I liked this one, so i have to put in at the top hehe
argg,, copy paste ,my eye, i always have to edit these ones
I'm an honest bitch who loves to debate
just got the low down on my public impressions
they say.. that those who are worthy are comfy in the circle of trust.. thosewho are not.. just see me as a stuck up bitch.. either way .. yay for me :)
IF you are going to present yourself to me, Plz say hi and not jsut random biting. I hate that. I will reply to an attempt at a conversation always :)
PS don't just bite me, say hi or something.
Random bites will get no response
So while bebopping around i notice a simple "hi this is me" profile jsut doesn't cut it around here lol
So i shall see what i can do to add so much stuff no one wants to look at it all :)
More about me... i love tattoos and peicings although i have no peircings myself.. If i peirce somthing my body quickly tells it to get the fuck out.. after much trials.. i gave up.
Which leave of course my fetish for tattoos to amuse me..
i currently have 4 and like any tattoo junkie have at least 3 more planned and some that still are not done.
below i am going to attempt to put pics from where the idea of my masterpiece comes from.
As a fan of body art in general, i have a side business mostly in the summer doing henna and airbrush tattoos
ah well thats a start .. the second pic i already have started on my thigh, she is about a foot or so in hieght, the first pic is going to be placed on the front of the same leg. eventually it will be a whole mess of faeries.
the original artwork is from Brian Froud, the guy who did that characters for Dark Crystal and The Laberynth..
Until next time kiddies
ok more pics.. the one of my back showing a bit of 2 of my tats.. and the o ne up my spine that is fake, but i liked it so much i wanna get it for real
the other is the beginnings to my fearie leg ;)
Did the care bear one.. and laughed my ass of
i lost the code but i was Gay Bear LOL
Well time to fill up with more useless yet highly amusing quiz things.
some of these crack me up.
WOOT .. yay i like this one.. hot and bitchy.. the way to go

SELENE: You are selene!
Beautiful, vivacious,
fierce and seductive, Selene vowed she would
destroy Lycans after her family was murdered by
the werewolves. So ruthless is she that selene
is a member of the Death Dealers. This elite
Vampire warrior class's mission is to make the
Lycans extinct.
Ever wish you could be a
Which UNDERWORLD character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
HAHA .. too funny

You are Leprachaun! You love to kill with magic to
protect your gold. Keep up the good fight and
keep them away from that gold!
What Movie Killer are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I like the sounds of this one too
The pic of this one has been freaking me out for yrs.. the first time i saw i was like holy shit the face looks like me.. and at the time it did..

?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
And although i do not have anythig to do with this game.. i thought i'd check and see.. story of it to follow

Descended (or some would say degenerated) from a
long line of warriors and philosophers, Clan
Brujah attracts the impassioned. From
antigovernment punk rebels to tweed suited
socialist intellectuals, this clan is loathe to
embrace those who are not prepared to question
authority and oppose the status quo. Their
supernatural powers endow them with the ability
to hit hard and fast, both physically and
emotionally. But they bear with their passion
an inevitable (and often regrettable) lack of
Which Vampire: The Masquerade clan do you belong in? brought to you by Quizilla
SO.. may moons a go when i was a youngun :)
i actually lived in a house that had like 20 something goths living in it.. used to be an old whore house so yay we had community showers and a sauna LOL
Anywhoo.. most of the inhabitants of this place played Vampire the mascarade every second sat.. drove the rest of us nutz.. try going to the bathroom half asleep to have some guy telling you that you cannot pass, by orders of such and such...
Move or DIE..
ha, they quickly moved most of the time ;)
Take the quiz:
"How Are You In Bed?"
You are kinky in bed! You are into whips and chains, and maybe handcuffs. You are a big flirt, and possibly a whore

You are a Fire Faerie! You are an energetic and
lively soul who is always the life of the
party. You may be short tempered at times, but
your friends can deal with you. When it comes
to love, you are very passionate. You are very
determined and even stubborn at times, but if
anyone is pushing you or your loved ones
around, they don't want to be in your
Wing Color:Red and/or Orange
Powers:Flame and Telekenesis
What Kind of Faerie Are You?(Beautiful Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla

You are blessed with the gift of clairvoyance.
You somehow know what would happen before anything
happens. Your specialty is in knowing the
future. You might have been dubbed as the
fortune teller in your family because of your
uncanny ability of reading the cards, or
whatever you use to tell the future. Many
people see you as a calm and benevolent person,
thanks to your gentle nature. You are also
naturally curious about your abilities, and the
abilities of those around you. Thus, you do
your own research. You try to learn as much as
you can about the mystical, and at some times,
prove the so-called proffessionals wrong. You
know your abilities, as well as how to use them
effectively. Just don't use them to your every
Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
added another pic below.. more realistic view of what i look like in geek mode without being all makeup 'ed out
oh yeah woot.. finally got pics of my pussy :)
see below
another silly quiz for shits and giggles

owl. you are very wise. although you are not very
strong, you still pack a powerful punch. you
are both smart and vicious and the envy of
What is your familiar? brought to you by Quizilla
wow i could be harry potter with a familiar like that :)
well another one.. but its a drink how could i resist
How to make a ladysinaz |
3 parts pride
1 part courage
1 part instinct |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of sadness and enjoy! |
Personality cocktailFrom
well you know, keeping in step with the "lets see if we can make our page so long with quizzes that ppl have a heart attack"
i found another one that cuahgt me funny

You are Marla!!
Which Fight Club Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Ooh, you're a dark one. Sitting in the corner, singing to yourself, playing with matches and twitching. Most of the time you instinctively avoid company, and if you're forced into close proximity, things do not go well. You can probably stop stabbing that teddybear now. It's not going anywhere.
What's your malfunction?