

#2 I'm a High Priest,Ordained well over 15 years ago, been practicing what I call "Reliegious Faith" I am A Druid by birth and by choice.

#3 This is not my only profile here, my other one is : LordKeymoths. Please feel free to see me thereto learn more about me...... when I think of differant things to devide between the two.
Ok, lets see ... what else is there to me? I'm a man of many problems as a child, I went through quite a few foster homes ,psycological hospitals, one failed adopted home before I ended up at my currant parents home. I was adopted by them @ the age of 12, moved out @ 16, graduated Hs @ roseville west in 1988 got tied into a hoodlems lifestyle inprisioned for 5 years,turned my life back around,stopped using hard drugs,re-newed my priesthood,and am now, 15years after I screwed up, trying to still put my life back together. So that's where I decieded to maybe try to share my life mistakes, accomplishments, and see if I can make a positive influance what a better place than a site for the open minded?

I love anything occult, I do not consider my self any kind of paranormal status, I am how ever a reflection of my Lord in physical form, & am caplable of anything and every thing He is if it's to Their grand plan!


Ruled by Mercury May 22 - June 21

Positive Traits

• Adaptable and versatile
• Communicative and witty
• Intellectual and eloquent
• Youthful and lively

Negative Traits

• Nervous and tense
• Superficial and inconsistent
• Cunning and inquisitive

Gemini Likes: talking, novelty, variety, anything unusual and working on multiple projects at the same time.

Gemini Dislikes: being alone, being in a rut, mental inaction, conventional learning and feeling tied down.

Important Parameters

Lucky Number - 5

Lucky Color - Yellow

Lucky Flower - The Lily

Lucky Gemstone - Jade, Aquamarine and Topaz

Lucky Day - Wednesday

General features

Gemini, the Sign of the Twins, is third in the Western Zodiac and extends from May 21 to June 20. It is also an Air Sign. Typical Geminies are very lively and charming, and excellent conversationalists. They are possessed of very active minds and bodies, and are often much younger-looking than they really are. Invention is their stock in trade. On the down side, they are also restless, easily bored, and unable to concentrate on any one thing for a prolonged period of time.

Forever changing their mind at the drop of a hat, they are notoriously undependable. There is also present a tendency to manipulate others to serve their own purposes. But a Gemini will be more than make up for any negative qualities though the sheer scintillating entertainment value of their very presence.

Typical Geminis are very lively and charming and excellent conversationalists. They are active mentally and physically and are often much younger-looking than they really are. They are restless, easily bored and unable to concentrate on any one thing for a prolonged period of time.

Since they are restless and keep changing their minds, they are notoriously undependable. The intellect dominates Gemini and all things that are intellectual are valued greatly by them. As communication is also important to Geminis, knowledge is never a thing to be hoarded. Geminis are the most versatile of all the sun signs. They will decide on an option and completely change their mind next day. Nothing is ever written in stone by Gemini. They are free soul, driven by curiosity and desire to know. Geminis rarely get deeply absorbed in any one task and anything they haven't touched intrigue them the most.

Star Stone for Gemini

In Roman mythology Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery, the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. The planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky. It was given two names by the Greeks: Apollo for its apparition as a morning star and Hermes as an evening star. Greek astronomers knew, however, that the two names referred to the same body.

Since it is closer to the Sun than the Earth, the illumination of Mercury's disk varies when viewed with a telescope from our perspective. Galileo's telescope was too small to see Mercury's phases but he did see the phases of Venus. Temperature variations on Mercury are the most extreme in the solar system ranging from 90 K to 700 K.

Mercury acts to process large volumes of information within our essential being---as represented by the sun. It allows a person to think, discriminate, and express oneself and to move about. This has been called an animator of movement and is associated with our nervous system: the communication and transportation system within our bodies. Mercury tends to make a person verbose, critical, and high strung; the person born under the sign ruled by this planet may even give Leo a run for his money in the egotistical department.

Gemini Ruling Planet

In Roman mythology Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery, the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. The planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky. Mercury acts to process large volumes of information within our essential being---as represented by the sun. It allows a person to think, discriminate, and express oneself and to move about. This has been called an animator of movement and is associated with our nervous system: the communication and transportation system within our bodies. Mercury tends to make a person verbose, critical, and high strung; the person born under the sign ruled by this planet may even give Leo a run for his money in the egotistical department.

Well there will be more when I can.....
Thanks for your Patiance..... Sorry still can't spell worth a darn

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my peice of immortallity
my little piece of immortallity

Member Since: Dec 29, 2010
Last Login: Nov 22, 2012
Times Viewed: 5,757

Times Rated:288

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Nov 29, 2023

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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Mar 31, 2022
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Nov 09, 2021
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Proud Master of Coven of the Ascended. Feel free to stop by, visitors are always welcome.

Enjoy the Darkness...

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